MR. POU ON WAR PREPARATION. Claims Phis Nation Is Preparing To Overwhelm Germany. Country Is Building Up a Powerful War Ma chine. Makes Speech In House. Says Time Has Arrived When Party Lines Must Be Laid Aside Tempo rarily. Discusses German Acts. Washington, Oct. 3. ? Representa tive E. W. Pou made a patriotic speech in the House today in which he said the time had arrived when party lines must be laid aside tem porarily. Mr. Pou declared that many Reputjicans have reached this con clusion. He pointed to E. C. Duncan, of Raleigh, and Judge Jeter C. Pritch ard, of Asheville, as being two Re publicans of great power and influ ence who are standing by the Presi dent and the country in the great crisis without regard to politics. "For the time being party lines have disappeared. The hour came when men on this floor must vote for America or against America. The hour came when men must stand for America or with America's enemies. The hour came, it is here now, when there is no middle course. Men who a*e not for America are against her." Mr. Pou reviewed the courses Ger many might have taken without mur dering American citizens or sinking American ships. He said that under international law they could have followed steps that would not have plunged the two countries into war. "Justice, self-re spect and consideration of self-defense all demanded that we join the forces of righteousness, civilization and hu manity. We are in the war because the war came to us; we did our best to remain outside but Germany com pelled us to either fight or to abase ourselves in the dust. Having entered the contest we will not withdraw until Germaiiy be d< i isivejv beaten. We will accept no compromise peace. This Mar must never be repeated. It will have to be fought again if we do not completely win this time. We will fight to a decisive issue, to the end that there shall never be another war. Such a result will be worth fighting for. If the peace be a compromise peace, all the blood spilt and treasure spent will have been wasted and we will have to prepare for a renewal of the war as soon as Germany can prepare." Preparing To Overwhelm Enemy. Mr. Pou said this country is prepar ing carefully to overwhelm the ene my with the least possible loss of me. To this end, he declared, it is building up a powerful machine and taking the time to get thoroughly prepared before jumping into the thick of the fight. '"Men con give aid and comfort to the enemy by what they say as well as wh;}t they do," Mr. Pou said. "It is a lamentable fact that at this time some of America's most effective ene mies are men who call themselves Americans. I impugn the motive of no man, but I say this: the man who now attacks the constitutionality of the selective draft and above all, the man who slanders the President and Congress by declaring now that we went to war without cause or griev ance against Germany, whether be in tends to do so or not, that man is serving the cause of the kaiser and stabbing his own country in the back. The man who says we went to war without a grievance against Germany in effect charges his own government with the crime of murder. Men who bring that charge now not only serve the cause of the kaiser, but they slan der every man in uniform who wil lingly risks his life for this republic. Men who feel that we have no griev ance against Germany after all the crimes she has committed against us, might at least keep silent. Their talk does harm only, even if they are sin cere. Freedom of speech does not carry with it the right to slander, or to commit the crime of libel. Men who bring such a charge now, and print it, I respectfully submit are guilty of both crimes. They cannot hide their disloyalty to America by claiming un lawful suppression of free speech. No line in the constitution, no line in any law, gives to any man the right to commit libel, or to utter slander. Pou's Political Forecast. "Recently we have heard from cer tain sources threats to form a new party. Every Republican leader and every great Democratic leader and almost every leader of every other ex isting political party is loyally sup- ] porting the government in prosecuting this war until complete victory is won. ' There is no place in the Republican or Democratic party for the peaee at-any-price voter. Where will he go? The answer is the threat to form their peace-at-any-price party and I will tell you what will happen. "Loyal Americans will forget they are Democratic or Republican. They 1 will raise the American flag and adopt as their platform 'No-peace-at-any- < price' until Germany is defeated or until she makes full amends for the intolerable wrongs and crimes of which she is guilty. Let the German sympathizers form their new party I and loyal Americans will unite in sol- : id nbalanx against them. Can any 1 man doubt the result of a contest be tween t ?vo such parties?" "Here and now I predict there will not be elected to the (56th Congress in the campaign next year a single sen ator or representative about whose devotion to America there is any doubt at all." ? Parker R. Anderson, in Greensboro News. J oh nson-Penny. This afternoon at 3 o'clpck was solemnized in the Methodist church here, one of the prettiest marriages that has ever been witnessed in this town. It was at that hour Miss Ruby Penny became the wife of Reverend George Henry Johnson, pastor of the Baptist church at Enfield, N. C. A thirty minutes program of music was rendered before the hour appoint ed for the marriage, which was as follows: The organ selections were beautifully rendered by Miss Ada Shearin, of Rocky Mount, Grand March from Aida by Verdi; The Gold en Wedding, by Gabriel, Marie, Hymn of the Nuns, Lefibure, Wely, Humor esque by Devarak, Berceuse Spinny. Miss Pauline Griffin, of Wilson, de lighted the audience with the follow ing vocal selections: Silent a3 Night, by Baum; The Dawn, Ashford; One Perfect Day, Ashford; Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms, by Moore. As the clock struck three the or gan under the masterful touch of Miss Shearin pealed forth Lohen grin's wedding march, and the bridal party entered as follows, all coming down the left aisle of the church: The ushers, Messrs. Watson Sherrod and Harry Shaw, of Enfield, came first, and were followed by the dame of honor, Mrs. T. R. Rand, of Raleigh, wearing green satin and carrying yel low roses: maid of honor, ^liss Bertha Loomis, of Binghampton, N. Y.,- gown ed in yellow satin, carrying yellow roses; the ring bearer, little Miss Ruby Averitt, niece of the bride, dress ed in white organdy, and carrying yel low roSes. All eyes were then turned to the left door to see the popular bride as she came down to meet the man of her choice and to plight her troth to him. She was beautifully costumed in Midnight blue suit and hat to match, with beige shoes and gloves. Her flowers was a huge muff of Lillies of the Valley, and always attractive, she was *never quite so much so as she was this afternoon when she became the wife of Mr. Johnson. She was met at the altar by the groom who came from the Ladies' parlor leaning on the arm of his brother, Mr. B. Howard Johnson, of Saint Pauls. The contracting parties ascended the steps to the pulpit platform where stood Rev. A. C. Hamby, pastor of the bride and with a beautiful and solemn cere mony made the happy couple husband and wife. The ring ceremoney was used. The groom is a young minister of the Baptist church, a graduate of Wake Forest College, and is one of the most promising young men of his denomination. He is at present pas tor of the Baptist church at Enfield, N. C. The bride is one of Clayton's most popular young women and is cultured and accomplished. She received her literary education at Meredith College, Raleigh and finished her musical stud ies at the Conservatory of Music, Bos ton, Mass. Her friends are only num bered by her acquaintance, all that know her are fond of her because of her winning ways and sweet disposi tion. The newly married couple left on the 3:29 train this afternoon for Ashe ville and other western points to spend ten days or a fortnight. They will then return to Enfield where they will be at home to their friends. ? Clayton News, 4th. NATION'S HEROINES HONORED. In New York Red Cross Nurses March in Gigantic Parade Down Historic Fifth Avenue. Mrs. Daniels a !'?? rader. Secretary Daniels, Surgeon General Gorgas and Other Men ol" Note In Reviewing Stand. Davison Heads Procession. New York, Oct. 4. ? Fifth avenue, which has cchocd the tread of many marching fret through tempests of L'heers since America shouldered arms, paid homage today to the Nation's heroines, the nurses of the Red Cross. It was the first great parade of the American Red Cross and although the 20,000 marching women did not pre sent a martial appearance they march ed amazingly well. They appeared as representatives of the first, second and third lines of relief back of the battle line enlisted to serve and to succor the Nation's fighting men. The hundreds of thousands of men who ? had gathered to do them honor paid a tribute of respect all the more im pressive because it was less boister ous than that accorded the regiments which have swung down the avenue on their way to training camps. The procession took two hours to pass the reviewing stand at the pub lic library. Heading the line in their trim traveling uniforms of dark blue were the nurses who have been mobil ized here under orders to sail for France. Back of them came another division in gray crept uniforms made up of those awaiting orders. Another detachment wore rubber slickers for service in rough weather. Others wore dark blue ulsters and still others blue serge dresses with military capes thrown back to show the red flannel lining. In fact, spectators saw every type of uniform known to the branch of the service. Banners they carried appealed for recruits and support. Several base hospital units wore in line with stretcher bearers and am bulances ? grim reminders of the work that is to come. Many of the ambu lances were driven by women as were motor emergency kitchens. One of the motor service units represented the District of Columbia. At the head of this division marched Mrs. Josephus Daniels. Many of the marchers carried serv ice flags denoting that sons or hus bands are in the service of their coun try. As these flags passed the reviewing stand they were saluted by Secretary Daniels, Surgeon General Gorgas, Governor Edge of New Jer sey and Major-General Hoyle, com mander of the Department of the East, almost as punctiliously as were the Stars and Stripes when they went by the head of -each division. Marching at the head of the pro cession was Henry P. Davison, chair man of the Red Cross war council, and several of his aides. WE ARE OF WORLD POLITICS. Declares E-President Taft. "That Which Affects the World Also Affects Us." Niles, O., Oct. 5. ? "We could not keep out of politics if we would. That which affects the world affects us. The Monroe doctrine is becoming a more serious limitation upon European ac tion than ever before." This wes the declaration of former President William H. Taft in the prin cipal address here today at the dedica tion of the big marble memorial build ing and monument erected to the memory of the late President William McKinley, wo was born in this little northeastern Ohio town. Ohio's martyred President was giv Vn credit by Ohio's living ex-prcsi dent for being "the man who saw most clearly when others were blind to it, the real position of the United States in the world." "Wera McKinley alive today, how his patriotic heart, his broad vision and his vibrant words would be united in supporting the government in its constructive measures to carry on the great world struggle to victory. "With what firmness he would re ject all propositions to compromise by proposal of a batched-up peace. Ho would not fail to see that in the pres ent issue no peace is possible uptil se cured by victory ? that no solution is worthy of our history but a defeat of militarism" Mr. Taft declared that it is better to fight Germany in company with the allies than to fight her alone later. Remember the Johnston County Fair November 7th, 8th and 9th. AT THE CAPITAL OF BEULAH. "The Farinrs* Hank of Kenly" is Nairn Given Its New Institution, l.iter ary Societies Making Nice Start. School Enrollment Increasing I'ris cilla Flub Entertained by Mrs. \Y. T. Bailey. , Kenly, Oct. 6. ? The members of the two Literary Societies of Kenly State High School have started ouf to do some pood work this year. Friday afternoon, the members of both socie ties debated this interesting question: Resolved, "That school teachers should not be allowed to whip pupils." Mucb "interest was manifested in the debate, so much so that it has been decided to select two boys and two girls and give the same program before the whole school during the chapel one morning next week. The subject for debate next Friday is, Resolved, "That mili tary training should be given in all American schools and colleges." The material for our debate programs is taken from the large number of splen did magabines which cbmo> regularly to the Library and from printed mat ter sent to the school by the State Library Commission. Notwithstanding the fact that there are several cases of whooping-cough in the community, the school enroll ment hne incrensed from one hundred and fifty-seven to one hundred and eighty during the present month. The Priscilla Club gathered around the cheerful hearth of Mrs. W. T. Bailey, last Thursday afternoon from four to six o'clock. The guests arriv ed laden with all sorts of fancy work for with the coming seasons of church festivals and holidays it will be need ed. Each member applied willing fin gers to the daintiest of articles, while ready wit and amusing incidents were related to add to the enjoyment of our already pleasant afternoon. Assisting Mrs. Bailey were Mrs. P. D. Grady and Misses Allye and Adna Lee Bai ley. Mrs. Grady and Miss Adna Lee Bailey served a salad course, after which delicious ices were Served. Miss Allye Bailey presided at the punch bowl. Those present were: Mesdames J. R. Sauls, L. Z. Woodard, H. F. Ed gerton, R. A. Hales, W. T. Hooks, C. F. Darden, H. M. Grizard, R. A. Tur lington, J. G. High, A. J. Broughton, P. D. Grady, H. P, Johnson, Misses Allye Bailey and Adna Lee Bailey. Time for departure came all too soon; and the guests, upon taking their leave, proclaimed Mrs. Bailey a most charming hostess. The Club will meet next with Mrs. J. C. Bowman. That the Kenly community is in the center of a thriving business" sec tion is evidenced by the fact that about fifty prominent business men here have just completed the organi zation of a new bank called The Farmers' Bank of Kenly. The capi tal stock subscribed amounts to fif teen thousand dollars, and more than fifty thousand dollars is already on deposit. The officers are: Mr. II. F. Edgerton, President; Mr. L. Z. Wood ard. Vice-President; Mr. E. O. Mc "Gowan, Cashier. The Automobile Danger. Everywhere people are crying out against the menace of the recklessly driven r.utomobile. A reserve army of ficer writing in the Washington Post expresses the fear that he will not live lonfr enough to fighY for the Unit ed States unless he is relieved of duty in Washington soon. He tells of sev eral occasions when only his extraor dinary agility saved him from serious injury. But if he were to be transferr ed from Washington to some other point he probably would find condi tions just as bad, though, to be en tirely fair, he says that he knows cities where automobile traffic is reg ulated. ^he automobile is an ever present danger. It takes its toll of life cer tainly if not regularly. The average community may go along a few weeks without its automobUe horror, but about the time it settles down to what it thinks is going to be a period of calm some new tragedy comes along to remind afresh of the omni-present danger. . The laws that we have should be rigidly enforced and as a rule mote drastic laws should be passed. The automobile danger is not one to be reckoned with lightly. ? News and Ob server. The aeroplane which is coming to Smithfield Fair Week will be the feat ure that will attract every one. CONGRKSS HAS ADJOURNED. Closes Ueeord of Achievfment That Piobably Has No Parallel In History. f ? ? % Washington, Oct. (?. ? A record of achievement probably unparalleled in world-wide legislative history, was closed with adjournment today of the session of Congress. Written into the nation's statues in six months are # laws in numbers, scope and unanimity unsurpassed. 1 Called April 2 by President Wilson (within a month after his second in auguration) to enroll the United States among Germany's foes, from the passage of the war resolution April (?th until tho President's signa ture of the last law today, Congress has worked incessantly on legislation of vital present and future import in national and world development. It now secures a two months' respite, returning December 2 for the regular session and facing another stupendous programme of war and domestic ac tion. Marking the session passing into history were its war prep: ruton pro vision for quick and large increase in the nation's fighting forces on land, sea and in the air; appropriations of more than $20,000,000,000; measures of taxation and credits to meet the financial drafts, and vesting the Pres ident with vast powers. Looming ahead for disposition at the December session are further enormous appropriations for this and next year, great tax and bond bills and a mass of other war and domestic legislation, with Congressional pri maries and elections closely follow ing. Among the most important meas ures enacted were: The Army Draft law, two war cred its measures, authorizing loans to the allies and sale of domestic bonds'; the war tax law, appropriation of $640, 000,000 for airplanes, the espionage act, control of foods, feeds and fuel; the trading-with-the-enemy act, in cluding authority for the President to embargo exports, the sailors and sol diers' insurance act and the war bud get bills. The principal disputes of the session were on The draft, food i-nd war tax bills with opposition centers in the Senate, Cloture was restored to there ? on the food and war tax measure ? but its actual imposition averted after a month was spent on each bill. During the session six allied mis sions appeared before Congress, ad dresses being made by Lord Balfour, of the British mission; Premier Vivani and ^larshal Joffre, of the French; Prince Udine, of the Italian; Baron Moncheur, of the Belgian; Boris Bahk meteff, of the Russian, and Viscount Ishii, of the Japanese. Congress also found time to take important action oil two important domestic maters ? prohibition and woman suffrage. Besides prohibiting further manu facture or importation of distilled beverages and authorizing the Presi dent, in the food control bill, to stop or curtail that of beer and wines, the Senate by a vote of 65 to 20 also pass ed the Sheppard resolution, proposing a national dry amendment to the Fed eral constitution. It is pending in the House for action at the December session. The House created a special com mittee on woman suffrage, while the Senate favorably reported the Susan B. Anthony amendment to the con stitution. The latter will be pressed next session. Several bills passed the Senate and remain pending on the calendar. Among them are the soldiers' and sailors' civil rights bill, the day light savings measure regulating killing of migratory birds, and the national pro hibition measure. The proposed Columbian treaty, for payment of $25,000,000 in satis faction of her loss of the Panama canal zone, also failed of Senate rat ification and is on the calendar. Meeting at Rains Cross Roads. On account of rain the fifth Satur day, the pastor and members of Rains Cross Roads church put off their yearly meeting until second Sat urday in October. Let every member attend if possible. Mr. Geo. T. Whitley, of Princeton, has recently returned from a several days visit to his sister, Mrs. C. W. Britton, at Rich Square. U. S. Bl'lLDING 20,000 AIRPLANES When Completed. Guns Will be Ready for Mounting and Aviators for Op erating. All Types Are Embraced. Training Wanes, High-Speed Fight ers and Powerful Bombers Under Construction. Washington, Oct. 3. ? Twenty thou sand airplanes for America's fighting forces in France, authorized in the $(>40,000,000 aviation bill passed by Congress last July, actually are under construction. The necessary motors also are be ing manufactured, Secretary Baker announced today, and the whole air craft program has been so co-ordi nated that when planes and motors are completed, trained aviators, as well as machine guns and all other eijuipment, will be waiting for them. "When this Nation's army moves up to participate in the fighting," said the secretary, "the eyes of her army will be ready." The types of planes cover the en tiro range of airplanes ? training ma chines; light, highspeed fighting ma chines; powerful battle and bombing planes of the heaviest design, and em brace as well giant battle craft cap able of the work of the Italian Sa proni, the British Handley-Page and similar types. "Within a reasonable time, consi dering the period for preparation," Mr. Baker's statement says, "this country will send its first airplane to Europe. This airplane from the tip of its propeller to the engine, machine guns and camera will have been made in tlu; United States. "There has been a remarkably gratifying response to the call for aviators. This country has an unlimit ed supply of young men possessing courage, self-reliance, good judgment and decision ? the things required in the air service. This service today is fitting thousands of Americans for flying." Twenty-four flying schools have been authorized, the statement re veals, and besides the thousands train ing here, students from the United States are training in all the Allied countries, while many of them are un dergoing intensive schooling behind several of the battlefronts. The men now in Europe will be turned over as finished aviators to the American troops in France. American machines also are being built abroad, and Mr. Baker said that approximately one-fourth of the num ber soon to be needed will be made in the allied countries. In that connec tion stress was laid upon the neces sity for greatly developing and ex panding the aircraft industry in the United States. SELMA SCHOOL NOTES. The superintendent and teachers earnestly desire all the parents and friends of the school to be present next Wednesday, Octobcr 10, 1917, at a Mother's Meeting at the school at 3 o'clock. _ o The Moser Literary Society met in its regular session Thursday after noon, October 4th. On account of Ed ward Pierce, president of the society, leaving town, Elmore Earp, the vice president, was put in to succeed hinl. Jennings T; fifth and sixth grade boys. They are very enthusiastic and will soon begin . playing volleyball. The little children's play is directed by the primary teach ers, and they seem to be very intcr , ested in their folk songs and games. We are glad to have the teachers . help us on the playground. ? R. K. Selma, October 5, 1917.