I ?ERCh GERMAN ATTACK NETS ONLY MINOR GAIN. British Tenaciously Hold Ground Ex cept at One Point; Teuton Lohncs Heavy. kaledines Wins Rattles. (War News for Wednesday.) The Germans, Following their heavy artillery preparations of recent days, have attempted to drive a wedge into the British line west of Cambrai, hut although they used numerically superior forces, their effort brought them only a minor gain. The attack, launched between Bulle court and Qucr.nt, was similiar to that adopted by Crown Prince Rupprecht's troops when they pierced General Byng's front southwest of Cambrai nearly two weeks ago and caused a retirement of the British on the sali ent General Byng previously had driv en toward Cambria. A like purpose doubtless was invloved in the latest offensive ,and for its execution huge waves of Bavarians were thrown upon the sector in an endeavor to over power the defenders. The British, however, held tenaciously to their ground, except at one point, where the enemy penetrated a front line po sition. As in their previous attempt to wreck the Cambrai salient, the Ger mans lost heavily in the enterprise, the British mowing them down with machine gun and rifle fire in the fight ing, which lasted from dawn until I o'clock in the afternoon. The spot chosen for the attack was similar, from n strategic standpoint, to that near Gonnelieu, where the offensive of a fortnight also began and, had it succeeded, another retirement by the British on the Cambrai sector prob ably would have been necessary. Notwithstanding their failure, the Germans are keeping up an intensive l ambardment of British and French positions all along the western front and daftly are receiving" additional re inforcements in men and guns from the eastern theater. Snow is falling heavily in the moun tains alonu: the northern Italian front, and optimism prevails among the Ital ians that this will aid them definitely in holding the Austro-Germans hack from the Italian plain. Amid the first flurries of the storm on Tuesday the enemy resumed his attack among the hills and was rewarded by the capture of several positions. Later, however, the Italians in a counter-attack re gained their lost terrain, after which the artillery duels were resumed, but with less strength than previously had been shown. The Cossacks under General Kale dines and the Bolsheviki forces are re ported to have met in at least two fights, with the counter- revolutionists the victors in both. The engagements occurred at Mohliev and at Tamano vka, and the Bolsheviki losses are de clared to have been heavy. General Allenby, commander of the British forces in Palestine, has entered Jerusalem and taken over control of the holy city. The populace greeted the British commander cordially. In a proclamation he told the inhabitants that all sacred buildings and holy places would be protected and main tained. Meanwhile the British army continues its successful operations in P lestitv, having captured several ad (1 ional positions from the Turks. Twenty-one British merchantmen were sunk by mines or submarines lust week, as against 17 the previous week. A resolution declaring that a state of war existed between Austria-Hun gary and* Cuba has been passed by the Cuban house of representatives. Barker- Richardson. Miss Fanny Kate Kichardson, of this city, and Mr. Rowland Pearce Parker, of Selma, were married at 8 o'clock yesterday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Spruill at 505 East Jones street. The marriage ceremony was con ducted by Rev. Weston Bruner, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle. The bride was attractively attired in a handsome taupe chiffon broadcloth traveling suit with hat to match. The parlor of the Spruill home where the nuptials were performed was beautifully decorated with ferns, evergreens and potted plants, candles throwing a soft glow over the happy scene and the gather ing of near friends and neighbors who had been invited for the occasion. The bride is a charming young lady who has spent her life in Raleigh and is highly esteemed by all who know hor. For the past five years she has made her home with her uncle, Mr. C. P. Spruill. The groom holds an im portant position with the Southern Railway at Selma. After the ceremony the bridal couple left for a trip to Washington, Balti more and Northern points. They will make their home at Selmn. ? News and Observer, 9th. The Captain of the Mont Blanc, which was destroyed by a terrific ex plosion last week, clai i)? that the collision and explosion was caused by the Captain of the Imo disregarding signals. Two .Million Dollars in Fruits Saved to the State. Mrs. Jane McKimmon, in charge of the home economics division of the state department of agriculture, finds that during the season just closed there were canned and dried in North Carolina not less than two million dollars worth of fruit and vegetables that would otherwise have been lost. Her figures are that there were can ned and dried $2,192,507 of fruits and vegetables, at a cost of about $548, 147, giving an estimated net profit of $1,646,450. These are the figures from the 60 organized counties and it is, reasonably certain that the other 40 counties also did a splendid part in this canning and drying conservation work. Some idea of the volume of work done in pressing the canning and dry- ^ ing campaign for the season by the division is given in the fact that there were 6,071 meetings of cannng clubs held, attended by 282,808 persons. Something like 44,000 letters were written and 90,000 circulars of in structions for canning and drying dis tributed. The enrollment of the can ning clubs was 14,064. The local ' agents are estimated to have caused installation of 1,238 fireless cookers, 565 iceless refrigerators, 2,463 fly traps, 439 systems of water works and other general home improve ments.- Raleigh Dispatch in Char lotte Observer. LIVE OAK NEWS. School has been in session for one month and is progressing nicely under Misses Harwood and Bailey. Last Friday night we had a com munity meeting. We had Mr. A. M. Johnson with us. He made a very interesting and helpful talk. School sold cream and candy and received a neat sum. Misses Ila Harwood, Myrtle Bailey and Mr Thomas Scott attended service at Thanksgiving Sunday. The people were :iomewhat sur prised at the marriage of Mr. Rim Jones to Miss Ethel Bunn last Tues day night. 1 Mr. R. P. Mirrit, of Pine Level, de livered an excellent sermon at Live Oak Sunday, in the absence of Mr. Duncan, the pastor. 1 Much interest is being shown among the boys in basket ball. They easily raised .$5.00 towards getting a new ' ball. The majority of the people are killing hogs this week. Mr. G. L. Scott killed one weighing 395 pounds. ' Honor Roll for First Month. First Grade ? Myrtie Masson, Mil- ' f the Johnston County Realty and Auction Company, Smithfield, N? C., f you have farm lands or town lots to sell for the High .Dollar. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Johnston County. Hattic S. Narron, Administratrix, vs. Furner Boykin, Lizzie Boykin Ingram, Former Wife of Turner Boykin. Under and by virtue of authority ?ontained in the decree of the Superior Court of Johnston County ?ntered in the above entitled action at he Dcccmber term, 1917J of said *ourt, the undersigned commissioner A-ill offer for sale at public auction at he court house door in the town of Smithfield, N. ('., on Monday, January L4, 1918, at 12 o'clock, M., for cash o the highest bidder, the following lescribcd tract or parcel of land in J'Neals township, Johnston County, uljoining the lands of C. I). Bailey, Enly Boykin, and others, and bounded is follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in Enly Boy tin's line, head of a pond; runs thence E. to a stake in Blackberry Branch; hence up said branch to a post oak; hence N. to a pine, C. 1>. Bailey's oor ler; thence N. to the head of Dark Branch to Enly Boykin's corner; hence along Enly Boykin's line to ;he beginning, containing 40 acres, iiore or less. Reference is made to Book Y No. 7, page 148, Registry of lohnston County, and also to mortg age deed executed by Enly Boykin ind wife to John A. Narron, Atty., recorded in Book F No. 11, page 146. The foregoing lands are subject to "he life estate of Jacob Boykin. Other wise the title is good. This 14th dav of December, 1917. F. H. BROOKS, Commissioner. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of authority contained in a decree of the Superior Court of Johnston County, rendered ?t the April term, 1916, in the Civil Action entitled H. D. Ellington and wife, Ethel J. Ellington, against Exum Johnson, as well as decree en tered at the February term, 1917, of :he Superior Court of Johnston Coun ty in the same cause setting aside a Former sale made by the undersigned commissioners, the undersigned will >ffer for sale at public auction at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on January 14, 1918, it 12 o'clock M., for cash, the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: Beginning at a large white oak in the Jas. T. Wood division; thence I. II. Johnson's corner and runs S. 87 E. 15.20 chains to a pine (dead); thence S. 32 W. 14.50 chains to a stake a corner of Lot No. 3; N. 87 W. 18.80 chains to a stake in line of Lot N'o. 2 in said division: thence N. 3 E. 10.40 chains to a stake in A_. Gow ?r's line; thence 43 E. to the begin ning, containing 26 acres, more or less. Thjs Dec. 12. 1917. JAS. A. WELLONS, J. R. BARROUR, Commissioners. Canadian W heat and Flour Brought to L'nited States. Since April of this year wheat and wheat flour have been imported in greatly increased quanities from Canada. This is attributed practical ly to the fact that on April 16, Canada removed the duty on wheat imported Into that country, which action auto matically admitted Canadian wheat , free of duty into the United States under the provisions of the tariff law of 1913. According to new statistics furnish ed by the Ifcjreau of Foreign and Do- ( mestic Commerce, of the Department of Commerce, 840,981 bushels of wheat were imported from Canada in September of this year, as com- j pared with 3,209,607 bushels for the whole nine months ended with Sep tember, 1910. For the nine months ended with September of this year, we imported | wheat from Canada to the extent of 21,490,269 bushels, over 14,000,000 bushels of which cam ein free after April 10. The imports of wheat flour during these nine months totaled 403, 270 barrels, of which, 297,695 barrels came in free of duty. For the cor responding nine months in 1916 the total imports were 157,289 barrels and in 1915 only 90,499 barrels. This Canadian wheat and flour is being received through every customs district on the northern border from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Buffalo leading in September with 285,119 bushels and 51,596 barrels of flour, followed by Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, with 223,883 bushels of wheat and 15,761 barrels of flour, iMchigan with 138,881 bushels of wheat and 1,539 barrels of flour, Ohio, with 114,096 bushels of wheat, Minnesota with 12,145 bushels of wheafc^and New York, Rochester, Ver mont, Dakota, Montana, and Wash ington with varying amounts. There is also a noticeable movement of Canadian flour to the West Coast. ? Dun's Review. A French report says that the Ger mans have about 2,500 airplanes. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. That under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court of John ston County and State of North Caro lina, entitled: R. C. Wallace, Admnis trator of A. D. Wallace, deceased, vs. Mrs. M. A. Wallace et als., the same being number on the Special Pro ceeding Docket, I will on Saturday, December 29th, 1917, between the hours of 12 m. and 1 o'clock, p. m., in front of The First National Bank, in the town of Selmn, North Carolina, offer for sale, for cash, that certain tract of land: Adjoining the lands of Dr. J .B. Person, W. B. Driver and others, and containing between 18 and 20 acres. To the highest bidder for Cash. This f:>rm is within one mile of Selma, North Carolina. Nearly all of the land is cleared and under cultivation. Anyone desiring to buy a farm, it would be well to investigate this property. This November 2T, 1917. R. L RAY, Commissioner. VI t ,t * for my wife !??>,*.? h . .. ? i 'NEW HOME* a-f m ? Jilf- .>-? ? ?t T>r'.?.e ff?u pty. Tie ePtnw^'Oti ? p. i ? ? l*> * -r?er <>? on ha\;ngthe ' NfcWIWAIf WARRANTED FOR ALL TlW! Knuwn the wor.J over I >r?upcrv>r sewing quali.r Not told under any other name. f Hi Ntrt HOME. SEWING MACHINE CO., ORANGE. M?o J. M. BEATY, Smithtu-ld. N. C. [NOTICE /Alio i ion Sole On Thursday, December 20th, 1917, at 12 o'clock I will sell to the highest bidder for cash or good notes three good farm mules, one extra good driving and farm mare, one full Jersey cow with young calf. (This is extra fine cow. Will give six gallons milk and make two pounds butter per day.) Also two extra fine three-year-old Berkshire* sows, a number of nice open gilts, same breed, and several shoats weighing from 60 to 100 pounds each. One lot of about 25 Bilkmore strain Barred Plymouth Rock chick ens, two farm wagons and harness, two buggies and har ness, one stalk chopper, one weeder and all plows and farming implements and household and kitchen furniture. Sale on the premises, two miles west of Princeton, on Southern Railway. Remember I shall sell Rain or Shine. C. N. PARKER Princeton, N. C., Route No. 1. The Best Christmas Gift Best because it embodies the idea cf SERVICE ? willing, able, continuous service, ar.d not for a few years only, but for life. ? = ?^THE ? - ? = ine:\a/ HO/V\ e: SEWING MACHINE Built especially for FAMILY use and adapted tc all kinds of fam ily seeing. Immediate action by you will secure one of these beautiful sewing machines for your home for Christmas. For sale by J M. BEATY Smithfield, .... North Carolina B_ We have our Furniture space filled with the best bar- ? gains in both prices and values, consisting of "all style? I of Furniture from a 50-cent Kitchen Chair to the finest I Parlor or Bed Room Suit. The Furniture is new, as most j| of it has just reached the store. The prices are OLD PRICES I I as we bought some of this Furniture most a year ago. \ =========^^ I It must go, and you will save some money if you will I investigate the prices and quality of our line of Furni ture, Mattresses Springs, Chairs, Rockers and Floor Cov erings. Cotter-Underwood lo. i Smithfuld, N. C. Give the Children Good Books for Christmas Presents THE HERALD BOOK STORE