'IE MED HERALD PublisheJ Every Tuesday and Friday. BEATY & LASSITER Smithfleld, N. C. Editors and Proprietors, Cash in Advance. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Yen, $1.50 Eight Month*,. _ 1.00 Six Month*, .75 Three Months, .40 Entered at the Post Office at Smith field, Johnston County, N. C., as Second-class Matter. GETTING READY FOR WAR. The Scientific American for last week is called the "Liberty War Num ber" and contains much valuable in formation concerning the progress the United States has made in Retting ready for war. A careful reading of this publication will give the average citizen a much more accurate under standing of the present situation than he can find in many columns of daily newspaper articles. Some of these facts are eye-openers and are here given for Herald readers. On June 80, 1916, the actual strength of the United States Army was in even numbers 5,000 officers and 102,000 enlisted men in all grades of the service. Due to the activities on the Mexican border, at the beginning of 1917, the army had been increas<*l to 5,100 officers and 120,000 enlisted men. The troubled condition on our southern borders made it necessary to call upon the National Guard for 55,000 ad ditional men. When war was declared by Congress on April <>, 1917, the actual total com missioned and enlisted strength of the regular army and of the National Guard of the United States was only 307,00 men. By August first the voluntary en listments of men for the regular army hr\d brought its strength up to 308,000, with (>,700 officers. At the same time the National Guard strength had in i creased to approximately 377,000 men and 7,500 officers. With the enlisted reserve corps the entire strength of the army at that time was 756,000. | On August 15th, when the National Guard was mustered into the service, and when the many officers from the several training camps were given commissions, the forces reached ubout 800,000 men. Then came the first call for the drafted men, f>87,000 strong. The first 30 per cent of the draft brought the total up to 1,010,000 men. By (he time fill the men of the first draft are in the service the army will have about 1,500,000 of all grades. No nation in the world has ever surpassed the United States in getting so big an army rer.dy in so short a tirtie. There has been a complete change in the organization of the army for over sea service. To quote from the Scien tific American: "An infantry regiment at present comprises 103 officers and 3, <>00 men, consisting of * "Headquarters and Headquarters Company, , "Three battalions of four rifle com panies each, "A supply company, "A machine gun company, "A medical detachment. "To put into effect for oversea service this new organization, con siderable rearrangement of the units of the old plan has been found neces sary. At present an infantry division comprises, among other units, two brigades of two regiments each, an artillery brigade of three artillery regiments each, an artillery brigade of three artillery regiments and a trench motor battery. The new or ganisation increases greatly the ratio of artillery to infantry. Instead of the old division of three brigades of three regiments in each, there are only two brigades of two regiments each. The ratio, therefore, of artillery to in fantry is three to four instead of three to nine as heretofore. This increase is due to the enormous required increase in artillery fire rendered necessary on present battle fronts. The trench motor battery in an artillery brigade and a one-pounder platoon attached to the headquarters of each infantry regiment add greatly to the gun strength of a division. The total strength of the new division, as now organized, is 27,150 men." The prominence given to the use of machine guns in the present v/tr has developed the greatest surprise per haps. Inventors have turned their attention to the development of a gun of simplicity and lightness. Some of these .guns we^gh not over fifteen pounds and may be fired from the shoulder or hip. Such a gun with magazines holding 350 rounds of am munition can be carried by one man. There are several types of these guns, some weighing as heavy as 140 pounds, but our government has adopted the lighter types. One of theAe is the lighter Vickers. The others are the Henet Mercie, weighing 21) pounds, and the Lewis, weighing 27 pounds. The warring: powers are using these guns. Another important featuro-of the present war plans is the transporta tion of ammunition and war supplies to the battle lines. It is remembered that one of the great elements of the success in the French plans at the Verdun battle in 1910 was their pre paredness to transport by motor truck munitions, supplies and troops in such numbers that they were able to hold back the Germans, and thus one of the ? great victories of the war was won. The United States is making great efforts to be fully prepared to trans port all the supplies needed to their troops in the quickest possible time. The engineers and designers have planned the Liberty War Truck r.nd so great is the faith of those responsible for its adoption that 10,000 have been ordered. Locomotives and heavy freight cars arc much needed in France, and this country has already ordered 080 rrf the former and 9,000 of the latter for the use of our troops overseas. To move the troops and supplies will require additional rail road equipment. To feed an army of five hundred thousand men will require two and a half million pounds of food daily. Thirteen million pounds of beef, fif teen million pounds of potatoes, one million pounds of coffee and three million pounds of sugar are required .'is a month's supplies of these items, not counting numerous other things that men must have. To move these things is a great task, but America is ' proving hnSelf equal to it and when the crucial moment comes we shall not find her lacking. I>r. Crouch, of the State Health De partment,,, was here yesterday on a \ isit of inspection. lie visited the County Jail and in speaking of it, he said that the condition of the jail was "0 out of a possible 100. He said that the conditions were far above the average county jails. A report of his visit to Smithfield and the Coun ty will appear in an early issue of The H< raid. ? HarveMt Day Exercitw*. Those present at the monthly literary meeting of the Woman's Miss ion Society of the M. E. Church Monday afternoon enjoyed the Har vest Day musical program. Mrs. Lassitcr, the president, was the leader and read Psalm 46. Mrs. Cole led in prayer. A duet, "Harvest Time," wa3 rendered by Mesdames Cole and Hol land, followed by Kipling's "Recession al," which was read by Miss Mattie Pou. This was followed by a piano solo by Mrs. R. S. Stevens. Misses Irene Myatt and .Virginia Puckett and Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Holland then sang two selections, "Where Hast Thou Gleaned To-day?" nnd "What Shall the Harvest lie?" Mrs. Royall de lighted all who were present by telling Dr. Van Dyke's beautiful story, "The Mansion." Miss Ethel Coats sang as a closing solo, "Will I Empty Handed Be?" At the close of this most enjoyable program a short business session was held and many dollars were paid in on the dues and pledges. Reception at Kenly. Kenly, N. C., Dec. 5. ? Rev. C. E. Clarke, the popular and successful pastor of the Presbyterian church, was married in Richmond, Nov. 28, 1917, to Miss Fedora Haxall. _ Last Friday night at the attractive home of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Grady an informal reception was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, which was de cidedly the most interesting social event of the season. The entire lower floor was thrown I open to the guests, and* was beautifully | decorated with potted plants, cut flow ers and ferns. Mrs. G. S. Coleman and Tyra Bailey met the guests at the door. Mr. and Mrs. P. I). Grady introduced them to the receiving line. In the receiving line were Mrs. J. C. Grady, who intro duced Mrs. Clarke, Mr. C. E. Clarke, | Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Edgerton ,Mrs. C. E. Walston, i Mr. W. H. Edgerton. Misses Marie and Gladys iKrby presided at the 1 punch bowl. Mr. Howard Grady, of Chap"l Hill, 1 played vc-v appropriate selections on ' the victrola during the evening. Miss Janie McNeill was in the gift j room, and the people of t're town . proved with what esteem Mr. and Mrs.i Clarke were held by the many practi cal and lovely things that were given. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke hope to be at' home at the Manse at an early date. | Mr. George W. Watts, of Durham, has been asked to head the North Carolina Campaign to raise the State's portion of the $400,000, the American Bible Society wants to supply the soldiers with khaki covered Bibles. [The money is to be raised by Decem ber 11th. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. The members of the Philathea Class of the Smithficld Baptist church will hold a Chistmas Bazaar in the old Theatre Building on Third street on Wednesday and Thursday, December 12 and 13. They will have an assort ment of articles suit^lile for Christ mas gifts and would be glad for those interested to call on them. The Ba zaar will open on the 12ih at 2 P. M. It will be open all day on the 13th. ON K FINE FIGHTEFN MONTHS old Berkshire boar for sale. W. Rufus Coats, Four Oaks, N. C. ? REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF JOHNSTON COUNTY B \Nh AND TRUST COMPANY. At Smithfield, N. C., at the close of Business November 20, 1917. RESOURCES. L'?ans and discounts .^219,889.40 , Overdrafts secured and unsecured 435.46 , United States Bonds on hand 800.00 Furniture and Fixtures 2,225.20, Demand loans 5,000.00 Due from National Banks 47,481.10 Due from State Banks and Bankers 7,156.20 Cash Items 945.63 Gold Coin 1,265.00 Silver Coin, including all minor coin currency 1,796.23 National B. nk notes and ether U. S. Notes 6,132.00 I Total $293,126.28 j LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25,000.00 Surplus fund ^ 1,500.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 6,368.91 Notes and hills re-discounted 17,500.00 Deposits subject to check 197,496.56 Demand Certificates of Deposit 33,740.17 ( Savings Deposits *. : . 8,547,94 Cashier's Checks outstanding 1,914,83 Certified Checks 264.75 Accrued Interest due depositors 793.12 Total : $293,126.28 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA? COUNTY OF JOHNSTON Smithfield, N. C., November 29, 1917. I, T. C. Evans, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. C. EVANS, Cashier. ? * Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of November, 1917. R. N. AYCpCK, Notary Public. Coriect ? Attest: L. D. WHARTON, F. H. PARRISH, S. C. TURNAGE, Directors. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. I HAVE A GOOD TWO-ROOM CEIL- 1 eJ house, and would like for a family to move to it so I could get a regular hand to work with me. Could give work to other members of the family ' if desired. P. D. Edwards, near Smith's Che pel church, Princeton, N. C., R. F. D. No. L A FIVE PASSENGER REO CAR IN first-class condition for sale at a sacrifice price, $275.00. Apply to Julius Williamson, Zebulon, N. C., R. F. I). No. 1. WANTED. A COMPETENT MAN for assistant clerk and bookkeeper in the Post Office to begin work Jan- ; uary 1st. Apply to Postmaster, Smithfield, Johnston Co., N. C. THE SKLM t MERCHANTS WILL observe December 10th to the 15th as "Pay-Up- Week." They will of- ' for special inducements to all custo mers who settle their bills during this week. 200 BUSHELS PEAS FOR SALE AT $<>.00 per bushel at Austin-Stephen s6n Co.'s Big Sale. FLOUR MILL. BUY ONE OF OUR Meadows Whole Wheat flour mills. They are small investments for good results and profit. We also ' have corn and feed mills. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. I HAVE FOR SALE ONE DUROC Jersey boar, four gilts six months j old i\nd one Duroc Jersey sow all ? pure bred registered stock. J. T. | Langston, Bentonville, N. C., Route No. 2. MILLING PROFITS. THERE IS good money in mills at the present high prices of grain. No more ex pense to run and your toll is doubled in the price of grain. We have the best flour, corn and feed mills made. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. THE SELMA MERCHANTS WILL observe December 10th to the 15th as "Pay-Up- Week." They will of fer special inducements to all custo mers" who settle their bills during this week. CAR PIEDMONT WAGONS EXPEC ted Friday at Austin-Stephenson Co. AS I HAVE THE COUNTY AGENCY for the New Home Sewing machine j I will deliver |ne. anywhere in John ston if a call lor one is made. Let me know if froU want to buy. The New Home is f ir ahead of any other ? . as a family sewing machine. J. M Peaty, Smithfield, N. C. PEAS ARE SCARCE, BUT YOU CAN get them at Austin-Stephenson Co. at $6.00 per bushel while they last. Buy now. ON DECEMBER 1, 1917, A DARK cow with short horns took up at my place. Mark: Crop off each ear. Owner can get cow by paying for damage and this advertisement. J. W. Pittman, Smithfield, R. No 2.' IF YOU CARE TO GO THE WHOLE ; hog I would like to sell you some ! ' good corn-fed pork. I have a large , lot of fine hogs ready to kill at my farm. J. M. Beaty. BUY YOUR SHOES AT AUSTIN Austin- Stephenson Co. during their sale to save money. AUTO TROUBLES: IF YOU HAVE them, come to see us. We can re- j . lieve you at least cost. Casings,'" tubings and spark plugs. We have marked these very close. Roberts ! Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. j FOR SALE? BUILDERS LIME AG ricultural Burnt Unslackrd, Slacked and Oyster Shell Lime in bulk or bags, car or cargo shipments. Clyde MaeCrllum State Agent, Hertford, - N. C., for Limestone Products Crop, and Chesapeake Shell & Lime Com pany. ^ LOOK FOR OUR ADD? DOLLAR Day in Selma. We will have the goods, the assortment and prices. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. FRESH JERSEY MILK COWS FOR sale. See E. F. Boyett, Smithfield, N. C. SEED BEANS FOR SALE. JOIIN ston County Grown Nnvy Beans. Raised by E. F. Boyette, Smithfield, N. C. For sale by Peedin & Peter son and L. E. Watson, Smithfield, N. C. ; FEEDS. OUR WAREHOUSE IS packed with Red Dog, Ship Stuff. Soy Bean Meal, feed and seed oats, see wheat, eottpn seed meal, hulls, bee* bulp, etc. In fact, anything in fee 1 line at bottom prices. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. I IF YOU NEED A BUGGY GO TO Austin-Stephenson Co.'s big sale. S REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Smithficld, North Carolina, at the close of Business on November 20th, 1917. RESOURCES. X Loans and discounts $470,803.06 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 4,987,88 Lib??cty Loan Bonds unpledged 3*/? per cent and 4 per cent 65,000.00 Stock of Federnl Reserve Bank 2,250.00 Value of Banking House $15,000.00 Equity in banking house 15,000.00 15,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 5,000.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 40,191.88 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks. 178,203.82 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust com panies' other thr.n included in Items 13, 14, and 15 . . . 4,545.82 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as re porting bank 1,675.56 Accrued interest at date of purchase on Liberty Bonds. 140.00 Total $787,798.02 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 35,000.00 Undivided profits $13,559.39 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 6,391.03 7,168.36 Interest and discount collected but not earned 4,378.50 Amount reserved for all interest accrued 3,656.50 Individual deposits subject to check ? 494,028.21 Certified checks 1,243.51 Cashier's checks outstanding 6,536.10 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 185,786.84 Total $787,798.02 State of North Carolina, County of Johnston. I, R. N. Aycock, Cashier of the r.bove bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. N. AYCOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of November, 1917. T. C. EVANS, Notary Public. My Commission Expires Oct. 4th, 1918. Correct ? Attest: T. R. HOOD, W. H. AUSTIN, J. D. UNDERWOOD, Directors. GIFTS FOR XMAS We have lots of useful gifts for Christmas from 5 cents to SI. 00. Toys! Toys!! We have a big line of American made Dolls and toys. We also have a good line of imported Dolls and toys from Japan. The American made Toys- are higher than the imported Toys, but are better made. We have the Ameri can made Dolls from 25 cents to ??'>.00? and the Japanese Dolls from 10 cents to $1.00. Buy Your Toys Early We can furnish everything that's needed for- Christ mas Trees. Do. not wait until the Rush to buy for a Christmas Tree. J. E. GREGORY & CO. 5, 10, and 25 cent Store, Smithlield, - - - North Carolina

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