TUESDAY IN THE BIG WAR. ACTIVITY ON WEST FRONT DAILY INCREASES IN VOLUME German I'rosoner Skys at Least One ill-' Attack is Due Next Month. Americans Constantly Exchanging Fire With the Enemy. Attacks Launched Against Both French and Italians. (Associated Press War Summary.) The military activity on the west ern front is daily increasing in vol ume. The movements are being car ried out with larger bodies than since the heavy winter set in and mora zest is in the fighting. The French near Epy and La Bas see have conducted further incur sions into the enemy positions in the latter region, inflicting numerous casualties on their antagonists and taking prisoners and machine guns. , French north of the Aiette river and in the Woevre section the French have made successful attacks, which resulte'd in the capture of nearly 300 prisoners. A somewhat * ambitious attack by the Germans in the Verdun sector was put down' by the French with severe casualties. Between the Americans and the Germans there is constant changcr of artillery fire and the Americans con tinue to carry out patroling maneu vers toward the enemy trenches. The Germans evidently are anxious to guage the positions occupied by the Americans and also ascertain the number of men they are employing, for daily their air craft are hovering over the lines taking protograps and making observations. Anti-air craft guns several, times have driven off the enemy. * Although the increase in activity along the entire front in France and Belgium is noticeable, there' is no in dication as yet as to when the Ger mans will begin their much heralded general offensive. A German cap tured by the British says that at least one big attack is due to begin some time in March. Meanwhile large con centrations of fresh troops daily are arriving behind the German line and carrying out practice maneuvers. On the Italian front the Austrians again have endeavored to test the strength of the Italians in the Zette communi plateau sector. The Ger man war office asserts that the Aus trians carried out a most successful attack hert^ but the Italian official statement declares that the Austrian columns were torn to pieces by the Italian artillery as they tried to get in the southern slopes of Monte Sasso Rosso and other positions and the of fensive completely routed. 31 RAIDS IN GERMAN TERRITORY LAST MONTH. Berlin Reports Five Killed, Nine Wounded and "Insignificant" Damage Done by Airmen. Berlin, via Amsterdam, Feb. 12. ? Entente allied airplanes made 31 raids on German territory in Janu ary, says an official statement issued today by the German war office. As a result of these air attacks, the statement adds, five persons were killed and nine wounded. Insignifi cant material damage* was done. The statement says that "although the number of attacks compared with those of the previous month was con siderably increased, owing to the favorable weather, the damage and losses fortunately were smaller. Five persons were killed and nine wound ed. The material damage was insig nificant. There was no interruption of work worth mentioning. The enemy lost four airplanes during these attacks." Mr. John L. Southerland Dead. Early Monday morning, February 11th, Mr. John L. Southerland died at his home near Wilson's Mills. Last i fall he had stroke of paralysis which was followed by another stroke last Saturday from which he never re covered. He was fifty-six years old. The burial took place Tuesday afternoon at the Perrian Jones place. He leaves a wife and six "children, three sons and three daughters. Wilmington is making an effort to get a big million-dollar industrial plant located in that city. A half millin' dollar trust compa.iy has been organized to induce the big plant to locate there. ARMY CONSTRI CTION PLANNED ON BIG SCALE. Expect to Erect $8,000,000 Camp Somewhere to Take IMace of Camp Greene. % TOTAL COST $268,650,000. Washington, Feb. 12. ? Many new construction projects for the army, including munition plants, ordnance depots, storage plants, port termi nals, hospitals, aviation work, can tonments and housing, were disclosed in a statement given the senate mili tary committee today by the war de partment. The work will cost a total of $268,050,000 and, while some of the projects had been announced before, in most cases the location and cost had not been given. The statement shows that $37,000, 000 will be spent in building a gas making plant at Edgewood, N. J., while 40 interior storage depots to cost an aggregate of $30,000,000 are to be erected at unnamed points. On aviation work, including a new can tonment, the location of which was not given, $46,000,000 will be ex pended. Ordnance depots are to be built on the south Atlantic coast at "some seaport" at a cost of $4,000,000 each and one on the mftldleT Atlantic coast at a cost of $6,000,000. An ammuni tion depot at "some seaport" is to cost $7,500,000 and a like sum is to be expended for an ordnance depot in central Pennsylvania. Hospitals for soldiers, suffering with tuberculosis, are to be built at Denver, Colo., and Asheville, N. C., at a cost of $500,000 each and $12, 800,000 is to be spent on hospitals at 32 army training camps. A division cantonment for the regular army is to cost $8,000,000, but its location was not given. It may take the place of the regular army training c^tmp at Charlotte, N. C.? which soon is to be abandoned be caused of unsuitability of the ground on which it is located. Eight million^ will be spent on a port terminal at Boston, Mass., and $10,000,000 on a similar terminal at Charleston, S. C. Two millions are provided for three powder bag load ing points at sites not yet selected. For housing for the shipping to relieve congestion in shipyard com munities the department plans to ex pend $35,000,000. This will represent a part of the $50,000,000 for this pur pose provided in a bill which passed the house today. In addition to this $600,000 will be expended at New port News, Va., for housing the negro stevedore regiments engaged there in loading vessels. Another item is that of $250,00 for a high explosives plant at Sandy Hook, L. I. Brigadier General Littell, in charge of cantonment division and other con struction jobs, also submitted state ments to the committee, showing that, in addition to the new work, his bureau has charge of construction now in progress calling for an expen diture of $135,900,000 making the total for present and future work $404,550,000. ? Associated Press. LIVB OAK NEWS. The School ha8 closed until the 18th on account of the German measles. There are several cases in school, among1 them Miss Harwood. Miss Bailey spent the week-end at home with her brother, Clarence Bailey, who is in training at Camp Jackson. * The farmers are very busy around here since the weather has cleared off. The school has been preparing the program for North Carolina Day which will be celebrated the twenty third. ? We are glad to state that the church has been ceiled, and when painted will be a nice community church. ? T. S. i Tine Level Safety League. Pine Level, Feb. 13. ? A very inter esting meeting of the students of the Pin^ Level public school was held last Friday morning in the Chapel of the school building. At this time they organized a Safety League. The fol lowing officers were elected: Walter Godwin. President; Bessie Stallings, Vice-President; ~~Plo3sie Stallings, Secretary; Flossie Warrick, Treas urer. Miss Mary Weaver from the faculty was elected as Honorary President. V FLOUR ORDER IS MODIFIED. Farmers May Now Buy Flour In Quantities Not Exceeding 24 Pounds By Signing a Certificate Stating That They Have Produced And Are Using Corn Meal, Horn ij>y. Grits and Other Cereals to the Same Extent. Raleigh, Feb. 13. ? By a ruling just issued by State Food Administrator Henry A. Page, North Carolina far mers who have produced and are us ing theip own corn meal, hominy, grits, or other cereal substances will be allowed to purchase flour in quan tities up to 24 pounds without pur chasing an equal quantity of cereal substitutes. This ruling has been made by Mr. Page in justice to North Carolina farmers because the Food Administration at Washington has granted permission to the Food Ad ministrators of all Southern States to make such a ruling and similar rul ings are being made in neighboring iMh. ministration forbidding the sale of flour except in combination with cereal substitutes did impose some in conveniences upon farmers who have their own corn meal or cereal sub stitutes, but no considerable number of North Carolina farmers wh<? un derstood the urgency of the purpose of the order have made objection. The ruling as announced by Mr. Page is as follows: "Retail merchants are hereby au thorized to sell flour alone and in quantities not exceeding 24 pounds to farmer customers who sign a formal certificate stating that they have pro duced and are using oern meal, grits, hominy, or other cereal substances contained in the list included in the recent order of the Food Administra tion to the same extent as they use flour. "Wholesalers, jobbers, millers and brokers are hereby authorized to sell to retailers flour alone in such quan tities as said retailers have Sold to farmers under the ruling above stated, balancing against such sale of flour the certificates received by the retailers from the farmer. These cer tificates in turn may be used by the wholesaler or other dealer to balance against purchases of flour from mills." ROCK HILL NOTES. Mr. W. M. Lee recently made a business trip to Wilson, N. C. Mr. G. L. George spent the week end with his parents near New Hope. Mrs. Ransom Blackman and chil dren, from near Four Oaks, spent Sunday at Mr. J. M. Blackman's. Mr. Daniel Keen and family, from Four Oaks, spent Sunday at Mr. George Wood's. After spending several days with relatives and friends in thi? section, Mr. Junius Lee returned to Camp Sevier Sundav. recent order of the Food Ad Miss Cassie Lee Spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Letha Lee near ! Bethel Church. Mr. and Mrs. Pharoah Lee spent Sunday in Sampson County at Mr. Almond Lee's. Master Garrett Lee visited friends | near New Hope Saturday and Sun day. Misses Lessie Lee, Mittie Smith | anrt Mr. Walter Smith attended church services at Bethel Sunday. Messrs Cellie Barefoot and M. F. ? I Holly, from Peacock's Cross Roads, | spent Sunday afternoon in this sec tion. w Mr. John Holly and family left las' ! Friday for Hopewell, Va., where they expect to remain for awhile as Mr. | Holly has accepted a position with the DuPont Powder Company. We are glad to note that Mr. Ir;i Lee, who has been very sick with pneumonia is improving. Also tho son of Mr. John Tart is on the road to recovery after a severe attack of pneumonia. The two debating societies cf Rock Hill school, the Liberty and Rock Hill Societies, are doing some very good work now. They give a public debate on Wednesday night of each week. A very interesting basket ball game took placolast Friday after noon bctwew Rock Hill school and New Hope school boys on Rock Hill grounds. Tho score was 8 and in favor of Rock Hill. ? Snoodles. Will Hayes, of Indiana, has been chosen as chairman of thj Republican National Committee, to succeed W. R Wilcox, who recently resigned. AT THE CAPITAL Ol BANNKR. A Brief Chronicle of Those Who Come and (Jo. Several Soldier Boys Among Benson's Visitors During the Past Week. J*1 Benson, N. C., Feb. 14.? Mr. J. R. Me Lamb, of Rocky Mount, spent Sun day here with relatives. He has moved his family to Rocky Mount, where ho is employed in a garage. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland loft last night for New York, Philadelphia end other northern cities where they will buy goods for their store. Mr. Alonzo Parrish returned the first of the week from Florida where he has been on a short vacation. Messrs. W. E. Thornton and P. P. Allen returned the first of the v/eek from a few d*ys' visit to their farm in Robeson County near Lumberton. Mr. A. V. Morris was a visitor to Raleigh Monday and Tuesday on busi ness. v * Mr. Grcver Upchurch, of Buies Creek, was hero this week on a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Henry. Mr. J. C. Hodges, cf ,Loris, S. C., re turned to his home after a few days visit here to. his father, Mr. W. A. Hodges. . Air. Ernest Johnson left yesterday for Petersburg, Va., where he has pccepted r. position. Mr. George Cacenaugh, of Greens boro, was hero this week shaking hands with his old friends. Mr. T. V. Stewart and J. A. Stew iirt, cf Coats, were here this week for ti day or two on business matters. Mr. U. F. Wallace, of Fayey,cville, was hero yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Roberts, former ly of our city -and who have been liv ing in \Y ilson and Bailey Tor the past several months, have moved back here; to make their home. ( Mr. E. R. Canaclay has accepted a jjosition with a traveling concern and has his headquarters at Raleigh. Mr. Walter Strickland, of Camp Sevier, was here Sunday with bis relatives and friends. Mi*. Jim Boon, of Raleigh, spent Sunday in town with his brother, Mr. W. D. Boone. Miss Pauline Jones, of He ten, Ga., is visiting at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hobbs. v Mr. Alton Hall, who has been sick for some time, is able to be out again and will soon resume his studies at Wake Forest College. Messrs. R. G. Grady and W. F. Purvis, of Wilmington and Durharri, were here yesterday on business mat ters. Mr. Robert C. Barbour, of Eleva tion, was in the city Monday for a short while. Mrs. J. R. Gordon, who has been hero for a few day^ with her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Barbour, re turned hoipo yesterday. Mr. H. O. Dixon, who is in \the I^Tiited States Navy in Norfolk, was here this week on a visit to his wife and friends. ? Mr. H. B. Hardy, representing the News and Observer, was here for a few days recently. Mr. T. W. McLamb has accepted a position at Rocky Mount and is now moving there. Mrs. J. D. Lassiter spent a few days here recently with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. F. Moore, who has been sick. Mr. J. D. Coats, of Camp Sevier, S. C., has returned to cnmp after a visit to his family in Pleasant Grove township. jv Messrs. Alonzo Parrish, Almon Parker, Jesse Surles; Robert Creech, June Morgan, George Holland and Milton Smith were visitors to Smith field Monday. Mr. Louis Ryils, of Durham, was hero the first of the week on a short visit to relatives. Mr. James E. Wilson went up to Richmond Sunday and spent a few hours wirti hi3 uncle, Mr. Jesse Wil son, of Dunn, who is in a hospital there. J. Willis Moore has accepted a position as Deputy Sheriff in our part of the county, S. F. Ivey having re signed. Mr. James Raynor went to Chapel Hill last week on a visit to his wife who hr^s been sick at her old home for a few days. M.ssr/, R. T. Surles, J. D. Morgan, John Whittenton, Jesse Surles, Sam Stone and A. E. Surles were visitors to Raleigh yesterday. Mr. Loyd Ltmgdon, of Coats, was here yesterday on business ma'.ters. Mr. William B. Tart, who has been MRS. JOHN YOUNG VERY ILL. Personal and Local Notes of Interest From the Thriving Town of Clay ton. Clayton, N. C., Feb. 13.? Mrs. R. C. Sears, of Apex, spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boom'. Miss Thelma Barbeur ' returned Tuesday from Raleigh -where she visited friends. Dr. and Mrs .Ohas. D. Bass, of Ral eigh, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Massey. Miss Genie Thomas, of Meredith College, spent the past week-end here. Mrs. C. B. Turley spent several days this week with relatives at Ox ford. Mrs. G. T. Smith and son, Thurman, Jr., left last week for Lillington where they will spend a few days while getting the furniture in readi nes to more here. Mr. Smith went to Lillington Sunday. Mr. Norman Hales, of Rocky Mount, visited relatives here during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Parker spent last Sunday with Mrs. .Parker's mother ne:u- Selma. Mrs. L. D. Debnam and children, of Selma, were here Sunday the guest of Mrs. J. A. Griilin. MV. and Mrs. C. W. Horne and son, Ashley, and Mr. Otho Gulley motored to Morrisville last Sunday to see Mr. Sam Horne who is seriously ill of parr.lysis. Mr. Dorcas Brown, of near Selma, spent Sunday afternoon"" here with friends. ? Misses Nannie Lou Poole and Annie Laurie Bancom, of Mt. Moriah, visited Miss Thelma Barbour last week-end. Private David Johnson came up from Camp Jackson last week for five days. He was called home on account of illness of his mother near Beth esda. Misses Naomi and Pauline Vinson, of Smithfield, came up last week to visit relatives for a few days. The Y. W. C. A. held its regular meeting Tuesday afltertioon at the home of Miss Thelma Barbour. Sev eral members were present and new membersNulded. Miss Tessie T^oble, from near Kin ston, is here visiting her sister Mrs. Woodall. Mrs. T. M. White and little daugh ter, Susan, of Goldsboro, are here spending this week with Mrs. Y. M. Holland. Mr. W. A. Barnes is spending some time in Jacksonville, Fla., in the in terest of his health. Tha lecture held in the Horne Me morial church on Monday night of this week by Hon. H. T. Laughbaum was enjoyed by a large audience. His subject being: "John Barley Oorn, Goodbye." We are sorry to note the serious illness of Mrs. John Young. She has been ill since Sunday night when, a few moments* after going out of church, was found on the ground speechless and unconscious. She re vived a little Tuesday but has not spoken yet. We hope Mrs. Young will soon be greatly improved. Death of Little Cecil Davis. On Thursday night, February 7th, the death angel visited the home c*f Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis and took thoir darling babj>, little Cecil, home to rest. Little Cecil was born July the 15th, 1917, and died Febru ary 7th,' 1918, making his stay on earth six months,' three weeks and two days. All was done for him by mother, father, physicians, and kind friends, that could bfe done, but God knew best and took little Cecil home to rest. The funeral setvice was conducted FrWay afternoon at the home, and the remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground. A living aunt, E. B. at Camp. Sevier, S. C., was discharged this week because of dependents and has returned to his home near here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Staneil, of Smithfield, are here this week on a visit to relatives. Messrs. W. E. Barbour and William Adams, of Four Oaks, were here yes terday on business. Rev. .Chas. E. Stevens, of Four Oaks, is here on a short visit to rela tives and friends. . Mr. W. II. Royal left yesterday for Rocky Mount where he will spend 1 m<>st of the week. THURSDAY'S WAR NEWS. Germans Planning to Make Sur prise Maneuver on the East . ern Front. (Germans and Aus trians Afraid to ^j-ust Hol sheviki Leaders. t Unofficial dispatches still indicate that in German and Austrian official circles there is very considerable dis trust of the Bolftheviki leaders in Russia, and that preparations even are in the making for stemming a surprise maneuver on the east front. One Bavarian newspaper asserts that the final conference between the Bol sheviki .and German and Austrian peaco delegates at Brest-Litovsk end ed in a violent rupture which bore all the seeds of a fufure^:<*nflict. Austria Hungary for Peace. In a manifesto to his subjects deal ing with the peace effected with the Ukraine, the Austrian emperor reite rates his desire for an early general peace. "In common with my hard tried peoples," says Emperor, "I trust that after the lirst conclusion of peace, which is so gratifying an event for us, a general peace soon will be granted suffering humanity." On the Battle Fronts. On the battle front in Franco the fighting activity between ".he British and French and the Germans hi: a as sumed somewhat violent proportions on at least two sectors, with the forces of Field Marshal Haig and v General Petain the aggressors. Prob ably the heaviest, encounter was hi the Champagne region where, aided by American batteries, which gave the French "very effectfve support," the French have captured and organized^ German trenches, southwest of the Butte du Mesnil. TJie German official communication admits the loss of this ground. North of Lens, the famous coal mining region, the British and Ger mans again have met in a sharp en counter, but no details of it have yet come through. The. artillery activity continues heavy on numerous sectors From Flanders to the Swiss border. ? ? Associated Press Summary in today's News and Observer. The Farmers May Buy Flour. Mr. Editor: I have just received notice fronY Hon. Henry A. P:'ge, State Food Ad ministrator, stating that Lhe recent order of the Food Administration with reference to ctonbination sale of flour and cereals has been modified with reference to the farmer who has produced and is using corn meal, grits, hominy or other cereal substi tutes. I ani copying the following paragraphs of this letter: "Retail merchants are hereby au thorized to sell flour alone in quan tities not exceeding 24 pounds to far mers who sign a formal certificate stating that they have produced and are using corn meal, gi'its, hominy or other cereals substitutes contained in the list included in the recent order of the Food Administration to the same extent as they use flour." "Wholesalers, jobbers, millers and * brokers are hereby authorized to sell to retailers flour alone in such quan tities as said retolieis have sold to farmers under the ruling above stated, balancing against such sale of flour the certificates recoived by tha retailer from the farmer. These cer tificates in turn may be* used by the wholesaler or other dealer to balance against purchases of flour from mills." The Federal Food Administration has also announced that "retail deal ers dc;ftg a business of less than one hundred thousand dollars are not subjret to license February loth." Therefore, only feed dealers doing a business of one hundred thousand dol lars a year need have license. F. H. BROOKS, Food Administrator Johnston County. Smithfield, N. C., Feb. 14, 1918. Irish Potatoes In Big Lots. Mr. Lacy John, of Lumber Bridge, is here on a visit. He says that in and r.round Lumber Bridge Irish po tatoes are being pfanted in largo quantities. Besides local shipments ten full car loads of seed potatoes have gone to Lumber Bridge. Five acres are supposed to make a car of potatoes for shipment next spring, and so farmers are planting from five acres to seventy-five acres each. Five tt> six hundred acres are being plant ed around Lumbef Bridge.

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