STATE GUARD IS [ I i ELIMINATED IN 1 NEW ARMY PLAN . Identity of State Organizations Is Lost While This War Lasts. SUGGESTED BYGEN. PERSHING Reorganization Wipes Out Identity of Some Famous State Regiments National Defense Act May Restore It After Conflict. I Washington. ? War department offi cials, general staff officers and army officers generally frankly admit that the National Guard, as It was before the United States entered the war, is being gradually eliminated, certainly as far as this war is concerned. The fact is that since Gen. John J. Pershing was sent to France a de cision has been reached to reorganize the regular army and National Guard | from top to bottom. This decision was made on General Pershing's urgent recommendation. General Pershing's recommendations were the result of conferences in Paris between the American and allied com manders, and the new organization fol lows closely the lines of the present French organization, built up after three years of active fighting. The recommendations of General Pershing were an entire surprise to war department officials and the gen eral staff. The latter balked at first, but ultimately followed the plan rec- i ommended by the American field com- ! manders on the theory that Pershing was on the ground and in a position to know what the British and French have found most effective in battering their way through the German lines. That is the whole story. It is hard on National Guard organizations, es pecially the crack regiments, whose members have always taken great pride in them and striven to improve and perfect them. For Keeping Identity. At the outset the general staff plan provided for mustering into the fed eral service state units as such, each of them to be given a new regular army number, but to retain its iden tity. When General Pershing urgently rec ommended that regiments be increased from 1,500 to more than 3,000, even crack National Guard infantry regi ments, which had been recruited to full war strength were far below the required number. As finally perfect ed, the new organization provides for a regimental maximum strength of 103 officers and 3,652 enlisted men. This explains why it has been neces sary to merge one National Guard reg iment with another. It has been stated repeatedly that the National Guard would next go to France. By combining two Guard units the gen eral staff figured the war department would have a maximum of men In the enlarged regiment who had had some military training and experience. On the other hand, If the recom mendations of governors, senators and representatives and National Guard officers were followed and the ranks of Guard units filfed up with drafted men from the same states, the ma jority of every regiment, with a few exceptions, would be composed of wholly untrained men. This would mean a much longer training period. As reorganized, army experts are con fident the National Guard troops will be ready for service after a minimum training period in this country. Superior Fighting Machine. However disappointing the new or ganization may be to either National Guard or regular army troops, offi cials feel that there can be no doubt that every officer and man In both branches, as well as those now In the (National army camps, want to see the most efficient fighting machine pos sible. Army experts devoted most earnest study and thought to the reor ganization. They think they have per fected an organization which has no superior as a fighting machine. In the reorganization New York's Guardsmen have suffered dlsintegra- 1 tlon. For Instance, the men of the First New York Cavalry and Squadron A find themselves today mere "dough boys," as in the past they termed the Infantry. They are bidding final fare well to their horses, and the parting Is a sad one, for many of the former cavalrymen have had the same mounts for several years. The officers and men of the old First Cavalry are being split up among three units. The One Hundred and Sixth Machine Oun battalion will claim 650 of the enlisted personnel and the j One hundred and Second Trench Mor tar battery, the first of its kind to be organized in this country, takes One Hundred and Eighty One. The One Hundred and Second Ammunition Train will also claim a number of offi cers and men of the old regiment. ' Squadron A, too, has lost its mounts and the organization is now the One Hundr^u uud Fifth Machine Gun bat-, tallon. In tfle Spartanbtirg camp of the Twelfth and Seventy-first regiments, there are not enough men left to make a decent sized company. Thi? historic commands have been drained of their son that more fortunate rcgb meats In the first Une might get their war quotas. In some instances units from two states have been combined or are ' about to be thrown together. These are extreme cases, an<l they tend to stir up even keener resentment than the combining of units within a single state. Missouri Protests. The Fourth Missouri and Third Kan sas furnish u striking illustration. Both of these regiments were below the strength rt>qulred by the new organiza tion. Both contained u large number of veterans. When it was decided to combine them, Missourians immediately rose and protested the ? case in person to Secretary Baker, pointing out the in justice to both states and the damag ing effect on the morale of the oflicers and men. He said this was true, also, of the Second Missouri, which was slated to be carved up and transformed into ma chine gun battalions. Governor Gardner used all of the ar guments he could muster, but wound up by declaring emphatically that if the government could not do other wise Mr. Baker could count on Mis souri supporting him and doing its duty to a man. This case has not yet been finally disposed of, but it is entirely probable that Governor Gard ner will lose. Mr. Baker personally regrets the necessity for breaking up state units. Ohio, his own state, has some crack regiments, and the Buckeye state is being treated exactly as every other state. The first consideration is a military one. The government wants the best possible military machine and only efficiency was considered in per fecting the organization plans. After the War. If there are any definite after-the war plans for the National Guard they have not been revealed. Mili tary experts who discussed the matter declared that after the war the Na tional Guard naturally will revert to its status under the national defense act, which was passed with a view to federalizing the Guard and mak ing it more responsive to national au thority. But what will be left of the Na tional Guard if the war lasts a long time, it is asked? When the Guard was shaken together after its service on the border it numbered approxi mately 150,000. Since that time many thousand Guardsmen have been dis charged on account of dependent rela tives. Its strength at the time the United States entered the war may be put at 125,000 officers and men. Men who have enlisted since that time did so "for the period of the war, and will be automatically discharged when it ends. Meanwhile, it is fair to assume that many of the veteran Guardsmen will appear on casualty lists. At best, therefore, the National Guard proper at the close of the war will be nothing like as large as at present ? 378,000 men. Of course, many of the men who go through the war safely will re-enlist for peace time service. For "Period of War." What is true of the National Guard in this respect also is true of the reg ular army, two-thirds of which is com posed of men who volunteered their services for the period of the war, and cannot be held after peace is declared. The terms of thousands of other men will have expired and they also must be released. It will be recalled that the formal announcement of the war department, in defining the new organization, spe cifically stated that it was for "over seas service." It is but fair to as sume that this organization is not now intended to be permanent and that there will be no disposition to main tain National Guard units as now or ganized after peace comes. In fact, Secretary Baker has re peatedly informed the newspaper men that all plans for the army are tem porary, or "for the period of the war." Congress took particular pains to spe cify that the selective draft law ap plied only to the war period and was not to be considered as an approval of the principle of universal military training as a permanent policy. It is freely predicted that the men who do the fighting in France will see to it that congress provides for a permanent system of universal mili tary training. When the National Guard troops returned from the bor der they were almost a unit in de manding universal legislation ns a matter of common sense and element ary justice. Even with a system of universal military training in vogue, it was pointed out, the National Guard would not necessarily be eliminated. ST. VITUS' DANCE GOOD FOR SERVICE New York. ? Little things like walking In one's sleep or being afflicted with St. Vitus' dance have naught to do with a man's ability to fight In the new Na tional army, ruled a local exam ining board recently. When a stalwart candidate In formed the board he was af flicted with both "ailments" members winced. Then they considered the case and decided that he was "fit" for service. "But I might get up some night and walk right Into the en emy's camp," argued the appli cant. "Then the St. Vitus' dance will come In handy," said a board member. "You can jump right out again." ? ? * SOME SC HOOL NOTES. * K * * By Supt. L. T. Royall. * K K % Next Monday the compulsory atten dance period for Johnston County opens. It is to be hoped that every effort will be put forth to have the best attendance this year that we have ever had. Every one will please take notice that the ape is from eight to fourteen years. The attendanco of ficers expect to visit the schools very soon and get in touch with the teach ers and find out the real conditions as much as possible. Quite a number of ] the schools have opened and several others will open Monday, the 26th. Iff Yesterday we visited Archer Lodge, | Barnes and Batten Schools. We found very good teachers in all of these | schools. At Archer Lodge we found a new piano and quite a number of the pupils have been enrolled in the music class. This school seems to be grow ing rapidly. The Committee, Messrs. Jesse Wall and V. R. Turley, seem to | be very enthusiastic and are showing a great deal of zeal for the school. Mr. N. A. Randal is the principal and Miss Athesia Powell the assistant. Another teacher will start in Monday. This school will prove a blessing to the Community. 1 U If Next week the Teachers' Assembly will be held at Charlotte. The County Superintendent will be away the whole week, but hopes to be back in his office on Saturday, December 1st. Iff We are still in need of some teach ers, and it now looks like some of the schools will have to wait until after | Christmas before teachers can be se cured. We have written to several County Superintendents, but there seems to be a shortage of teachers everywhere. We are still writing and phoning to every one whose names are given to us as prospective teachers. As soon as we secure teachers for these vacancies, the Committees of the schools will be notified. Let us put forth every effort to make this the best year we have ever had. It is highly important that these boys and girls be in school, for we know not what the conditions will be in the | future. ELEVATION NOTES. Rev J. T. Stanford filed his regular appointment at Elevation M. E. church Sunday. We are glad to note the opening of our new school Monday, the 19th. Mr. Alton Barbour and sister, Miss Vila, and Miss Belle Medlin spent Saturday and Sunday in the Reho both section. Mrs. J. P. Strickland and daughter spent last Thursday in Smithfield. Messrs Decker and Earl Creech, of Pleasant Hill, spent Sunday in this section. We are glad to see some of our soldier boys home on a visit to their parents. Benson, R. 1, Nov. 19th. According to an English dispatch, bacon is not procurable in many butcher shops in London. In shops able to secure supplies, the prices range as high as 60 cents per pound for grades of bacon that before the war sold for 18 cents. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intes tines, cleans and sweetens the stom ach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and im purities frbm the blood. 25 and 75 cent bottles. Sold by Creech Drug Co. ? Adv. SELMA'S DOLLAR DAY, THURS day, December 13th. Watch for big ads. JOHNSTON COUNTY REALTY & Auction Co., of Smithfield, will sell your farm for the High Dollar. THE SELMA MERCHANTS WILL observe December 10th to the 15th as "Pay-Up-Week." They will of fer special inducements to all custo mers who settle their bills during this week. FOR SALE. ABOUT ONE IIUN dred bushels seed wheat. Also Kogc-r bean and wheat thrasher in first class condition. Smith Form A-Truck also for sale. W. A. Phelps, Four Oaks, N. C., Route 3. WAIT FOR OUR LINE OF CHRIST mas Cards. They will i>e ready for inspection about December 1st. The Herald Book Store. SEE US FOR LATHS AND PLAS ter. Cotter Hardware Co. a**-* * x * BUSINESS LOCALS. * * * LOST? POINTER DOG, LIVER COL ored, spot one eye, and one about the size of your hand at root of tail. Big dog, weighs about 42 to 45 pounds. Reward if returned to C. S. Boadhurst, Smithtield, N. C. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE? 204 acres, 150 in high state of cultiva tion, suitable for most all crops. Good buildings, good pasture, rea sonable terms. Apply to W. A. Ste phenson, Willow Springs, N. C. IF YOU HAVE TOWN LOTS OR farm land you wish to sell for the High Dollar, let the Johnston Coun ty Realty & Auction Co., of Smith tield sell it. FOR SALE. MARE EIGHT YEARS old, at bargain. Women and chil dren can work her. Reason for sell ing: Owner dead. Apply at once to E. R. Jones, Smithfield, N. C., Route No. 1 THE SELMA MERCHANTS WILL observe December 10th to the 15th as "Pay-Up-Week." They will of fer special inducements to all custo mers who settle their bills during this week. ENGRAVED VISITING CARDS make a fine present for a friend See our line of samples and give your order at once and avoid delays. The Herald Office. HEART CEDAR SHINGLES CAN be found at Cotter Hardware Co. TAKEN UP MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, seven head hogs. Owner can get same by paying for this ad and my trouble. R. E. Hill, Smithfield, N. C., No. 2. THE SELMA MERCHANTS WILL observe December 10th to the 15th as "Pay-Up-Week." They will of fer special inducements to all custo mers who settle their bills during this week. DON'T BE CLOSE FISTED? BUY a Loth Queen Stove. We have them. Cotter Hardware Company. ... i.i. SELMA'S DOLLAR DAY, THURS day, December 13th. Watch for big ads. ANOTHER LOT OF BIBLES AND Testaments expected next week. In this lot will be a few Family Bibles, * big type, easy to read. Wait for our announcement and see them. Herald Book Store. IF YOU HAVE A FARM, LARGE OR small, or town lots you wish to sell, call, or write, or phone, Johnston County Realty & Auction Company, Smithfield, N. C. FOR SALE? BUILDERS LIME AG ricultural Burnt Unslacked, Slacked and Oyster Shell Lime in bulk or bags, car or cargo shipments. Clyde MaeCr.llum State Agent, Hertford, N. C., for Limestone Products Crop, and Chesapeake Shell & Lime Com pany. BIRDDOG LOST. .BLACK ANI) white, mostly white, old dog, an swers to the name Bland. Deliver at Farmers Warehouse, and receive reward. J. C. Weeks, Smithfield. FOR SALE? ONE JERSEY BULL and one Aberdeen-Angus Bull. Both registered. About 14 months old. T. S. Ragsdale, Smithfield, N. ?. j - FOR SALE. MODEL 86 OVER land Seven passenger Car with Con tinental Six-Cylinder Motor in excel lent condition. See James A. Wellons, or Robert A. Wellons, Smithfield, N. C. SELMA'S DOLLAR DAY, THURS day, December 13th. Watch for big ads. ON DOLLAR DAY DONT FORGET to see the merchants that advertise in this issue of The Herald. They will offer you some rare bargains. GET YOUR INDIVIDUAL CHRIST mas cards this season. A nice line of samples engraved Christmas cards now at Herald Office. Give your order early and avoid the rush. SEE US FOR LATHS AND PLAS ter. Cotter Hardware Co. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MON eny on your farm at only 5 per cent interest, see A. M. Noble, attorney at-law, Smithfield, N. C. SEE S. T. HONEYCUTT, H. G. GRAY, J. H. ABELL, of the Johnston County Realty and Auction Company, Smithfield, N. C., if you have farm lands or town lots to sell for the High Dollar. FOR SALE. MODEL 86 OVER land Seven passenger Car with Con tinental Six-Cylinder Motor in excel lent condition. See James A. Wellons, or Robert A. Wellons, Smithtield, N. C. 1 FOR SALE. TWO GOOD MULES, and new two-horse wagon. Cash or on time. Apply at once. B. W. Lee, Smithfleld, N. C. THE SMITH FIELD BUILDING * Loan Association has helped a number of people to build home* It will help othert, and maybe you. New series of shares now open See Mr. J. J. Broadhurst. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED farm land at 5 per ccnt interest. Five, seven and ten time. Amount unlimited. A. M. Noble, Attorney-at-law, Smithfleld, N. C. LAND FOR SALE? EIGHTY-ACRE farm, known as the Cook Place, sit uated two miles East of Clayton, and suited to tobacco and general crops. Lot in Clayton, containing one and three-eights acres. Will sell whole or part. Two lots in "New Colored Town" in Clayton. Lot near depot in Smithfleld. D. J. Thurston, Clayton, N. C. WANTED? YOUNG MAN OF GOOD qualities to work in a general mer chandise store. A No. 1 reference re quired. Apply at once. P. O. Box 52, Selma, N. C. PURE BRED, SINGLE COMB Brown and White Leghorns. 1916 & 1017 Blue Ribbon Winners, For Sale. Prices Right. Call on or address, W. P. Strickland, R. F. D. 4., Bex 53, Dunn, N. C. SEE? HONEYCUTT, A BELL or GRAY AUCTION SALE CONDUCTORS Sniithlield, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Executor on the estate of W. II. Gra ham, deceased, will sell at public auc tion at the late residence of said de ceased, on the 5th day of December, 1917, the personal propeny of said de ceased, consisting of the following articles, viz: One mill?, cow and calf, several head of hogs, corn and fodder, one wagon, two buggies, one cart, all farming utensils, household and kitch en furniture, and other articles un necessary to mention. Terms cash. Sale begins at 10 A. M. This 9th day of November, 1917. W. H. UPCHURCH, Executor. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator cn the estate of Jacob Finch, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 16th day of November, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 14th day of Nov., 1917. J. E. HOCUTT, Administrator. A. M. Noble & W. L. Watson, Attorneys. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority contained in a Mortgage Deed Executed to Farmers Mercantile Co., by Simon Morgan and dated the third day of April, 1916, and duly Registered in the Register's Office of Johnston County in Book No. 18, page 46, the under signed will sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on the 20th day of December, 1917 ,at 12 o'clock M., the following property to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Tom Wiggins, Len Chappell, Betty O'Neal, Hezckiah Watson and others. Being the tract or parcel of land conveyed to Simon Morgan by deed from Silas Lucas, as will appear from reference to the registry of Johnston County. Con taining forty-five acres more or less. For a more complete boundary, re ference is hereby mado to the records of the books of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County. This 20th day of November, 1917. FARMERS MERCANTILE CO. Mortgagee. U NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER AS GOOD Purchase the "NEW HOME" and yon will have a life asset at the price you pay. The elimination i f repair expense by superior workmanship and l>?*-t quality of material insures life-lone -rrvic t mini* mum cost Insist on having the * NEW HOME". WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Koown the world over for superior sewing qualities. Jht NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., ORANGE, MASS J. M. BEATY Smith field, N. C. I)R. J. F. FOSTER Physician and Surgeon KENLY, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of J. Tommie Starling, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 16th day of November, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebt ed to said estate will make immediate payment. This 13th day of November, 1917. C. T. EASON, ? Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County. Under 'and by virtue of authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by W. E. Altman on Nov. 20, 1916, to secure the pay ment of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), purch&ce of the lands hereinafter described; And whereas the said W. E. Altman has failed to pay the bonds secured by the mortgage aforesaid as they ma ture, and default having been made in the payment of the first bond due Nov. 1st, 1917, which, according to the terms of the mortgage, matures the entire indebtedness; Therefore, the undersigned mortg agee will offer for sale at public auc tion at the court house door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on Saturday, December 15, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., the following described tracts or par cels of land lying and being in Ben tonsville Township, Johnston County, and bound as follows, to-wit: Tract No. 1: Being known r.s lot No. 2 of the Powell land and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the line of Lot No. 1, and runs S. 2 W. 80 poles to a stake; thence W. 96 poles (by scales) to a stake In Powell & Grant line; thence with said line N. 2 E. 72 poles to the beginning, con taining 48% acres. Tract No. 2: Being known as Lot No. 3 is bounded as follows: Begin ning at a stake in D. Grant's line, R. Briant's corner, and runs his line E. 97 poles (by scales) to a stake, corner of Lot No. 7; thence with the line of said Lot No. 7 N. 2 E. 100 poles to a stake; thence with the line of Lot No. 2 W. 96 poles to a stake in the Powell and Grant line; thence with the said Grant line S. 2 W. 98 poles to the be ginning, containing 56% acres. The above two tracts being Lots Nos. 2 and 3 of the land conveyed to F. H. Brooks by S. S. Holt and wife, by deed dated May 30, 1911, recorded in Book "P" No. 11, page 1, Registry of John ston County. Not sold under any other name. Tract No. 3: Beginning fit a stake in a stump, and runs N. 7 E. 21 poles to a stake, corner of Lot No. 5, in the division of the Dennis Grant home place; thence S. 5% W. 21 poles to a stake, corner of Lot No. 3, in said di vision; thence S. 84 E. 106% poles to the beginning, containing Fourteen (14) acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 in the division of the Dennis Grant home place, in Bontonsville Township, and conveyed to J. E. Raynor by Den nis Grant and wife, Mary Grant, by deed dated Dec. 29, 1906, recorded in Book "W" No. 10, page 330, Registry of Johnston County, and conveyed to F. H. Brooks by J. E. Ruynor and wife, et al, by deed dated Jan. 17, 1914, and recorded in Book "T" No. 12, page 555, Registry of Johnston County. Tract No. 4: Beginning at a stake corner of Lot No. 2 and runs N. 7 E. 26 poles to a stake in a stump; thence N. 84 W. 106% poles to a stake, comer of Lot No. 4; thence S. 5% W. 9 poles to a black gum in Spring Branch; thence up the meanders of said Spring Branch to a stake, corner of Lot No. 2; thence S. 84 E. 69 poles to the be ginning, containing Fourteen and one fourth (14'4) acres, more or less, and being known as Lot No. 3 of the di vision of the Dennis Grant home place, and being the land conveyed to F. H. Brooks by Mary L. Faircloth, et al, by deed dated Jan. 9, 1914, recorded- in Book "T" No. 12, page 323, Registry of Johnston County. Terms of sale cash, but terms may be made on the day of sale by pay ing the cash payment and arranging to secure the balance. Thir 15th day of Nov., 1917. F. H. BROOKS, Mortgagee. THE HERALD BOOK STORE WILL make some attractive offers on Dol lar Day. Look up today's Herald for the list of bargains.

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