AID FOR THE FARMERS. Are You Letting Your County Agent Help Ymi? When a county provides a demon stration agent many farmers fail to take advantage of his services. They don't feel exactly free to go to him for adivce, and they therefore stand in the way of the demonstrator doing the good that he otherwise would. There has been much discussion about the duties of the demonstration agent, and in order to clearifv the situation, the North Carolina extension service has made a list of his duties. Read over this list of "Things the County Agent Should Do," and see if you are letting your county agent help you and your county as much as you should: 1. He encourages community co operation. 2. Promotes improved methods in crop production. 3. Introduces more and better live stock. 4. Assists in the proper manage ment of farm business. 5. Establishes "boys' agricultural clubs" for improvment in proifiiction of corn, pigs, poultry, etc. G. Assists in marketing and distri bution. 7. Aids in the control of hog chol era and other animal diseases. 8. Works for the eradication of plant diseases. 9. Helps in the construction and ar rangements of farm buildings, such as silcs, barns, pig pastures, etc. 10. Aids in installing draining sys tems, terracing systems, water supply systems, etc. 11. Conducts farmers meetings, short courses, and agricultural t< urs. 12. Gives aid to the woman county agent in her work. 13. Assists in county and commun ity fairs. 14. Forms breeders' and other live stock organizations. 15. Plants systems of crop rota tions for the improvement of land and the even distribution of labor throughout the year . 16. He represents the state and no tional agricultural agencies, and can have the assistance of the eScperts in these institutions at any time it is needed. ? The Progressive Fanner. Just Natural. Officer ? Say, Daisy, did you nbtice s when I took hold of your hand what' a funny look that man gave me? She ? Go on, dear; he didn't give it to you ? you've always had it. ? Cass- < ell's Saturday Magazine. WEAT AND CORN 18 NOW AT HIGHEST. Raleigh ? North Carolina farmers who are holding last season's wheat . and corn for prices above those that I are ruling at present are warned by State Food Administrator Henry A. Page that they are taking an exceed- 1 inglv long chance. Mr. Page has made two trips to Washington in the inter est of North Carolina wheat growers ' and roller mills and as a result of his efforts the wheat grower is getting a J considerable advance over the price j that he would have gotten otherwise, hence, Mr. Page's good faith in his present warning to the farmers cannot be discounted. ? The situation with regard to wheat and corn is this: Through the activities of the U. S. Grain Corporation, the price of wheat has been stabilized at $2.20 per bushel, Chicago basis. Mills are unable to secure any except local wheat except through the Grain Corporation; aud elevators, and dealers and farmers having no market at a higher figure are selling almost altogether to or I through the Grain Corporation. So, re gardless of any shortage or other con dition which ordinarily might lead to high prices, the price of wheat is no more likely to advance than the price of sugar. In fact, a maximum of $12.50 per barrel has been fixed upon flour and this doesn't allow a higher price for wheat than that which is ruling at present in North Carolina. As for corn: The price of corn va ries at different points in North Caro- j lina and the United States from $1.25 ; to $2.00 per bushel This variation is due entirely to the congested condi tion of the railroads. Corn for March delivery in New York and Chicago is selling at $1.24 per bushel, notwith standing the fact that cash corn is selling around $1.77. As the railroad conditions are cleared the variation in prices will disappear and corn will probably be steadied for the season at somewhere around $1.50 per bushel. The Government and the Food Ad ministration feel that the farmer who makes his crops by the sweat of his brow Is entitled to every consideration insofar as the marketing of his crops is concerned. Absolutely no restric tions have been placed upon him as to time or prices at which he shall sell, The truth ip that the farmers comprise the only class in the country that has been exempted from every restriction Insofar as food and fuel control ig concerned- Thus he Is given free rein and every encouragement to increase the production of all foodstuffs to the TMmlaum. Filial Support. "See, here, daughter, I saw young Smith kissing- you last night, and in stead of rebuking his conduc*V*you kissed him back." , "I was very angry with him, pa, but you know how you have beien ieclaring that you believe in a strict policy of reprisals." ? Ex. COMPLYING WITH FOOD ORDER. | The Farmers Have Made Little Pre parations for Another Year. Mr. R. M. Pleasant, of Angier, R. 1, in renewing his subscription writes as follows: "If your paper will be as good in the future as it has in the past, I shall not find any fault. The farmers T>f this section have not made much preparation in regard to farming, owing to the severe winter. I believe the people are trying to comply with the Regulations of the Food Admin istration." * Went To Petrogard. "What makes you think that Mrs. Pilkins is quarrelsome?" "W'ell, I heard Pilkins say he was going to Petrograd to get rested up. ? Life. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority contained in a Mortgagee Deed Executed to Farmers Mercantile Co., by Simon Morgan and dated the third day of April, 1916, and duly Registered in the Register's Office of Johnston County in Book No. 18, page 4(5, the under signed will sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in the town of ' Smith field, N. C., on the 18th day of March, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., the following property to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Tom Wiggins, Len Chappell, Betty O'Neal, Hezekiah Watson and others. Being the tract or parcel of land conveyed to Simon Morgan by deed from Silas Lucas, as will appear from reference to the registry of Johnston County. Con tainingr~forty-five acres mere or less. For a more complete boundary, re ference is hereby made to the records of the books of the Register of Deeds for Johnston County. This February 11, 1918. FARMERS MERCANTILE CO., Mortgagee. NOTICE! 0 By virtue of the autl ority contained in a Mortgage Deed, Executed to Farmers Mercantile Co., (Inc.) by Grainger Whitley, and doted the 30th day of January, 1911, and duly Regis tered in the Register's Office of John ston County in Book F No. 11, Page 1(56, the undersigned will sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., on the 18th day of March, 1918, at Noon, the following property to wit: One lot in "Belmont," (a suburb of the town of Smithfield, N. C.) laid off and platted and sold by E. W. Pou, said plat being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County. The lot herein conveyed be ing lot No. 16 in said plat, and being the lot conveyed by E. W. Pou et als to said O. Grainger Whitley. This February 11, 1918. FARMERS MERCANTILE COMPANY, (Inc.) Mortgagee. NOTICE. ' By virtue of the authority contained in a Mortgage Deed Executed to G. C. Earp by W. H. Bailey and wife and Eugene M. Bailey and dated tHl> 27th day of January, It) 18. and duly Regis tered in tht Register's Office of John ston County in Book - No. 27, page 73, the undersigned will sell at pub lic auction, fo^ cash, at the Court Hou -e door in the town of Smithtield, N. C., on the 18th day of March, 1918, at 12 o'clock M.. the following* property to-wit: Beginning in the Louisburg Road, corner of Lot No. 1, and runs with the line of said Lot 75 W 132 poies to the mouth of Crooks Branch, at Neuse River; thence up said River to a maple; tty?nce S. 81 1-2 E. 8)) 1-2 poles to a stake in the Louisburg Roi.d ; thence with said Road to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or 1 >sS, and being Lot No. 3, which was allotted to Claudia L. Adams, latir Claudia L. Joyner, wife of C. J. Joyner, in the division of the lands of Francis 1>. Rains, deceased, as ap pears from records of said division recorded in Land Book No. 3, page 317 office of Clerk of Superior Court of Johnston Country, and conveyed to Sarah J. Eason by R. L. Ray and wife, Onu'ga A. Ray, by deed, dated Feb. 18th, 1907, and recorded in Book "li" No. 9, page 179. Excepting two acres, t! acres, S) acres and one acre previously sold otf and deed from above original tract leaving the bal ance of 32 acres more or less here with. This 11th day of February, 1818. G. C. EARP. Mortgagee. F. H. Brooks, Atty. , IF YOU HAVE PIGS FOR SALE put a little ad in this paper. Only one cent a word each insertion. Try .his plan and sell your pigs for good prices. See The Herald. VINOL REMOVES | THE CAUSE Of chronic coughs! A Constitutional Remedy That We Guarantee Lagrange, N. C. ? "For years I suffered with a chronic cough, so I could not sleep nights and continued to lose flesh. My druggist asked me to try Vinol. It cured my cough, I can sleep nights and have gained twelve pounds. Vinol is the best tonic and tissue builder I have ever taken." ? W. D. Ren, Lagrange, N. C. We guarantee Vinol for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Not a patent medicine. Formula on every bottle. Your money back if it fails. HOOD BROS., Smithfield, N. C. You will make every acre produce its ut most in food crops, cotton and tobacco, all greatly needed by our country. You will best serve your country and yourself by fertilizing each acre liberally with NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate, of Sir William Johnson, deceased, 'hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same tu me duly verified on or before the 5th day ? i February, 1919, or this notice wilr be pleaded in bar of re covery; and ill persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment. This 4th day of February, 1918. JAMES D. PARKER, Administrator. NOTICE. Under apd by virtue of authority of the statute law of North Carolina, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the court house door, in the town of Smithlield, N. C., on Saturday, February 1<5, 1918, at 12 ^.Ylock M., note of Walter Rand to J. I. Barnes, dat' d August 10, 1917 for the sum of One Thousand and Twenty-Five Dollars ($1,025.00) with interest from date at 0 per cent per annum due September 10, 1917; the same being deposited with me as collateral se curity to note from J. I. Rarnes, dated August 11, 1917. This January 25, 1918. F. H. RROOKS, Atty. NOTICE. The undersigned haying qualified as Administratrix C. T. A. on the estate of Allen L. ^Yall, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 8th day of January, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment. This 4th day of January, 1918. DIANA II WALL. Adm'x C. T. A, A. M. NORLE, Attorney. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of Chas. M .Johnson, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified On or before the {Lday of Jan uary, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; und all persons indebted to .said estate will make immediate payment. This 5 day January, 1918. A. G. JOIINSON, NOTICE. The undersigned having: qualified as Administer on the estate of Spicey Pope, deceased; hereby 'notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before th" 5th day of February, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons ndebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 4th day of February, 1918. J. R. POPE, Administrator. Coats. N. C. Ezra Parker, Attorney. * J. G. Hamilton, carpenter, Smithfield, says: "Trouble with my kidneys was cau sed by heavy lifting and straining while working at my trade. I had a dull pain across my back and suffered from headaches and dizzy spells. My kid neys acted irregularly. ? \ .r "NEW HOME" KT,d roil a I.; j ?a??et ai the price you pay. T ic clinihiatt rep#ir c \ pet' t l>y vperi or v*orkma^irU ??> ? quality of material insurer life-lom: v:ce . i i ^ mum co?t InsUt on having liic * WEW HOf #?* WARRANTED FOR ALL TIIVE. Knuwu the world over for superior sewinc q jalitc* Not told u icier any other name. Th? NfcW H0M? SEWING MACHINE CO ,0RANGE,M* r J. M. BEATY, Smith field, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to the power contained in the mortgage of J. E. Hocutt and Dora Hocutt, his wife, to O. Marx & Son, dated February 1, 191tf, and re corded in the office of the Register of t 1 feeds of Johnston County, N. C., in Book No. 11, Page 210, we will, on Monday, the 25th day of .Feb., 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, at the door of the Court House of Johnston County, in Smithfield, N. C., sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for fash, a piece or tract of land lying and being in Johnston County, N. C., ^ bounded by a line beginning At a stake in Wm. H. O'Neal's line on a branch; thence N. 7t> 1-2' E. 100 poles to a pine, said O'Neal's corner; thence N. 13 W. with W. H. O'Neal's line 70 poles to formerly a pine, now a stake W. H. O'Neal's corner; thence N. 8G VV. along VV. H. O'Neal's line 67 1-2 poles to a pine in said VV. H. O'Neal's line; thence S. 87 W. 25 poles to a stake in VV. H. O'Neal's and A. G. Bunn's line; thence S. 5 1-2 E. 95 poles to the beginning, containing 50 acres and 1 rod, more or less; ex cepting 1 acre on the road, lying east of this tract, sold to Wni. Holder by 1). H. McCullers and wife by deed dated Dec. 7, 1897. For further de scription see Book No. 11, page 210, Johnston County Registry. This January 19, 1918. O. MARX & SON. Hinsdak & Shaw, Attorneys, Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE JOV SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. That under and by virtue of powers conf rred on the undersigned by a judgement- of H. G. Cor.nor, Judge, I will on Monday, February 25, 1018, in front of the Courthouse in the town of Smithfiold, North Carolina, utfer for sale, between he hours of 11)1, an ! 2 o'clock P. M.? that cer- ? tain h use and lot, belonging to Cal donin Turner, whichswas mortgaged to Nowell & Richardson, Incorpora ted, prior to the said corporation going into bankruptcy. The said property being described as follows: "Beginning at Mary Williams' cor ner on Smitlifield Street, in the town of Se'r.ia, N'irth Carolina, and runs with" the said Stre t South 75 f et to the line of Elixa Richardson; thcnce En st 75 feet to the corncr cf Claude Bell; 'ponce Northwardly with the line of Claude Bell 75 feet to the cor ner of Mary Williams; thence with the line of Mi ry Williams 75 feet to the point of beginning, nr. 1 contain ing 1-8 -i n acre more or less. Thi:i 1 ein r the property conveyed by J. H. Parker i nd wife to Caldonia Turner Sepi r.ber 24th, 1003, and recorded if B ? ' A. No. 1 at page 548 Regis try of Johnston County. /January 2lth, 1918. Terms of Sale cash. S. P. WOOD. Trustee in Bankruptcy, Nowell & Richardson, Inc., Bankrupts. RAY & COCKERIIAM, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of an order and judgement of the Superior Court made on January 19th, 1918, in the special proceedings entitled, "G. W. Johnson, et als, vs. Jas. Ira Johnson," the same being a petition for sale of lands for partition, the undersigned, Commissioner, will, on Saturday, Feb ruary 23rd, 1918, at twelve o'clock M., at the Court, House door of John ston County, in the town cf Smithfield N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed tract of land, towit: Situate in Oneals Township, Coun ty and State aforesaid, and being all of Lot No. 7 in the Division of the lands of Calvin Johnson, dee'd, and recorded in Book No. 4, page 554, Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Johnston County, and BE GINNING at a stake in the Stilley line and runs S. 4 degrees W. 17 poles to a stake; thence N. 89 degrees W. 95 1-2 poles to a stake; thence N. 21/% degrees E. 17 poles to a stake; thence S. 89 degrees E. 96 poles to the be ginning, containing Ten (10) Acres, more or less. About Eight acres of this land "cleared. This January 19th, 1918. ED. F. WARD, I . Commissioner. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, Johnston County. . Under and by virtue of authority contained in a mortgage deed execut ed on December 16th, 1914 by and be tween Lula Williams, Willis Cole and Eliza C'de to Wellons & Wellons, -nd duly recorded in Book G. No. 13 at page 206 in the public Registry of Johnston Cteunty, the undersigned will on Wednesday, February 27th 1918 at t^e Court house door in the town of Smithfield, sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bid '.er, all af the right, title tnd interest of said mortgagers in and to the follow ing described tract of iand situate in Bentonville township, Johnston County: Lot No. 1 allotted to the heirs of Hint-jn Cole. Beginning at a ot ike in B. B. Cox's line, corner of lot No. 3 and runs with said line of lot No. 3 N. 8 1-2 E. 34 poles to a stake, corner oi lot No. 2; thence S. 87 1-2 E. 88 1-2 poles a stcke in line of Fairc!oth h^irs: thence with said line S.2 1-2 W. 14.7 poles to^H stake; ihence S. 88 E. 66.8 poles to a pine stump in the rdge .-f New Road; thence with said road S. 22 E. 22 1-2 poles to a stake, B. B. Cox'? corner; thence with said line N. 89 W. 168 1-2 poles to the be ginning, c.^nt.ining 28 1-2 acres, cr less. This Januarv 26th, 1918. WELLONS & WELLONS, Mortgagees. I HAVE A THREE-YEAB OLD HOI. stein thoroughbred bull for sale. Write at once if you want hjm. Jesse Wood, Garner, N. C., R. No. 1.

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