SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain De>.*3 of Trust r.'iid.? and execute io the undersigned trustee, by A. B. Currin and Lonie L. Currin his wife, to secure en indebt edness to Mrs. Margaret Harward Bagley, which said Divu of Trust is recorded in Book 109, Page 144 in the office of the Register -jf Deeds for Harnett County and Book I No. l'J, Page 149, etc., in the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness ? therein secured and application hav ing been made by the said Mrs. Mar garet Harward Bagley to the under signed to make sale of the property hereinafter described according to the power of sale contained in the said Deed of Trust, tl.e undersigned will at 12 o'clock neon on the 28th day of December, 1917, at the Court House door at Lillington in Harnett County offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder or bidders for cash the following described tracts of land and interests in land lying and being in said Harnett and Johnston Counties: FIRST TRACT: The one-half un divided interest of A. B. Currin in, of and to the following described tract or parccl of land lying and being in Black River Township, Harnett Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a cerner with L. U. Overby in the center of the Angier road in the run of Hugh's Creek and runs with said Z. D. Overby's line down the run of said Creek, passing said Overby's corner and with J. L. Johnson's line and past his corner in the said Creek and with M. D. Den ning's line about 58.80 chains to said Denning's corner in the W. II. Flow ers' old line; thence as his line North 8!) 1-2 degrees West 5.75 chains to M. F. Barbour's corner, thence with said Barbour's line North 08 degrees West 7 chains to the old corner With J. L. Talley, thence with his line North 1 1-2 degrees East about 10 chains to a stake and pointers, cor ner of the H. H. Carroll old tract, thence with another of the said Talley * * * * old marked lines, North 87 1-4 West 40.50 chains to a stake and pointers, corner in the R. S. Mat thews' old line, thence as the said Matthews' line North 2 East G.85 chains to a stake, corner with Arson Pate, thence with his line North 27 East 9.25 chains to a corner of the H. W. Pate trac*, thence with another of Arson Pate's lines North 76 de grees West 17.50 chains to his corner, thence with another of his lines North 7 West 5.50 chains to his corner, thence West with his line 5 chains to his corner, thence North 55 degrees West 5 chains to his corner, thence South 87 degrees West 4.20 chains to his corner in the old Whittenton line, thence as the said old Whittenton line North 24 degrees East 23.20 chains to. "the said Whittenton corner, (now J. L. Johnson's corner), thence as said J. L. Johnson's line and past his corner South 73 1-2 East 34.50 chains to a stake corner in the H. H. Caroll old line, thence with said old line North 47 degrees East passing H. W. Pate's corner 12.75 chains to a high Lightwood stump North West corner of the Carroll tract, thence North 2 East with H. W. Pate's line 3 chains to his corner, thence with said Pate's line Nol-th 75 degrees West 23 chains to a stake, corner in J. L. Johnson's line, thence with his line North 27 de grees East 7.20 chains to stake and pointers corner with the Birch or Ella Page tract, thence with a line of said tract South 80 degrees East 19.75 chains to a large pine stump corner in the A. B. Currin line, thence as the said old line North 2 degrees East 2.70 chains to a stake corner in line of right of way of the Durham and Southern Railway Company, thence as a curve of said line in an Eastern direction 19.50 chains to a stake cor ner in W. H. Folwers* line, thence as his line South 8 3-4 degrees West 6 chains to a stake corner in the center of the Holly Springs and Angier road, thence as the said Angi<*r road 29.70 chains to the beg:nn:ig, containing 399 1-10 acres, as per pl^t made by A. W. Greerory, May 23, 1914. This tract contains the Carroll tract of land, conveyed to A. B. Currin by deed recorded in book 184, page 8; the tract conveyed to said Currin and Mabry by The Dixie Land Company by deed recorded in book 180, page 102; the tract conveyed to A. B. Currin by W. E. Baggett recorded in book 180, page 142 and that con veyed to said Currin by B. F. Wil liams by deed recorded in said Register of Deeds office for Harnett County; and is subject to a certain Deed in Trust by A. B. Currin and wife to J. W. Bunn in the sum of $1,750.00 on the Carroll tract recorded in book 106, page 580; and a certain mortgage deed by said Currin and Mabry to The Dixie Land Onmpany tract in the amount of $2,460.00 re corded in book 109, page 6 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Harnett County. There is to be deducted from this tract 150 acres of the Carroll tract which has heretofore been sold by J. W. Bunn, Trustee, and 228 acres of The Dixie Land Company tract, which has heretofore been sold under a prior mortgage, leaving the onu-half inter est of A. B. Currin in 21 1-10 acres included in the above description to be sold at the sale. SECOND TRACT: A one-half un divided interest (E. R. Madry owning the other half) in the following de scribed tract or parcel of land lying and being in Black River Township, Harnett County, North Carolina; This boundary includes 5 tracts as follows viz: 4 tracts 61 acres purchas ed from William Searcy, Sr., and 13 3-4 acres purchased of William Searcy Jr., and is a portion of the South West corner of the Ransom Pate dec. old tract, making in all 74 3-4 acres, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake corner on the Bank of Mid Prong of Buies' Creek with Williams' Bro. Corner and runs as their line South 87 degrees East 27.75 chains to a stake corner in an old field, thence North 5 -degrees East 3.17 chains to a corner, thence North 2 degrees East 10 chains to a stake corner, thence South 80 East passing the South West cor ner of the Pate old tract 11.50 chains to an old corner, thence South 4 degrees West 13.20 chains to a Rock corner, thence North 27 degrees East 10.50 chains to a Black Gum corner now down just below an old ford, thence up the various courses of the run of said Branch about South 88 10.50 chains to a Black Gum corner ner, thence North 19 degrees East 5 chains to a stake and pointers cor ner, thence North 00 degrees West 10.15 ehains as a marked line to a stake coiner in a path at the edge of an old Ditch Bridge, thence as another of Arson Pate's lines North 11 East 4.25 chains to a stake corner near the edge of a branch, thence north 75 de grees West as his other line 4.25 chains to a stake corner in the Wil liam Searcy, Sr., old line, thence as that old line North 25 East 3.10 chains to stake corner with J. L. Johnson, thence with his line North 85 degrees West 17.33 chains to a corner, thence North 87 degrees West 9.50 chains to a stake corner at the run of M. Prong of Buies' Creek, thence down the vari ous courses of the run of said Creek to the beginning and is 74 3-4 acres more or less. This tract or parcel of land is com posed of that tract or parcel of land conveyed to A. B. Currin and E. R. Mabry by William Searcy and wife by deed recorded in book 179, page 550 and by William Searcy, Jr., and wife to A. B. Currin by deed recorded in book 183, page 92, Register of Deeds office in Harnett County ancf is sub ject to a certain Mortgage by said Currin and Mabry to William Searcy for $800.00 recorded in book 110, page 380 said Register of Deeds office. There is to be deducted G5 3-4 acres heretofore sold under mortgage by William Searcy, included in these boundaries leaving 13 acres of land of this tract to be sold at this sale. THIRD TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Grove Township, Harnett County, Pleasant Grove Township, Johnston County, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the South East corner of the Harper tract and runs North 3 degrees East 23 chains to a stake corner, thence with the D. S. Stephenson old line North 87 de grees West 15 chains to a stake cor ner with Dehro Jones', thence with his line South 4 degrees West 12.50 chains to a stake corner with said Jones', thence with his line about North 87 degrees West about 10.(50 chains to his other corner, thence with his other line North 1(5 3-4 East 10 chains to stake corner with A. J. Gregory, thence with his line North 77 degrees West 25.70 chains to a stake corner at an old Ditch, thence as another of his lines North 10 de grees West 2 chains to S. R. Wilson's old corner, thence North 84 1-2 de grees West 17.20 chains to a corner with Benton Pleasant's old corner, thence with his old line South 12 1-2 East 40.30 chains crossing the New Road to a stake corner in a branch with J. M. Gregory's, thence with his line South 58 1-2 degrees East 6.50 chains to a stake, corner in a branch, thence with said J. M. Gregory's line South 50 East 18.28 chains to a pine corner in the head of a Branch, thence down the Branch 4 chains to the old corner, thence as the old line North 36 degrees East 7.35 chains to a cor ner with the Church Lot, thence with the Pool old line North 36 degrees East 27.50 chains to the old Post Oak corner, thence about South 87 de grees East about 14 chains to the be ginning and includes 6 tracts and the remaining portion of the Pool old tract and makes in all 200 3-4 acres, more or less. This tract or parcel of land is com posed of those certain tracts or par cels of land conveyed to A. B. Currin and A. H. Gordon by Th^ Dixie Land Company, deed recorded in book 180, page 106, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Harnett County and book 12, page 447, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County, the interest of A. H. Gordon in the same being thereafter conveyed to A. B. Currin by deed recorded in said Registers of Deeds offices; and the first, fourth and fifth tracts of land conveyed to A. B. Currin by J. G. Currin by deed recarded in book , page , in the office of the Register of Deeds for Harnett County and book , page , in the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County. FOURTH TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Anderson Creek Township, Harnett County, adjoining the lands of Wil liam Dorman, Jacob West, M. L. Wil liams and others and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake and pointers in Jacob West's line, running thence with said West's line West 31.63 chains to a stake and pointers in West's old line, thence with said line North 3 degrees East 19 chains to a stake and pointers, William Dorman's corner, thence with his line East 31. ?3 chains to said Dorman's corner, thence South 3 degrees West 19 chains to the beginning containing 60 acres, more or less and being conveyed to A. B. Currin and W. H. Parrish by L. C. Smith and wife, the interest of W. H. Parrish being conveyed to A. B. Cur rin by deed dated June 4th, both deeds being filed for registration. FIFTH TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Black River Township, Harnett Coun ty, adjoining the lands of Sam Byrd, Henry Elliot, Evander Williams and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, the Southwest corner of the Nat Elliot 75 acre tract and runs thence as Henry Elliot's line North 88 degrees East 38.25 chains to a corner of the 25 acres belonging to Rena McClean,, thence as his line of the Rena McClean tract North 6 de grees West 16.75 chains to a stake, her other corner, thence South 74 de grees West 7.50 chains to a corner, thence North 87 1-2 degrees West 19.25 chains fb a stake and pointers, thence South 4 degrees West, 16.87 chains to the beginning, containing ! 50 acres, more or less bring conveyed to A. B. Currin by W. M. McDougald and others by deed recorded in book 183, page 42 in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Harnett County. SIXTH TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Black River Township', Harnett Coun ty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of William K. McClean, A. B. Currin ami others, bounded and described as j follows: Beginning at the corner of the 6 1-2 acre tract in line of tract No. 9 herein conveyed and runs South 87 1-2 de grees East 10.50 chains to a corner, on the East side of a branch, thence down the branch, North 10 degrees West 10 chains to the corner, thence North 87 1-2 degrees West 18.25 chains to a corner, in' the line of lot l No. 5 also corner of lot No. 3, thence South 30 1-2 degrees East 12 chains to the beginning, containing 13 acres, more or less and being lot No. 4 in the division of the lands of Sam McDou gald, deceased, and being conveyed to A. B. Currin by William McDougald and others by deed recorded in book 183, page 41 in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Harnett County. Apex, N. C., Nov. 16, 1917. . PERCY J. OLIVE, .. . " Trustee. J SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Deed of Trust made and executed to the undersign ed trustee, by A. B. Currin and wife, Lonie L. Currin to secure an indebted ness to Mrs. Margaret Harward Bag ley, which said Deed of Trust is re corded in book 109, page 144 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Harnett County and book I, No. | 13, page 149, etc., in the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County, default having been made in the -payment of said indebtedness therein secured and application hav ing been made by the said Mrs. Mar garet Harward Bagley to the urder signed to make sale of the property hereinafter described according to the power of sale contained in the said Deed of Trust, the undersigned will at 12 o'clock noon on the 4th day of January, 1918, at the Court House door at Smithfield in Johnston County, offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder or bidders for cash the following described tracts of land and interests in land lying and being in said Johnston County: FIRST TRACT: That certain tract1 or parcel of land lying and being in j Johnston County, Pleasant Grove Township, adjoining the lands of A. B. Currin, L. E. Byrd and others, more | particularly bounded and described as follows: o iw A I I llllil 11^, a t <* Btcirv*.- Ill *? . iTl . McGee's line and runs North 3G 1-2 degrees East 24.50 chains to a stake in Frank McCIowd's line, thencc as his line North 8 degrees West* 22 chains to a post oak, Raoni Pool's ( line and corner, thence as his line South 04 degree's West to a post oak stump, thence to the beginning, and containing 35 acres, more or less, and being the second tract conveyed to A. B. Currin by J. G. Currin by deed re corded in book . page in the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County. SECOND TRACT: Lying and being in Pleasant Grove Township, Johnston County, adjoining the lands of A. B. Currin, L. E. Byrd and others and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake in Fredrick Pool's line and runs South 41 degrees East, 18.10 chains to a stake Hille's corner, thence North 45 degrees East 11.70 chains to a stake in W. D. Stewart's line, thence North 41 de grees West 19.84 chains to a stake in Pool's line, thence North 41 de grees West 19.84 chains to a stake in Pool's line, thence South 35 degrees West to the beginning, containing 27 acres, more or less, and being the third tract from J. G. Currin- to A. B. Currin by deed recorded in book , ' page in the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County. THIRD TRACT: Lying and being in Pleasant Grove Township, Johnston County, adjoining the lands of W. B. Johnson and A. B. Currin, Lonie Par rish and others and bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake in McCuller's Branch, W. B. Johnson's and A. B. Currin's corner, running thence down the corner of said branch in a south erly direction 10.75 chains to a stake in said branch, thence South 30 de grees West 18.15 chains to two red oaks, a corner, thence South 62 de grees East 5.90 chains to a pin, thence ' South 60 degrees East 13.30 chains to ! a stake corner, thence North 4 degrees ! East 28.35 chains to a stake, the be- ! ginning, containing 31.40 acres, more | or less, being the first and second i tracts of land conveyed to A. B. Cur- | rin by James E. Langston and wife by deed recorded in book , page in the office of the Refister of Deeds for Johnston County. FOURTH TRACT: A certain tract j or parcel of land lying and being in j Pleasant Grove Township, Johnston j County, North Carolina, adjoining the j lands of A. B. Currin, W. B. Johnson , and others and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a maple in McCuller's Branch, running thence South 58 1-2 degrees Efrst 5.20 chains to a pine, thence with L. E. Byrd's line, an agreed line, to a stake in the old line; thence South 61 degrees East 13.30 chains to a stake, thence North 4 de grees 28.35 chains to the Branch, up said Branch to the beginning, con taining 20 acres, more or less, and being the third tract conveyed to A. B. Currin, by James E. Langston and wife by deed recorded in book , page in the office of the Register of Deeds for Johnston oCunty. Apex, N. C., Nov. 16, 1917. PERCY J. OLIVE, Trustee, NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as administrator on the estate cf Alice Morgan, deceased, hereby no tifies all persons having claims against said estate to present tha same to me duly verified on or be fore the 6th day of November, 1918, or this notico will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persons in debted to said estate will make imme diate payment. This second ihiv of November, 1917. MOSES M. WATSON, Administrator. Wendell. N. C., Route No. i. W. H. RHODES, Attorney. Wendell, N. C. NOTICE. By virtue of the powers ccritained in a certain mortgage deed executed and delivered to the undersigned by Calvin Richardson and wif- Stanchie Richardson on the 2t>th day of Novem ber, 1910, which mortgage is duly recorded in the Registry of Johnston County in Book 1-11, pag' 278, the terms and conditions therein having been broken, iljf undersign d will of fer fyr sale at the Court House door in the tcwn of Smithficld, N. C., on December 22, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., to the highest bidder for cash .he fol lowing described property: Situate in Block "B" in the plan of the town of Selma, N. C., adjoining Noble Street on the north; on the east by Pollock Street; on the south by Hester Adams' lot; on the west by Argal property, and known as lot No. 5, in said plan, containing ^ if an acre. This 19th November, 1917. W. B. ROBERTS, Mortgagee. A. M. Noble, Attorney. SALE OF GOOD SMALL FARM. North Carolina, Johnston County. In the Superior Court, beore the clerk. C. T. Eason, Admr. of J. T. Starling vs. W. A. Starling, Winnie Starling, Lester Starling, Ida Starling, Harvey- Starling, Heirs at law J. T. Starling. Under the powers of a judgment en tered in a special proceeding in the Superior Court in the above entitled matter, the undersigned Commissioner will on Thursday, the 27th of Dec., 1917, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Smithfield, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land in Selma Township. Beginning at a stake in S. B. Kirby's line and runs with said line N. 1-2 E. 22 poles to a stake, Winnie A. Star ling's corner, thence with said line N. 83 E. 109 1-2 poles to a pine on the canal in Little Creek, thence down said creek to a small bay tree, thencc S. 83 W. 110 1-2 poles to the beginning, con taining 14 7-16 acres more or less. This the 26th day of Nov., 1917. C. T. EASON, Administrator. W. W. Cole, Atty. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of W. II. Wells, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 20th day of November, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and air persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 19th day of Nov., 1917. MRS. II. P. WELLS, Administrator. CALL AT THE IIEKALI) OFFICE and get your 1918 Turner's North Carolina Almanac. At 10 Cents each. By mail 12 Cents. Pure hast; thr *' NEW HOME** and y^u willfcav a life asset at the price you pa v. The elimination ? rep^ii expense by superior workmanship a < quality of material insures life- lone srr\<-. r . t r? mum cost Insist on having the **NEW hLMK' WARRANTED FOR ALL TIMI Known the world over f