AT thf! capital of beulah. < Literary Societies Carry Out Inter esting Program. Prof. Royal! Pays Kenly School a Visit. Secret Mar riage Hrings Surprise to Kenly Peo ple. List of The Pupils Present at Each Roll Call for September. Kenly, Oct. 13.?' The people of the entire community, as well as the pa rents of the young women, were much surprised to learn this week that Miss Nina Morris had secretly become the wife of Mr. F. A.White several days ago. Mr. White was for several years manager of the store run here by the Dennis-Simmons Lumber Company; he is now working in Wil^pn. Miss Morris is the popular and beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Morris of Kenly. Mr. Morris is one of the leading merchants here. All of their many friends and admirers wish Mr. and Mrs. White a happy and long married life. They will make Wilson their home. Professor L. T. Royall, County Su perintendent of Public Instruction, visited our school this week. He was much pleased at the work our school is doing; he frankly asserted that no better Library is to be found in the County than ours is. The Literary Societies of the school are continuing to do splendid work. The subject for debate in both socit^ ties for Friday afternoon was, "Re solved, That military training should be given in all# American schools and colleges." In commendlhg the debaters, Professor Andrews stat ed that many a college speaker is not iible to surpass them. The subject for next meettag is, Resolved, That the women of America should be allowed lo vote. Attendance Honor Roll for Sept., 1917. First grade ? Estellc Jones, Addie Mae Greer, Catherine Askew, Viola Pittman, William Godwin, Lester Wat son, Charles Alford, Alfonzo Godwin, Clemot Crumpler, Vernon Exum, S. P. Waldo, Jr. Second Grade ? Miriam Edgerton, Clarence Edgerton, Adron Flowers, Sallie Moore, (James Ward, Wjlliam Windham. Third grade ? Catherine Alford, William Alford, Hazel Askew, James Bowman, Louisa Coleman, Celeste Ed gerton, Dorice Hooks, Clara Lassiter, Herta Rakoske, Felton Watson, Eliz abeth Woodard. Fourth grade ? Louise Ballance, Le'CTa Cooke, Eunice Flowers, Mollie Fields, Francis Godwin, Annie Rose Godwin, Geneva Rakoske, Je^se Wat son. Fifth grade ? Margaret Hooks, Ru by Watscn, John Woodard. Sixth grade ? Flora Jerome, Byron^ Richardson, Balbus Leeson, Raymond Ballance, Verona Lassiter, Lucile Kir by, Geneva Godwin, Ruth Grice. - Seventh grade ? Coi'ti^lia Alford, Verna Fields^ Norman Jones, Thelma Moore. Eighth giade ? Elmer Alford, Mil dred Burden, Jewell Edgerton, Jack ?> Hooks, Lois Jones, Donald Kirby, Ma rie Lassiter, Lucy Pittman, Kate Thomas', Gilbert Boyett. Ninth grade ? Lillie Eason, Adna Lee Bailey, Mabelle Edgerton, Arthur Godwin, Alice Grice, William Thomas, Edgar Bailey, Effie Woodard. Tenth grade ? Etta Godwin, Eva Woodard. The above students have neither been tardy nor absent during the first month of school. OLI) SECOND AND THIRD HELP. Tar Heel Soldiers at Camp Sevier Rallying to the Cause of the Liberty Loan. Greenvlle, S. C., Oct. 14. ? The 120th infantry, formerly the Third North Carolina, stands second among regiments at Camp Sevier in the amount of contributions to the Liberty | loan, while other North Carolina or ganizations are strong contcwders. The entire division, after only two j days of active campaigning, stand third in the list of camps, its total yesterday almost touching $800,000. On hundred and six thousnd dol lars has been subscribed by the 120th ( infantry, which places its average per j man perhrps in the lead for so large a unit, while the 119th infantry has taken $68,550 worth of bonds, the 130th Field artillery $48,200, the 105th engineers and train $26,100 and the fourth and fifth trailing bittal ions $41,000. Michigan last year produced 14, 918,278 barrels of salt. CONSFIiVE OR ALLIES SUFFER. ' At Present Rate of Consumption Only 77,69(5,000 Bushels of Wheat Will Be Left for Fxport. Washington, Oct. 13. ? Of this year's wheat crop only 77,69(5,000 bushels, or about 11.8 per cent, wll be left for txport to the Allies :md neu trals after the requirements of the United States are filled, unless Ameri cans 'jce l the cr.ll of the food adminis tration and curtail their consumption. This yerr's wheat crop, from, the preliminary estimates, is (559,797,000 bushels end the total require menls of the United States are plr.ced at 582, 101', 000 bush' is, leaving 77,(596,000 bushels surplus. Food administration officials figure the Allied countries will have a defi ciency of more than 400,000,000 bush els of wheat, basing their estimates on normal r< rfuiremwits. They are iso lated from those markets o1hor than cannda and the United States on which they were aceustomcd to rely before the. war. BATTLE WITH BLOCK ADERS. One Man Killed and Two Wounded in Fight With Officers. Albern. rle, Oct. 13. ? As the result of a pitched battle between officers *>f Stanly County near hero last night find a gang of whiskey blockaders one man is dead, two are wounded, and two otherc are now in Slatily County jail. None of the officers were injured except one, *'ho is suffering from powder burns. Virgil Lee Pinten is the dead man, and Will Smith, alleged to have been the leader of the gang, and a man named Howell, are the two under arrest The two men known to have been wounded mado their escape "leaving trails marked by blood through the woods. HEALTH PICTURES AT FAIRS. State Board of Health Will Give Free Moving Health Pictures at ? ^ State Fair. Raleigh, Oct. 14. ? Health "movies" at the Fairs this falf are more than holding their own. Last week at the Wayne County Fair not even the fast horses, the free shows, or the special performances reduced the crowd in the big brown tent where real mov ing health pictures were being shown. Every one of the three hundred seats were filled from the time the pict ures started in the morning until they closed late at night. In fact, the 'crowds were held back at the door. I This was the first opportunity the neople of Wayne County hod to see the "movies" that teach you, by show ing you in attractive pictures, lesson/ ?ibout health and sanitation which you I can never forget. The health "movies" are kept busy t in Fair season. They will be at the i State Fair this week and at the col ored State Fair next week. The films that will be shown at the Fair this ! week will be the newest productions in ! health and sanitary science. There jwill be also the usual pleasing dra | mas and comedies. Some of the films I that will be on the progrrm during ?<h| State Fair wflll be "Price of Hu !man Lives," "Rringing it Home," <lIn His Father's Footsteps," "Error of Omission," "Oral Hygiene," "Temple of Moloch." "Hope," "The Great Truth," "The Lone Game," "Get |Out and Get Under," "Western North Carolina," and "The Great Rockies." The Fair Association has arranged for the health moving pictures to be given free. They will be shown in a big brown tent that will seat three or four hundred people. A competent operator and several young lady ush ers will be in change. The moving picture health car of the State Board of Health has attract ed more than State yide attention. It is the first traveling picture equip ment in the country to successfully produce standard pictures and to car ry this modern educational entertain ment to remote rural districts. This was made possible by the movioe pic ture car carrying its own-electric gen erator. This enables t'ie remotest country church or school house to be lighted .with cloctric lights, as well as to have the rme, 'ip-+o-dato moving pictures thrt the city folks enjoy. This idea was conceived and worked out by Mr. Wr.rren H. Booker of the State Beard of Health, who believes in car rying the best there is' to the coun try people, which, with him, is more education as to how to keep well and prevent diseases. TOBACCO STILL RULING HIGH. I'rices Higher 'Fhan Ever K own Be fore. One Warehouse Averaged Thirty-Six Dollars a Hundred On ! Entire Sale. Prices Still ? Higher ? Yesterday. The Smithfield tobacco market is selling tobacco as high as any market anywhere in the State. During the past few daya some of the finest sales have been made here that have ever been made anywhere. Capt. Skinner, of The Banner Warehouse, told our reporter Monday that hio sale for Friday averaged over $36.00 a hundred. Capt. Skinner Liaid that his house had been giving some very big checks these past few days. For in stance: -v Mr. J. Rufus Creech sold one lot and received a check for $558.99. Mr. Garland Smith received a check for $530.50 for one lot. Mr. J. W. Dodd wont a little better and received a check for $561.71 for one lot. The yheck received by Mr. J. E. Johnson, $468.65, for one lot made a nice addition to his bank account. Messrs. J. B. Gardner and John Spence fell only a little behind the others, the former rccejving a cheek for $441.60, while the latter got the nice littl? sum of $371.20 for one lot. Not only has high prices and big checks prevailed at The Banner, but our reporter found the same rule ap plies to The Farmers, too. Big prices and high averages are the rule day by day. *\n rverage sale below thirty dol lars a l undred is the exception and not the rule. Amopg those who have gotten big checks at The Farmers we name the following: Mr. Frank Summerlin sold one lot for $479.40. Mr. W. J. Adams carricd away a check for $372.91 for one lot. A check for $467.27 was the prize Mr. J. F. Smith drew for one nice lot. Mr. M. Wood received a check for $381.16 for one lot. Mr. J. H. Hicks had one lot for which lie received a nice little check for $380.21. Mr. J. Rufus Crecch had one lot on the floc-r of the Farmers Warehouse and received a check for $346.70. These are just a few samples of what is being done in Smithfield dai ly In our reporter's rounds he dropped in at The Center Brick and found high prices and big checks the rule on the floors of Pool & Lassiter. The average for the entire sale yesterday was about 36 cents a pound, we are informed by Mr. Pool. Here arc a few of the folks who have received big checks at The Centerbrick: Holt <?r Johnson, one lot, $860.52. Mr. Ralph Lassiter, one lot, $315.25. Johnson and Faircloth, one lot, $442.05. Mr. Ira Thompson, one lot, $381.87. Pool and King, one lot, $410.90. Mr. G. B. Phillips, one lot, $359.00. Men who have tobacco this year are the men who have/ money. Large check! are paid out every day. There are a few farmers in Johnston County who will get all the way from ten to twenty thousand dollars for their to bacco crop* These are just a few out of many. Never in the history of tobacco grow ing in North Carolina has such priccs been realized as have been paid on the Smithfield market tnese past few days. I RALEIGH LAD RUN DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE AND KII.I-EI) Raleigh, Oct. 13. ? The little son of Mr. Harlie Gleen, former city clerk, was run down on New Bern avenue today by an automobile r.nd fatally injured. He died this afternoon. The machine was being driven by Dhvid II. Harris, colored, who drives a pub lic machirc for Sorrell & Smih. It is charged that while Harris was not speeding, ho was looking back at the time so that he did not see the lad or sound any warning with his horn. The little boy's skull was badly fractured and his shoulder broken. He was rushed to the hospital and the negro and his machine were taken in hanr! by the police and he is being held in the eify prison on the ground of criminal ncfl'T^ne" in driving. A large number of Smithfield peo ple are going to attend the Str.te Fair ?his wck at Raleigh. A larg? num ber will go to Rrleigh tonight and to morrow tc see "The Garden of Allah" at the Academy of Music. ACUTE SITUATION IN GERMANY. ( Minister (o Switzerland Says He Be- I lieves German Resistance Has lteen Broken. \N il*on's Note Sinks Deep and is Having Effect Upon Public, Eager lor Peace. An Atlantic l'ort, Oct 12. ? After ^ thre# years spent in the center of ^ Europe's colossal struggle, Pleasant A. StovuH, United Spates minister tc | Switse'lrnd, declared on his arrival , h^re todr.j that the economic situation in Germ; ny is acute and that ho be lieved t!ie backbone of German resist ance has been broken. , i Sine;' the publication of President Wilson': reply to Pope Bent "ict's peace proposal# in which the Presi dent stated that the United States is warring upon the German govern- , ment, and net upon the German peo ple, the revulsion :?gains' the war, Mr. Steven said, has been spreading rapidly through Germany. "The effect of this statement was for a long time not noticeable," he as serted, "but slowly and surely it is sinking deeper and deeper into the German luart. If left to themselves the German peopl" would peace tomorrow. As it js, forces are at work in Germany which will eventu ally ? no man can safely predict how soon ? compel the German govern ment to make peacc with the wcrld. "There is no dcubt about the econo mic straits in which Germany now finds itself. The situation is acute." 700,000 Bushels of Grain Burned. Now York, Oct. 13. ? Reports of in cendiarism in connection with a dis astrous watersfront fire w'-icli de stroyed an elevator and neary 700, 000 bushels of grain in Brooklyn to day, were revived tonight when Fire Chief Ker.len issued a statement say ing the cause of the blaze would be rigidly investigated. The property loss was estimated at more than $1, 200,000. "There have been 5(3 water front fires in New York City lately and it is improbable that all resulted from natural causes," Chief Kenlon said. The grain consumed today was in tended for export, according to offi cials of the New York Dock Compa ny, owners of the elevator. Superintendent Tomlins, in charge of the elevator, declared the fire was / caused' I y an explosion inside the structure He said the nature of this explosion warranted the suspicion of bomb "planter" being responsible. This theory was scouted by Fire Marshal Bropliy, who, after a pre liminary investigation said he believ ed an explosion of "grain dust" had occurred. FOOD REGISTRATION DAY. Saturday, October 27th, Instead of Next Saturday. \ The Food Conservation Campaign advertised in last Friday's Her ild to begin Saturday, October 20th, has been postponed one week on account of the Liberty Bond Campaign which is on tlm week. Therefore, the meet ing at s>;hc school houses wil be bad Saturday week, Cctcber 27th, from 0 o'clock in the m< rning until 4 o'clock in the : fiernoon. Every mar and wo man in the County is urged to go to their respective school houses and registe- in the Food Conservation Campaign. The women of ihe County are also requesteJ to register for war work on the samo day and at the same place. Any and every woman and girl in the County who is willing to do any kind of work in case of emergency during the war is urged to register and state what kind of work she will do, or pre fers. Tbi^ is and will be explained by the ladiei in charge. Mrs. B. B. Ad ams, of Four Oaks, is Chairman of the committee. This October 15th, 1917. F. H. BROOKS, Food Administrator Johnston County. Army Deserter Draws 10 Years. Atlanta, Oct. 13. ? Otto K. Bren nan, of Ashport, Tenn., was found guilty of desertion from th" 82nd di v'snn of the National Army by a mili tary cou-t at Camp Gordon today and sentenced to U> years iij the Atlanta Federal prison. Arf announcement by the military authorities after the ver dict was rendered said the prisoner pleaded pruilty to the ^harjre of de sertion, but declared "his conscience did not permit him to enpage in war." OTTON OIL PLANT BURNED. I Slaxe Saturday Night at (loldslxtro i Did Damage Fstimated at Front #200,000 to $000,000. Goldsln ro, Oot. 13. ? Firo early to nivrht totally destroyed the large plant of the Southern Cotton Oil Com- ( pany, located in the southern part of ' the* city, together with several out- ( houses stored with cotton s;>ed and ' several box cars of Atlantic Coast 1 Lino. The origin of fire is undetermined j and conservative estimates place loss ^ between $200,000 and $600,000, par- ( tially covered by insurance. A high j brick well between, the burned plant t mid that of Wayne Agricultural i Works saved the later plant from de- ] atruction, being recently erected for i In protection. I WILSON'S MILLS NEWS. (By Harriet Uzzle.) Mr. 1). O. Uzzle and Mr. Frank j Davis witnessed the football game at Raleigh last Ftfiday. Misses Lorena and Myrtle Creech, of Clayton, were the guests Gf Miss Myrtie Ellis last Saturday and Sun flay Mr. Sobe Harper and family attend ed services at the Disciple church last Sunday. < Miss Burnice Tomlinson returned Tuesday from Rex Hospital where she has had an operation for appendicitis. 1 Mr. G. M. Uzzle, from Wake Forest College, spent last Satjrday here. Miss Maggie Parrish who came home from the State Normal to spend a few days, is ill with fever. Among those from Clayton who spoke at the Baptist church last Sun day concerning the Red Cross work, . were Mesdames Home, Thurston, Car ter, Priddie, Jenkens, Griffin, Hocutl, Hall and Messrs. Thurston and Car ter. Miss Sallie Wilson left this week for extended visits at Wilson and Pe tersburg, on her way to Washington, D. C. Mr. Frank Davis has returned from a flying trip to Farmville, N. C. Miss Clair Hodges is spending this week-end with her sister at Wilson. Much excitement was caused last Sunday when it was discovered that a bale of cotton belonging to Mr. D. O. Uzzle was on fire at the gin, but noth ing was injured except the bale which was abou'. half burned yp. Mrs. C. M. Wilson and Mrs. J. T. Holt are attending the Fair at Louis burg this weak. Miss Lucy Davis was in SmitJjfield shopping Thursday afternoon. Professor R. A. Pope made a busi ness trip to Durham Friday after noon. The Franklin Literary Society met Friday afternoon and the following were numbers on the program: Dare-Devil Whiting, The Human Torpedo ? James Turnage. S'py System in This-Country ? Orrell* Massey. Balfour, The Enigma ? Harriet Uz zle. The Movies as an Industry ? Joseph Sanders. France Supreme in Architecture ? Pauline Ellis. Our Debt of Gratitude to France Myrtle Ellis. French Achievement in Surgery and Medicine ? Wilton Smith. French Spirit in Education ? Eliza beth Uzzle. Story Reproduction ? Hunter Tur nage. The Screens ? Jennie B. Tomlinson. Debate: Resolved, That LaFollette is an Enemy to our Country. Affirma tive ? Lucy Davis; negative ? Anthony Uzzle. Income Taxes as the Senate Fixes Them ? Lucy Turnage. Negro Goes to Koads. Last week Judge Brook* had before him in the Recorder's Court Charley Canaday, a negro, charged, with curs ing on the public highway. He was charged with cursing and using vio lent language toward some of the drafted men who were going to the depot to entrain Cor Camp Jackson. Judge Brooks sentenced the negro to the roads twelve months. Men must be careful how they carse and ^lbuse Uncle Sam's men. The country correspondent who speaks of a "flying visit" will soon [have ample authority for using the phrase. * \ tO ADS SHOW BIG INCREASE. rhat for Southern Lines During Au gust Totaled $16,147,407. Receipts Increased $8,300,000 and Expenses $7,300,000. Washington, Oct. 13. ? Net revenue >f railroads of the South during Au ?ust \Vi.s $16,147,107, or nearly $1, )00,000 mcjre tflan August, 1916, the Interstate Commerce Commission an nounced late today. 'r' j receipts in creased by $8,300,000 and the expen ses jumpe<^ $7,300,000. All railroads in the country showed increased ex penses, the commission's figures in dicated, una a resume for August of railroad operations for the entire country, made public late today by the commission, with all roads heard from except eight, shows tnat gross operating receipts increased nearly (587,000,000 over August, 1916, but that the net revenue from operations, iespite heavy increase? about 12 per cent fell more than $4,000,000 below tVF figures of a -year ago. While gross revenues touched the highest level ever recorded in August, ex penses increased $41,000,000 an^l net revenue per mile fell off from $528 to |807. " K roa d foot - \\ i ns t on . Fayettcville, Oct. Kl. ? The wedding of Miss Lizzie Winston and Mr. Wil liam G. Broadfoot, which was solemn ized at the Baptist church at Selina, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, was of much interest to society throughout North Carolina and neighboring States. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. M. C. Winston, of.Selma, and the groom is the son of Major and Mrs. J. B. Broadfoot, of Black Mountain, and is a popular and successful business man of Connelly Springs. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Chas. E. Ste vens before a massive embankment of palms, ferns and Killarney roses. Before the entrance of the bridal par ty Miss Pat Walser sang, "For Love's Sweet Sake." To the strains of the wedding march from Tannhauser, rendered by Miss Stella Etheridge, the bride entered with her father, Mr. M. C. Winston, by whom she was given away. The groom with his best man, Mr. Claude W. Rankin, of Fayettcville, met them at the altar. The bride's handsome gown was of bridal satin, with Mary Tudor train, hand-embroidered in silver and pearls. Her Veil was simple arranged from a bandeau of pearls, and she carried a muff* of valley lilies and orchids. Mrs. Avera Winston, the dame of honor, and the only attendant of the bride, wore a frock of silver-green satin with picture hat to match, and carried a muff of Killarney roses. The ushers wert Messrs. Avera Winston, M. C. Tuck, R. P. Gibson, E. C. Griffith, Charles W. Bror.dfoot, Frank Arms field and Robert I. Dallon. Immediately following the cere mony i\ brilliant reception was held at the bride's home, "Avcrton." In the reenvihg line were the bride and groom, Mr. M. C. Winston, Mrs. John vB. Broadfoot, Mrs. John P. Winston, Mrs. II. R. Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. Avera Winston. The reception rooms were attractively decorated in white roses, chrysanthemums and Smilax, carrying out a color scheme of white , and green. A Raleigh orchestra ren dered the music. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Broadfoot loft for an extencTtvl wedding trip. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. John B. Broadfoot, of Black Mountain; Mrs. Henry R. Bryan, Miss Margaret Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. John\ S. Clay poole, Mrs. J. I). Gardner, of New Bern; Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Jordan, of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rankin, of Fayetteville; Mr. and Mrs. D. W.\ Currie, of Fayetteville; Miss Pat Wal lace, of Lexington; Miss Stella Ether idge, of Red Springs; Miss Laura Hales, Miss Annie Shepherd Branch, Mr. John Bruton, of Wilson; Miss Elizabeth Belk, of Charlotte; Miss Mary Bryan Griswold, of % Durham; Miss Margaret Jennings, of Fayette ville; Miss Mary Micheaux, of Golds boro; M'. and Mrs. John P. Winston, of Wendell; Mr. T. W. Winston, Mrs. Robert Ashworth, of Norfolk, Va.; William Winston, of the Aviation Corps, Hampton, Va.; Miss Louise Gwathmey, of South Richmond, Va., and Judge Robert W. Winston, of Raleigh. ? News and Observer. As a preliminary to more sanguin ary .engagements, our boys will first be engaged in murdering French verb* and other parts of speech.

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