DOLLAR DAY AT The First National Financial Strength Or The First National Bank I At the Close of Business Nov. 17, 1917. Resources. Loans and Discounts $473,118.46 Liberty Bonds Owned 65,140.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Rank, Richmond, Va. . , . 2,250.00 Ranking House, Furniture and Fixtures 20,000.00 Due from Ranks and Rank ers 218,442,52 Cash in our own vault 43,170.53 Total $822,121.51 Liabilities. Capital Stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus 35,000.00 Undivided Profits 7,109.39 Unearned interest and inter est due Depositors 8,023.41 Deposits 721,988.71 Re-discounts NONE Rills Payable NONE Total $822,121.51 Will .start a Checking Account. You can keep a better check on your expenses when you pay your bills by check. Will start a Savings Account and a Dollar now and then added will surprise you in a short while. A week Savings Account ? Fifty weeks brings you a return of Fifty-one Dollars. It is not the One extra Dollar that you make, but the Fifty-one ? A Dollar saved is a Dollar made. $1 We issue Time Certificates for any amount from one Dollar up. $1 Will not buy anywhere ? 'The protec tion against loss by fire, burglary, etc., neither the assurance of help in time of need" that you set by associating your self with The Fi rst National Bank We extend to you a hearty invitation to visit us on Wednesday ? Dollar Day. Officers T. R. HOOD, President N. B. GRANTHAM, Vice-President R. N. AYCOCK, Cashier C. V. Johnson, Asst. Cashier F. O. FITZGERALD, Bookkeeper Directors T. R. HOOD N. B. GRANTHAM B. B. ADAMS J. H. B. TOMLINSON R. N. AYCOCK J. D. UNDERWOOD F. H. BROOKS. J. J. BROADHURST J. D. SPIERS F. K. BROADHURST W. H. AUSTIN of Million Dollar Sterling Character who watch over and care for each single The First National Bank Smithfield, North Carolina NOTICE OF ELECTION. NOTICE is given that an election is hereby called for Bentonnville Town ship, Johnston County, to be held at the usual voting place in said Town ship, on the 15th day of January, 1918, on the question whether Bontonsville Township shall issue not more than Twenty-Five THOUSAND, THIRTY YEAR. FIVE PER CENT COUPON BONDS, interest to be paid semi annually on the first day i f January and July of each year, said Bonds to be issued for the purpose of building, repairing, making, constructing, and otherwise improving the Public Roads of said Township; also for the purpose of ascertaining whether the Board of County Commissioners of Johnston County shall be authorized to levy and collect i special tax of thirty cents on the $100 valuation of property, and Ninety cents on the poll for the pur pose of raising the funds with winch to pay th<> interest on said Bonds and to provide for the payment of said Bonds at maturity in accordance with Chapter 122 of the Public Laws of North Carolina Session 1013 of the General As mbly and the amend ments thereof. AH who favor said Bonds and special tax and who are entitled to vote in said election will cast a ballot upon which shall be written or printed the wrrds: "FOR ROAD BONOS," and those opposed to the proposition shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words; "AGAINST ROAD BONOS," and only one box shall be provided for th reception of said ballots. An entire new registration for Ben tonsvillc Township is hereby ordered and the registration Books of said Township will be open from Friday, December 14th, 1917, to and including Saturday, January 5th. 1018, for the purpose of giving to all those who are entitled to do r,o an opportunity to register for said election. Albert M. Rose is hereby appointed Registrar and Lindley Cox and J. N. Rhodes are hereby appointed Judges of Elect if n for said Election. This Nov. 12th. 1917. SAM T. HONEYCUTT. Clerk Board of County Commissioners. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. On Monday, November 2f>th, at 12 o'clock M., I shall offer for sale to the highest bidder at the Court House door ip the town of Smithfield, that proper ty in said town, adjoining the prizery of T. S. Ragsdale & Co., the lots of Walter Radford, J. D. Underwood and others, and containing 1 3-4 acres, more or less. This property produces a good income, having five houses, all _ ented, situate thereupon. It has a frontage of 149 feet on Market street and 319 feet on Fifth street. Terms, one-half cash, balance in one year. This November 15, 1017. S. S. HOLT. Attorney, Smithfield, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of Wesley Whitley, deceased, hereby no tifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 2nd day of November, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment. This !10th day of October, 1917. GEORGE WHITLEY, Administrator. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Land. Under and by virtu" of a judgment of the Superior Court of Johnston County, N. C., rendered at the Septem ber, 15)17, Term, in tie case of Lum mie C. Jones and husband Calvin B. Jones vs. A. M. Langdon et als., the undersigned, commisioners, will, on Wednesday, December 1*2, 1917, at one o'clock p. m. at the Court House door, in Smithfield, offer ^for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lnnds: situate in Johnston County, N. C., adjoining the londs of Anderson Stephenson, Kufus Benson, Elias Pollard, M. C. Barbour and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a Black gum on the run of Black Creek, John Barbour's corner and runs N. 50 Vj W. 117.4 poles to a stake, formerly a maple; thencc N. 10 W. 40.2 poles to a stake in the center of New road; thence S. 50, W. with the road :>4 links or 24 feet to a stake; thence S. 10 E. 39.2 poles to a stake; thence N. 8(5 W. lU) poles to a rtake, Anderson Stephen son's corner, thence S. 4 W. 11.6 poles to a stake or Pine stump; thence S. 27 E. 248 poles to a stake on the run of Black Creek; thence down the run of said creek to the beginning, containing 148 acres, more or less. This sal? ?carries the estate in fee in all the above described lands except the life estate of Rufus Lanjrdon in 50 acres lying on the West side of said tract, with the right to get wood, pine i.traw and lightwood nnd timber of any kind for the benefit of the land and premi ses during said life estate. This 10th dav of Nov., 1917. JAMES P. PARKER. ELMER J. WELLONS, Commissioners. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of Charley Starling, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or be fore the 2nd dav of November, 1918. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons in debted to estate will make im mediate payment. This 2nd dav of November, 1917. CIIAS. F. KIRBY, Administrator. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage deed given to the undersigned by A. C. Carter and wife, Kuth Carter, the undersigned will sell at public auction for cash at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield at 12 o'cock M. to the highest bidder, on Saturday, Dec. 15th' 1!M7, the following described tract of land: beginning at a stake, corner of Lot No. ?>, on Chestnut Street and runs with Lot No. 0 N. 2% degrees E. 150 j feet to a stake; thence 87% degrees W. 100 feet to a stake, corn-r of Lot No. 3; thence with Lot No. 3, 82 % degrees W. 150 feet to stake, corner of Lots Nos. 3, 7, 4; thence with Chest nut Street S. 87 1 2 degrees E. 100 feet to the beginning. The above described piecc or parcel of land being Lots N< s. 1 and 5 of the land surveyed for II. J. Noble, by J. I. Perkor. This November 14th, 1917. J. E. PARKER, Mortgagee. WELLONS & WELLONS, Attorneys. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. ' Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed by J. A. Starling ?:<> J. 11. .Tones and wife, Nona Jones, and which mortgage deed was duly transferred to the undersitrned, de fault having been made in the pay ment 1 f the debt secured by same, the undersigned will sell to the high est bidder for cash at the Court House door in Smithfield, N. C., on Friday the 30th day of November, 11)17. at 2 q'clock P. M., the follow ing described tract of land: Reing in Reulah township and de scribed as follows: Reginning at a stake ir the Lowell road in Harvey Edgerton's line, runs with said line S. 87 degrees E. 57 7-10 poles to a stake in F. C. Edgerton's line; thence with said line S. G W. 14 poles to a stake; thence S. 14 W. 35 8-10 poles to a stake, Gurney Edgerton's cor ner; thence with said line S. 81 W. 57 1-2 poles to road; thence with said road S. 5 1-2 E. 44 3-10 poles to the beginning, containing 14 1-2 acres more or less. This 20th day of October. 1017. W. H. PARRISH, Transferee of Mortgagee. E. F. YOUNG, Attorney. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Executrix on the estate of W. G. Higgins, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims r.gainst said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 2nd day of November, 1918 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate ivill make immediate payment. This lsfc dav of November, 1917. LILLIAN II LOVE, Executrix. NOTICE. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Charles A. Harris to W. A. Finch, Trustee, dated August 14th, 1914, which said deed is duly recorded in Book "J" No. 12, at page 174, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County; and because of Default made "hi the payment of the notes therein secured, the undersigned will, On Friday, the UOth day of Novem ber, 1917, between the hours of 112:00 M. and 1:00 P. M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Smithtield, N. C., that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being sit uate in Wilders township, Johnston County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a stake near Grave yard; thence S. 85 degrees E. 90 4-5 R. to a stake in W. J. C. Richardson's ! line, cornering; thence N. 5 degrees E. 24 4-5 R. to a stake, W. J. C. Rich ardson's line, corner; thence S. 85 degrees E. 127 2-5 R. to Gum, W. J. C. Richardson's corner; thence S. 04 degrees E. (52 R. to a stake, W. J. C. Richardson's corner in R. B. Whit ley's line; thence N. 9 degrees E. 66 R. to a stake, R. B. Whitley's cor ner, on the bank of Little River; thence up said River to a stake with Sweet Cum and Holly pointers on said River; thence N. 85 degrees W. 127 2-5 R. to a stake in Heflin Richardson's line; thence S. 5 degrees W. 75 R. to a stake Heflin Rich ardson's corner; thenco N. 74 degrees W. to a stake in Heflin Richard son's line; thence up to ditch I 12 1-2 R. to a poplar on small branch; thence up ditch to stake, 52 R.; thence N. 85 degrees W. to stake on road; thence with said road to the begin ning, containing One Hundred and Fifty and one-half (150 1-2) acrtfs, less one-half acre for burial purposes, it being the same land conveyed unto Charles A. Harris by deed of John R. ; Raines and wife and W. E. Batts and I wife. I This October 30th, 1917. W. A. FINCH, Trustee, Wilson, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of J. D. Roberts, decersed, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said ! ( state to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 16th day of : November, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 13th day of November, 1917. W. B. ROBERTS, ? Administrator. UAY & COCKERHAM, Attorneys. NOTICE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. C. E. Whitley vs. Lorenzo Whitley, Romeo Whitley, Alice Sanders and Husband, Lovett Sanders, and Lila Chappell and Husband, Monroe Chappell. The defendants Romeo Whitley, Alice Sanders and Lovett Sanders, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Johnston County to sell the lands of Charlie Whitley and Zilla Whitley, deceased, for division among the heirs at law of said Charlie Whitley and Zilla Whitley and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Court of Johnston County on the 30th day of November, at his office in Johnston County and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 2(ith day of October, 1917. W. S. STEVENS, Clerk Superior Court. A. M. NOBLE, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OK SALE OF REAL ESTATE. That whereas by virtue of a certain mortgage Deed dated December 18th, 1911, and pivc-n by S. V. Wall and wife, India Wall, to John II. Parker, to secure an indebtedness due the said J. II. Parker, and the said mor tgage Deed having been recorded in Book W, No. 11 at page 103 in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of John ston County, and the conditions of the said mortgage Deed having been broken, I will on Saturday, December 22nd. 1917, between the hours of 12 M. and 2 o'clock P. M., in front of the Court House in the town of Smith field, North Carolina, offer for sale the following described real estate: Adjoining the lands of J. II .Parker, Robert Sanders and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Ditch, now J. H. Parker's corner, and runs with the said line South 54 Degrees West 18 Poles to a stake; thence South 36 Degrees West 10 2-10 Poles to a stake; thence North 80*4 Degrees West 25 -4-1 0 Poles to a ditch; thence with the said ditch North 1 Degrees East 21 4-10 to the be- 1 ginning and containing 2 1 1 acres, more or less. Terms of Sale: CASH. This November 20, 1917. JOHN H. PARKER. Mortgagee. 1 Ray & Cockerham, i Attorneys. 1 JOHNSTON COINTY REALTY & 1 Auction Company, of Smithfield, conduct Auction Sale* of farm lands , and town lots for the High Dollar. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualied as Administrator on the estate of Uriah Woodall deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 1 day of Nov., 1918, or this notice will be placed in bar of their recovery; and all persc-ns indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment. This 1 day of Nov., 1917. J. C. WOODALL, Administrator. N. T. RYALS, Attorney. Noticc of Sale of Lot in Belmont. Under and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 22nd day of March, 1915, by Jesse Hunter to the under signed, which mortgage deed is re corded in the Registry of Johnston County, in Book No. 2, page 182, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the bond secured by the same, and the conditions in said mortgage having been broken, the undersigned will, on Saturday, the 15th day of December, 1917, at twelve o'clock M., at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, Johnston County, State of North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for CASH, that certain lot situate in Smithfield Town ship, County and State aforesaid, and being Lot No. 12 according to a plat of the suburb of the town of Smith field, situate East of the A. C. L. Rn'il rord, near the depot, known as " Bel mont," which plat is recorded in the Registry of Johnston County, in Book "L No. 8, page 282, and being a lot fifty by one hundred feet, fronting fiftv feet on Belmcnt Avenue. This 14th d-ny of November, 1917. COTTER-UNDERWOOD CO., Mortgagee. A. & W. Attys. NOTICE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court. Estelle DeArmand vs. E. A. DcArman. The defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Johnston County to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Su perior Court of said County to be held on the 10th day of December, 1917, at the Court House of said coun ty in Smithfield. N. C.. and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion. or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 6th dav of October. 1917. W. S. STEVENS, Clerk of Sunerior Court. VVELIONS & WELLONS. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

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