The Smithfield Herald Published Every Tuesday and Friday. WATCH YOUR LABEL. No receipt will be sent for subscrip tion. Each subscriber is asked to watch the little yellow label on his paper. If the label is not changed within three weeks after remittance is made, the subscriber should notify us. Watch your label. NOTE. ? All correspondents should remember that we pay no attention to communications without the writ er's name. If you write every day be ?ure to enclose your name each time. Address all matters for publication to The Smithfield Herald, Smithfield, N. C. PERSONAL AM) LOCAL. Buy a Thrift Stamp to-day. * * * To-day is Lincoln's Birthday. * ? * Remember the Red Cross Thurs day. ? ? ? Washington's Birthday, February 22, is Thrift Day. * * * Hear Hon. Minor Wallace at Bap tist church tonight. ? * * Good morning! How many Thrift Stamps have you bought? * * * Mr. John L. West spent Sunday in Fayetteville with his children. ? * ? Mr. H. V. Faulkner spent the week end with friends in Enfield. ? * * Mr. Percy Youngblood, of Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., Spent Sunday in the city. ? * ? Mr. Harvey Lee spent Sunday with his father, Mr. Nelson Lee, in the Glenmore section. ? ? * Messrs. A. L. Brock and A. K. Summerlin, of Mount Olive, spent Sunday in the city. ? ? ? Misses Irene Myatt and Lallah Rookh Stephenson and Mr. Frank Davis spent Sunday in Raleigh. ? ? ? Mr. E. J. Wellons left Saturday night for Jacksonville, Fla., where he will spend several days on business. * ? ? Mr. Ira T. Turlington left Friday for Black Mountain to be with her husband, Prof. Turlington, for some time. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Myatt, and Mr. Rob. Myatt, of Raleigh, spent Sunday in the city with Mrs. E. S. Edmund son. * ? ? Mrs. James H. Pou and son, James H. Pou, Jr., and Mrs. J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh, spent Sunday with Miss Mattie Pou. ? ? ? The Smithfield Baptist Sunday school took a collection Sunday, amounting to $36.00, for the suffering Armenians. * * * Several people from Smithfield and Johnston County will attend the War Savings Institute in* Raleigh today and tomorrow. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith attended services at Sanders Chapel Sunday and spent the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Smith. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Burt Turnage and family, of near Wilson's Mills, were in the city Sunday afternoon, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. San ders. ? ? ? Mrs. R. S. Stevens and little son, Ralph, Jr., left Sunday for Chatta nooga, Tenn., to visit Lieut R. S. Stevens, who is in camp at Chicka mauga near that city. * ? * Misses Rosa Fulghum, Gertrude Stancil, and Grada Belle Turner, of pear Micro, spent Sunday in the city with Miss Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Turner. ? ? ? Messrs. Claude Martin and l^pbert Woodall left Friday night for Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C., to spend a few days with the soldier boys from Smithfield and vicinity. * * ? Hon. Minor Wallace, of Arkansas, arrived this morning from Dunn, where he spoke to a large crowd last night. He will speak in the Smith field Baptist church tonight. * * * The Turlington Graded School Notes on page two of this issue has some interesting data about the for mer students of that school now in the military and naval service of the United States. t, * * * Mr. Josiah Hudson, who lives near Dunn, killed a large hog recently which weighed 733 pounds. The hog was thirty months old, and was a Poland China. At 25 cents a pound the price of pork for the past few weeks, the hog was worth $183.25. On account of the Woman's Club meeting Wednesday the Red Cross will net meet until Thursday after noon at the regular hour for meeting. ? ? ? Mr. E. L. Woodall, Mrs. W. L. Woodall and Mrs. E. S. Abell went to Chapel Hill Sunday to see Ryal Woodall and Edward Abell, Jr., who are at the State University. ? ? ? Many school boys and girls are in vesting the nickels and dimes they have heretofore been spending for candy and chewing gum in Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps. ? ? * Miss Ava Myatt, Home Demonstra tion Agent for Onslow County, spent Sunday here with her mother, Mrs. Mary Myatt. She now lives at Jack sonville, the county seat of Onslow. ? * ? Willie Johnson, who has a position with the DuPont Company at Hope well, Va., spent the week-end here with his family. He returned to Hopewell last night. His family re turned with him and they will now live there. Mr. Johnson has a well paying position with the big powder com pany. * * * A few days ago Mr. Addison Lee, one of The Herald's good friends, of Ingrams township, was here and left with us a lot of home grown pump kin seed to give to any who might want to plant them. Notice was made of this in The Herald and quite a number have already called and re ceived a supply. * * * Mr. J. J. Batten, of the Little Ci'eek section, is one farmer who will suffer no inconvenience on account of the ruling on flour. He makes wheat every year and has his own flour, all he needs. He has not had to buy any flour for his own use for the past several years. He planted five acres in wheat last Fall. ? ? ? Mr. Will D. Avera, proprietor of Elmhurst Farm, four miles west of Smithfield, has about 20 tenants on( his pl^ce. All these tenants killed some pork this winter, raising in quantities from 150 pounds to 1,200 pounds each. They have planned to have some meat to eat this year in spite of the high prices. Of the ten ants on Mr. Avera's place five of them have planted wheat. The majority of them are subscribers to The Smith field Herald. ? * * Mr. A. M. Johnson, Farm Demon stration Agent for Johnston County, has gone to Raleigh to attend the War Savings Institute and to be present at the meeting of the demonstration agents from other counties of the State. They will' go over the situa tion and make plans to carry on the work in the State this year. While Mr. Johnson is away Mr. T. S. Rags dale will look after jjpe interests of the farmers who may call to see him. Meeting at Sandy Grove. A War Savings Stamps Society is planned to be organized at Sandy Grove school house in Meadow town ship Friday afternoon, February 15, at 2 o'clock. Mr. W. W. Colo, of Smithfield, is expected to be present and make a talk. The public is cor dially invited to attend. D. S. Meets. Miss Irene Myatt will entertain her club on Thursday evening, Feb. 14th, at her home on N. Second Street. Woman's Club Meets. The regular meeting of the Wo man's Club will be held Wednesday afternoon, February 13th, at three thirty. All members who have not paid their dues will please do so at this meeting. Appointments. Rev. J. E. Dupree will hereafter preach twice a month at Htphzibah Baptist church. On the first and third Sunday afternoons. He will preach there next Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. E. Lanier will preach at Sardis next Sunday afternoon, Febru ary 17, at 3 o'clock. Every man is like the company he is wont to kekp. ? Euripides. Pomona School. On Saturday evening, 'February 16, 1918, at 8 o'clock sharp, there will be given an Amau Play entitled " Dia monds and Hearts," by the teach ers and pupils of Pomona School. The admission fee will be 25 cents, chil dren 15 cents. Music between ifcts by Orchestra. MISS BERTHA ROGERS. Notice. The Seniors will have a box pprty next Friday, February 15. The bene fits are for the Senior Class. The public is cordially invited. All the girls are requested to bring boxes and the boys to have full pockets. ? M. L. A. TONIGHT AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Former Congressman Minor Wallace Will Deliver His Famous Temper ance Address, "Th'e Call of the \\ ater Wagon." The people of Smithfield and com munity are cordially invited to at tend the meeting at the Baptist church tonight and hear former Con gressman Minor Wallace, of Arkan sas, deliver his famous address, "The Call of the Water Wagon." The meet ing is scheduled to begin at 7:30 o'clock. The National Anti-Saloon League is carrying on a campaign throughout the country in the interest of the Prohibition Amendment to the Feder al Constitution. A large number of the country's ablest speakers are en gaged in this work, among them be ing Hon. Minor Wallace, Hon. Rich mond Pearson Hobson, Hon. M. R Patterson, Rev. Sam Small, and other noted orators. They are going before the people with a three-fold object in view ? Total Abstinence for the In dividual, Law Enforcement for the State and Prohibition for the Nation. Mr. Wallace has the reputation of being a fine orator and a pleasing speaker. Let the people of the com munity give him a full hQuse tonight, tation visits us to talk on such a live It is seldom that a man of his repu topic, therefore we should hear him. THE SMITHFIELD MARKET. Cow Poas per bushel . . . 3.50 to 4.00 Soy Beans per bushel . . 3.75 to 4.00 ntAVE FOR SALE SOME REI) Bliss fall crop Irish potatoes at $1.00 per peck, also seed chufas at $1.25 per peck. A. G. Powell, 11. 2, Smithfield, N. C. LATHS AND SHINGLES. W. M. Sanders. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR farm implements and harness. Smithfield Hardware Company. LATHS AND SHINGLES. W. M. Sanders. FARMERS WHO HAVE SEED peas and Soy Beans for sale can find a ready market by inserting a little ad in The Smithfield Herald. Price one cent a word each inser tion. Cotton Cottcn Seed Wool Ejrffs Fat Cattle Corn per bushel . . C. R. Sides Feed <jQats Fresh Pork Hams, per pound . . Lard Timothy Hay .... Cheese per pound iButter, per pound Meal Flour per sack . . . Coffee per pound Cotton Seed Meal . Cotton aeed hull* Shipstuff Molasses Feed . . Hides, Green Hides, Dry 27 to 31 1.00 to 1.05 . . . 20 to 30 40 . . 5% to 7 1.75 to 2.00 . 30 to 32% 1.10 to 1.20 . . 20 to 22 % . 30 to 32 % 27% to 32% 4.50 to 4.75 6.00 to 6.25 ...IB to 20 ,2.75 to 2.85 1.00 2.80 to 3.00 3.00 10 to 12% . 17% to 20 2.00 35 40 FOUND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, near the convjct camp one bunch keys. Owner can pet same by calling atHerald Office and pay ing for this ad. W. M. SANDERS EXPECTS V CAR load of sugar in the next few days. SEE US FOR ASPHALT ROOFING and proslate shingles. Cotter Hardware Co. I HAVE FOR SALE THREE FULL blood male shepherd puppies. See me at my blasksmith shop if you want them. C. A. Utley, Smithfield, N. C. THERE IS A GREAT DEMAND FOR good milch cows. The owner who has good cows for sale will find a quick sale by putting a little nd in this paper. Try one and note the results. ONE CAR AMERICAN FENCE JUnt received. We have any height. Cotter Hardware Company. FOR SALE: COW PEAS. WHIP poorwills $3.65; Brabhams $3.75; Clays and Irons $3.75, and mixed $3.60 a bushel. Send us your orders before market advances. Hart and Howell, Fayetteville, N. C. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF "TEN N'ights in a Barroom," just received at Herald Office. Price 5 cents. By mail 8 cents. NOTICE. ? Black Creek Bridge between Smith field and Four Oaks will bejtorn down for repair Monday and Tues lay, Feb. , 23 and 26. R. D. JOHNSON. Money F or Barmers ! Loans to F armers !! v Best Way For Farmers To Borrow Money!!! For several months Mr. Aycock, Cashier of The First National Bank has been carefully studying the question of Rural Credit, and has installed in our bank a Rural Credit Sys tem that wil! be helpful to the farmers of this community. The system could as well be called a "Better Acquainted" System. There are a large number of farmers that do business with us at present and we are very well ac quainted with a good many of them. Our new system applies to those that already do business with us and those that do not. We wish to become better acquainted with those that do business with us now and make ac quaintance with those that do not. We invite you to call at our bank and go into the matter fully with us. We believe that it will be beneficial to you. The First National Bank SM1THFIELD. N. C. T. R. HOOD, President R. N. AYCOCK, Cashier ? ?? ! ? ? ? ? ? ~ ( Largest and Oldest in the County ) SHOES ANI) DRY GOODS AT Selma Supply Company. TWO CAR LOADS OF ASPHALT roofing just received. Cotter Hard ware Company, Smithfield, N. C. SEE US FOR YOUR POULTRY wire to fence that garden. Selma Supply Co. WE HAVE ON HAND A FEW GOOD mules and horses for sale. Cotter Underwood Company. BIG LOT SMOOTHING AND DISK harrows on hand. Selma Supply Company. FERTILIZER FOR ALL CROPS Now on hand. Get our prices. ' Robe rts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, and ROOF ing. Selma Supply Company. IF YOU WANT CEMENT SEE THE Smithfield Hardware Company. WE HAVE IT PROBABLY. WE will thank you to ask us. Selma Supply Co. "POINTS FOR EMPHASIS," ON S. S. Lessons for 1918. A nice little commentary by Hight C. Moore, D. D. Price 25 cents. Herald Office, Smithfield. ONE CAR AMERICAN FENCE JUst received. We have any height. Cotter Hardware Company. Brick Store For Sale! My Brick store recently occu pied by I). T. Worley & Company is for sale. The building is 25x65 feet on a lot 25x75 feet. For price and terms apply to J. H. WORLEY Selma, N. C. Another Lot Family Bibles just Received at / ? ? HERALD BOOK STORE W. L Woodall & Sons SMITHFIELD'S SHOPPING CENTER Just Received a new and complete line of Ladies Spring Coats and Coat Suits. All the newest styles and colors. Priced from $4.95 to $37.50 A new and up-to-date line of Voile, Organdy, Crepe de Chine and Georgette waist, priced from 98c to $8.00 A new and complete stock of Ginghams, Percales, Laces and Embroideries at less than wholesale cost today. Don't Forget Our FRIDAY SPECIALS 10% Off On Our Entire Stock. Friday and Cash Only. W. L. Woodall & Sons Sm it h field, N. C.

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