Our Part in Feeding the Nation (Special Information Service. D. 8. Department of Agriculture.) STRAWBERRIES FROM SUMMER TO FROST Planted April This Field of an Everbearing Type Gave a Crop the Follow ing Autumn. DELICIOUS BERRY THROUGH SUMMER Long-Season Strawberries Have Passed Trial Period. OF REAL VALUE FOR MARKET > Heretofore "Everbearing" Varieties Have Been Grown Chiefly by Ama teurs and Commercial Grow ers ? Crop First Season. Strawberries from your garden throughout summer and autumn are now a possibility as the result of the perfection of "everbearing" varieties of this delicate berry. Everbearing strawberries are not a brand now dis covery, but heretofore they have been grown chiefly by amateurs and com mercial growers who have tested them In comparison with ordinary sorts. In a recent publication of the United States department of agriculture an nouncement is made that a sutlicient number of trials of these varieties now have been completed to Indicate their real value for home use and for mar ket in certain sections of the country. Primarily a Northern Type. The regions where it is known that everbearing varieties can be grown extend as far soutli as the northern parts of Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas und Kansas. South of these limits there are probably points where they may be grown with some degree of success, but they are not definitely known to succeed there. The two leading varieties of this type of strawberry, the Progressive and the Superb, are notable not only because they produce fruit from the time of the usual crop until late sum mer or autumn, but also because they are exceptionally resistant to leaf Upot diseases. They are also very hardy. The Progressive has been found to withstand the winters of the middle West better than any other variety ex cept the Dunlap, one of its parents. The Superb also is hardier than most varieties of strawberries. Another re markable characteristic of these varie ties is that if their blooms are killed by frost they soon flower again. There fore in many sections subject to late spring frosts, which often destroy the crop, these varieties are particularly valuable. Small Crop First Season. If plants of the everbearing type are set early in the spring, a small crop $ SET STRAWBERRIES EARLY TO GET FRUIT FIRST YEAR Early spring ? as soon as you can get Into the garden ? is the time to set "everbearing" straw berries, or. in fact, any straw berries. With such an early start a larger crofi of fruit can be obtained the lirst year. The plants also have opportunity to become established and to de velop better root systems before beginning to fruit. The mark edly different behavior of the long-season varieties has led to the development of cultural practices differing in special de tails from those followed in the production of standard sorts. Directions for the culture of the everbearing types, in so far as the methods differ from ordi nary practices with strawber ries, are given in Farmers' Bui letin iJOl of the U. S. depart ment of rgriculturp. ? I can be IuhI the first season. Plants which have been wet for a year give a fair yield at the time the usual strawberry crop Is borne. For the period Immediately after this early summer crop the amount of fruit se cured Is small. In August, September and October It becomes larger and un der favorable conditions the late sum mer or autumn crop from certain vari eties may equal or exceed the early summer crop. Thus instead of a con stant supply throughout the season there is a distinct early summer crop, +++++++ + KINDS OF EVERBEARERS AVAILABLE TO GROWERS + Thirteen varieties of "ever bearing" strawberries are in the trade at present. They are: Ad vance, Amerlcus, Autumn, For ward, Francis, Iowa, Onward, Pan American, Peerless, Produc tive, Progressive, Standpat and Superb. Iu addition, a variety known as the Minnesota No. 1017, distributed by the Minne sota State Horticultural society and the Minnesota agricultural experiment station, has been In troduced. Only two of the va rieties Introduced, the Progres sive and the Superb, have been widely grown as yet. The Amer lcus Is grown to a slight extent and the others very little. The Minnesota No. 1017 has been widely tested In Minnesota and Is grown to a slight extent In surrounding states. Farmers' Bulletin 901 of the United States department of agricul ture describes these varieties In detail and discusses their suit ability to different sections. then a period of comparative rest when little fruit Is produced, followed hy u long period when ti fairly uniform amount of fruit is borne. Weather conditions play an Impor tant part In the amount of fruit pro duced during the summer and autumn. Only when the moisture supply and other climatic conditions are favorable can the yield be constant. For this reason the results obtained from the everbearing varieties have varied greatly in the different sections of the country, and in different years. If a long drought occurs while the plants are fruiting, the berries become small and tli*> plants finally cease to bear. Therefore they ure not well adapted to sections having long droughts ex cept when irrigation can be supplied. Territories Produce More. The two million people in Alaska Hawaii, 1'orto ltlco, and Guam are try ins to do their part for the food sup ply. Through its experiment station* in these possessions the United State* . department of agriculture early in tin emergency started campaigns to in crease food production. To make the territories less dependent upon th< mainland of this country for their sup plies is the aim of the federal work ers. Important results already hav? been obtained. Porto Itico, which formerly Imported more than $800,yoo worth of beans an nually from the mainland, now is in a position to export this product. The Alaska stations have greatly increased the areas sown to grains and now are able to meet increased demands for seed grains locally adapted. The Guam station is distributing larger quanti> ties of seeds and plants for cultivation by the natives, with prospects of an increased production of food. Hawaii ' also has materially increiiscd its pro , duction of food crops. Before the war ! Hawaii and Porto ltlco imported some $20,000,000 worth of food supplies from j this country annually. Many of the ar | tides Imported can be grown success fully in these islands. American Potash. There seems to be a considerable number of farmers who think that the potash used in fertilizers at the pres ent time is not as good or as valua ble as that formerly supplied by the German potash salts. The principal forms of potash supplied by the Ger man potash salts used in fertilizers were kainit, muriate of potash, sul phate of potash, manure salts and doubled manure salts. These mate rials furnished the potash in the form of muriate (the same as chloride), or sulphate. A small amount of carbon ate of potash was used on a very re stricted area of tobacco in Connecti cut, as this form was considered the best for cigar tobacco. However, as the carbonate was so much higher in price than the other forms it was used to a very limited extent. American potash is obtained at present from the Nebraska lakes, cement flue dust, ash from molasses residue and ashes of various sorts, and the potash in all of these mate rials exists in the form of sulphate and carbonate, with a very small amout in the form of chloride. The alunite deposits of Utah supply pot ash in the form of a very high grade sulphate, while Searless Lake, Cali forn ia, the Great Salt Lake, Utah, also help supply potash in the form of muriate. Tobacco Stems furnish a considerable amount of potash, exist ing in the form of nitrate and organic compounds. Cottonseed meal, soja bean meal, and peanut meal are all used in fertilizers and contain come potash, varying from one to two per cent., which exists in the form of organic compounds. The materials used to supply the potash for most of the fertilizers made in the eastern and southern sec tion of the country are Niebraska potash, flue dust, ashes, tobacco stems, cottonseed meal, and soja bean meal, and, as stated above, the pot ash exists in these materials as sul phate, carbonate, nitrate and organic forms, which are the Very best for crop production, and are espeically good for tobacco and potatoes. From the above it is plain that the form of German potash is no better, if as good, as that furnished from Ameri can sources. All of the State laws require that the potash guaranteed in fertilizers be water soluble or available, conse quently all of the potash which is guaranteed in fertilizers and which is reported on by the state departments is water soluble or available. It will tlius be seen that the American pot ush is as good as, or better, than that furnished by the German potash salts Therefore, the farmers need have no fear in using fertilizers containing American potash, for such potash will give just a sgood results as any that has been used, or that can be used. ? The Southern Planter. BROGDEN SCHOOL NEWS. Miss Elizabeth McGee, of Mount Olive, is visiting her sister, Miss Alice McGee. Misses Culberth, Elizabeth and Alice McGee spent Wednesday after noon in Smithfield. Miss Ada Perry is spending the week-end at her home at Barium Springs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rufus Creech spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Jones in Smithfield. Our society is progressing very nicely. The programs are very inter esting, and the people of the com munity are taking great interest in society work, and we think this is due to our most efficient president Miss Alice McGee. Mr. Felder Bailey, of Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C., spent a few days with home folks last week.* Following is the honor roll for third month: Primary ? Clyde Davis, Mildred Creech and Harvey Tiner. Intermediate ? Albert and Arthur Gardner, Erma Creech, Inez Gardner, Willie Mozingo, Nancy Jane Creech. Grammar Gr ides wll come in next week's paper. ? A. P. February 16, 1918. M ay Buy Small Packages Flour. Raleigh, Feb. 1(5. ? North Carolina householders and retail merchants will welcome the announcement that the Milling Division of the Food Ad ministration hasissued a new ruling which will allow the packing and salt of 12 pound bags of flour. The use of 12 pound bags was prohibited sev eral weeks ago before the recent com bination sale order was dreamed of. It has been found desirable now to have smaller packages. His Working Schedule. "Hi>\y long has that clerk worked for you?" asked the Caller. "About four hours," replied the Boss. "I thought he had been here longer than that," said the Caller. "He has," said the Boss. "He has been here for four months." ? Mil waukee Sentinel. ah? Goes Right ALL SIZES* QNEJflT^tfELVEr ( W ENTALLY SED - On every suc cessfully conducted farm or ranch today will be found one or more gasoline engines. Power is used wherever pos sible. The desire for economy and efficiency and the realization that run ning a farm is a real business enterprise L has brought this ^ about ^ m ? me tnousanas ot "JNew-Way" engines i>i use on tne American Continent have demonstrated that more real money can be made with the help of the right engine than by an actual cash investment in six months pay and keep for a hired man. Hired help is seldom reliable and always tumbling. The "New Way" engine is always reliable and never grumbles or gets cranky Sum mer or Winter. DO AWAY WITH ThE WATER NUISANCE The "New-Way" is waterless. Water in an engine or the lack of it is always a source Oi trouble, annoyance and possible expense. It freezes in Winter and buiis away in Summer. ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT "NEW-WAY" ENGINES Your dealer will be gladi to show you these engines and explain their rr.r.n y points of superiority . Ho will tell you how the "New-Way" diflora from the common type c. mail o:a^r engine. He will pliow you tint regardless of prieo i'. .otter buy for you. You won't be asked t ~ pay your mon?v for an engine which you know only from a p' ture ana then more money fur freight and express. [>UY BEFORE PRiC?5 GO UP Scarcity of material is making a shortage of engines of ail kinds. This is sure to result in higher prices and th.it soor.. Buy nov.*. F-5 "Ncw-Wcy" En- ? - * ? " ?* r* J/fV See th?? "New rhinos are C tsaran- * f * ^ ^ ; ? Way" Dealer teed for Life. tJ.KSaEG9 KZGMGAM, ff.&.A. First. "New-Way" Special Agents COTTER HARDWARE CO., Smithfield, N. C. \RAR SAVING!) STAMPS I ICSULO BY TKF. UNITED STATES GOVHRNME NT Mr. Farmer, Name Your Farm---Then let us Print you some Stationery- -It costs but little more than the unprinted kind, and is much more satisfactory. "On the Inside Looking Out" No matter how chilly it is outside, you're always comfortable if you have a Perfection Oil Heater in the house. You can carry it upstairs and down, wherever extra warmth is needed. The Perfection is economical, convenient, efficient. Now used in over 8,000,000 homes. Use it with Aladdin Security Oil ? eight hours of warmth from a gallon. STANDARD OIL COMPAN Y (New Jersey) Washington, D. C. Norfolk. Va. Richmond. Va. BALTIMORE MD. PERF OIL HON ERS Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C.