THE SMHID HERALD Published Every Tuesday and Friday. WATCH YOUR LABEL. No receipt will be sent for subscrip tion. Each subscriber is asked to watch the little yellow label on his paper. If the label is not changed within three weeks after remittance is made, the subscriber should notify as. Watch your label. NOTE. ? All correspondents should remember that wc pay no attention to communications without the writ er's name. If you write every day be sure to enclose your name each time. Address all matters for publication to The Smithfield Herald, Smithfield, N. C. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Mr. W. Ransom Sanders made a business trip to Henderson Wednes day. Mr. Gillam Hicks is spending the week with relatives in Granville County. Judge F. H. Brooks went to Durham yesterday to attend the Baptist State Convention. Mrs. Mary Yelvington and Mrs. Flora Hyman returned Wednesday from a visit to Dunn. Miss Elizabeth Kelly, of the State Department of Education, spent a day or two here this week in the interest of her work. Judge F. H. Brooks has an engage ment to speak at Brogden school house tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody invited. No collection. Misses Sadie Puckett, Helene Ives and Carrie Brodie Sanders returned Monday from Franklinton where they spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Zelma Wester. Miss Ava Myatt went to Greenville Monday to attend the' marriage of Miss Willie Ragsdale to Mr. Hobgood, which took place Wednesday. Miss Myatt v/iis one of the bridesmaids. Miss Sallie Hadley, who has b?en spending the summer in the mountains of Western North Carolina, arrived Tuesday night to visit her aunt, Mrs. W. M. Sanders, and other relatives here. Quite a number of Smithfield people went to Raleigh yesterday to do Christ mas shopping. Among them we note, Mrs. Jas. Wellons, Mrs. E. S. Abell, Mrs. L. T. Royall, Mrs. W. M. Law rcnce, Mrs. R. I. Lassiter, Miss May, Moore and others. Rev. John W. Suttle, of Shelby, is expecting to arrive today to visit Mr. J. M. Beaty and other friends here. He is attending the Baptist State Convention at Durham and decided to visit his old field where he spent nine years of successful service as pastor of the Smithfield Baptist church. Mr. T. S. Ragsdale is going to Ral etirh today to attend a meeting of the comm;ttee having in charge the War Savings Stamps campaign. Col. H. F. Fries, of Winston-Salem, is the State Chairman. He has invited Mr. Ragsdale to take charge of the work cs Cihairman for Johnston County. The Civic Department of the Wo min's Club will meet at the Club Rooms at four o'clock Monday after noon, December 10th, to dra^ up plans for beautifying Smithfield. The mem bers are urged to be present. All oth er women interested are given a cor dial invitation to attend the meeting. Messrs. E. S. Edmundson and R. C. Gillett went on a hunting trip up in Wake county near Garner yesterday. Mrs. L. G. Patterson and Mrs. C. B.< Willirmson accompanied them ? Mrs. Patterson to spend the day with Mrs. Simon Turner, and Mrs. Williamson to spend the day with Mrs. John Turner. Mr. Willis M. Barbour, a private of Camp Jackson, has been spending a few days with relatives around Four Oaks. He is a member of Company C, 317lh Machine Gun Battalion. He has been in the service about two months. He was in town Tuesday and called in and subscribed for The Herald. Be sure to inquire and learn about the War Thrift Stamps and the War Savings Stamps, which will socn be on sale. Save your quarters and help Uncle Sam by lending him your sav ings and get a War Savings Certifi cate which will bear interest. The original amount with interest will be paid January 1, 1923. j The Smithfield Baptist Sunday school last Sunday morning elected the pastor of the church, Rev. H. F.' Brinson, as a delegate to the National Anti-Saloon League Convention which | meets in Washington City, December 10 to 13. Governor Bickett has ap- ( pointed Judge F. H. Brooks as one of a hundred delegates from this State. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. N. B. Gran tham delightfully entertained, "The Round Dozen Book Club" at her home in Brooklyn. The time was pleasantly ^ spent, some playing "Rook" and some , knitting. Toward the close of the afternoon delicious fruit salad and sandwiches were served.* Miss Alice Grantham will be the hostess next time. m m * RED CKOSS NOTES. * * K 3K3IE3IE3KXf 3KX3K3K Send Your Old White Cloth to the Ked Cross. Any housekeeper who has old, worn sheets, pillow-cases or table cloths ? in fact, any clean white cloth, from which pieces 16 inches square can be cut, can help the Red Cross materially by giving them to the Smithfield Chapter. They can be used in several different ways, by the surgical dressing class. Last Wednesday many yards of new materir.l were used for this class, in articles which would have been just as good, made of old cloth. Every dollar secured through the sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals is used for the Tuberculosis Fund. Fight ing the great White Plague is a great task and every penny spent for a Red Cross Christmas Seal goes to swell the fund. By the. sale of these little seals many thousands of dollars is raised each year and spent for the purpose of trying to stop the ravages of consumption among the people. Red Cross Seals are sold in Smithfield at the store of Spiers Bros., Hood Bros., Creech's and W. L. Woodall & Sons. SPILONA NOTES. Owing to the favorable weather throughout the entire fall the farmers of this section have had good success in housing their crops notwithstand ing the scarcity of labor. The annual Thanksgiving service was held at Hickory Grove Advent ohurch last Thursday. Rev J. T. Williams from Asheville, N. C., preached a good sermon at Clement last Sunday afternoon. There was a large crowd out to hear him. Mr. Seth Lassiter, from near Wil son's Mills, was in this section Sunday afternoon. The outstanding conversation among the men is "the war." You can hardly meet a person but what the question is put, " What do you think about the war today?" That is a question that should be given much thought, but none of us is able to tell just what about it. ^ Wo are sorry to note that Mrs. D. L. Massengill, who is spending some time wiih lie* parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King, is in bed with malarial fever. We hope she will soon be up again. The public school has boon in session at Spilona for three weeks. The at tendance for the first week was small owing to the fact that the mumps was prevailing in the comunity^ I think the epidemic is about mastered now. . The enrollment of school has considerably increased over that of the first two weeks, the enrollment being more than fifty at present. The teachers, Mr. John W. King, of this section, end Miss Pearl Edwards, of Vass, N. C., are striving very enthusi astically to make this the best school year in its history. Let the prints and the children cooperate with the teache -s and observe the results of their inexperienced hands. The Rock Hill Literary Socicty has arranged to entertain the people a little while next Saturday night, Dec. the 8th, with a short program after which there will be some boxes sold, and perhaps some "girls." You arc cordially invited. Mr. D. L. Massengill who has been ) at Norfolk, Va., for some time has come to spend a while in our midst. /k. Spilona, Dec. 3. ?* BOX PARTIES. * i* * From now until further notice all ( notices of box parties will be regarded as advertising and a small charge will I be made. All teachers and others de ! siring to publish a notice of box party I will please enclose 25 cents with notice. This rule will be applied to all. Brown School House. There will be a box party at Brown school house Friday night, December ,14th. The public is invited. Money will go for benefit of the library. ? Teachers. Boyette School House. There will be a box party at Boyette school house two and a half miles west of Kenly, Saturday night, December 15. Everybody invited. Proceeds for benefit of school. ? Teacher. Thornton School House. There will be a Christmas Tree and other amusements at Thornton school i house on Thursday night, Dec. 20. Everybody invited. ? Teacher. Benson, R. 4. Godwin School House. There will be a box party at Godwin I school house, four miles from Kenly, on Friday night, December 14. Pro ceeds for benefit of school. Every body invited. ? Teacher. NICE LINE OF CHRISTMAS POST cards and seals at Herald Office. THE NEWS IN CLAYTON. Clayton, N. C., Dec. 5. ? Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Cower, of Criftin, spent last Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cower. Mrs. Y. M. Holland and little sister Sarah returned Sunday afternoon from Kenly where they had been visit ing relatives for a few days. Miss Cleve Barnes is spending some time with relatives in Georgia. Miss I^Kue Williams spent Thanks giving in Norfolk with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Gulley. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Austin, of Four Oaks, spent several days last week with Mrs. M. E. Cattis. Mr. S. R .Gulley, of Norfolk, came <o town Saturday of last week accom panied by his mother, Mrs. M. G. Gul ley, who spent several weeks with him. Mr. Gulley retured to his home at Norfolk Sunday. Mr. Neil Barnes, who is a member of the Coast Artillery stationed at Fort Caswell, spent last Sunday here with his parents. Mr. and' Mrs. Elmo Gattis, of Golds boro, visited their mother, Mrs. M. E. Gattis this week. Miss Telza Barnes who is in school at the Conservatory of Music at- Dur ham camc home last Sunday to see her brother Neil who was here from Fort Caswell. She returned Tutsday morn ing. Mrs. Riley R. Gulley spent Thanks giving with relatives at Nashville. Mrs. R. B. Ellis and daughter Kath ryn left Tuesday for Columbia, S. C., to visit her husband who is training at Camp Jackson. Miss Helen Rogers, of Baltimore, who for the past season has been here as milliner for the Barnes-Duncan Company, left today. Heir many friends here will miss her and regret to see her leave. Thanksgiving services were held at Baptist church Sunday night last. Mr. S. A. Averitt made a splendid talk. An offering was taken and quite a neat sum realized. I rofessor J. L. Duncan, of Linden High School, spent the holidays here with his parents. Mr. W. E. S tailings left Monday for Petersburg, Va., after spending sever al days here with his family. Mr. rnd Mrs. Paul C. Duncan spent Monday in Raleigh. The many friends of Mr. Council Poole regret very much to see him leave us. As he leaves to accept a position with a drug company at Stantonsburg, we wish him much suc cess in the line he has chosen. Rev. ( . W. Robinson, of Jonesboro, spent a few hours here this week en route to Greenville to attend M. E. Conference. .'?lr. I,. H. Johnson returned Monday Trom Camp-Jackscn where he went to visit his brother who is in camp there. He reports the boys all doing well. Mr*. Chas. G. Gulley haJ as her guest last week her father and moth er, Mr. and Mns. Wootcn, and sister, Tneo W ooten, of Warsaw. Mrs. Maggie Best, of Chapel Hill, visited relatives here this week. Mr. A. V. Gulley, of Smithfield, was in town a few days ago. Mr. Johnie Barbour spent Sunday v't. i Monday in Spring Hope. Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Hall, Mrs. Jesse Ellington and Mrs. R. J. Honcycutt spent Sunday in Smithfield. Mr. Hugh A. Page who took train mg at Oglethorpe, Ga., arrived last week to spend several days here with relatives and friends before goin?- to his post of duty. Mr. Page is look ing fine and is Second Lieutenant. He leaves Friday of next week for Cnmp Greene, Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffrys of near . spent Sunday here faith rela tives. The Tom Thumb Wedding: Riven in the school auditorium last Friday ev ening by the small children of the town proved a very great success and a large audience enjoyed many mo ments of fun. The bride was little Miss Mary Caster Nooe, aged three years. The groom, John Walter Mayo, aged five years. The proceeds go to the Red Cross fund. A small number of the children from the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh came down last Saturday and on Sunday morning at regular preach tertainment in the Home Memorial church. Every one present enjoyed it ing hour gave a very interesting en thoroughly and saw the reason why we should always give money freely to that cause. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Smith and little son, Thurman, Jr., arrived today to make their home here. Mr. Smith will work for A. Home & Son. Their many friends here are glad to see them come back and live with us. Rev. T. A. Sikes is attending Con ference at Greenville this week. Miss Alma Hall returned today from an extended visit to friends at Lillington. SALE OF OLD BRIDGE LUMBER. I will sell for cash to the highest bidder the old bridge lumber at the Smithfield bridge on Saturday, Decem ber 8th, at 12 o'clock. J. A. Johnson, Bridge Commissioner. I / ? ? BUSINESS LOCALS a' m m HtlL'WA'WWA'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWIiHaHif The management of the Academy of Music at Raleigh announces that the successful farce-comedy by Tully, "Mary's Ankle," will be presented at the Academy next Tuesday night. HARROWS? DISK AND SMOOTH ing harrows, riding cultivators, grain drills, anything in farm ma chinery, and wire fencing. See our lime spreaders. We are agents for International Harvester Co., and i Walter A. Wood. Full line of farm j machinery. Roberts Atkinson Co., I Selma, N. C. KEROSENE ENGINES, GASOLINE Engines, wood sawing outfit, flour mills, grist and feed mills. Let us figuro with you on an engine out ? fit. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. BIGGIES, BUGGY HARNESS AND Robes, one and two horse wagons, stalk cutters. Anything in farm machinery. Coles Hot Blast heat ers and Ranges, Poultry and farm fence. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. WAGONS? A CAR OF ONE AND two horse wagons just received. Our prices are right. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. AUTO TIRES? A LARGE LOT OF casings, tubings and spark plugs now in stock. 3,500 mile guarantee. Our prices are close on these. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. THREE GOOD HORSES FOR SALE at a bargain. H. E. Upchurch, H. L. Lee, Four Oaks, N. C. SELMA'S DOLLAR DAY, THURS day, December 13th. Watch for big ads. FARM FOR RENT. A ONE OR Two horse farm for rent. Apply to P. A. Holland, Smithfield, N. C., R. F. D. 2. THE SMITHFIELD BUILDING & Loan Association has helped a num ber of people to build homes. It will help others, and maybe you. New series of shares now open. See Mr. J. J. Broadhurst. SELMA'S DOLLAR DAY, THCRS day, December 13th. Watch for big ads. LIBERAL REWARD FOR THE RE covery of a large white and black hound with scar on back near hips. E. F. Boyett, Smithfield, N. C. SEE US FOR LATHS AND fl'LAS ter. Cotter Hardware Co. SELMA'S DOLLAR DAY, THURS day, December 13th. Watch for big ads. BUY YOUR FLOUR AT AUSTIN Stephenson Co.'s big sale. Best Patent Flour 10.95 per barrel. You might not be able to get it later. FOR SALE. ABOUT ONE HUN dred bushels seed wheat. Also Kogc-r bean and wheat thrasher in first clrss condition. Smith Form A-Truck also for sale. W. A. Phelps, Four Oaks, N. C., Route 3. SEE US FOR LATHS AND PLAS ter. Cotter Hardware Co. BUY YOUR TOYS AND OTHER articles for your Christmrs Tree eprly, and avoid the rush. Smith field 5, 10 and 25 cent Store. ANOTHER BIG LOT OF BOOKS for Christmas expected daily at The Herald Office. FOR RENT. For rfcnt good two-horse farm, new 6-room house, painted and fixed up to date. Prefer a man with team. I will furnish the fertilizer. Let him farm on halves. This is one of the best farms in Johnston County. Apply quick to J. Rufus Creech, Pine Level, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1. THE SMITHFIELD MARKET. Cotton 27 to 28 % Cotton Seed 1.10 Wool 20 to 30 Eggs 40 Fat Cattle 5 to 6% Com per bushel 1.50 to 1.75 C. R. Sides 30 to 32% Feed Oats 90 to 1.00 Fresh Pork 17% to 20 Hams, per pound 38 to 40 Lard 25 to 32% Timothy Hay 1.75 to 1.90 Cheese per pound 35 Butter, per pound 40 to 50 Meal 4.75 to 5.00 Flour per sack 6.00 to 6.25 Coffee per pound 15 to 20 Cotton Beed meal 2.25 to 2.50 Cotton ?eed hull* 1.00 ShipstufT 2.80 to 3.00 Molasses Feed 3.00 Hides, Green 12% to 14 ONLY 14 MORE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE XMAS. DON'T PUT OFF BUYING TILL THE LAST MINUTE. BUY NOW AND AUOID THE RUSH. NEUER BEFORE HAS OUR STOCK OF XMAS GOODS BEEN MORE COMPLETE. WE HAUE JUST COMPLETED OUR XMAS BOOTH. IN WHICH YOU WILL FIND. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. FANCY NECK WEAR. NOUELTY PINS. BROOCHES. HAT PINS. CARD CASES. HAND BAGS. SEWING BAGS. WATER SETS. BATH SETS. RIBBONS. BED ROOM SHOES. FANCY AND PLAIN LINEN TOWELS. AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER THINGS NOT MENTIONED. your Christmas Cards and Christmas Post 3ards at the Herald Book Store. On sale on and ifter December 1st. We have Cranberries, Mince-meat, Shelled Nuts, Seeded Raisins, Citron, Cocoa-nuts, Olives, Good Cheese, and the best line of canned goods and package goods in town. We also carry a com plete line of heavy and fancy groceries and can supply your wants on short notice. Goods de- ' livered in town promptly. Our prices are as low as the quality of the goods will permit. THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF BANKS OF I WHICH OUR BANK IS A MEMBER IS THE BEST BANKING ] SYSTEM EVER THOUGHT OUT. A BANK WHICH PROVES ITSELF WORTHY OF BECOMING A MEMBER CAN TAKE I ITS SECURITIES TO THE CENTRAL RESERVE BANK WHEN- J EVER IT WANTS TO AND GET MONEY. ; THEREFORE WHEN YOU PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR J BANK YOU CAN GET IT WHEN YOU WANT IT. J PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.

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