The Smithfield Herald Published Every Tuesday and Friday. WATCH YOUR LABEL'! No receipt will be sent for subscrip tion. Each subscriber is asked to watch the little yellow label on his paper. If the label is not changed within three weeks after remittance is made, the subscriber should notify us. Watch your label. NOTE. ? All correspondents should remember that we pay no attention to communications without the writ er's name. If you write every day be sure to enclose your name each time. Address all matters for publication to The Smithfield Herald, Smithfield, N. C. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Mrs. W. M. Sanders went to Dunn Sunday afternoon. ? ? ? Mr. W. Ransom Sanders went to Fayetteville Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. Claud A. Wallace went to Ben son Sunday to visit friends. ? ? ? Miss Florence Boyett spent Easter with her parents in ths city. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grimes and family spent Sunday in Bentonsville. * * * Mr. Bailey Williamson was in the city Sunday afternoon from Knight dale. * ? ? Ensign Edwin S. Pou has gone across to serve Uncle Sam "over there." ? * * Misses Sarah Sanders, of Peace in stitute, was at home for the Easter season. * * * Miss Bessie Currie, of Halifax, is spending some time here with Mrs. J. D. Dickens. * ? * Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Ginn, of Golds boro, were here with Mrs. Ginn's parents Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marrow spent the week-end with Mr.< Marrow's par ents at Henderson. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sanders and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon in Princeton with relatives. ? ? m Mr. and Mrs. Joe Austin, of Four Oaks, were guests at the home of Mr. W. H. Austin Sunday. ? * * Miss Corinna LeMay Sanders visit ed Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sanders in Clayton for the Easter season. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hedrick, of Dur ham, spent the Easter holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abell. * * * Judge F. H. Brooks returned last night from a business trip to Rich mond and Newport News, Virginia. ? * * Miss Helen Sheppard, of Turlington Graded School faculty, spent last week end with relatives at Chadbuorn, N. C. * * * , Misses Eloise and Retta Martin and Mr. Claud Martin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Edgerton at Kenly. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Lassiter and mother, Mrs. R. I. Lassiter, attended the Baptist Union meeting at Four Oaks Sunday. ? ? ? A letter from Paul Johnson would indicate that he is on his way across to do service for Uncle Sam "Some where in France." ? * * Mrs. R. S. Stevens received a cable from her husband, Lieut. Ralph S. Stevens, Sunday announcing his safe arrival on the other side. * * * Miss Hilda Parrish, who is in school i at Peace Institute, Ralegh, spent the Easter holdays here with her parents, i Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Parrish. i ? ? . I Miss Margaret Moore, who is in | school at Peace Institute, Raleigh, , spent Easter here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore. ? * ? , Miss Mabel Wellons, a student of Peace Institute, Raleigh, spent the Easter holidays here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wellons. ? ? ? Mr. W. H. Stegal, wro has been with the Imperial Tobacco Company at Richmond for the past few months, has returned to Smithfield. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Skinner, Mrs. C. Skinner, Mr. N. M. Lawrence and Miss Francis Burton Crews attended church services in Raleigh Sunday. ? ? ? The merchant* of Smithfield have signed an agreement to close their stores each evening except Saturday at seven o'clock, Government time, until further notice. This early closing 1 will give the men who stay in the I stores all day some time for work in < their gardens ar.d for recreation. 1 Kenneth Parrish, John White Ives, and Fritz Dickerson and Misses Hazel Gillette and Hilda Parrish spent Sun day in Fremont. ? ? ? Mr. Cleon Boyett, a member of the Senior Class of the State University, is spending the week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Boyett. ? ? ? We have just learned that Turner Vinson, another Smithfield boy has ar rived on the other side and is ready to do his best to put the Germans to flight. ? ? * This is the last week of the Big W. S. S. Drive in Johnston County. However, any ona can keep rijht on buying War Savings Stamps until December 31, 1918. ? ? ? Mrs. Laura Sanders and daughter. Miss Mary Sanders, from Wendell, spent the week end with Mrs. R. I. Wallace and other relatives and friends in the city. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Guy and daugh ter, Miss Anna Christian, of Rich mond, Va., spent the Easter holidays here with Prof, and Mrs. L. T. Royall and Mrs. Rebecca Abell. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Ragsdale and sons, George, Thomas and Hugh, and little Juanita Strrell, spent Sunday with relatives in Fuquay Springs. Mr. Edgar Wi tson also went with them. Mrs. Thel Hooks left Saturday for Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C., to spend several days with her husband, Lieut. Hocks. She was accompanied by her daughters, Arah and Doi-othy. m m m Miss Lucile Johnson, after .a short visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Johnson, returned to Greensboro Monday afternoon to resume her stud ies in Greensboro College for Women. * * * Mrs. Ir;- T. Turlington who has been spending sometime here with her sis ter, Mrs. N. B. Grantham, and her brother, Dr. A. II. Rose, return^ to Chapel Hill Saturday to spend the Spring and Summer. ? ? ? Mr. Robert A. Wellons, who has just completed the first course in the Aviation School at Princeton, New Jersey, came home yesterday to spend a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wellons. * * * The Oxford Orphanage singing class gave a good concert here last Thurs day night to a large audience at the Opera House. About one hundred dol lars was taken in which will go to the support of the Orphanage. ? ? ? Mr. W. M. Sanders informs us that he has made arrangements to get reg ular shipments of nice granulated sugar from a refinery. He gets several i barrels each shipment and hopes to be able to supply those needing sugar. ? ? ? .Twenty-four negro selectmen were sent from Smithfield district to Camp Grant, Illinois, Saturday. The negroes held a very interesting meeting in their honor, a complete account of 1 which will apper in Friday's paper. ' The Smithfield Sunday school oh- 1 servedMission Day last Sunday morn ing with appropriate exercises by the children. The exercises were in charge of Mrs. Howard Gray and were intor- J esting and instructive. A nice offering was made for missions. ? * * Supt. F. M. Harper, of the Raleigh Schools, Mr. A. S. Browcr, of the State Department of Education, and 1 1 Dr. Young, of the Agricultural De partment, of Raleigh, were here Fri day night to act as judges of the de bate between representatives of the Kenly and Selma High Schools. Mrs Brower accompanied them. c * ? ? < Mr. Hunter Woodall, who is a mem- j ber of the 105th Supply Train at Camp I Sevier, was here Saturday and Sun- I day visiting friends and relatives. Mr. r Woodall came here ten days ago, be- c ing on a furlough to his home in Har- 1 r.ett. While at home he was taken with c the mumps and had his furlough ex- \ tended. He expects to return to Camp sometime this week. ? ? ? Mr. R. D. W. Connor, of the State Historical Commission at Raleigh, i will speak to the people at Glendale 1 school house in Beulah township at a \ War Savings Rally Thursday night, 1 April 4th. Mr. Connor is an interest- j. ing speaker and should have a big S :rowd to hear him. He is to talk on 1 :>ne of the very livest of live subjects t md one which the people should be preatly interested in. ? ? ? Mr. E. F. Crump made a trip to the 3tato Farm in Halifax county last week to weigh a lot of 537 bales of t rotton which the farm sold recently, i Vfr. W. M. Sanders who is one of the i iirectors cf the State Farm arranged I with Mr. Crump to do this work. This 1 s Mr. Crump's second visit there. In r 1916 Mr. N. E. Edgerton who was i ;hen one of the directors got Mr. t Srump to go and weigh a lot of 800 I >ales of cotton. Mr. B. I. Stephenson, of the Piney Grove school section in Pleasant Grove, was in town yesterdday. Mr. Stephenson says that the people of his section are beginning to take more interest in the War Savngs proposi tion, as they understand it better. ? ? ? Messrs. J. C., Robin and Dixon Hood and little Elizabeth, from Kinston, were here Saturday, enroute for Ben son to see their grand father, Mr. Haywood Dixon, who is ill. They were accompanied to Smithfield by Mrs. J. C. Hood who spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sanders. ? ? ? The Smithfield Cotton Mills will continue their work on the old sched ule. They work day and night and will continue their work as usual. No change at this time would be of any benefit since they work all the time. However, they have run up their clocks one hour in accordance with the plans of the Government. ? * ? Mr. Allen S. Smith, who has been spending the past three months at the State Tuberculosis Sanitorium, spent a few days here last week with his home folks. He appears to be much improved and is much heavier thar. when he entered the Sanitorium three months ago. His friends here and else where hope that his stay there will soon completely restore him to health again. * ? * A Smithfield man who is well ac quainted at several of the leading centers in the Northern States and gets information as to what is going on there says that drink conditions there are awful. The sal .ons are | open, the people are making big mbney and more drinking than ever before is being done. This effects business and makes labor conditions almost in tolerable. Miss Essie Sasser and her aunt, Mrs. Hulda Crawford, of Kenly, went to Mount Olive on Thursday of last week to attend the burial of Mr. M. J. Sasser, an uncle and brother of thair who died in Richmond, Va., from the effects of pas which he left turned on in his room at the hotel where he was stopping. Mr. Sasser was related to many people in this county. He was a mechanic sixty years old and a good citizen. ? * * Mr. Y. E. Young, of McCullcrs, R. F. P. No. 1, Wake county, was here last Saturday to visit his niece, Mrs. Dora Kirkmp.n, and other relatives. He reads The Herald regularly and keeps up with Johnston County. Mr. Young has a son-in-law who lives in the north. On his last visit to this section he took a trip with Mr. Young and was surprised to see that so many of our farmers leave their form impli ?r>?nts out in the weather. He remark ed to Mr. Young that the northern farmer takes almost as great care of his implements as he takes care of bis piano. ? ? ? Mr. LaFayette Langston, of Ben tonsville, was in town Satrday. Mr. Langston says that the people are taking more interest in the War Sav ings plan as they understand it better. This same conclusion is reached by the 1 people generally. There has been some surprise expressed by some at the apparent lack of interest of the farm ing class in this plyan for helping to finance the war. But it is getting to be more generally believed that the farm ?rs, as a class, are just rs patriotic 1 is any other class of people and that ivhen the end of the year shall roll I iround the farmers will be right there i laving done their part in the great ' itruggle. ? Easter Vesper Service. < Sunday evening at the Methodist I ?hurch a vesper service driven by the Sunday school was much enjoyed. The )rogram was in the hands of Mr. A. |( H. Noble, and Miss Augusta Evans. ' Miss Bettie Watson had charge of the nusic. The chancel was appropriately j ' lecorated with wisteria and Easter ( ilies. The program was well carried >ut and a collection for war relief vork was ta,ken. W. S. S. In Cleveland. There will be a general war meet ng at Polenta school Saturday night, \pril f?. This will be in connection ? vith the moving pictures. There will >e a ten minute war speech by a rood speaker. We will finish the War Savings Stamp campaign for Clcve and Township; we will "go over the op" that night, if not before. Come. J. O. ELLINGTON, Chairman. MEETING. BUY STAMPS. Everybody invited to hear me talk >n the war and buy stamps, at reg ilar meeting County Farmers' Un on, in Hall of Union Grocery and ?'eed Co., Selma, Thursday, April 4th, 0 a. m. You know what 10 o'clock low meahs, one hour earlier than isual. Be on time, attend to business hen turn our attention to o'?.her dut es and homeward. W. C. HARPER, Sec. I (;01NG AHEAD ON WAR STAMPS.] T. (J. S. I'upils Leading All Other Schools in Johnston County. Under the leadership of Supt. H. B. Marrow the pupils of Turlington Graded School are making; a fine rec ord in selling War Savings Stamps. l"p to this time no teacher in the school has purchased more than $100 worth. Two of the grades have gone over $750 each while some of the others are pulling right along after I them. Value of Stamps sold up to Monday morning is as follows: First Grr.dc A, $229.50 First Grade B 774.75 Second Grade 184.00 Third Grade 303.00 Fourth Grade A, .... 367.00 Fourth Grade B 112.50 Fifth Grade 415.75 Sixth Grade 106.00 Seventh. Grade 89.00 Eighth Grade 762.25 Ninth Grade 42.00 Tenth Grade 263.25 Eleventh Grade, 30.75 Total $3739.75 JOHNSTON COUNTY. ( By Flossie Lassiter.) Here's to thee, O Johnston County! Fondly loved and f-<ir; Where the days are ever brighter, Where there's sweet, pure air. Chorus: Hail to thee, O Johnston County, Land of hope and song. Hail to thee, O land of beauty, Hater cf all wrong. There the lon.T leaf pine is whisp'ring There, the tough, white ash; There the rolling fields invite us Where the dewdrops flash. Worthy men have come from John ston, Men who care for truth; More are coming in the future, From t'.ie toiling youth. Health to thee, O prosperous John ston, Blest 'bove every land; Peaceful be thy days and many ? Joy on every hand! Red Springs, N. C. COUNTY LIMIT CLUB. Wo have some other names to add to the County Limit War Savings Club. They will be published, with the complete list in Friday's Herald. W. S. S. MEETINGS. The public invited and adult citizens, especially are urged to be present to hear Mr. R. L. Fitzgerald and Dr. M. Hinnant who will address the people of Micro township in the interest of the War Savings at the following places: Brown School House, Wednesday night, April 3, at 8 o'clock. Pearce School House, Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Carter's Chapel, Friday night at 8 o'clock. Micro, Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Oxford Orphans Please. Selma, N. C., ? On Friday night at the City Hall the Singing Class of the Oxford Orphanage gave a highly pleasing entertainment to a packed house, each one of whom was enthus iastic in his praise of the manner in which the entertainment was pres< nt ;d. There were fourteen in the sing ing class, ten of whom were girls, and >ne outstanding feature of them all is ;he fact that good training and discip line is evident throughout. C. R. Woodhead, aged seventy-two, )f San Francisco, for forty-five years las eaten only one mer.l daily. As early as the sixteenth century Brazil was producing sugar commer nally. THE SMITHFIELD MARKET. Cotton 25 to 35 Gotten Seed 1.00 to 1.05 Wool 20 to 30 Spgs 25 to 30 Fat Cattle 6 to 7 Fat Cattle dressed 13 to 13 1-2 ^orn per bushel 1.75 to 2.00 3. R. Sides 30 to 32 % Feed Oats 1.20 to 1.25 Fresh Pork 20 to 22% Sams, per pound 33 % to36 -ard 27% to 32% rimothy Hay 2.25 to 2.35 Cheese per pound 36 Butter, per pound 40 Weal 4.75 to 5.00 Flour per sack 6.00 to 6.25 Coffee per pound II to M Cotton Seed Meal 2.75 to 2.85 Cotton seed holla 1.00 ?hipstuff 2.80 to 8.00 kfolasaes Feed 3.00 to 3.25 lilies, Green 10 to 12% lides. Dry 17% to 20 )ow Peas per bushel . . . 3.50 to 4.00 Joy Beans per bushel . . 3.75 to 4.00 Canute Meal 8.25 Liberal and Modern Methods Consistent With Sound Banking is the basis on which we retain our present patrons and invite new business. Every account appreciated. Under direct supervision of the United States Government. First National Bank Smithfield, N. C. T. H. HOOI), President. K. N. AYCOCK.Vice-Pres. and Cash. BON TON The Ladies Store Spring 1 9 1 8 GAGE S tyles 1 9 1 8 GAGE The Celebrated GAGE WEEKLY Hats on Display in Our Show Window Every Week. The Bon Ton Is the Recognized Fashion Center for Ladies Ready-to-Wear in this section of the State. BON TON The Ladies Store SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA Now Unloading 600 Bags Ship Stuff Better get your suppy While it Lasts. Floyd C. Price Pine Level, N. C.

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