ON DOLLAR DAY WE WILL SELL YOU, 10 lbs. Rice $1.00 8 lbs. Green Coffee T. 1.00 $1.25 Wood Tubs 1.00 1.25 Galvanized Tubs 1.00 1 Keen K utter Axe and Handle 1.00 1-75c Steel Pan and 2-25c Dippers 1.00 2-50c Buckets and 1 Dipper 1.00 1.25 and 1.50 Shovels 1.00 2-50c and l-25c Pocket Knives 1.00 We are closing out some of our lines of goods an(j wju gjyg yOU special bargains in thesji lines on Dollar Day. Come to our store and buy what YOU want at YOUR PRICE. Very Liberal discounts allowed on accounts paid during Pay-Up-Week. Will buy more goods at our store on Dollar Day than you ever heard of. We will move our stock to Wilson January 1st. If you want Real Bargains come to our store Dollar Day and look over our Special Counters. We are selling out our present stock so that we wont have it to move. Come and see and be convinced. at our store will be one of unusual bargains. Three 50c Caps $1.00 Three pr. 50c Gloves 1.00 One pr. $1.25 Gloves 1.00 Three 50c Ties 1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 Shoes 1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts 1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 Boys Hats 1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 Overalls 1.00 Seven Arrow Collars 1.00 $1.25 Boys Pants 1.00 Special prices on all other articles not mentioned above. Our stock of Gents furnishings, and shoes is still com plete. Look it over. We will give special prices on our entire stock of goods which is one of the largest stocks in this section. We have a big stock of dry goods, shoes, men and boys' clothing, overcoats, Christmas Goods, of all kinds, stoves and ranges and in fact everything that you need for the home and the farm. With every $10.00 purchase of goods or every $10.00 paid on account up to Dec. 24th, we will give a ticket that is good for a chance on a $150 Talking Machine that we will give away to the holder of the lucky number at 3 :00 o'clock, December 24th. With every $10.00 purchase of goods for the cash on Dollar Day we will sell 5 lbs. of sugar for 50 cents. During Pay-Up-Week, we will pay Thirty Cents for cotton on accounts. If you owe us bring us your cotton and get the benefit of the high prices. we will offer various bargains in Staple and Seasonable merchandise. Be sure to visit our store Dollar Day. will be a good time for you to investigate our insurance business. Let us quote you rates and write you a policy. We represent reliable companies for all kinds of insur ance, bonds, etc. Come to our office and let's talk the matter over. on Dollar Day will be our store. With the big stock we have, it is impossible in our short space to begin enume rate the bargains that we will offer. All we ask is that you come and see. We know you will go away pleased and benefited. A full line of Jewelry and Christmas goods, of all kinds. We have a complete line of ladies' Bracelet Watches that will interest you. Special prices for Dollar Day. The best in medicines, The best in service, And lowest in prices, A big stock Christmas Goods, A present for everybody. A discount of 5 per cent for all old accounts paid during Pay-Up-\Veek. for anything for the Home or Farm at reasonable profits. Special prices on Dollar Day. Don't fail to see our special Dollar Day Display. offer the following for Pay-Up-Week and Dollar Day 5 Medicated salt Brick $1.00 14 qt. Dish Pans 1.00 20 lbs. No. 10 Wire Nails 1.00 2 Wooden Water Buckets 1.00 Special prices on various other articles. Look for our special display of enamel ware at 5c, 10c and 25c. Liberal discounts will be allowed on all accounts six months old and over that are settled during Pay-Up-Week.