THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. By Cy Johnson. I just can't help thinking about what our old home town preacher said in one of his two-hour sermons way back yonder in the nineties. This is what it was: "What can be had free is seldom wanted." And as I look about mc I am con vinced he was right. For instance, We farmers live here in the midst of the trees and flowers, and yet we send to the nursery for these very things and pay a big price for them. We have in our midst the Agricultural agents of Uncle Samuel to show us the way in farming and yet we buy the passing humbugisms in stock foods, fertilizers, fruit trees, machin ery and pay a big price for them. We have in our midst a good many, and many good, teachers of religion and of learning, and yet we go and pay a big price for them, in the way of experience. We have pure water, air, sunshine and freedom and yet we pay a doctor and a lawyer to give them to us. We have muscles and brains and yet we hire others to do our work. We have peace and yet we are paying the Kaiser a big price for it. To me, the signs of the times are that if we do not do more ourselves, of our own accord, we will be pushed off this thing we call earth. CY JOHNSON. PINEY GROVE SCHOOL NOTES. Piney Grove School, with Miss Janie McFadyen as principal and Miss Alice Edmundson as assistant, has the largest enrollment in its history and the work is progressing nicely. Teachers' meeting was held at Piney Grove on Friday, February 16, with all the teachers and attendants present except one. Dinner was serv ed to the visitors on the grounds. The day was both pleasantly and profitably spent. Miss Anderson was with us for the first time. We feel that the teachers as well as the county should congratulate themselves upon secur ing the services of such an efficient worker. So far very few of the big boys had to stop school to work cn the farm. We feel that the parents should sacri fice in order to keep their boys in school. The members of the school com mittee are co-operating most heartily with the teachcra in all endeavors for school improvements. Piney Grove counts herself very fortunate in one of the ten schools which is to have the moving pictures. The Box and Valentine Party held Friday night, February 15th, was quite a succeps, both financially and socially. $51.27 was realized as a re sult of the party. This money will be used for school improvements. Music by the "Penny String Band" added very much to the peaaure of the even ing. Carolina Day exercises were given on Friday night, February 22. The Program by the school was as fol lows: America ? ny tne scnooi. Prayer ? Rev. A. T. Lassiter. Declamation, The Meaning of War ? Hftbert Hone^ycutt. Greeting from the State Superin tendent, Miss Edmundson. Song, Carolina ? School. North Carolina Toast. Declamation, North Carolina ? Charlie Langdon. Recitation, Our Flag ? Garland Stephenson. Seng, Three Little Sisters ? Primary Children. Declamation, Why We Are Fight ing Germany ? Roy Stephenson. Recitation, Our Flag Forever ? Alzula Stephenson. Responsive Readings, Why Wo Are at War ? by a number cf pupils. Song, Our Flag ? Primary Children. Reading, Makers of the Flag ? Rixie McGee. Declamation, Our Country Accepts the Challenge ? Renzy Parrish. Pageant, Liberty and Her Allies. Flag Salute ? by School. Your Flag and My Flag ? by the school. Song, "They Have Called Us to the Colors." Special features of the evening were an address by Rev. A. T. Lassiter, of Benson, his subject being "Conserva tion and War Savings Stamps," which made many determine to do their part towards helping to win the great world war. Mr. G. L. Newton kindly sang a solo, "God Keep and Save Our Men," which was greatly enjoyed by all. Near $300 was subscribed for War Savings Stamps. Misses Edmundson and McFadyen ?were in Benson Friday afternoon. Miss Edmundson was enrounte to Dunn to visit her sister, and Miss McFadyen was going to visit her sis ter who is teaching at Sandy Grove School. VISITOR. I aurinl urg hM six cotton mills and a population of about 8,000. ******* M m m m BUSINESS NOTICES. BE SURE 'IX) ATTEND THE BIG Auction Sale of Tennessee Milch Cows at Clayton, N. C., Thursday, March 7, 1918, at 10:30 o'clock. M. F. Brannon, Auctioneer. A FEW LITTLE DUTCH SULKY Plows that we can save you money on. Austin-Stephenson Company. THE NEW THREE ROOM HOUSE in front of Mrs. J. II. Sanderson is for rent. Apply to J. M. Beaty. BE SIRE TO ATTEND THE BIG Auction Sale of Tennessee Milch Cows at Clayton, N. C., Thursday, March 7, 1918, at 10:30 o'clock. M. F. Brannon, Auctioneer. CORN AND FLOUR MILLS WILL pay for themselves and then earn you a handsome profit on your in vestment. Come to see us to talk Corn or Flour Mills and we will show you what others who have bought of us are doing. Roberts Atkinson Co., Inc., Selma, N. C. W. II. WAKEFIELD, M. D., OF Charlotte, will be in Kenly at Glenn Hotel on Friday, March 1st; Ben son, Parrish Hotel, Wednesday, March fith; Four Oaks, Dr. Stan . ley's Office, Thursday, March 7th. The doctor limits his practice to the medical and surgical treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat dis eases. Ask your physician about consulting Dr. Wakefield. PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING? Largest stock we have ever car ried. See our line before you buy. Roberts-Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. GUANO DISTRIBUTORS, THE best on th? market and prices ritfht. Robert-Atkinson Co., Sel ma, N. C. A NICE LOT OF BIBLES JUST RE ceived. Prices from 35 cents each to $4.00. Herald Book Store. WAR MAP OF THE WESTERN Front, in colors, for sale at The Herald Office, price 25 cents. FLOUR PANIC IS NOT KNOWN to the man who raises his own wheat and has one of our Meadow's Mills. I^et us sell you a Grain Drill, Reaper and Binder, Gasoline Engine and a Meadows Flour Mill. They will pay for themselves. Do your own work and make you a profit. Roberts-Atkinson Co., Inc., Selma, N. C. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR several farms, of different sizes. If you want to sell see us. Abell & (Jray, Smithfield, N. C. OBKRS GUANO 8-3-3. AUSTIN Stephenson Co. CORN MILLS? WE HAVE THE best on the market at a reasonable price. No where is the local de mand for Rood corn meal supplied. Get you an engine and mill. Roberts- Atkinson Co., Inc., Selma, N. C. "POINTS FOR EMPHASIS," ON S. S. Lessons for 1918. A nice little commentary by Hight C. Moore, D. I). Price 25 cents. Herald Office, Smithfield. ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS Now on hand. Austin-Stephenson Co. MULES. WE HAVE JUST RE ceived n shipment of nice, Rood weighted, well-broke mules. Come look them over. Roberts-Atkinson Company, Selma, N. C. FLOUR MILLS ? OUR MEADOWS Whole Wheat Flour Mills are the best on the market. With small investment you can grind your own and neighborhood wheat. Roberts- Atkinson Co., Inc., Selma, N. C. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR farm to the best advantage see us. Abell & Gray, Smithfield, N. C. PLOWS AND PLOW CASTING, Disc and Section Harrows, Inter national Harvester Co., and Acme makers. Roberts-Atkinson Com pany, Selma, N. C. COTTON SEED MEAL AND ACID. Come after it now. Austin-Steph enson Company. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administer on the estate of Spicey Pope, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the .r>th day of February, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons ndebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 4th day of February, 1918. J. R. PO*>E. Administrator. Coats, N. C. i Ezra Parker, Attorney. He Has Keen Eye For Men A Ba*ebaII "Scout" Critically Lookg Them Over from Head to Foot. There is no occupation or profes sion that requires a better eye for the physical condition of a man than that of "scout" for a baseball team. It is their business to judge men quickly and accurately, just as an other person would judge a horse or other live stock, and it is a rare case when one of these eagle-eyed base ball experts go wrong in their judg ment. One of the most expert in this work and one who is best known to the vast army of "fans" who follow the national game is "Germany" Shafer, who scans the village base ball lots as well as the big league grounds to find the best that the game can produce for McGraw's New York Giants. Shafer knows that health is a big factor in the making of an athlete, for without health he is lacking in "Pep." Here is the way this noted scout expresses himself: "Whether a man is an athlete, pro fessional man or bench worker, he must be in good physical condition at all times. And we say in base ball, he must have the "pep," and I know from personal experience that Peplac gives this to people ? both men and women ? who lack energy and are run down in strength and weight, and who do not obtain suffici ent sleep and rest. I find that Peplac is an ideal constructive tonic and an invigorating purifier of the blood system. Like Ty Cobb, who hails from the south, and is a 'top notcher' in baseball, Peplac is a southern product and the 'top notch' of medi cines." Here is the opinion of a man who knows men and what their physical condition should be. He also has per sonal knowledge of Peplac and knows that it will bring health and vigor or, to use his own words, it will put the "pep" in sickly, run down men and women. Get a bottle of Peplac at Hood Pros. Drug Store. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BE FORE THE CLERK. North Carolina, Johnston County. Jacob Boykin et. al. vs. Hackney Boykin et. al. The undersigned Commissioners pur suant to a decree of the Superior Court entitled in the above cause, on March 1, 1918, the undersigned Com missioners will for the fourth time offer for sale, at Public Auction, at the Court House door, in the town of Smithfield, N. C., the 1 fit h day of March, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., the 557 acre tract of land be longing to the estate of L. H. Boykin, deceased, which was sub-divided and plotted by E. P. Lore, engineer, into eight (8) tracts. The upshot bid was made on the whole, therefore, the tract will be sold as a whole. Terms of sale, one-half cash, of which 10 per cent will be required to he deposited with the Commissioners on the day of sale, and the remainder of one-half of purchase price to be paid upon confirmation of the sale by the Court; the balance paid upon six (6) and twelve (12) months with interest at <5 per cent from date of sale. This the 1st day of March, 1918. ASHLEY BOYKIN, F. 11. BROOKS, Trustees. SALE UNDER EXECUTION. Under and by virtue of an execu tion directed to the Sheriff of Johnston County from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Harnett County, N. C., under a judgment duly docketed in said Court in faver of R. E. Smith and against B. A. Norris, and also execu tions directed to the undersigned from Harnett County in favor of Durham Notion Company and vs. B. A. Norris, A. S. White & Company vs. B. A. Norris et als. said judgment being duly docketed in Johnston County, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash, to satisfy said executions, to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door in Smithfield, N. C., at 12:00 o'clock on Monday the 1st day of April, 1918, the following described lands, to-wit: Tl at certain lot and bouse in the town of Benson, N. C. conveyed to B. A. Noiris by C. F. Neighbors, ihe deed to which is of record in the Regis try of Johnston County in Book 37, page 201, said lot being described as follows: Bounded on the north by the lands of Preston Woodall, on the East by the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, and on the South and West by the lands of Alonzo Parrish, and is known as Lot No. 4 in Block J of the Plan of the Town of Benson, N .C., being a lot 60 feet by 140 feet. This 27th day February, 1918. Terms, cash. Time, April 1st, 1918, at 12:00 M.f the Court House do>r in Smithfield, N. C. W. F. GRIMES, Sheriff of Johnston County. SALE OF BUGGY WHEELS. On Saturday, March 23, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash one set of buggy wheels belonging to Jim Whitfield. These wheels will be sold to get service charges. J. H. HOLLAND. Kenly, N. C. NOTICE Narron Automobile^Co, at Norron s Lodge, Selma. N. C. Route 2 We wish to inform our custo mers and the public that we do all kinds of automobile repair ing^ and all kinds of Iron Work. We will shoe mules and horses two days in each week, every Tuesday and Friday. No other days. We guarantee our work to give complete satisfaction. Yours to serve, PHELAND BOYKIN Manager MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed to me by Delia Norris, February 2, 1917, said mortgage be ing of record in the registry of John ston County, in Book No. 27 at page 30. Default having been made in the payments of bonds secured by said mortgage deed, I will on Monday, the 1 s t day of April, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Lot No. 5 in block No. 34 as shown on the new map of the town of Ben son, N. C., prepared by Reddick, Man and Hale, during the year 1914, and fronting Mill Street on the North 50 feet and running back 140 feet to an alley, containing a fractional part of an acre. This the 1st day of March, 1918. W. J. WEAVER, Mortgagee. James Raynor, Atty. This mortgage was given to secure purchase price of the above described premises. NOTICE? SALE OF TOWN LOT. By virtue of authority contained in a mortgage deed executed by James A. Pierce and Ora Pierce to the un dersigned on February 26th, 1917 and recorded in Book No. 37, page 205 of Johnston County, I will on March 29th, 1918, expose for sale to the highest bidder a lot of land situate in the town of Kenly, N. C., and described as follows: Being lot No. 8 in block No. 2 in the J. T. Revell plot. Size of lot 50 feet by 150 feet, fronting 50 feet on Tilghmon Street, and further known as part of t he Jesse Kirby land. This Feb. 25th, 1918. WILEY H. HOWELL, Mortgagee. WANTED. White men between the ages of six teen and twenty-one to operate ma chines in Tobacco Factory. Good wages. Come at once. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM BRANCH, Durham, N. C. Auction Sale OF MILCH COWS AT CLAYTON, N. C. Thursday, March 7, 1918 We will sell one car load of Tennessee Milch Cows at Clayton, N. C., Thursday, March 7, 1918. They are front three to five years old; mosi all fresh, balance heavy springers. They are the best grade Jerseys, and a few of them pure breds, also one pure bred HoLstein cow and calf. We bought them carefully from the best farmers of Knox County, Tenn., one and two of each farmer. They come direct from the farmer to you. All of them have been Tuberculin tested and health certificates go with them. This is the best car load of Cows ever shipped to this country. Don't fail to attend this sale as every one will be sold regardless of price on above date rain or shine. Don't forget the date and place. Sale starts promptly at 10:30 A. M. M. F. BRANNON KNOXVILLE, TENN. M. F. BRANNON, Auctioneer. You'll Never Know How Good This Coffee Is Until \otiTry It ORDS cannot adequately describe the fine flavor of Luzianne Coffee. You've got to taste it yourself. Won't you try Luzianne next time? Luzianne is packed in sanitary, air tight, full-measure tins ? impurities can't get in and the flavor can't leak out. It has been made very easy for you to get acquainted. You take no chances. If Luzianne doesn't taste better than any other coffee you ever tried, your grocer will refund your money. So, buy that first can today. : When It Pours, It Reigns' HEAP O* JOY. The "New-Way" Engine is the original joy dispenser for the farm. It is * waterless and worriless. It will run every belt j ft driven machine within its horse power. ft may 'w be attached to the manure spreader, potato dig- .,*2 ger or binder of any make when it does the work of a team of horses or mules. It takes the place of a hired man or two, with this difference, the engine is guaranteed for life. The hired man stays just as long as you may pay him, sleep him and do his washing. At present prices you can better afford to own an engine titan you can to have a hired man. THINK IT OVER. WS.S. mR SAVINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Go see your dealer ana let mm tell you all about this Heap O* Joy to the farm, the "New-Way" Engine. ALL SIZES AND TYPES 1 TO 12 H. P. Made by THEHwWjYMomCcmHY Lansuk, Hkhkah. U.S.A.

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