The Smithfield Herald P-iblisheJ Every Tuesday and Friday. BEATY & LASSITER Smithfield, N. C. Editors and Proprietors, Cash in Advance. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Year, $1.50 srht Months, 1.00 * Months, .75 tree Months, .40 Entered at the Post Office at Smith t Id, Johnston County, N. C., as cond-class Matter. GOVERNOR BICKETT COMING. Johnston County is planning to have a hie War Savings rally in Smithfield on March 16th. Chairman Ragsdale has just received a letter from Gover nor Bickett who says he will be here that day and make an address. MR. VANDERLIP IN RALEIGH. Hon. Frank A. Vanderlip, the man who planned the War Savings Stamps t system to aid the Government, and one of the foremost financial leaders of America, will be in Raleigh next Tuesday and address the War Sav ings Institute Tuesday night at the City Auditorium. The Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, who stands without a peer as a platform speaker, will also be present. This meeting is to be a great rally for the War Sav ings Campaign and every leader and worker should go to Raleigh to hear these distinguished men. MORE MEATLESS MONDAYS. It was thought until Monday that the order for heatless Mondays might be rescinded after last Monday. But a conference between Fuel Adminis trator Garfield and Director General McAdoo held Monday night resulted in the continuation of the order. So until further notice heatless Mondays will be observed. The conditions in the congested business centers of the East have shown that it is necessary to cut down the use of fuel for one day each week. The men who are in close touch with the situation know far more about it than the person who is far removed from the crowded busi ness centers of the great cities knows, therefore it is the patriotic duty of every good citizen to stand by the government in this matter as well as in all others. This is not time to quib ule over these things. The conditions in New York, Boston and other big cities show that the order of Garfield was a wise one. The weather con ditions have been very severe and if there had been no cessation of busi ness on the several holidays that have been ordered by Dr. Garfield, New York would be shivering today without any coal at all. Standing by the government is the duty of the hour. THE FLOUR ORDER STANDS. The conference of the Food Admin istrators held in Raleigh Wednesday emphasized the great importance of obeying1 the order of the National Food Administration in regard to flour and other cereals. Unless there is a strict observance of this order, there will be no flour for anybody be fore July 1st arrives. Everybody is put on the same basis ? the merchant and the farmer, the business man and the lawyer, the doctor and the preach er, the carpenter and the teacher ? in fact all must obey the order that every timo a purchase of flour is made an equal quantity of com meal, hom iny, grits, rice, or other cereal be pur chased also. The farmer who wants to buy a sack of flour has to pet it on the same conditions as the profession al man or day laborer. He must buy the meal or the other cereals. The farmer who has plenty of corn may carry it to his merchant and buy meal and flour. Some may say that this is a hardship. It may be an incon venience. It is not only an inconven ience, but a great hardship for our soldier and sailor boys who are fight ing our battles for us. Let us who are Jeft at home bear our inconveniences without complaining, realizing that those who are in authority have a better understanding of the situation and know what is best for us. THRIFT AND SAVINGS STAMS Central Committee Urged to Meet Monday Night and Make Plant* To Push Campaign in This County. The chairman of the War Savings Committee, Mr. T. S. Kagsdale, has written the chairmen of the Central Committees in the ten towns of John ston county and asked th?-m to hav