SKI M A SCHOOL NOTES. The program for our chapel exer cise was very interesting Tuesday morning The song "America" was sung by the school. Then Mr. Moser said the entire programme would concern everybody, including the school, town, county, and even the whole Stute. What was this program about that it should concern every body so vitally ? It was fire preven tion. We all knew about the great damages caused by (ire annually, But do we stop to think how this can be prevented ? Mr. Moser read the proclamation of Governor Bickctt. In this proclama tion, Governor Bickctt stated the fact that the loss caused by fire nnnuully in the SUte of North Carolina was practically equal to the cntir-j taxes le\icd for the support of the State government. Finally, * he comes out with the astonishing fact that two thirds of the fire taxes arc wholly un necessary, and art due to lack of rea sonable care. For this reas< n, Gover nor Bickctt issued a proclamation and set aside Tuesday, the 9th of October as Fire Prevention Day. He urged all schools to take part and stimulate an interest in this work. Mr. Mosir told this to the children in a very interesting way and tried to make each pupil feel personally re sponsible for taking the proper pre cautions in his own home as regards fire, especially in the matter of mrtch es, gasoline, and rubbish. L. 8. 1 The Curtis tests have* been given to nil the Grammar Grades this week and the result is very good. These tests are a short review on the 'following subjects: addition and subtraction; multiplication and divisicn. Every pupil is given eight minutes in which to do subject. There are twelve examples under each subject, and many of the pupils race to see who can do the most examples in the eight minutes. These tests are beneficial as they review the pupils on what they have almost forgotten, and make them more accurate in numbers. It also trains their minds to work quick ly. These tests count in their daily grades. There are some pupils who can solve everyone in eight minutes and yet get them Correct. ? G. F. o The meeting of the "Moser Literary Society," for October 11, was held with the vice-president, Jennings Tal ton, presiding, and Linwood Richard xon acting as secretary. The pro gram cc nsisted of th reading of the Constitution and By-Laws by Ormnn Bailey and a debate. The constitution was read and approved. Then, as there was not time for the debate, and there was no further business to come before the society, the meeting adjourned until next Thursday, October 18th < O. B. Yesterday, the girls of the Archer Literary Society, gave a very inter esting patriotic programme. First, Lillian Corbett told a short story of the Composition of the National Sony: which was very interesting. Car rie M-ie White then t >ld of the cus tom of honoring the national song. A composition "How we can be loyal to our Country" was read by Eliza beth Earp. This told us of the oppor tunities at home to help the soldiers at the front. This is a subject every American should hes-.r discussed and one we should feel the importance of. Zilphia Fulghum spoke on Current Events, her subject being America's Patriotic Response to Liberty Loans. A patriotic rong was sunk by Mabel Wilkinson and Fannie Wellons. The society was then adjourned. E. V. o? The eleventh grade met tn the school library privately for the pur pose of organizing the senior class. The officers were as follows: Presi dent, Houston Rrynolda ; Vice-Presi dent, Hena King; Secretary and Treasurer. Lillian Snipes. The next meeting we have we will olect a his torian, poet, prophet, and statistician. We will talk ovir plans that the class hopes will be carried out. The colors and motto will be decided on at next meeting. We are going to heln the superntendent in keeping the school grounds in order, and any other way we can. L.'S. Mothers' Meeting Organized. On Wednesday afternoon promptly at three o'clock, fifty or more mothers and friends of the school met at the Graded School building and organiz ed an association for the betterment of the school. The meeting was en thusiastic and full of the work to gether spirit. Every person present joined the association and many of the ladies expressed a desire to do any thing possible to further the useful ness of the school in the community. Superintendent. Moser made a very interesting and inspiring talk in which he urged a closer contact between pa? re nth and teachers. He mentioned several ways thrt the mothers in the community can blip the school, such as aiding in beautifying the ? school grounds mid the building, furnishing the library and arranging for its use by the town people as well as the school; creating a sentiment against unnecessary nbccnces, helping to in terest every patron in the district in the School in a personal way, and get ting every child in the community in school. He spoke also on the common inter est that the parent and teach- r had in the personal welfare of ihe child, an interest that neither could feel so keenly in anything else. In closing, Mr. Moser suggested other benefits that might result from this monthly meeting. He snid we come together in the interest of the school, suggestions take root tnd grow into activities. In exchanging thoughts better ways of thinking and acting come to light. In this associa tion a broader view of the communi ty's big interests develop. At the Close of Mr. Moser's talk a suggestion for a permanent organiza tion met with p hearty response. Ofti cers were elected as follow*: Mrs. E. II. Moser, President; Miss Elizabeth Hyman, Vice-President; Miss Doug lass Hand Secretary. A tomporarj programme committee was appointed consisting of Mrs. N. E. Ward, Mrs. L. I). Debnam, Miss Elizabeth Hyman, nnd Miss Adams. Mrs. Robert Ether edge, Mrs ii. F. Hreitz, and Mrs. W. A. Edgerton were appointed as a so cial committee. Then followed an informal meeting, everybody seemed to get acquainted with everybody else. The temperature of the school spirit which was already high, rose several degrees. MISS HANI). Selm:>, N. C., Oct. 12, 1017. MUCH MONKY FLOWING IN. 'I he* high prices paid Air cotton and tobacco, and especially for tobacco, have brought much money into this section. The farmers are getting the money and they arc filling th" hanks with it. The new bank at Lucama which is not yet quite a year old had at the beginning of the tobacco sea son on deposit forty-seven thousand j dollars. Now they have on deposit a hundred anil forty-five thousand dol lars. This is a fine showing for this bank and also for the community in which it is located. (Government To Control Food. Announcement conies from Wash* inuton that virtually all the staple food consumed by the American peo ple will be put under government con trol on November 1st. This is to be done in order to prevent unreasonable profits and speculation and hoarding. A Shortage With Him. A brother editor says: "I'roaptrity, it is said, is causing a shortage of one dollar bills. We had noticed it, also a shortage of two dol lar bills, and five dollar bills, and ten dollar bills, and several other denom inations.' Your religion stands t.r falls by what you do to the person next to you. ? Gipsy Smith. <;kki:vs m <;i sr i i,owkr Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intes tines, cleans and sweetens the stom ach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and im purities from the blood. 25 and 75 cent bottles. Sold by Creech Drug Ci. AH. VINOL MAKES CHILDREN STRONG And Invigorates Old People Any doctor will tell you that the ingredients of Vinol as printed below contain the elements needed to im prove the health of delicate children and restore strength to old people. T? Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron " an J Manganese Pcptonates, Iron and Ammop' im Citrate, Lime and Soda UlytertjUiosplialts, Cascade. Those who have puny, ailing or run-down children or aged parents may prove this at our expense. Besides the good it does children and the aged there is nothing like Vinol to restore strength and vitality to weak, nervous women and over worked, run-down men. Trv it. If you are not entirely sat isfied, we will return your money without question; that proves our fairness and your protection. Mil lions of people have been convinced this way. HOOD HROS., Smithfield, N. C. Dr. rcr (" nnnd King, a, U~w Yoi-k City Physician and Medical Author, t yg: "There cnn be no strolls', vigorous, iron men nor ktuntlfal, healthy, rosy-cheek?rt womuirTtm.ont Iron ? Nuxated Xron taken three times per day after meals will increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, run-down folks loo 1 r cent. In two weeks' time In many Instances. Avoid the old forms of metalllo Iron, which may Injure the teeth, corrode ths stomach, and thereby do more harm than (rood. Take only organic Iron ? Nuxated Xron." It Is dispensed In this city by t.11 good druggists. HOOD IJROS., Smithfkld, N. C. CREECH DRUG CO., Smithflcld, N. C. 1917 Taxes Are Now Due I. W. F. Grimes, Sheriff of Johnston County, will be at the following places on following date with 1917 Tax Book for the purpose of receiving Taxes. Tax Books are now open in my office at Smithfield. Come early and pay m to avoid the rush. Wilson's Mills township, Wilson'sJ^lills, October 17th. Wilders township, Archer Lodge, October 18th. Oneals township, Hare's Store, October 19th. Beulah "township, Kenly, October 20th. Micro township. Micro, October 22nd. Pine Le\ el township, Pinq Level, October 23rd. Boon Hill township. Princeton, October 24th. Bentonsville township, Bentonville, October 25th. Meadow township, Peacock's Cross Roads, October 26th. Banner township, Benson, October 27th. Elevation township, Elevation, October 29th. Pleasant Grove township, Court House, October 30th. Cleveland township. Court House, October 31st. Ingrams township, Four Oaks, November 1st. Selma township, Selma, November 2nd. Clayton township. Clayton, November 3rd. Smithfield township, Smithfield. November 5th. In writing Sheriff for amount of taxes please state full name and township where property* is located. W. F. GRIMES, Sheriff Jphnston County. October 1, 1917. Valuable Farm For Sale ' The Grantham Farm two miles fron Smith field on the Central highway . Two hun dred acres, with about 70 acres cleared , good pasture with good wire fence around it. Anyone wishing to investigate can be shown over the farm by Mr . John Webb who lives on the premises. This valuable farm will be sold to the high est\bidder for cash on the first Monday in November November 5th ? - in front of the Court House door in Smithfield, at 12 o9 clock M. Sale is for division. N. B. GRANTHAM For the heirs. Ufl iiLil LAND If you have a farm you wish to sell Privately or at Auction Write or Call MIDDLESEX INSUR ANCE AND REALTY CO Middlesex, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Exccutor on the estate of J. N. Stnncil, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 14th day of September, 1918, or this no tice will be pleaded in br.r of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 12th day of Sept., 1917. THOS. H. ATKINSON, Executor. FARM FOR SALE. A farm of 113 acres with seventy acres cleared, six miles north of Sel ma, and three and a half miles from Wilson's Mills, for sale. One six room dwelling with two porches, ono three room dwelling and one two-room dwelling all new, and good outhouses. Good strong land suitable for cottor cr tobacco. A large pasture fenced. Apply to, THOMAS JORDAN. Wilson's Mills, N. C., Route No. 2. LOST OR STOLEN? SEPTEMBER 28th, one black and white spotted bird dog, medium size. Finder will please notify Geo. F. Moore, Ben son, and receive reward. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FA 1 .E POWDER. The beauty secret of j women who know how to take care of the com plexion. Cannot be detected. Heals Sun burn, stops Tan. Soothing, cooling, refreshing. Pink. M'Afte. -JfcweJW. 75c. at 'Druggists or by mail direct. Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lroa Mfg. Co.. 40 South Filth S?.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Comfort, Economy, Satisfaction Comfort in the feel of well fitting clothes. Lconorcy in quality that gives the limit in wear and service, at a moderate price. Satisfaction in knowing you are well dressed. You'll find these anjl more in "Shield Brand" Clothes. That's the reputation they have maintained for nearly twenty years. That's why we sell them. New Fall Patterns ready to show now. Come in and SEE Unio any way,. Joseph Milad Clayton, N. C. rO MAKE LIFE'S WALK EASY we wer.r Hunt Club Shoes. Cottcr Undcrwood Co., Smithfield, N. C. LOOK AT OUR WORK SHOES for men ? $3.00 to $5.00. N. B. Grantham. Two to One in duality and Quantity The Luzianne Guarantee: If, after us in# the contents of a can. you are not satisfied in every respect, your gro cer will refund .your money. Yes, Ma'am; and you don't have to take it for granted, either. You can prove the first by taste, and the second by arithmetic. Buy a can of Luzianne. Use half the quantity you ordinarily would. If it doesn't go farther and taste better than other coffee at the price, tell the man who sold it to you and he'll give you back your money. Make no mistake, Luzianne is great coffee ? exceeding great. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. The Reily ^Taylor Company, New Orleans

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