IMPORTANCE OF QUARANTINE. If a Community Would Control Dis ease No Individual? Parent, Teach er, Doctor or Ollicer ? Should \ iolate Quarantine Law. No individual can control an epi demic of measles or whooping cough, but it is an easy matter for a com munity to prevent such a calamity. For instance, a few weeks ago, in a thriving rural community in this State, a physician was called to see a sick child. He said that the child most likely had whooping cough. But for two weeks he never came nor in quired to know for sure, and what is worse, he never reported it to the county quarantine officer. Meanwhile, other children in the same family con tracted the disease and continued to go to school. The result is, there are twenty cases of whooping cough in the neighborhood, one baby death has occurred, and the school has been closed for a period of four weeks or longer. Now this epidemic that caused a needless death and much sickness that could have been prevented, to say nothing of the time and money lost by closing the school, probably would not have happened had that physician reported that first case to the county quarantine officer. That was the doc tor's duty as prescribed by the State Quarantine Law. It would have been the duty of the quarantine officer to have had the house placarded and the sick child quarantined, also those in the house who had not had whooping cough. This would have prevented the inflection spreading to the school and through the school to the com munity. He also would have given the parents the proper instructions for dealing with the sick child, and other members of the family, and for keeping the disease from spreading. To have observed these rules would have been the family's duty. The neighbors would have been given a fair chance, by knowing that the dis ease existed in the community, to have protected themselves and their families from the disease. To have done this would have been the neigh bor's duty. The first duty of every individual is to report at once any case of con tagious disease to th,", county quaran tine officer. In ? ho other way is he to know wh&fo disease exists. He will then give you the further needed in sU'ttvitons which every honest, law abiding citizen will be glad to follow. These instructions are the only safe guards known for protecting the health of your own family and that of your neighbor's. You are fortu nate in that you live in a State where the best methods known have been provided to protect your children from unnecessary disease. Cases of communicable diseases re ported to me last month were: Measles, Whoqfping Cough, Diph theria, Small Pox and Scarlet Fever. Measles ? Carl Philips, Corneal Bunch, Wendell, Route No. 1; Two children John Barbour, Four Oaks; David Merritte, Clayton, R. F. 1). Whooping Cough ? Five Children of Murray Sullivant, Nillah Bass, Elmer Pittman, Kenly, R. F. D.; family of Jesse Hinnant, Zebulon, R. 1; Five children of Jesse Evans, Baby Boy ette, Kenly, R. F. D. Diphtheria ? Baby of Sam McGee, Benson, Route No. 1. Small Pox ? Bryant Horton, Bryant O'Neal, Clayton, R. F. D.; Baby of Walter Creech, Fulton Phillips, Pine Level, R. No. 1; Earl Moody, Wendell, R. No. 1. Scarlet Fever ? Ruth Watson, Kenly. MRS. THEL HOOKS, County Quarantine Officer. Receipt for Putting Up Pork. Cut a side into two or three pieces so that it may be packed into the barrel very tightly. Put in one layer after another until all is in. Then, put a board on top of this, then a rock or some heavy weight to hold the meat under the brine. To make the brine put a quart of salt to a gallon of water. Let this come to a boil and stand over night until perfectly cold. Then strain and pour over the meat. Be sure to have a sufficient quantity of brine to cover the meat. Several have asked me for this re cipe. There may be others who would like to try it, so I am sending it to The Herald. ROBERTA POWELL. Smithfield, N. C., R. 2. Dr. Johnson's Trial In March. The trial of I)r. Lemuel J. Johnson, the 23-year-old dentist accused of murdering his 19-year-old bride, Mrs. Alice Knight Johnson ,will begin in the Hustings court in Richmond March 11. This was the date fixed by Judge D. C. Richardson aft?r he had heard from Commonwealth's At torney Wise, who asked that the trial be set for February 26, and from John E. Woodard, of Wilson, N. C., one of the Johnson lawyers, who re quested that the trial go over until early in March. MOKE LESS. (Stanley Kidder Wilson in N Y Sun.) Sustenance ^Meatless; Staff of life Wheatless; Proud breeches Seatless. (Japing bins Goalless; Weather just Poleless; Meals sugar Bowlless. Rah rah boys ttooseless; Holidays Useless; Cabinet Mooseless. Yet be not Shirtless; One way we're Hurtless; Votes won't be Skirtless! The Importance of Poultry Raising. The high price of eggs, and the high prices Poultry is bringing in our mar kets should cause poultry raisers everywhere to increase their capacity and consider the best and most eco nomical methods of feeding for profit able results. There should be just as much effort to raise Poultry everywhere as there is to raise food and vegetable crops. Small flocks of Poultry can be advan tageously kept in wire enclosures in back yards and suburban places, with the best results. In fact the best re sults from Poultry are usually obtain ed from Hocks of twelve or fifteen. * The ordinary wastage from house hold use, such as outside cabbage and lettuce leaves, turnip tops, ground or crushed bones, and nearly all left over scraps, make excellent poultry food, and feeding to poultry provides one of the best means of using up these waste products. These will en able families to raise their own poul try and have a supply of eggs for their own use at a very small cost. Every effort should be made to in crease poultry production, not only in small city or suburban lots, but by poultry raisers and farmers every where, as it is one of the best and most efficient methods of increasing our food production, and, at the same time, one of the most profitable enter prises that can be undertaken at the present time. F. H. BROOKS, Food Administrator of Johnston County. CARTER'S CHAPEL SCHOOL. Community Enjoying Sunshine. The Death of an Infant. Our community is wearing smiles to see the sun shining again. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pittman visited their Uncle, Mr. Sanders Pittman, Sunday. Mr. Pittman is on the sick list. We wish him a speedy recovery. Misses Aileen Blaylock and Jennie Atkinson spent Sunday afternoon in Micro. Mr. T. W. Anderson returned from a visit to his mother in Mount Olive yesterday. We are sorry to note the death of Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Woodruff's infant son, bom Feb. 1st. We are sorry to note the departure of Mr. P A. Gardner from our sec tion. We wish him much success in the Micro section. X. X. Negroes at Kenly in Red Cross. Kenly, February 6. ? Sunday after noon at two-thirty o'clock in the colored Missionary Baptist church the colored people of Kenly were or ganized as a branch of the local chap ter of the Kenly Red Cross Society. Addresses were made by Professor M. B. Andrews, Mrs^ H. F. Edgerton, Mr. D. B. Sasser, and Mrs. C. J. Je rome. The organization was directed by Mrs. ?dgerton and Miss Marie Kirby. The colored people responded most heartily to the appeals that were made, and seventeen became members at once. The spirit of the meeting may be expressed by saying that immediately after the organiza tion wa3 completed, Jesse Earl, one of the leading colored business men here, stepped forth and offered his large hall free to the colored Red Cross workers of the community. The following officers were elected and installed: Chairman, Mamie Hudson; Vice-Chairman, Heslan Morgan; Sec retary, Adora McDonald; Treasurer, Mandy, Perry. Wishing Boys a Hard Time. That human redeemer of thousands of boys, Judge Ben Lindsey,- says: "The best hope I can have for any American boy is that he will have a hard time rather than a good time, I infinite difficulties rather than ease." MORE ABOUT INCOME TAXES. Every Person, Firm or Corporation Must Report Every Person to Whom $800 Is Paid in Wages or Salaries. Ral-igh, NT. C., February 5, 1918. ? Somebody is going to tell on you if you don't pay your income tax. Con gress has fixed it so that somebody must tell, whether he wants to or not. One section of the War Income Tax Law, exhaustively comprehensive in scope, requires every person, without exception, and every corporation, partnership, association, and insur ance company, in whatever capacity jR-ting, who paid $800 or more to an other person, corporation, partner ship, association, or insurance com pany, as interest, rent, salaries, wages, premiums, annuities, compen sation, ronumeration, emoluments or other fixqd or determinable gains, profits, and income, to report the name and address of the person, cor poration, etc., to whom the payment was wade, together with the amount of the payment, to the Commisisoner of Internal Revenue at Washington, using a form prescribed for the pur pose ? Form 1099 ? now to be had from Collec'or J. W. Bailey's office. The lorms must be filled out and re turned on or before March 1, 1918, ac companied by Form 1096, which is a letter of transmittal and affidavit certifying the accuracy of Form 1099. NEGRO, 62, SAYS HE IS FATHER OF :*5 CHILDREN. Wayne County Colored Farmer, Wit ness in Court, Tells Judge Few Things. Goldsboro, Feb. 2. ? In original negro dialect in which he mingled fun and pathos such as only an old south ern darkey is capable of doing, John Borden, a highly respected colored farmer of this county, expressed his affectionate feeling in his best Eng lish when he related a story to Judge Whedbee, who presided at a term of Superior court held here this week for the trial of civil cases, claiming that he at present had fourteen sons serving in Uncle Sam's army, was the father of thirty-five children, and had been married three times. This interesting news came to light Thursday morning during the process of a divorce case being tried in which farmer Borden was a witness for the plaintiff. Judge Whedbee, who in a spirit of humor asked Borden if he wanted to marry the woman after she secured a divorce, or in other words, was he trying to aid her to get a divorce in order that he might marry her, was somewhat surprised at the answer given him by Borden, as was also lawyers and spectators who chanced to be in the court room at the time the old darkey "opened up" and told a story that has present-day fiction story writers beat to a frazzle. Judge Whedbee's question, which Borden answered in the negative, gave the darkey an opening, and for several. minutes he held the undivided attention of his audience while he un folded his life's remarkable history. Borden said he had been married three times, two of his wives were dead and the third living. That he was the father of thirty-five children, fifteen by his first wife, twelve by his second wife, and eight by his pres ent wife. That his first wife gave birth to four boys each time for throe times, and at one time his sec ond wife presented him with three boys and one girl, all arriving within a period of a half hour. Concluding he said that twenty-seven of his chil dren were still living, the youngest being only twenty-two months old, and that he had fourteen sons in Uncle Sam's army. The negro stated he was 62 years of age. ? News and Observer. DON'T KILL THE LAYING HENS. The Ekrs Will Add (o (he Food Sup ply of the Nation. Every laying hen sold from the farms before the first of May means a loss of about 30 eggs to the food supply of the nation. These eggs are valuable food, manufactured largely from insects, weeds and grass, gar bage and waste. The eggs, there fore, rre almost wholly a net gain in human food. Moreover, the hen is just as good meat after she has laid these eggs as before. Save the hens is the message that the United States department of agri culture is sending abroad through press notices and posters, and thrcugh its county agents, especially in the southern poultry raising sections. Called Home From School. Benson, Feb. 4. ? Miss Lerma God win, who is teaching at New Beulah, was called home last Friday on ac count of the sickness and death of her niece, Little Miss Allene Barbour. She will return to her school apain Tuesday. SPIERS' Announcement Semi-Annual Sale Closes Today On account of the unfavorable weather during our Sale, we will continue to sell all sale goods at the same prices as during the sale for a week or two. We have still quite a large stock of these goods. We are selling the larger per cent of them cheaper than the wholesale price. SMITHFIELD, N. C Big Lot Fertilizers Now on Hand At Smithfield and Four Oaks ! 200 Tons 8-3-3 200 Tons 8-2-2 50 Tons Nitrate Soda 25 Tons Muriate Potash Cotton Seed Meal And Acid Mr. J. W. Sanders has charge of our Fertilizer business at Four Oaks. We can deliver in Car Load Lots or in smaller lots anywhere in county. We have on hand Two Car Loads nice Buggies. Well selected stock of Furniture. Biggest Stock of Dry Goods we have ever carried. Give us a call and let us show you our goods. Cotter-Underwood Company Smithfield, N. C.