DEATH OF MR. WM. L. WALLACE. Ingrams Township Soldier Boy Dies at Camp Sevier. Body Brought Home Friday, and Buried Saturday at I'iney Grove. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. William L. Wallace, of Ingrams Township, who died last week at Camp stricken with measles which was fol Sevier, Greenville, S. C. He was lowed with pneumonia and death soon claimed him. He was sent to Camp Jackson a few weeks ago and was later transferred to Camp Sevier where he was a member of Company L, 119th Infantry. His body was brought to Four Oaks Friday evening and buried at Piney Grove church Saturday morn ing, the funeral being conducted under the auspicies of the Junior Order of which the deceased was a member. Mr. Wallace was a son of Mr. John * Wallace and though he did not die on the battle field, he gave his life for the cause of world-wide liberty. He had been engaged in teaching in the public schools of Johnston County. He was married a few years ago to a daugh ter of Mr. Alex Ryals, of Wilders township. ITEMS OF ALL SORTS, Two persons were hurt in an auto mobile accident in Fayetteville Friday. Greensboro had an auto accident in which two persons were hurt' also, one perhaps fatally. In Richmond a six year old Fayetteville girl was fataly hurt by being run over by an automo bile. Measles and pneumonia have been prevalent in many of the army camps for the past two or three weeks and quite a number of the soldiers have died. For the week ending November 16, 96 were reported at the several camps in the. country. The past week conditions showed improvement. Col. E. M. House, America's repre sentative to the inter-allied conference, spent an hour with Clemenceau in Paris Friday. He also met with Gen eral Pershing, the American comman der of the expeditionary forces in France. The Inter-Allied Conference will meet next Thursday in Paris. The Wake Forest College glee club is out this week giving concerts under the auspices of the Red Cross. They have a number of places on their trip, visiting Kinston, Washington, New Bern and Greenville. Their pro gram will consist largely of patriotic and popular songs. Secretary of War Baker gave out his first statement in regard to the pro gress of transporting troops to France Friday. Mr. Baker did not tell how many troops have been sent over but said that the progress made was keep ing pace with the expectations of the War Department. Conservation, patriotism and service are the topics to be considered in the public schools of the State on North Carolina Day, December 14th. The program for the day is a most oppor tune one and should be studied in every school in the State. The slogan is to be, "Make, Save and Serve." The municipal woodyard is a topic of much interest in North Carolina at this time. The people of Fayetteville are taking some interest in the estab lishment of one, but it is said that Mayor McNeill opposes the move. However, they mayor has assured the people from the country that they will be charged no license for hauling and selling wood to the citizcns of the LUV\ II. The Charlotte people are expecting to see about fifteen hundred teachers in attendance at the Teachers Assem bly which will meet in that city Thurs day and Friday of this week. The ho tels in Charlotte arc crowded all the time and the people of the city are appealed to to open their homes for the teachers. There is to be a meeting of the school boards of the State in connection with the teachers meeting. From various sections of the State come reports of exhorbitant prices be ing charged for wood. The disease to charge too much for things in these abnormal times is very contagious and is constantly spreading. Wood that a few weeks ago was considered high at four dollars a cord is rated at from five to six dollars a cord now. Where it will go to by Christmas is an un known proposition. It is a great pity that men everywhere are so wild after making money that they will take ad vantage of every opportunity to profit out of the mismortunes of their fel lowmen. There is no telling what tome folks would do if there were no laws. FARMERS OF JOHNSTON COUNTY These Are War Times: We Must Guard Against Defeat in Every Way Possible. There is one weak point, or gap, in our agricultural interests which must be closed, or bridged. The County Farm Demonstrator and the County Food Administrator cannot adequately reach the farmers. They cannot ren der aid to the six thousand tillers of the soil by means of the few tele phones and the few good roads. They must have some medium through which to work. For their own good, and for the good of our nation, the Johnston Coun ty farmers must be in closer touch with the Agricultural Department and the Food Administration at Washing ton. Our plan is to bridge the gap be tween the Johnston County farmer and the Federal Department of Agricul j t lure. You farmers who have an interest in your community, in your town ship, ?n your County and in your Na tion, come to the Johnston County court h^use at Smithfield on Decem ber 8th to form a Johnston County Board of Agriculture. You will elect a a Township Board of Agriculture of three members; a president, vice-presi dent and a secretary-treasurer. The seventeen township boards will,, in turn, elect a County Board of Advisors of three similar officers to counsel and advise with the County Farm Demon strator and County Food Administra tor. None of these men elected will receive a salary. Their service will be a patriotic duty. Come and bring the men whom you want elected to v/ork with Uncle Sam and to further the agricultural inter ests of our County. A. M. JOHNSON, County Farm Demonstrator. F. H. BROOKS, County Food Administrator. County-Wide School Meeting. Supt. L. T. Royall has addressed the following letter to the School Com mitteemen: "It has been some time since we held a CGunty-wide meeting for the committeemen. Owing to the con dition of things and the many pro blems that face us, it is now time for a meeting of this kind. Our schools must not be neglected. I am asking you to be present at a meeting in Smithfield, Dec. 8th, at ten o'clock in the mor ' We want to discuss the and we will have three prominent speakers to talk to us. Think about the things that are needed in your district, so you can bring them up at that time. Notify the members of your committee and be sure to have your school represented." school agricultural problems, John Charles McNeill Book Club. Benson, Nov. 23. ? Mrs. W. D. Boon was hostess to the John Chas. McNeill Book Club Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The President, Mrs. Whitten ton, presided over the meeting, there being nine members present. "America " and "The Star Spangled Banner," which the hostess played on her new Edison, was fittingly appro priate, and stirred the hearts of our women to a keener sense of patriot ism. A selection, "Bolsheviki at Rus sia's Throat," was read by Mrs. M. T. Britt. "German people behind their Ruler," read by Mrs. O. A. Barbour, caused much comment and discussion. Mrs. W. O. Rackley read some inter esting current topics, after which the hostess, assisted by Miss Alta Boon, served refreshing tea and sandwiches. Judge Brooks Attends Meeting. Judge F. H. Brooks went to Raleigh yesterday afternoon to attend a con ference of the representatives of the North Carolina Food Administration. Dr. L. R. Wilbur, Mr. Hoover's right hand man, and President of the Leland Stanford University of Californir, was present to impress upon the leaders the great importance of food conserva tion. Dr. Wilbur tried to show to those present the great needs at this time and the dire necessity for the sav ing and conserving of our food sup plies. Notice to Correspondents* In order to get news in Friday's paper all correspondents are asked to mail their letters a day earlier this week. THE BLESSING OF THE YEAR. Thangsgiving Proclamation by Governor Bickett. Salvation comes through sacrifice. He who would ; truly save his life" must be ever ready to lose it. The i man or the nation that prizes breath above honor, and 1 riches above righteousness is dust already, and can never ; ^iope to " put on immortality." In the Providence of God the world is today engaged * in blood-red debate to determine whether governments ? shall henceforth be guided by the love of justice or by lust ! for pelf and power. Not in rashness not in anger, but ; thoughtfully, in the fear of God, and out of respect for its ; own conscience this nation has consecrated its unlimited ? resources and its unconquerable spirit to the maintenance * of governments that will guarantee fair treatment to *! every man and every nation. It is cause for universal I Thanksgiving that in the most awful and most august ; hour of human history the conscience of our people tri- ? umphed over the counsel of selfishness and fear. This I is the blessing of the year. ? J Now, therefore, I, Thomas Walter Bickett, Governor i of the State of North Carolina, in obedience to the sacred ' custom of our fathers, and in accord with the proclama- ; tion of the Persident of the United States, do hereby set ? apart Thursday, the 29th day of November, one thousand ! nine hundred and seventeen, as a day for universal ? Thanksgiving. ? And I do call upon the people of North Carolina to as- | semble on that day in their places of worship, and with ; humble and contrite hearts give thanks to the Lord of ? Hosts and the Harvest for His omniscient care. And let ! us remember in helpful ways the widow and the orphan ;i and all who walk in the shadow of adversity. < And let us pray unceasingly that He Who " rides the j whirlwind and directs the storm " may crown our forces 4 on sea and land with everlasting victory, and that war * may come no more upon the earth. 4 Done in our city of Raleigh, on this the eighteenth day j of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine\ j hundred and seventeen, and in the one hundred and forty- 4 second year of our American Independence. *j: FOUR OAKS BOYS COMING HOME. Sons of Mr. Adams Win Commissions as First Lieutenants. Four Oaks, Nov. 26. ? Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Adams have just received mes sages from their sons from Ft. Ogle thorpe who have recently been com missioned First Lieutenants at the Reserve Officers Training Camp. The young men are hoping to arrive home for a late Thanksgiving dinner on next Thursday. They will have a short furlough and J. B. Adams is ordered to report for duty at Chica mauga in the 17th Infantry Regular Army. H. B. Adams is to report for duty at Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. Four Oaks is very proud of the record made by these young men, for the training of this second encamp ment was much more strenuous than the first and the commissions harder to obtain. Second Committee Meeting. The second meeting of the new Exe cutive Committee of the Johnston County Baptist Association will be held in the Smithfield Baptist church on Monday, December 3rd, beginning at ten o'clock. The churches having business with the committee may be heard by sending representatives. The members of the committee for the coming year are Rev. John E. Lanier, Chairman, and Messrs. J. B. Creech, J. L. Hall, J. T. Holt and J. F. Pool. The twenty-four militant suffra gettes who were sentenced to a term in the work house for picketing the White House are seeing their liberty through habeas corpus proceedings be fore a Federal Judge at Alexandria, Va. No doubt they are getting tired of posing as martyrs. Instead of be ing known in the days to come as martyrs to a great cause, they will be written down among the foolish ones of their day. Exemption Advisory Board. Governor Bickett has appointed three lawyers for each county in the State ? three hundred in all ? who are to serve as a legal advisory board to the county exemption boards for the National Army draft. Those appoint ed for Johnston County are Albert M. Noble, Ed. F. Ward and J. D. Parker. W. J. Newsom, of the firm of W. J. Newsom & Brother, of Lucama, com mitted suicid" last Thursday by shoot ing himself. He gave out the word that he was going squirrel hunting and later was found dead on a pile of wheat straw. 1 WHO DIES FROM TUBERCULOSIS llookkee|>ers, Clerks and Office Work ers Have Highest Mortality Rate from Tuberculosis. If there- is one class of people more likely to die with tuberculosis than an other, according to mortality statis tics, it is clocks, bookkeepers and office assistants, these have a mortal ity from . tuberculosis almost twice that of all occupied persons over fif teen years, but, it may be explained, it is not the work they do but the way they do it that makes them so prone to tuberculosis. Continual confinement in poorly ventilated offices and shops, breathing vitiated air, little or no outdoor exer cise, together with a more or less se dentary life lower their physical re sistance which always creates a fertile soil for tuberculosis infection. Com paratively low wages with the demand of a good personal appearance that makes the cutting doWn on food, good rooms and other health essentials, necessarily, may also be said to be responsible for this predisposition. Another probable cause for the high mortality from tuberculosis among bookkeepers, clerks and office assis tants is that those who are not robust are more likely to seek such work in preference to more arduous occupa tions. This creates an occupation group with a high perceptibility to tuberculosis, but the fact remains that living a sedentary life in a viti ated atmosphere, with little or no exercise in the fresh air, and with probably insufficient and undernour ishing food, will always be hazardous, and the chief hazard will be tuberculo sis of the lungs. rri -1 t_ ? .1 ? ? ? i ne ciass naving tne next Highest mortality from tuberculosis is labor ers. Between forty-five and sixty four years their mortality rate from tuberculosis is double the average, and it increases till after the ape of sixty five when it is more than three times the average. The most important cause for the high rate of this group is because in it are found all the mis fits who have failed to make good in other occupations, because of drunken ness, carelessness or ill health. Cigar makers and tobacco workers are the group having the next highest mortality. Garment workers come next. Blacksmiths and railway track and ynrd workers groups below the average. ? Health Bulletin. There will be services Thanksgiving morning nt eleven o'clock at the Pres byterian church. The people of the town and community are given a cor dial invitation to attend. HEARING IN STARLING CASE. Murder Mystery Still Unraveled. Many Witnesses Examined Before the Coroner Here Yesterday. (By W. L. Staneil.) Selmr., Nov. 26. ? The hearing of witnesses by the Coroner's jury in the Charlie Starling murder mystery was continued today in Smithfield. Mr. E. J. Wellons, of the firm of Wellons & Wellons, represented the State. About thirty witnesses had been ex amined at a former hearing, ard ten or twelve were examined today. After the examination ox' all the .witnesses that had been summoned the jury de cided to continue the hearing to some future date to be decided later by the Coroner; Readers of The Herald will remem ber the acounts of the mysterious dis appearance of Charlie Starling, from his home on the night of October the 22nd, of the search made by friends and relatives for him and of the find ing of the blood in the road near his home, hnd sacks of sand and blood in a well near by, and three weeks later of the finding of his body in a saw mill well near Carter's Chapel church. The hearing by the Coroner's jury was behind closed doors and the out come of their ihvestigation is still p-oblematieal, and will remain so until some future date unknown to the pub lic, and even the jury themselves, when they will be called together again by the Coroner, Mr. J. H. Kirkman. NEWS ITEMS FROM KENLY. Next Monday night, a special Thanksgiving program will bo present ed in the school auditorium by a large number of the students of the elemen tary school. The program is being pre pared by the Misses Rena Edgerton and Agusta McKeithen. Immediately following the exercises, a box party will be given by the members of the girl's Athletic Association. Miss Gladys Barnes Wallace is director of athletics for the girls. Thursday and Friday of next week will be observed as Thanksgiving hol idays. Thursday afternoon from three to five o'clock, the Priscilla Club held its regular meeting in the genial home of Mrs. A. J. Broughton. The guests were met at the door by little Master John Sutton Broughton who escorted them into the parlor. The members d?voted an hour to doing fancy work for the Red Cross Society. The work being over, delightful refreshments wero served. The following were present: Mesdames L. Z. Woodard, R. A. Turlington, R. T. Fulghum, H. F. Edgerton, J. W Darden, P. D. Grady H. P. Johnson, W. J. Hooks, H. M. Grizzard, C. P. Jerome, J. G. High, Tom Barnes. Kenly, N. C., Nov. 24, 1917. ROY ALL SCHOOL NOTES. Roy ^11 school opened Monday morn ing with Miss Ruth Gilcrist, of Laurin burg, principal; Miss Ina Strickland, of Falcon, intermediate grades, and Miss Cora Johnson, of Benson, pri mary grades. It seems that the peo ple are not all ready to start their children to school now, but we are ex pecting a good attendance next week. Let all the parents and pupils co operate with the teichers and mnk? this on ? of ?he best school terms in the history of the school. Rev. C. B. Strickland and some of the orphan children, of Falcon, gave an entertainment at Jonhston's Chapel church Saturday night. A number of our young people at tended church at Elevation Sunday. Misses Florence Jernigan, Blanche Smith, and Miss Brulon, of Benson, and Messrs. Eugene Jernigan and T. R. Herman, of West Raleigh, spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Gilchrist and Miss Johnson at the home of Mr. A. C. Johnsoi). Mr. Delma Hardee attended the Free-Will Baptist Conference near Goldsboro last week. Mrs. C. H. Lassiter is in Rex Hos pital at Raleigh. Miss Myrtle Massengill and little brother, Hunter, of Benson, are spending some time at the home of their uncle, Mr. C. H. Johnson. Mrs. C. V. Byrd has purchased a new Dodge. ? X. Y. Z. Benson, R. 1, Nov. 22. Elder J. T. Williams will preach at Four Oaks Primitive Baptist church the first Saturday and Sunday in De cember, and at Clement church Sun day afternoon. A JOHNSTON MAN IN FRANCE. Lieut. David M. Jones Went Over a Few Weeks Ago* His Brother Robert Jones Now at Camp Jackson. Mr. Robert Jones, son of Mrs. A. G. Jones, near here, who is now at Camp Jackson, is at home on a five-day fur lough. He went to Camp Jackson* about two months ago where he is in the 306th Company of engineers. He says the boys are faring well at Camp Jackson, that they have plenty of clothing, plenty of good food and have plenty of work to do. He wi|;l return to Camp Jackson tomorrow. ? Mr. Jones has a brother, Lieutenant David M. Jones, who is now in France, having been sent over within the past few weeks. He belongs to the aviation service and is an expert flyer. He was with Lieut. Eric Ellington when he was killed at San Diego, California, four years ago, being the second man to reach the unfortunate young man when when his machine fell. Lieut. Jones hr.s been connected ..with the aviation services of the United States Army for several years. TO I'LAN FOR THE WORK. Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Johnston County Bap tist Association. At a call t,f the Chairman, Rev. Jno. E. Lanier, the Executive Committee of the Johnston County Baptist Associ ation assembled Tuesday, November 20th, at 10 A. M., in the comfortable lecture room of the Smithfield Bap tist Church. The Chairman had in vited representatives of the various Baptist Churches of the Johnston As sociation, who receive aid from the Board of Mission::. A number of the Churches sent representatives. After devotional ex ercises, conducted by Pastor Rollins, of Benson, the Chairman called on the members of the Committee to express themselves freely on the conditions that come under their observation. On behalf of the Committee Mr. J. F. Pool spoke with much interest on the great need of a better cooperation on the part of the churches. He brought out the great difficulties that confront the Committee every year, in providing suitable pastors for the various churches, forming compact fields, and the fact that better work could be done if the churches manifested more in terest and were more willing to raise more money in order to pay a reason able salary to their pastors. It was a splendid address. Mr. J. B. Creech, of Four Oaks and Mr. J. T. Holt, of Wilson's Mills, sopke also on behalf of the Committee. Rev. Mr. Rollins and Rev. R. M. Von Miller spoke on behalf of the pastors. After every one had been given an opportunity to speak, Chairman La nier requested every one except the members of the Committee to retire to an adjoining room, and the Com mittee began its executive session. Members of the different churches were called before the Committee and each had an opportunity to state the condition of their respective church, their outlook and the group they wished to form and the help they de sired for the ensuing year. A very excellent spirit of coopera tion was manifested and we beiieve r threat deal of good was accomplished. While many churches were repre sented, yet it would have been more complete it th? others had also ccme, but no doubt the unfavtrable weather held some back. All churches desir ing aid this year must execute the blank furnished them, and send not later than the first Sunday in Decem ber. It must be in the hands of Mr. Lanier Monday morning, Dec. 3rd. As usual Mr. Beaty opened his hos pitable home to a number of the dele gates at the dinner hour, and Rev. Mr. Brinson, he congenial pastor of the Smithfield Church, spread the table for some of the others at the pasto rium. All the representatives left with smiling faces and warm hand clasps, returning to their homes much pleased in having had a heart to heart talk with us Mr. Brinson closed the session with an earnest prayer for God's further guidance in this impor tant work. J. B. CREECH, Secretary of the Ecxecutive Com mittee. Four N. C, No?y. 20th, 1917. ? ^ . Cotton sold in Chariot! . Y nday fo* 29% ccnts a pound, says the Observer. * This is the highest price paid for cotton in that city since 1866.

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