Attend The Bij Smithfield, Johnston County Fair November 7, 8 and 9. MATHER, the World Famous Aviator Will be Hefe During Our Fair The Fair this season promises to surpass any we have yet held. Great efforts are being made to have the Best Exhibits of live stock, poultry , farm arid garden products, Pantry supplies, fancy and art work ever seen in Smithfield . The Midway features with the Merry -Go-Round, the Fer ris Wheel, The Whip and other attractions are going to better than anything of the kind ever seen in Johnston County . A number of Good Horses have been entered for the races and we are expecting the finest racing that we have ever had at our Fair. We are on the circuit with the leading Fairs of Eastern North Carolina and the Best Features ?? of the other fairs will be seen at Smithfield in November. Remember the dates November 7, 8, and 9, For further information , see or write, E. J. WELLONS, Secretary and Treasurer SMITHFIELD, N. C. ? Arrangements have been made with the Young Aeroplane Company of New York City to have Carl Mather, the World Famous Aviator, here during our Fair. Mather is considered one of the best High Flyers in the country and his stunts will make everyone sit up and take notice. Mather will do all the crazy stuff", and is said to be a treat when it comes to thrills that make your hair stand up. Mather's sensational flying is said to be wonderful. He has made many flying trips in the big cities and everywhere he has flown he was considered one of the greatest Aviators ever known. An Exchange, from Atlanta, (la., says that Mather made a thrilling flight over the city, going at the rate of seventy miles an hour, he drove his machine through the clouds, which soon developed into a mist and rail* and he was above the clouds by this time, he became lost; and in trying to get back to the field, found himself several miles away. Undaunted by his experience, Mather turned his machine and headed for the city again and could be seen coming out of the clouds in an altogether different direction from where he disappeared. He was wet when he landed and said that he had had some experience.He was in the air just 35 minutes. The above ts only a sample of the many daring stunts that Aviator Mather performs. Mather is described as being a modest young man, and is said to look like a Ncrrth Carolina native. There are eleven Aviators with the Young Aeroplane Company but Mather is said to be one of the most clever of the bunch. He sure and come to THE JOHNSTON COUNTY FAIR and see the loop the loop and Bombs dropped on Smithfield by the famous Aviator. Briscoe Model B-4-24 "The Car With The Half -Million Dollar Motor" You want the oar you buy to look well and to run well. The new Briscoe B-4-24 does both. It's the best looking car that you meet on the road. When designing the Briscoc B-4-24 we never lost sight of the fact that lirst impressions count for much these days, with the result that the Briscoc has won the reputation of being "The best looking l'ght weight car built." Its beauty grips you. Beneath its handsome body and high hood are a motor, a transmission and other mechanical units that have been proven in hard, constant service. The Half-Million Dollar Motor is famed at home and abroad for its inexhaustible power, for its speed and quick acceleration and for its astonishing economy of oil and gasoline. C. A. CCRBETT, Agent Selma, N. C. Can Make Prompt Delivery for the iSext Ten Daytf. ilOncE or sale. ' TTndtr and by virtue of the author ity contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on January 2nd, 1917, by J. I. Peele to Jas. lJ. Abell and It. G. Gray (doing business as Abell & Gray), and recorded in the Regis: try of Johnston County, in Book No! 24, page 215, default having been made in the payment of the bonds se cured by said Mortgage Deed, and the conditions of said Deed having been broken, the undersigned, Mortgagees, will, on Friday, November 23rd, 1917, at twelve o'clock M., at the Court House door of Johnston County, in the town of Smithfield, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for Cash, that certain parcel or tract of land situate in Wilders township, Johnston County, and State of North Carolina, and described and defined as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the run | of Spring Branch in J. D. Creech's line, and runs with said line S. 5 de crees W. 66.8 poles to a stake, corner of Lot No. 6; thence with said line S. 9 degrees W. 175 poles to a stake in the run of Buffalo; thence up the run of said Buffalo to the run of Spring Branch; thence up the run of said Branch to the beginning, containing one hundred and fifty-nine (159) acres, more or less, end being Lot No. 5 in the Division of the lands of John 1>. Eason, deceased, as recorded in I>and Book No. 5, page 482, Clerk's Office of Johnston County. This 22nd duv of October, 1917. JAS. H. ABELL, and H. G. GRAY, Mortgagees. A. & W? Attorneys. BI GGIES OF ALL KINDS AT? Cotter-Underwood Co.'s Store at the old prices. Smithfield, N. C. EVERYBODY IS HAPPY THAT s?Jls tobacco at the Farmers Ware house. Join the happy cn>\vd. CAR OF HACKNEY BUGGIES EX pectcd to-day at Austin-Stephenson Company's ? ask any nan who has owned one. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FROM $2.50 to $5.00 in a suit of clothes, you can do it at The Austin-Ste phenson Company's. WANTED TO BUY YOUR MUTTON suet. Hood Bros., Smithfield, N. C. AFTER SICKNESS THEY GAVE ' HER VINOL And She Soon Got Back j Her Strength j New Castle, Ind. ? "The measles left mc run down, no appetite, could not rest at night, and I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs, so I was unable to keep about my house work. My doctor advised me to take Vinol, and six bottles restored my health so I do all my housework, in cluding washing. Vinol is the best , medicine I ever used." ? Alice Record, 437 So. nth St., New Castle, Ind. We guarantee this wonderful cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol, for all weak, run-down, nervous conditions. HOOD BROS., Smithfifld, N. C. Getting Old Too Fast Late in life mc body is likely to show signs of wear and often the kidneys weaken first. The back is lame, bent and achy, and the kidney action is distressing. This makes people feel older than they are. Don't wait for the worst effects of bad kidneys ? dropsy, gravel, hard ening of the arteries or Blight's disease. Use a mild kidney stimu lant. Try Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands of elderly folks recom mend them. A Smithfield Case. Mrs. S. E. Parker. j Smithfiek), says: "My hack ached and pained all the I time and in the | morning 1 was so sore and stiff that I could hardly dress myself. The least cold settled in my kidneys and made my condition worse. Sometimes, I felt a sharp pain when stooping. My kidneys acted irregularly and I suffered from headaches and dizzy spells. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of all symptoms of kidney trouble. They strengthened my back find put my kidneys in good shape." ' Get Doao'i ?t Any Store, fiOc * Box DOAN'S Fo?Ur-Milburn Co., > Ruffalo, N. T. I ; YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BY BUY ing your Furniture at The Austin Stephenson Company's. A trial is all we ask. N otice This is to inform the public gener ally that I have no connection " w whatever with the firm Abdalla & R. Le wis Co., composed of Jim Abdalla Iyup Jobe and Richard Lewis. I have heretofore backed Lewis in his business and became responsible for Merchandise sold to him but our business relations have been severed and I am no longer responsible for his obligations or business transactions. Oct. 20 1917. TOM ABDALLA, * Smithfield-Selma, N. C.