. GOVERNOR BICKETT WILL SPEAK IN SMITHFIELD ON SATURDAY. MARCH 16TH VOLUME 37. SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY' MARCH 8, 1918. Number 20. HEAR GOVERNOR BICKETT North Carolina's Eloquent Chief Executive to Speak at a Grand Rally for the War Sav ings Campaign to be Held ii; Smithfield on Saturday, March 16. The People of the County Are Expected to At tend in Full Force. Teachers and School Committeemen Are Invited to Attend The people of Johnston Coun ty have a treat in store on Sat- j urday, March 16th, when North Carolina's eloquent Governor, Thomas W. Bickett, will speak in Smithfield on War and Patrio tism. There is no more eloquent man in North Carolina than our popular Governor. He has made many speeches in various sec tions of the State and never fails to arouse enthusiasm. He is coming to Smithfield at the invitation of the War Sav ings Campaign Committee. At the same time he is coming as the guest of the entire people of the County. He is coming to tell us of the great crisis we are fac ing and to arouse us to a fuller realization of our duty. The State War Savings Committee has been asked to send a speak er who will tell about the plan of raising the forty eight mil lion dollars the Government is expecting North Carolina to raise through the War Savings Stamps. The people of Johnston are expectad to be here in full force. From every township a large delegation is expected. The speaking will be held in the Cen ter Brick Warehouse where there will be plenty of room for everybody to get in and hear our Governor. Every school teacher is given a special invitation to be here. Thev are the folks who must make the War Savings come across. Every school committeemen in the county is invited to come, showing that they are standing with their teachers in thei" ef forts to make a success of the War Savings. Every farmer in Johnston county is expected to attend. The the first to buy one thousand vitation. They have the money to greatly aid the government at this time by buying a large number of War Savings Stamps. Let them remember that it was one of their number who was the first to buy one thousand dollars of War Savings in this county. Every merchant and business man, every lawyer and doctor, and every preacher and Sunday school superintendent, are ex pected to be here. The ladies are especially in vited to come. Let the Red ? Cross and Woman's Club lead ers be here in full force. It is the plan of the Committee to make this one of the greatest patrio tic occasions ever held in Smith field. A great world crisis is on and every man, woman and child may have a part in standing by our President and Governor in their efforts to bring victory to our soldier boys. The presence of a great throng of people here Sat urday of next week will do much toward arousing our people to a sense of their duty. Our people never fail when they under stand. But if they fail to take advantage of every opportunity to inform themselves on the great problems of the hour great is their responsibility and fear f I M l yl . ? . < _ j ful will be the consequences if they fail. Again, let us urge the people of the county to come here Sat urday, March 16th, and show that they are in dead earnest about this great campaign now being waged. The First Hat tie and German Frightf ulfiess. (Charlotte Observer.) The first battle, as battles are known under modern conditions ^of war, has been fought be tween the Germans and the Americans, and the perform ance on the part of the United States troops was just the sort this country had expected. They were subjected to the utmost test the devilish ingenuity of the Hun could devise for them, and while many good American lives were sacrificed, the enemy was driven back, leaving a field strewn with his dead. For weeks the Germans had been in prepa ration for the attack on the Americans intrenched on the western line, and as a final move sent a shower of poison gas bombs into the trenches occu pied by our troops. The ex pectation was that the Ameri cans would be demoralized through .their experience with the deadly gas and would be in poor condition to resist the on rush when it should be under taken. Having paved the way with their gas bombs, the Ger man Army, composed of speci ally trained "trench raiders," made a confident dash across "No Man's Land" for the posi tion occupied by Pershing's men. They rushed forth under cover of the most deadly hail of gas \bombs, shrapnel and shell fire that the resources of the Ger man Army could make possible. Their assembled armament of great guns sent a perfect whirl wind of deadly messengers against the trenched Americans. Then, the Huns, themselves, fol lowed with eager expectancy only to find th&. Americans ris ing up in thick masses in their front and ready for business with rifle, machine gun, bayonet and pistol. The encounter was brief. The Germans lost no time in falling back and one retreat ing body found itself flanked by an American company which had gone out of the trenches and by a detour had come into position to cut them off. This party was commanded by a West Pointer and accomplished its purpose, though the captain sacrificed his life to the execu tion of the brilliant feat. It was possibly around the spot where he fell that the ground was most thickly "strewn with German dead." Not at Verdun, nor 011 the Somme, nor at any other battle point since the war began, have troops been subjected to a greater terror of gas and shot and shell. American expecta tion that the Germans would un dertake to wreak special venge ance upon the United States sol diers, has been fully confirmed in the accounts of this first raid undertaken against an Ameri can position. The trenches they had occupied were obliterated in some places, dugouts were wrecked by bombs, the trees back of the lines were shot to shreds and the very air was made deadly with the fumes of the poisoned gas, while many of the missing are accounted for as having been buried under the tearing up of the earth by the German shells. And yet, on the American side there was no panic. Pershing's men "display ed the greatest personal cour age, bravery and energy short range encounters with grenades and bombs quarters those with out bayonet or other weapon ex cept bare hands, flew at the Ger man throat. The story which The Observer gives today of the fighting is the story of the Americans' first experience un der German fire. Engagements heretofore have been confined to duels with artillery and a few shortrange encounters with gre nades and bombs. It was the first face-to-face encounter with MR. BEVERIlKiE SPEAKS HERE. Canadian Soldier Tells a Great Smithtieid Audience of Some of His Experiences in the Fighting Lines and in the Trenches on the West ern Front. Makes Strong Appeal to People to Buy War Stamps and Support the Red Cross. A large assemblage of Smithfield people and people from the sur rounding community heard Sergeant John P. Beveridge, a Canadian sol dier, tell some of his experiences in the terrible war across the sea at the court house here Tuesday night. With out any ? striving after oratorical ef fect, Mr. Beveridge told the plain j simple story of life in the trenches and in the fighting lines on the West ern front bringing to his auditors a vivid picture of the horribleness of. war. It made one shudder to hear hir.i J tell of the hand to hand fighting with the Huns when it Mas death to onr or the other. That Mr. Beveridge is alive today to tell the story of what he went through on the Western front, in the battles of Ypres, Armen tieres, Brae and the Somme, and many other bloody fights, seems lit tle short of the miraculous. The meeting was held in the court house. Every available place was oc cupied and a large number of peo ple who wanted to hear the story <>f a participant in the horrors of the war "over there" had to turn away becausc there was no more room. For two hours Mr. Beveridge hell the interest of the great throng. He told of the many fights he was en gaged in from the great battle of the Marne until the battle of the Somme when he received a desperate wound and was gased, barely escaping wilh his life. His recital of German frightfulness ? of the maim^ig of lit tle children bu cutting off their hands the awful treatment of women and old men, and the terrible treatment of soldiers who were made their prisoners? stirred the blood of thosa who heard him and made them more determined than ever before to stt;nd by the boys who have gone over to avenge the terrible atrocities perpe trated by the Kaiser's Huns. Mr. Beveridge bears in his body evidences of his bravery, counting nine wounds in all received while in the thickest of the fighting. There were times when the speaker was greeted with great applause; at other times the tenseness pictured on the faces ?f those who sat and gazed into the speaker's face as he gave his recital of the frightfulness of it all, showed that their feelings were too deep for appause. They saw the scenes liv ing before them. They heard the cry of those who have gone over for the people back at home to stand by them while they fought for civilization and humanity. Mr. Beveridge madv a strong plea to the people to stand by the Govern ment by buying Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps, and to help the Red Cross which is serving as an Angel of Mercy on the bloody battle fields and in the Base hospitals. He paid a glowing tribute to the Amer icans and said that they would be able to give a good account of themselves when the crucial moment arrives. At the close of the address, Mr. Ragsdale, Chairmajp of the War Sav ings Committee, made a statement asking for a ^collection for the Red Cross to pay the expenses of Mr. Beveridge who came from the West ern part of the State to speak here. A collection amounting to $58.00 was taken and the ladies of the Red Cross generously contributed fifty dollars to Mr. Beveridge for his expenses and services in the great work he is do ing in trying to arouse the people to a sense of their duty in this great crisis. Mr. Beveridge who is totally inca pacitated for any further military service has decided to make his home in Western North Carolina, and still fight on for the cause of liberty with his voice and pen. the enemy, and while the coun try is called to mourn the loss of a number of gallant lives, there was much in the perform ances and accomplishments of its soldiers that is to be held in prideful admiration. Germany has at last had opportunity to test the mettle of the American soldier ? and the disappointment is not ours.' Mr. Shade Wooten, of Camp Sev ier, Greenville, spent Sunday in the city with friends. WEDNESDAY'S WAR SUMMARY. Apparently Germans Have Not Ceas ed Operations in Russia. Rumania About to Make Peace With the Teutons. Action to be Taken by Japan in Siberia Undecided. Amer ican Troops Have Taken Up Still Another Position on the Front in France. Late reports from Russia indicate that the Belsheviki government prob ably will not keep its engagement with the Germans to ratify next Tues day the peace compact agreed upon at Brest- Litovsk. The evacuation of Petrograd by the bolsheviki govern ment and the populace already has been begun and Trotzky, the foreign minister, has announced that the leaders of the revolution are prepared to fall back even to the Ural moun tains, which separate Great Russia from Siberia, and proclaim a holy wai in order to circumvent the plans of the Germans to make the revolution unsuccessful. It seems evident that the Germans have not yet ceased their operations agains? the Russians, for Krylcnko, the bolshevik commander-in-chief, has sent a protest to the German com mander asking whether all steps had been taken by him for a cessation of hostilities. A like message was dis patched to the Austro-Hungarian commander. The reason for the lat ter communication, however, is not apparent, for the forces of the dual monarchy are known to be bent on clearing Little Russia of bolsheviki in order to carry out the compact to aid the Ukrainians in establishing and ad ministering their newly formed re public. ? Siberian Question. Whether Japanese troops are to in vade Siberia and put down the disorder there and also make secure the great stores of all kinds that are in the har bor of Vladivostok apparently has not yet been determined. In Japan the political parties are not unanimously in favor of Japanese intervention, the leader of the majority party in the diet, for instance, having declared that he and his followers are opposed to the use of Japanese troops in the eastern part of the Russian empire unless conditions there grow worse and prove a menace to the status of the far east. Rumania evidently is on the point of effecting a separate peace with the Teutonic allies by meeting the hard demands which are to be exacted in return for cessation of the inroads into the little kingdom which now is absolutely isolated from its allies. The preliminary peace treaty has been signed and the armistice extend ed so that discussion of a formal treaty may begin immediately. Among the chief demands of the enemy is the cession of the Dobrudja, rectification of the Hungarian-Rumanian border, economic advantages for the central powers and aid in the transport of troops of the quadruple alliance through Moldavia and Bessara via to Odessa. American troops now have taken up another position on the front in France and with their usual business like methods already have frustrated an attempt by the Germans to raid their trenches. The new position is somewhere in Lorraine. Altogether more than eight miles of trenches are now being held by Americans on the western front. From Flanders to the Swiss border artillery duels of more or less vio lence are taking place on various sec tors and here and there raiding par ties of both side s are frequently in operation. The British have , carried out succesful forays against the Ger mans east of Bullecourt and near Lens, in which latter sector the Ger mans for the past few days have been heavily shelling them. Although the snow has ceased there has been but little activity on tha chief American sector northwest of Toul. The men of both sides have kept to their trenches and there have been only spasmodic exchanges of shells. German reinforcements continue to be sent up behind the lines in Bel gium and France, acording to Gen eral Maurice, director of military op erations at the British war office. At present, he says, although the enemy has 16 more divisions than the allies along the front, the allied troops are numerally stronger and also hold the uper hand in rifles, guns and aircraft, but that this superiority is diminishing. The major preparatfors of the enemy for a big offensive are now more or less complete und the allies must watch for the local prep arations which signalize the approach of an attack, General Maurice said. German submarines or mines were responsible last week for the sinking of 18 British merchantmen, 12 of which were vessels of 1,6000 tons or over. The previous week 14 large and four small merchantmen were de itroyd. ? Tin: WEEK'S NEWS IN CLAYTON 1 Clayton, N. C., March 6. ? Mrs. L. F. Austin spent Sunday in Raleigh with relatives. Mr. David Johnson, of Camp Jack son, is here on an eight day pass. Mrs. J. 1). Smith, Mrs. G. A. Smith and Miss Mamie Jones spent Monday in Raleigh. Mrs. H. P. Hoyle left Monday for Raleigh where she will take a course in stenography at King's Business College. Mr. Edgar Lynch, of University Station, was here Sunday with his sister, Mrs. A. C. Hamby. Mrs. W. M. Priddy and little son, I Walter Home, of Wichita Falls, Texas, are here on a visit to Mrs. Ashley Horne. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ellis and little daughter, Kathryn, spent Sunday in Greensboro with Mrs. Ellis' sister, Miss Carrie Austin, who is in school at G. C. W. Little Mary Ida now graces the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Edgerton. She arrived March 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Williams and family and Mrs. William Turley spent Sunday in Smithfield with friends. The expression class of Miss Ida Wootten will give their recital at Benson on Friday night of this week. The recital was well attended here a few weeks ago and the proceeds were for the Red Cross. The friends of Miss Helen Rogers welcome her return here. She will be with Barnes-Duncan Co., this season. Mr. Paul Wallace left Sunday night for northern markets to buy goods for the firm of A. Horne and Son. Mrs. Wallace and Martha Gladys are with relatives at Selma. Miss Theo. Wooten, of Peace Insti tute, Raleigh, was here for the past week-end with her sister, Mrs. C. G. Gulley. Misses Barbara and Jessie Gulley spent last week-end at Wildwood farm. INCOME TAX MAN COMING. Will Be in SmithtLeld Again on March 18 and 19. (Jet Ready to Meet Him and Fill Out Your Blanks. The Commissioner of Internal Rev enue has extended the time for filing of all income tax returns in his of fice from March 1, 1918, to April 1, 1918. This blanket extension has been granted in view of the fact that there has occurred a greater delay in the printing of income tax and other forms. Mr.T.D.Meares,Jr. will be in Smith field Monday ond Tuesday, March 18 and 19. Selma, Welnesday, March 20, and at Clayton, Thursday, March 21. He is making this round to give especial attention to i^artnership, corporations and individual excess profits taxes. SANDERS CHAPEL NOTES. The farmers are very busy now turning the soil for another crop. Captain L. Midyett, of Oriental, is visiting Sheriff Powell this week. We are glad to note that Mr. A. G. Powell's little girl, wfio has been sick for the past three weeks, is improv ing rapidly. We regret to note that Miss Thelma Godwin is in the Sanatorium at Golds boro for treatment. Mr. W. A. Smith came very near getting killed Tuesday by having a horse to run away with him. Mr. Stevens, who lives on the land of Mr. B. Hill, left Sunday night. We know not the cause. He left his wife and four children. We regret to note that Mr. C. S. Powell is on the sick list this week. Sanders Chapel Methodist church is delighted to have a new piano to use in the church services. B. An interesting program has been prepared for a union meeting to be held at Four Oaks Baptist church on Saturday and Sunday March 30th and 31st. AT THE CAPITAL OF BOON HILL. Judge Brooks Made Good Talk on War Situation. Bee Line South Highway Completed. Three Pros perous Negro Farmers. Boys Buy ing War Saving Stamps. Princeton, N. C., . March 6.? Miss Lora Mason, of Goldsboro, is visiting Miss Temple Hinton this week. Mr. L. O. Bartlett, from Greene County, a young man expecting to en ter the army soon, is visiting his sis ter, Mrs. Pelt, this week. Mrs. Ed. A. Holt and little daugh ter are spending the week with Mr. und Mrs. A. M. Sanders, Smithfield. Miss Ethel Baker was at home from Rock Kidge school a few days this week. Moulton Massey was at home from Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., a few hours Sunday. Logan Hastings, of the Navy, and on the U. S. S. Maine, is at home on an eight day leave of absence. We regret to note that Mr. Lama Woodard and daughter, Miss Bertha, have moved to Sehna. Shade Wooten, from Camp Sevier, is at home on a short leave of absence visiting his mother. ? Richard I). Oliver, Miss Clara I. Oliver, and Harvey Oliver have in vested twenty-five dollars each in War Savings Stamps. I hese are chil dren of our esteemed farmer friend, Mr. W. Howard Oliver, who owns the nicest home and farm on the Central Highway between Smithfield and Princeton. Judge Brooks came down a few days ago and gave us a very interest ing talk on the war situation, and the necessity of each and every person do ing his bit in helping to win the war. These patriotic speeches aTe bearing fruit, as much more interest is being manifested. We hope to have Judge Brooks come down again some time soon. Saturday evening would be better when there are a few hundred farmers in town. The Princeton basketball girls and boys played Line Level Friday even ing. The score was 17 to '? Boys 7 to 3 each in favor of Princeton. Three cheers for the Princeton girls and boys. The five mile stretch of road from town to Mr. G. P. Massey's has been completed, and is now in fine shape, something like the road from Selma to Smithfield. All these fartners have automobiles, and they say when you drive your Henry Ford out to go to town, it is a serious proposition to keep them from exceeding the speed limit. This road is a bee line South with the exception of three rainbow curves, and these are graded like a circus ring so tljat you don't have to slow down. Nothing to do but blow your horn Henry and "let 'er go." Some of our most prosperous farmers live on this road. Among them are. A. F. Holt, F. P. Summerlin, Adam K. and Silas Worley, A. J. Massey, C. S. Peele, Milton Massey, A. L. Massey and G. P. Massey. The Central Highway between Princeton and the Wayne County line via the old Cross Roads church, has been completed. Now we are inform ed that the section from town to the Smithfield township line will soon get attention. We have in Koon Hill township three negroes whom we thnik deserve special mention, and much credit for their thrift and desire to work and be honest citizens. These are John and Joe Everett and Felix Fowler. They own nearly two hundred acres of land each, many good mules, some fine buggy horses and each one owns an automobile. Felix owns a cotton gin. There are few, if any farmers in the county who own as many head of cattle. Each one has a large family of children. They live near long swamp and near the Bee Line South Highway. John Hobbs, a worthless negro, fired two shots at Guilford Cogdell h^re yesterday morning. They quar reled over changing some money. Un fortunately Hobbs was a poor shot and did not hit the other negro. Hobbs joined the bird gang immedi ately and "has'nt lit yet." Death of Thomas Joyner. Mr. Thomas Joyner, 3on of Mr. W. B. Joyner, of Bentonsville township, died Saturday night in the State Hos pital. He was buried Tuesday after noon at Pauline chycb, the funeral service being conducted by Rev. J. E. Dupree. Mr. Joyner had been an in mate of the State Sospital, Epileptic Colony, for the past eight years.

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