FARM FOR SALE. A farm jf 113 itcres with seventy acres cleaved, six miles north of Sel ma, and three and a half miles from Wilson's Mills, for sale. One six roonj dwelling with two porches, one three room dwelling and one two- room dwelling all new, and good oOthouses. Good strong land suitable for coUor. cr tobacco. A large pasture fenced. Apply to, THOM \S JORDAN. Wil on's Mills, N C., Route No. 2. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Wherqas, Ed. Barnes and wife, in May, 1916, made r.nd executed to N. E. Ward a certain Mortgage Deed securing one bond in the sum of $533.00 due and payable January 1, 1917, which Mortgage Deed is record ed in Book No. 7, page 100 in the Registry of Johnston County; and Whereas, Ed. Barnes and wife have failed to pay and refused to pay any part of said note or interest on same, under and by virtue of authority con tained in said Mortgage Deed, I will offer for sale, the 15th day of Octo ber, 1017, at 12 M., at the Court House doer in Smithfield, N. C., for cash, at public auction, the following described lots near Selma, N. C., namely: THE FIRST THREE LOTS situat ed in the Town of Selma, N. C., and known and described as Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block "F"~in the plan of Flower Hill, a suburb of Selma, N. C. Each of said lots fronting 50 feet on Front Street and more par ticularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Building line of Front and Barnes streets and runs thence Eastwardly with Barnes street 100 feet to King's line; thence with King's line S. 40 degrees E. to the corner of Lot No. 4 of Block "F" in Flower Hill Plat; thence with line of No. 4 to Front street, said line being parallel with Barnes street; then Northwardly with Front street 150 to the beginning, a fraction of an acre. * SECOND TRACT Being a parallel ogram 25 by 150 feet adjoining lands of Q. Price and T. A. Parcel, and situated on the East side of Nash street in Selmr\, N. C., and part of the Will McLean property. This sale deferred for two weeks. This September 1, 1917. N. E. WARD, Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN SMITHFIELD. North Carolina, Johnston County, Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, executed to John Kennedy and wife, Ollie Kennedy, and Milton Kennedy and wife, Annie Kennedy, to Mrs. Peatie Oliver, Guardian, June 27, 1912, to secure the payment of a bond for $220.00 with interest from date, payable on the 21st day of June, 1913; and whereas the interest has been paid on said note up to January 1st, 1915, leaving due thereon $220.00, with interest from January 1, 1915, and $6.47 insurance paid by mort gage; and whereas the conditions of the mortgage have been broken, and the payment of the bond secured by the same refused on demand: Therefore the undersigned will of fer for sale at Public Auction, at the Court House door, in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on Saturday, Octo ber 20, 1917, for cash, the following described lot in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on which are located two small dwelling houses, to-wit: A certain lot of land i.djoining the lands of Marshall Avera, J. D. Al ford, and William Holden and be ginning at a stake on Fourth Street, ^Marshall Avera's corner) and runs with said street 73 fpet to a stake in "William Ilolden's line; thence nearly east 210 feet to J. D. Alford's line; thence 'nearly North with said line 73 feet to Marshall Avera's line; thence nearly West with said Marshall Avera's line 210 feet to the beginning, containing 2-6 of an acre, more or less, it being the same lot v>f land de scribed in the Deed from C. Radford to Parker Kennedy, September 4, 18S0, and recorded in Book "W" No. 4, page 299. This September 18, 1917. PEATIE OLIVER, (Guardian), Mortgagee. F. H. BROOKS, Attorney. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND IN WILDERS TOWNSHIP. Whereas, G. H. Eason on the 15th day of October, 1915, executed to F. H. Brooks, Trustee, a certain DEED OF TRUST securing one bond in the sum of $5,556.02 payable in five equal installments in 2-3-4-5 and 6 years from date, respectively, with interest from date at 6 per cent per annum, payable to J. D. Bizzell, being bal ance due on purchase price of the tract of land hereinafter described and in said deed of trust conveyed, which deed of trust is recorded in Book No. 8, page 280, Registry of Johnston County; And, Whereas, application has been made by the said J. D. Bizzell, the present owner of said bond, to the said F. H. Brooks, Trustee as afore said, to make foreclosure of the deed of trust aforesaid because of failure to meet the conditions of the bond and deed of trust aforesaid, and dis charge the indebtedness secured thereby; And Whereas, sale was made Sat urday, September 1st, 1917, and the purchaser having failed to comply with bid for same, and a re-sale of said lands being necessary; Now, Therefore, the undersigned Trustee as aforesaid, under and by virtue of the authority contained in the deed of trust aforesaid, and upon demand of the owner of the bond aforesaid, will, on Tuesday. October lGth, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., offer for sale, at PUBLIC AUCTION for CASH, the following tract of land in Wilders township, Johnston County, being Farm No. 3, on plot of the Lemuel Jordan farm (formerly owned by J. D. Eason), as will appear from Plot No. 1, page 16 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County. This September 25th, 1917. F. ft. BROOKS, Trustee. LOWER JOHNSTON ITEMS. Rev. (I. W. Rollins, of Benton, fill ed hia regular appointment at Culvnrj Raptist church Saturday :'nd Sunday. ? Mi s Eva Jackson sp-nt S 'nl;* with Misses Lesaie and K:' ic I.ce. Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Morgr-% of iion n* ? pent Sunday at the h^.i.e of , Mrs. W. J. Morgan. Messrs. E. O. and B. B. Leo, if Sel ma, spent Sunday with their sister, i Mrs. T. J. Wilks. Mrs. G. P. L e and children spent Sunday at Mr. Oscar Bare foot's. We arc sorry to note the illness of Mrs. 0. D. Johnson. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Morgan, from Blackmrn's Grove, visited their moth er, Mrs. W. J. Morgan, Sunday. Misses Velma Goodrich :<nl Ora Johnson, from Benson; M rtie and Verna Lee, from Peacock's Cross Roads, attended church at Calvary Sunday. Misses Merdie and Kelsey Denning and Lottie Lee were the gu- sts of Mrs. R. A. P: Barefoot Sundr.y. Quite a number of people from this section attended the sinering celebra tion at Holly Grove Saturday. Messrs. Shadman Warren and Leon Wilson, from Samprcn, visited in this section Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lonnie Hood, of Hood's Grove, made a business trip to this section recently. Several people of this section are expecting to attend the singing con vention at Shady Grove next Satur day. Mr. Walter Wagstaff and daughter, Willie Lee, and Mrs. Maud Smith and daughter, Ruby, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. C. F. Wagstaff. Messrs Carl Barefoot and Carlisle Jackson have accepted positions with prominent merchants in Dunn. The five weeks old baby of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson dfed last Tuesday night and was buried Wednesday af ternoon at the family cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved. Uncle Sam keeps calling some of our b6ys to the training crmps. FITZ. | Renew your subscription to-day. MATHER THE VVOHLI) FAMOUS AVIATOR HERE DURING OUR FAIR. Arrangements have been made with the Young Aeroplane Company of New York City to have Carl Mather, the World Famous Aviator, here during our Fair. Mather is considered one of the best High Flyers in the country and his stunts will make everyone sit up and take notice. Mather will do all the crazy stuff, and is said to be a treat when it comes to thrills that make your hair stand up. Mather's sensational flying is said to be wonderful. He has made many flying, trips in the big cities and everywhere he has flown he was considered one of the greatest Aviators ever known. An Exchange, from Atlanta, Ga., says that Mather made a thrilling llight over the city, going at the rate of sevepty miles an hour, he drove his machine through the clouds, which soon developed into a mist and rain and he was above the clouds by this time, he became lost and in trying to get back to the field, found himself several miles away. Undaunted by his experience, Mather turned his machine and headed for the city again and could be seen coming out of the clouds in an altogether, different direction from where he disappeared. He was wet when he landed and said that he had had some experience.He was in the air just 35 minutes. The above is only a sample of the many daring stunts that Aviator Mather performs. Mather is described as being a modest young man, and is said to look like a North Carolina native. There ar j eleven Aviators with the Young Aeroplane Company but Mather is said to be one of the most clever of the bunch. Be sure and ccme to THE JOHNSTON COUNTY FAIR and see the loop the loop and Bombs dropped on Smithfield by the famous Aviator. 1T0 MAKE LIFE'S WALK EASY \vc wcr.r Hunt Club Shoos. Cotter Ur.dcrwood Co., Smithfield, N. C. WE LEAD AND OTHERS FOLLOW. Four Oaks Blacksmith Co. LOOK AT OUK WORK SHOES for men ? $3.00 to $5.00. N. B. Grantham. GET YOUR BLUESTONE FROM? i Hood Bros., Smithfield, N. C. WHEN YOU WAKE IN THE MORN ing a Cce, Cce Inner Spring Mat tress makes you feel rested and ready for another day's toil. Some thing New. Cotter-Underwood Co., Smithfield, N. C. ******** Always the greatest possible value al the price WE are joining with the progressive merchants from coast to coast who are this week making a special display of Styleplus suits and overcoats. For three years the makers have maintained Styleplus at $17 in the face of war conditions. They bought in advance, operated on an increasingly larger scale, and thus kept costs down. When the United States entered the war the fabric market underwent violent changes. To meet these new conditions a $21 grade was added, thus insuring you an even wider selection in fabrics and models. Style plat all-wool fabrics + perfect fit + expert workmanship -J- guaranteed wear N. B. GRANTHAM, Smithfield, N. C. AUCTION SALE. On Monday, October 15, 1917, at 10 o'clock sharp, at my residence near Oak Forest church in Ingrams township, I will offer for sale to the ighcst bidder for cash, two good nuks, buggies, harness, one one orse .vagi i an harness. Also lot of ?rmi, .{ tec , corn, fodder, 25 head of hogs, and some household and kitchen furniture, and other articles too numerous to mention. JESSE WILLIAMS. Four Oaks, Route No. i. NOTICE. WHEREAS, G. II. Eason and wife, Louisa C. Eason, on the 15th day of October, 1915, made artd executed to F. H. Brooks, Trustee, a certain DEED OF TRUST securing one bond in the sum of $1,852.00 due and pay able to J. D. Bizzell twelve months after date, which deed of trust is recorded in Book No. 8, page 270 Reg istry of Johnston County, therein and thereby conveying the tract of land hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS, application has been made by the said J. D. Bizzell, the present owner of said bond, to the said F. II. Brooks, Trustee, to make foreclosure of said deed of trust Itecauso of failure to meet conditions of said deed of trust and discharge said indebtedness; AND WHEREAS, sale was made Saturday, September 1st, 1917, and the purchaser having failed to com ply with bid for same and a re-sale of said land being necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, the under signed, Trustee in the deed of trust aforesaid, under and by virtue of au thority contained in the said deed of trust, will, on Tuesday, the ltith day of October, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., offer for sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, for CASH, the following described tract or parcel of land lying and being in Wilders town ship, Johnston County, containing 99 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of J. II. Eason on the South, Charlie Eason on the North, H. E. Eason on the East and Mike Cosgrove and Stephen Barham on the West, and known as the share of the J. D. Fason land allotted to said G. II. Ea son, as will appear from report of said division filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of John ston County. This is a fine tract of land and in good community. Title is good. This September 25th, 1917. F. H. BROOKS, Trustee. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of J. H. Barber, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 21st day of September, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 18th day of Sept., 1917. J. YVm. LANG DON, Administrator. CHAS. C. LEE, Attorney. NOTICE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court, December Term, 1917. J. I. Renfrow va. J. M. Edwards and Martha Edwards, his wife. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Johnston County to foreclose a mortgage deed on a tract of land in Oneals township, County and State aforesaid; and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear on the 10tn day of December, 1917, at the Superior Court of said County and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This l*4th day of September, 1917. W. S. STEVENS, Clerk of Superior Court. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified, a* Administrator on the estate of James G. Earp, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 21st day of Septeml>er, 1918, or this notice ^ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 18th day of Sept., 1917. W. G. EARP, Administrator. .AFFIDAVIT OF WARRANT OF. ATTACHMENT. North Carolina, Johnston County. Selma Manufacturing Company, vs. V. P. Brown and Lee Henry Company. J. I). MSssey, Secretary and Treas urer of Selma Manufacturing Com pany, being sworn, says: 1. That a cause of action exist against defendant and in favor of the plaintiff as specified in section 758, Revisal of 1905, as follows: By reason of purchasing about $15.00 worth of goods, wares and mer chandise, and after having purchased same, left the State to obstruct the plaintiff in collecting his lawful de mands, or so conceals himself that service can not be made, all to avoid the payment of said account. The "defendant, V. P. Brown; has va rious articles of personal property, consisting of household goods, to-wit: Bedsteads, mattresses, bureaus, wash stands, chairs, rocking chairs, pictures, sewing machine and other articles too numerous to mention, all of which are in the care and custody of Lee-Henry Company, a corpora tion. R. E. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace.

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