Saturday, Nov. 24, 1917 at 9 A. M. The doors of the new store of the Selma Dry Goods Co., will open and to the first 20 ladies entering the store and making a purchase of $2 or more, we will give absolutely free a pair of $1.25 Bed Room slippers. To the first 20 men making a purchase of $2 or more, we will give 50 cents worth of anything in our store. To the first 10 little girls trading 50c or more we will give a nice 25 cent doll. To the first 10 little boys making a purchase of 50c or more we will give a nice every ready toy pistol. Just the thing for the Holidays. This Store will open in the Building between the G. S. Tucker Furniture store and Selma Grocery Cos. old stand where we will be found until the 15th of December, when we will move to another stand. Between the opening day and the 15th, we will give our customers 5 per cent on every dollar spent with us. We will carry at all times one of the best lines of Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies read to wear, etc. to be found in the County. Ladies Jackets The best line to be found anywhere $2.95 to $24.00 These Jackets sold by others at from $10. 00 to $50.00 Big line Baby Shoes at 10c. Good Every day shoes for men at $2.95 Men's nice English cut Shoes at $2.95 Ladies Low heel, high top Shoes in black and tan at $4.50 Shoes of all kinds for all sizes of feet from the smallest to the largest at from 10c to $9.00 Best quality, all wool serge boys suits sizes from 8 to 18 years $5.50 Big line boys suits, in all colors and shades price ranging from $1.25 to $12.50 Good quality Rib union suits for men $1.10 Suit Best quality Overalls, the crown special kind at $1.50 / All colors silk Poplin at $1.10 yd. Good quality Black Taffeta $1.25 yd. Don't fail to come to our Big Opening, Saturday, Nov. 24th, and see our line of this sea son's newest and most stylish merchandise. We especially invite the ladies to see our line of long Coats, Coat suits and Jackets. We guarantee to save you 1-3 on any coat bought at our opening. Shoes! ^ Shoes! ^ Shoes!