I X I X 1 X I X ******* X X * THRIFT. * ? m X Earn What You Can, Spend What X X You Mu?t, Give What You Should X X And Save the Rest. X X X X Conducted by G. T. Whitley. X X X XKXXXXX X KKXXXXX MOTTOES ON THRIFT CARD. 1 and 2. (Buy a thrift card at the post officc and see what the first and second are.) 3. If you want to succeed save. 4. Thrift is the power to save. 5. The first principle of. money making is money-saving. 6. Don't put off 'till to-morrovr. 7. A penny saved is a penny gained. 8. All fortunes have their founda tions laid in thrift. 9. Many a little makes a mickle. 10. Saving creates independence. 11. Thrift begins with little sav ings. 12.Moncy placed at interest works day and night ? in wet and dry wea ther. 13.Save and have. 14. Great oaks from little acorns grow. 15. Waste not; want not. 16. Learn economy and you start on the road to success. Women and Arithmetic. The knowledge of arithmetic is ab solutely necessary to those who would live within their means. Women are especially ignorant of arithmetic; they are scarcely taught the sim plest elements, for female teachers think the information almost useless. They prefer to teach languages, music, deportment, the use of globes. All these may be important, but the first four rules of arithmetic arc bet ter than all. How can they compare their expenditures with their re ceipts, without the knowledge of ad dition and subtraction? How can they know precisely what to spend in rents, or clothing, or food, or for service, unless they know the value of figures? How can they check the accounts cf their tradesmen or their servants? This want of a knowledge of arithmetic is the cause, not only of great waste, but of great misery. Many a family of good position has fallen into destitition merely because of its ignorance of this branch of knowledge. ? From "Thrift," by Smiles. importance of Remaining in School. Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford, president of the National Education Association has issued an appeal to the high school pupils of America, impressing upon them the importance of their remaining in school in these critical times that their training might be ampje to fill the depleted ranks of those enlisted in war services. She emphasises the idea that the nation, as never before, is relying upon the boys and girls of high school age to keep unstrained the American princi ples. She states in part: "If the expectations of patriotic America are t^ be fulfilled, you young people must make the most of your four yars of high school life. You must pour into those years every atom cf physical, mental and spiritual energy that you possess, to the end that your trained bodies and trained minds may be the instant and obedi ent servants of the nation's novds. As you work during these crucial yeafrs, so will you live in the years to come. As you think straight, work hard and love mightily, so will the nation think, work and love. As your development is full, rich, and strong, so will the national development be come. I beg you not to be persuaded to forget the opportunity of high school life. Modern education is the interpretation of life in terms of truth, beauty, freedom, efficiency ?nd service. The country and the world, as nev^r before, will need your vision of truth, your recognition of beauty, and your power of service. Make yourself ready for the nation's call by training heart and brain and soul to the end that when the spirit of America says, 'I need my young peo ple,' you be ready with the answer, 'here we are, take us, use us,' that America may continue to teach the world the meaning of realization." War Savings. Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps are the most democratic of investments and America expects every American to show love of re publican institutions by investing in this democratic security. The aggre gate amount of the investments and the number of investors in these War Savings securities are in a way the answer of the people of this ?ause of democracy throughout the world and the vindicaation of civilization and hu manity. They afford every person, however humble and however small his means, the opportunity to contribute his part, to do his bit, in the great struggle against the military masters of Ger many who seek to dominate the world in contempt of justice and right and freedom and without conscience and without mercy. Surely every American desires to have a part in the defeat of autocracy and the success of liberty and right. The Cabinet. ? George Washington had but five Cabinet officers, a Secretary of State, a Secretary of the Treasury, a Sec retary of War, a Postmaster General, and an Attorney General. A Secretary of the Navy was added under John Adams, a Secretary of the Interior under Taylor, a Secretary of Agricul ture under Cleveland, and a Secretary of Commerce and Labor under Roos evelt. Under Wilson, in 1913, the duties of the Department of Com merce and I^abor were separated and assigned to two Cabinet officials. It is n<^t difficult to see that the transfor mation of one bureau post into a gov ernmental department might consti tute a precedent which would lead to an almost unlimited multiplication of Cabinet officers. ? Christian Science Monitor. BUSINESS SHOWS GOOI) YEAR. Stocklholders Meeting of (he Selma Insurance, Loan & Trust Co. Selma, Jan. 26. ? The annual meet ing of the stock-holders of the Selma Insurance, Loan & Trust Company was held in the company's office Thursday night. The report of the Manager ,Mr. W. L. Stancil, showed a handsome increase in business dur ing the past year, and the company to be in a healthy and prosperous condition. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: C. A. Corbett, President. P. C. Worley, Vice-President. W. L. Stancil, Secretary and Mana ger. Board of Directors: Walter G. Ward, J. D. Massey and E. V. Wood ard. This is one of the oldest incorpor ated agencies in the county and has been doing a general insurance busi-* ness for several years. It is the pur pose of the manager to increase the usefulness and efficiency of this agency during the coming year, and in addition to the general insurance business, the agency will in all prob ability handle real estate. ?A* ?A< JAf lA* ?A? ?*? ?*? ?A? ?*? ?A? *A? ?A??M ?*? ?A? ?*? ?A? *AI ??? ?T| ^T.