IHE SMITHF1ELD HERALD ; Published Every Tuesday and Friday. 1 1 WATCH YOUR LABEL. ? < No receipt will be ?ent for sub scription. Each subscriber is asked to watca the little yellow label on his paper. If the label is not changed ?ithin three weeks after remittance is made, the subscriber should notify ta. Watch your label. NOTE. ? All correspondents should semember that we pay no attention to communications without the writer's Mime. If you write every day be jore to enclose your name each time. Address all matters for publication to The Snrthfield Herald, Smithfield, N. C. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Miss Bettie Lee Sanders spent Wednesday in Raleigh. ? ? ? Mrs. C. B. Williamson and Mrs. T. W. LeMay are attendng the Richmond Fair this week. ? ? * Mrs. W. H. Byrd left this week to visit her daughter in Petersburg, Va., for several days. ? ? ? Mrs. J. J. Young arrived from Clay ton Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. S. T. Honeyeutt. ? ? ? Mr. H. B. Easom left Tuesday for Wake Forest College where he went to resume his college work. ? * * Mr. W. M. Sanders attended the monthly meeting of the State Prison Board in Raleigh Wednesday. ? ? ? The vegetarian is the only fellow who doesn't have a fit when he reads the quotations in the meat market. ? ? ? Mrs. Lee E. Sanders and children left ^Tuesday for Richmond to visit Mrs. Sanders' mother for some time. ? ? ? 'The attractions at the Johnston County Fair this year will far sur pass anything ever seen in Smithfield. ? * * Mr. William Wellons, who is in school at the University, is here for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wellons. ? ? ? The Fair management is building this week a place for the aeroplane to start iind alight. Come and see this wonderful human air-bird. ? ? ? Mr. Gilbert White, of Durham, consulting engineer for the town of Smithfield, was here Wednesday look ing after the progress of the street paving. ? ? ? Mr. Leon Ellis, who has been here for several weeks as bookkeeper for the Robert G. Lassiter Company, has been transferred to the the office at Oxford. ? ? ? Messrs. Paul Johnson and O. E. Bain attended a District Meeting of the Woodmen of the World at Rose mary yesterday as delegates from Smithfield Camp No. 543. m m m Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Brinson and Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Lanier went to Raleigh yesterday afternoon to hear Dr. \y. J. McGlothlin, of Louisville, lecture at Meredith College. ? mm Work is moving right along on the street and side-walk paving in Smith field and in a few more woeks this town will have completed some of the prettiest streets to be found in any town of the same size. ? ? ? Mr. A. D. Murchison, of Fayette ? ville, manager Elcctrical Depart ment of the Smithfield Garage and Machine Works, has moved his family here and is occupying tehe residence opposite the Garage Building, known , as the Hood residence. m * m Hundreds of Johnston County peo ple will have the opportunity to see something at the Johnston County Fair this year that they never saw before?1 i-al aeroplane operated by an expert a-. at or. Come the first day j'.n.l s th wonders he will perform. ? ? ? 1: is > tim ited that a larger number f p ? |i ; : ? ?-nd the County Fair on the first day, November 7th, this year th;>n ever at. ?nded the Fair on !h>' firs; day b.fore. Th<> parade 1>\ the school children and the arrival of the aeroplanes will be largely respon sible for the unusual crowd. ? ? ? Mr. D. H. Winslow, the ''Good R<>; Is .Man," of R ilcigh, passed through Smithfield Wednesday. He informs us that Mr. Victor Von S?m minger has been made District Main* tenance Supervisor, with headquar ters at Goldsboro. Mr. M. E. Miller has been put in charge of Division No. 6, with headquarters at Fayette ville. Mrs. Julia Sassor, of Durham, is 'pending sometime here with rela ives and friends. J % ? ? Miss Elizabeth Kelly, of the State Department of Education, of Raleigh, is in town today. t * * * ] Messrs. Ryal Woodall and Edward ^ 3. Abelh, Jr., who are in school at the j University, arc at home for a few ( Jays. Mrs. H. G. Hedriek has returned to her home in Durham, afler sfinding several days her* , the guest cf Mrs. 1 J H. A bell. ? ? ? The people of Smithfield, many of them, are much interested in "The 1 Garden of Allah" which will be pre sented at the Academy of Music in ! Raleigh next Tuesday and Wednes day. ? ? ? A covey of birds came tc town late 1 yesterday afternoon and were se^n on Fourth street. Evidently they had been disturbed by some early hunt ers and fled to town so that they could be near the game warden for protec- i tion. ? ? ? Mr. G. E. Thornton, of the Thorn ton Music House, return. d Thursdry morning from a business trip to Chi cr.go, 111., L- Porte, Indiana, and Washington, I). C. While away he bought another big lot of pianos to , supply the large and growing de mand. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jon"s, of Fair Bluff, aro in town to-day on their way home from a visit to Mr. Jones' fath er, Elder J. A. T. Jones. Mr. Jones is in the drug business at Fair Bluff. He is a good friend of The Herald and appreciates his county paper very much. ? * ? / Among the number of Smithfield people who attended the marriage of Miss Lizzie Winston to Mr. William Broadfoot Thursday evening were: Hon. antl Mrs. F. II. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green, Mr. W. M. Sanders, Misses Annie Ihrie Pou, Bettie Lee Sanders and Mr. Robert Wellons. ? * ? Mr. A. M. Johnson, County Farm Demonstrator, Prof. L. T. Royall, County Superintendent of Schools, M iss Nell Pickens, Home Demonstra tion Agent, Sheriff W. F. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wellons, and Misses Ava Myatt and Emma Wellons at tended the Pleasant Grove Fair yes terday. ? ? ? The open season fer bird hunting is not yet here and will not be, accord ing to h'W, until November 1st. Mean while there are these who aro not , willing t > wait for that day. Yester- ; day afternoon, a man who is very fond of hunting, said that the true sportsman always obeys the law. He was surprised that there are these who arc violating the law by hunting ( this early in the season. In this issue of The Herald is a | communication from one of our form er boys who has been living: in Mon tana for the past two or three years, but is now at Camp Lewis, American Lake, Washington. We refer to Mr. E. P. Rvckman who was a telegraph operator here a few years ago. He has been called into the service of Uncle ; Sam and is in training in one of the biggest camps in the country, ttead his letter. ? * ? The high prices of tobacco and cot ton have brought hundreds of people to Smithfield to do Nthcir fall trading. The dry goods and clothing people here have been exceedingly busy for the past few weeks. They say that last week was the biggest business in their line of any week in the history of the town. With such a tobacco and cotton market people are coming to Smithfield who have not always been in the habit of coming here to trade. Our merchants keep up with the times and carry stocks of goods that would do credit to. the larger places. Th<y trading public know this and that is why they keep the mer chants in Smithfield busy from morn ing until night waiting on them. A SOLDIER BOY'S LIFE SAVED You Fanners can do it. When you take your cotton to the gins oper ated by Mr. W. M. San ders and Mr. J. W. Steph enson you will find a great big Box on ^hich is the Red Cross sign Throw in a armful or a bale-full! Even one armful may bring the bandage that will save the life. MISS WINSTON HONOREE. >lr. Hansom Sanders Gives Delightful Dance at the Municipal Building The fall social season opened most jrilliantl> Wednesday evening when Mr. W. Ransom Sanders gt;ve an ?laborate dance, in honor of Miss Lizzie Winston, of Selma, and Mr. W. 3. Broadfoot, of Connelly Springs, whose marriage took place last night. The hall of the municipal building was tasteftilly decorated for the oc casion in pine and goldcnrod, with the national colors lending a touch of brightness as well as of patriotism. Punch and sandwiches^were served between the dances. Exquisite music was furnished by the Myer-Davis Orchestra of Wash ington, D. C. M iss Winston, the lovely lionoree, was charmingly gowned in yellow brocade satin. Those dancing were: Misses Lizzie Winston, Selma: Lanie Hales, Wilson; Pat Walsh, Lexington; Sheppie Branch, Wilson; Mary Michaux, Goldsboro; Charlotte Howard, New Bern; Elizabeth B-'ck, Charlotte; Margaret Jennings, Fayetteville; Louise Gwathnoy, Richmond, Va.; Mary B. Griswold, Durham; Stella Etheridg. , Selma; Julia Manning, Raleigh; Annie Bridgers, Raleigh; Eliza Leach, Raleigh; Katharine Grove, Wilson; Dorothy Whitehead, Wilson; Battie Boykin, Wilson; Har riet Tilghman, Wilson; Lucile Ander son, Wilson; Minerva Stockton, Wil son; Sarah Rawlings, V/ilson; Blair Rawling3, Wilson; Mrs. Gladys Dance, Miss Sewairi, Chicago, 111., Miss Edna Taylor, Miss Rutherford, lone Abell, Annette Lawrence, Margaret Wellons, Frances Sanders, Mrs. Ball; Messrs. Ball, Robert Dalton, Charlotte; Frank Armfield, Stiitesville; William C. Broadfoot, Connelly Springs; M. C. Tuck, Selma; Ransom Sanders, Smith field; Charles Marsh, Fayetteville; Robert Wellons, Smithfield; E. C. Smith, Raleigh; Rout Riddick, Ral eigh; Cleo Yelverton, Raleigh; Je rome Shcpard, Raleigh; Carver Smith, Raleigh; Walter Cook, Raleigh; Hu bert Cooley, Raleigh; C. F. Young, A. T. Harper, Tom Gooding, Harvey Ma jette, Carl Sutton, H. B. Wallace, Lee Hayes, Jno. Boatwright, Will Flem ing, Tiie Harper, Robert SecU, R. E. Crawford, John Avera, John Whitt> Ives, Troy Myatt, William W< lions, Charles Spriggins, Edward Wocdall, Edward Abell, Jr., Rval Woodall, Rich ard Holt, Walter Parrish, Bruce San derford, Dixon Wallace, J. McRobert Boothe, Cornelius Ward. The cliaperones were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Green, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hon eycutt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. S. Abell, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Lawrence, Mayor and Mrs. H. L. Skinnef, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Brooks, Mrs. J. S. Manning, of Raleigh; Mrs. John Broadfoot, of Black Mountain, mother of the groom elect; Mrs. H. P. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abell, Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Ellington, Mrs. -Mary Blandy, Mr. T. C. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Win ston and others. ^ Entertain Bridal Party. Mr. Robert Wellons, of Smi^ifield, ?ntcrlained at dinner in honor of Miss Lizzie Winston, of Selma, and her bridal party Tuesday night at the Country Club. Those who tfrere present were Mrs. John B. Broadfoot, Black Mountain; Miss Lanie Hales, of Wilson; Miss Margaret Jennings, of Fayetteville; Mss Mary Michaux, of Goldsboro; Miss Sheppic Branch, of Wilson; Miss Mary Bryan Griswold, of Durham; Miss Elizabeth Belk, of Hend- rson** viNe; Miss Charlotte Howard, of Now Bern; Messrs. William G. Broadfoot, if Connelly Springs; Frank Armfield, of Statesville; E. C. Griffith, of Char lotte; R. P. Gibson, of Concord; Chas. W. Brordfoot, of Faytttoville; Robert Dalton, of Charlotte; Robert Wdlons, of Smithfield; Ransom Sanders, of Smithfielci. This is one of the number of enter tainments given Miss Winston, prior to her marriage Thursday, October 11, to Mr. William G. Broadfoot. ? Vesterday's News and Observer The Smithfield Cotton Market. It is interesting to note how the Smithfield cotton mhrket gets ahead >f the bigger towns. Last Tuesday, for instance, the fleecy staple was quoted in Raleigh at 26$i cents a pound. At Norfolk it was 27%; New k'ork 27.2ft; Galveston, Texas, 26.75; Charleston, 26.75. On the Wilmington market the price A-as 26% cent Receipts 1,063 bales. Pricc or same day Irst year 16V6 :enfrs. Receipts 717 bales. f The price at Smithfield on the same lay was 27 to 27 1-2. When in doubt about what market o sell cotton on, alwaya try Smith ieid. ? * British Casualties. The British casualties as reported 'or the week ending Tuesday, total .7,505. Officers kilkd, 311; men, 2, >G5; wouided or missing, 14,229. The Woman's Club Meets. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Club was held Wednesday afternoon at the elub room. After the regular routine of business several important undertakings were discuss ed. In the first place, it was decided to devo; a part of the November meeting to the study of Tuberculosis. A helpful and instructive program will be arranged, and it is hop*>d that much interest will be taken in the study. Among the other things discussed was the District Meeting of the Sixth District of the North Carolina Wom an's Clubs. Mrs. II. L. Skinner is chairman of the Sixth District and the Smithfk'ld Club has invited this meeting to be held in Smithfield, on October 24th. The Sixth District is composed of twelve cltlbs r.nd ah in teresting session may be looked for. Another thing which should be of interest to the public at large which was undertaken was the raising of a fund to provide the North Carolina soldiers at Camp Jackson with books, magazines and newspapers. Hoxes have been placed at Hood Bros, and at the D. H. Creocli Drug Company and any contribution which any one may wish to give to this need will be promptly forwarded. Getting Money for the Red Cross. The Red Cross Chapter of Smith field has adopted various methods of getting funds for their work. They have pone on the warehouse floors and appealed to the farmers who had tobacco to sell to give a handful or a rtick of tobacco to the cause. Very few who had tobacco on "\he floors have turned a deaf ear to their appeal. In this manner they have raised more than $125. They have placed a big Lox at the gins of Mr. J. W. Ste phenson and Mr. W. M. Sanders at Smithflold, and are asking those who bring cotton to these gins to help a little by putting cotton in the box as a donation to the Red Cross work. No doubt th< appeal will reach many and much money will be realized in this way. Tuesd:\ morning Turlington Grad ed School responded to the call which the Governor made recently in ob serving Fire Prevention IV.y. Appro priate exercises were carried out. Pa pers werv read by Misses Margaret Pou i<nd Carrie Brodi<; Sanders. Mr. John W1 ite Ives read the Governor's Proclamation. Mr. W. W. Cole mr.de a short talk on Fire Prevention. Pa triotic songs interspersed the pro gram. Great Demand for Fords. , Mr. Ransom Sanders, Ford repre sentative, finds the demand for Ford ears greater than the supply at his command. He can easily sell three or four times as many as he can fret. The unprecedented prices the f: rm ers have been getting for tobacco and cotton have placed many of them on Easy street. They are paying off debts, buying all their noeds and then having the ready cash to buy an automobile. THE SMITHFIELD MARKET. Cotton 27 Obtton Seed 1.00 Wool 20 to 30 Fat Cattle 6 to 6 % Eggs 40 Fat cattle, dressed 11 to 12% Granulated Sugar 10 to 10% Corn per bushel....^. 1.50 to 1.75 C. R. Sides 28 to 31 Feed Oats 90 to 1.00 Fresh Pork 12% to 15 Hams, pel pound 35 to 37% Lard ' 2\ to 30 Timothy Hay 1.40 to 1.50 Cheese per pound 35 Butter, per pound 40 to 50 Meal 4.75 to 5.00 Flour per sack 6.00 t<5 6.25 Coffee per pound IB to 20 Cotton seed meal . . . . 2.25 to 2.50 Cotton seed hull* ... 1.00 Shipstuff 2.80 to 3.00 Mohasses Feed 3.00 Hides, green 10 to 12% A NEW KILN OF FINE BRICFj just opened at our brick yard. Two hundred and forty thousand of them and nearly all of th?m hard brick. No better lot ever burned at this brick yard. Come, if you need brick. Sanders & Berslcy, Smith field, N. C. LOOK AT OUR WORK SHOES for Children? $1.50 to $2.50. N. B. Grantham. REMEMBER AUSTIN-STEPHEN- j sor) Company makes a specialty of clothing, Ladies' Cloaks and Shoes? Will save you money. LOOK AT OUR WORK SHOES for Boys? $2.00 to $3.50. N. B. Grantham. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FROM $2.50 to $5.00 in a suit of clothes, you ean do it at The Austin -Ste phenson Company's. Rexall Chill Breaker \ W ill break your Chills HOOD BROS. DRUGGISTS ON THE SQUARE SMITHFIFLD, N. C. When you think of GROCERIES? let your thoughts turn to TURNAGE Smithfield's Leading Grocer The Best is None Too Good For OUR Customers! S, G. Turnage Smithfield, N. C. Notice / TTX* Tobacco selling from $200 to $400 per acre, cotton bringing over $100 a bale. Your mule notes are due. No excuse. This is the time to settle. Come on. We are not going to carry you over. So look out. Wm, R. Long Smithfield, N. C. The Man with Money keeps / Ms mrmpv sftfc ii\ the Bank. That's why he has money. All the regrets in the world won't bring back your money if you invest it foolishly in some "wildcat" scheme and LOSE it, ? for lose it you surely will. The one sure way to have your money is to put it in our Bank, where it is SAFE, and let it pile up. Then you and yours, who are entitled to it, will have it. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest. First National Bank Sniithfield. N. C.

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