RED CROSS TO COLLECT CLOTHING FOR BELGIUM Hoover Asks Davison's Aid In Work Of Relief Beginning March 18 and ending March 25, a seven day, nation-wide campaign will be carried on by the American Red Cross and the Commission for Relief in Bel gium to secure a minimum quantity of 5,000 tons of clothes for the destitute people of Belgium and the occupied portions of Northern France, At the request of Herbert Hoover, chairman of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, Henry P. Davi son, chairman of the Red Cross War Council, hag granted the use of the na tional Red Cross organization for col lecting the needed clothing. As the commission has allowed most of its local committees to disband bo cause of the financial arrangements made last June with the government, it has turned to the Red Cross for help. Where the local committees of the Relief Commission are still intact, they will work side by side with the Red Cross Chapters. The practically entire exhaustion of clothing, shoes, and leather in occupied Belgium and Northern France and the shortage of these necessities in the world's markets are making it in creasingly difficult for the Commission to keep clothed and shod the unfortun ate people in these territories. In ad dition to new materiaJ, gifts of used and surplus clothing, shoes, blankets, flannel cloth, etc., are needed in large quantities from the people of the Unit ed States. The donations will be shipped at once to the Atlantic seaboard and sent overseas for distribution. CANTEEN SERVICE FOR SAMMIES IN FRANCE Red Cross To Serve Boys In The Front Line Trenches The American Red Cross has Just arranged to establish with th? Ameri can troops in France a fron .ne can teen service similar to thai through which they have served more than a million poilus with hot drinks during the laet six months, according to a cable Just received by the War Coun cil from Major James H. Perkins, Red Cross Commissioner to Franoe. * This will consist of rolling canteens stationed close behind the front line trenches. There are now fifteen of these operating behind the French lines, from which fifty or more large receptacles of hot drinks are sent for ward daily, usually in the small hours of the morning. These drinks are served free to the men going on or coming off duty. This service has proven of such value to the French that the Ameri can army has asked the Red Cross to have this service directly in touch ?with the medical relief stations near est the front. The work is often done under heavy shell fire and requires men of great bravery and sympathy. The American army officers are man ifesting a keen interest in having this service at the disposal of the American troops and have asked the Red Cross to enlist a substantial number of men of the highest caliber to undertake this work. It will be performed at the point nearest the firing line at which civilians are permitted. NURSES NEEDED IN MILITARY HOSPITALS t Surgeon General Asks Red Cross To Supply 5,000 Nurses Surgeon General Gorgas of the United States army has called upon the American Red Cross to supply to the Army Nurse Corps five thousand nurses between now and the first of June. These nurses are needed for service in the military hospitals both in this country and abroad. Although the Red Cross has already supplied nearly 7,000 nurses as a reserve for the Army and Navy Nurse Corps since the beginning of the war, the impera tive need for a greater army of nurses grows daily as the war progresses. According to a statement made by Surgeon General Gorgas, it is estimat ed that there are between eighty and ninety thousand registered nurses in the United States, and that approxi mately thirty thousand will be need ed for service In army hospitals during the present year. The immediate need for five thousand of these is empha sized. Miss Jane A. Delano, Director of the Department of Nursing of the Ameri can Red Cross said: "Not only are we appealing to the nurses to volunteer for this service, but we also appeal to the public and to the physicians employing these nurses I to aid in making it possible for them, ! without too great financial sacrifice i on their part, to hold themselves in I readiness to respond to the call of i their country. We wish also to bring to the attention of nurses the unusual i opportunity offered by the insurance law enaeted for the protection of our army and navy, which applies equally \ to nurses assigned to duty as members 1 of the Army and Navy Nurso Corps. "A great responsibility rests upon I the nurses of the country. They are I th? only group of women recognized | as ? part of the military establishment, I and should be looked upon as the rep- ; resentatives of the womanhood of i America at the front. "Not only should the other women I of1 the country encourage nurses to j volunteer for service, but they should make every effort po?slb> to protect the mtr?eg holding tlietn selves reidy j for service and shar?. with them th* re I sponsibility an.i .acnfl'e. ntcessarjr." HEALTH IS WEALTH -Hygiene, I x I .STATE BOARD dF HE Pertinent question. on heattn. hyd?r? and wni lotion ^^i^oitu e "r reader* wiU b* uuvered tn theae oolumnt or by mail if M?'?? "? ^dr^,. to th? Stat* Boanl irf Healtk at Raleigh and accompanied 1^. ?U >>T ?tte.nL'ted ?d ar'veiope. No dia?noaii or twatmant erf individual d^aaoa ?iU b? attempiea A Girl's Weak Ankles It is a sad fact that so many girls from ten to eighteen years old are wearing crude arch props or braces in the hope of overcoming foot weak ness thrust upon them by the hideous and unnatural shoes at present in fashion. Parents are getting quite ir responsible and bowing supinely to the fftlls and fads of the shoemakers, who seem obsessed with the belief that Nature was all wrong when rftie designed the human foot. It is difficult, apparently, for the sboe manufacturer to think that the ball of the foot is naturally the wid est part of the foot, and the inside sole line does not naturally turn out to end in a narrowly pohited sole. He assumes that a shoe should cramp the forefoot into a narrow space and twist it as far outward apart from its mate as the law will allow. Mark the outline of an unspoiled foot on a piece of paper and you will have a sort of a wedge-shaped figure, like this: Notice that lines which bisect sole and heel meet at an angle in the foot print, whereas, if you draw bisecting lines through th? sole and heel of a fash ionable, high-heeled, pointed shoe there is no siich angle ? the toe is made to turn out. Now compare the naturally shaped shoe; the bisecting ! lines meet at an angle similar to that of the natural footprint, and hence the | ?aturally shaped last gives comfort to the feet. The Chinese grew so accustomed ito deformed, cramped feet that they lectually came to admire such feet. The American people once admired 'wasp waists and hoop skirts and bustles and other real or imitation de formities. In recent years we have come dangerously near admiring the elouchy debutante posture affected by our young fashionables of both sexes. Narrow high heels are hideous enougn on a front row chorus lady, but oto a school girl they look tragic indeed. The little girl's weak ankles are (caused by nothing else than bad foot jwear. Narrow heels which give the Iflaot bo stability; out-turned soles, which force upon her an ankle akin to that of the flat-footed street-ear conductor; sharply pointed toes wklch cramp the forefoot and prevent the physiological usa of muscles and liga ments which support the arch. Re sult, first tired and aching feet, calves, perhaps hip and back; theff turning in of the ankles and scuffing off the in FASHION'S FOOT AND NATURE'S PLAN. Natural arvd Unnatural Foot in a Nat urally and Unnaturally Shaped Shoe. ner borders of soles and heels; and finally, broken down arches and flat feet. Prevent all this lifelong foot trouble by insisting upon sane footwear for the young girls. A foot dressed In naturally shaped shoes looks quit* as well, rather much better than a foot foolishly shod with freak footwear, and besides is much iporc In keopinic with the simple refinement of eultured people. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Mother Affect* Nursing Child. Young Mother. My four months old baby seems to be constipated much of the time. Does, th'e fact that I am frequently constipated have anything to do with my baby's condition? What shall I give the baby? An^frer: The fact that the mother is frequently constituted may be the caute of the same condition in her nursing child of four months. The fundamental cause of Infant mortality is without a doubt week heredity Alcoholic drink or excesses in food which disturb tbe mother react on the child. The remedy is for the mother to select a diet under the di rection of a phystrfian, and to five the infant nothing except what is prevcribod by a physieian in actual attendance. SANE AND INSANE FOOTWEAR. "Narrow Hoels Are Hideout Enough on a Chorus Lady But on a School CMrt They Look Tragic Indeod." Save Crimson Clover Seed. Raleigh, March 30. ? Since the sup ply of Crimson Clover seed is limit ed, the present stock on hand being short and no likelihood of further amounts of seed being imported, all seed needed this fall should be saved this spring. Clover means fertility; fertility means better crops; better crop yield means greater prosperity and this all^means that more clover must be saved. Instead of the acreage of clover be ing decreased this next fall, it should be increased, states Dirctor B. W. Kil gore, of the Agricultural Extension Service. This, he recommends, inspite of a seed shortage. To get this in crease in acreage, all seed should be saved before the crop is turned under this spring for soil improvement. Shall Not Pass. The most anxious time was the first week of the great German offensive at Verdun two years ago. Fort Douamont was captured and i t looked as if the entire fortress would fall. But the French said: "They shall not pass," and they didn't. It is that spirit that must be depended upon now in the Allied armies. ? Springfield Republican. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualifi< d as Executrix on . the estate of Hafton Hudson, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on - r before the 26 day of Mweh, 1919 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thoir recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pavment. This 23 drv of March. 1918. MATTIE E. HOLLEY, Ex. Sticking Type is one thing and A r*istically Designed Advertising is another. We specialize in the latter ? the kind that will make your letterheads, station' ery and advertising matter a credit to your business. Q See us the next time you need something in the printing line. TWO CARS OF STOVES AND Ranges just received. Cotter Hard ware Company. WHY HOARD VOIR MONTY yhen we sell 16 per cent. Acid Phos phate for $18.75 per ton fcr the cash. Farmers Mercantile Co., Sel ma, N. C. Two Meals a Day Were His Limit A Pioneer. Food Conserver Who Gained Nothing by Saving. Against His Will He Cut Out One Meal a Day For Five Years. Experience teaches us that the hu man body requires food three times in every twenty-four hours and, know ing this, most people wisely follow the practice of eating three times a day. Here is a case, however, of a man who lived for five years on two meals a day. This man, Thomas Poole, 118 North Person Street, Raleigh, says: "For the last five years I have been unable to eat breakfast. I had stomach and Liver trouble and my digestion was very poor. I got up in the morn ing feeling so weak that I felt more like returning to bed, and I had se ver" pains in my back and kidneys. A relative recently advised me to try Peplac and I am glad that I did. I now jump out of bed, feeling tine and free from the old pains in my back. 1 can now eat a hearty breakfast for the first time in five years, and am taking on weight rapidly. Peplac has made life worth living for me and 1 am sorry that 1 did not use it long ago." Inability to eat is one of the penal ties that a sufferer from stomach trouble has to pay. Peplac corrects this condition by cleaning out the ali mentary tract, putting the stomach in order and toning up the appetite. The merits of this great construc tive tonic will be gladly explained at Hood Brothers where it is recommend ed and gold. Adv. FOR BURNS ANI) OLD SORES, DR. Muns' pile rnd eczema ointment i? a valuable remedy. I HAVE A NICE JERSEY COW with young calf for sale. John II. Langston, Bentonville, Route 2 N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Sal lie J. Powell, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 16 day of March, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 16 day of March, 1918. W. A. POWELL, Admr. Makes Hard Work Harder A bad back makes a day's work twice as hard. Backache usually comes from weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizziness or urinary disorders are added, don't wait ? get help before the kidney disease takes a grip ? before dropsy, grav el or Bright's disease sets in. Doans' Kidney Pills have brought new life and new strength to thou sands of working men and worpen. Used and recommended the world over. A Smithfield Case C. A. Bryant, carpenter. R. F. D. No. 1, Smith field, says: "I suffered from dull pains across my back. In the morning, I was so sore and stiff that I could hardly stoop to put on my shoes. I had dizzy spells, too. I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box at D. H. Creech's Drug Store. They relieved me of all symptoms of kidney trouble. Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S Fotter-Milburn Co. ? Buffalo, N. Y. Jake Sulphur Baths \ *5 at home fori *<07 /riXPS^TT -Vr Rheumatism Gout, Eczema, Hives, etc. Right in your own home and at trifling cost, you can enjoy the benefit of healing sulphur baths. Hancock' Sulphur Compound ?ature's own blood purifying and skin healing remedy? SULPHUR? prepared In a way to make its use most efficacious. Use it In the bath; use It as a lotion applying to affected parts; and take It Internally. 50c and $1 the bottle at your dnitD list's. If he can't supply you. ?end his name and the price in stamps and we will send you ? bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULFHU* COMPANY Baltimore, Ml Bmmnrt tn/fhur Cm fund Otnt ewn? V ' ??th, 1918, 11 o'clock. PLACE OF SALE: Postoffice Door, Benson, N. C. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, upon con firmation by the Court, 10 per cent, cash deposited on day of sale re quired. This the 22nd day of March, 1918. N. A. TOWNSEND, Will Cozart, respectively, said three lots together comprising lots Nos. 2 Commissioner. Sale of Land for Taxes. I, W. M. Ives, Town Tax Collector do hereby offer for sale the follow ing lots for delinquent taxes for the year 1916 to be sold at 12 o'clock m., at the Court House door in Smithfield, N. C., on Monday, April 8th, 1918: White. Town Taxes for Year 1916. J. I). Bizzell, 1 lot $ 1.20 C. V. Ferrell, 4 town lots.... 2."0 Rand and Lawrence, 1 lot .... 108.20 A. G. Stephenson, 1 lot 6.90 Colored. jjpmes Allen, 1 lot 110.77 Bcttie Alford heirs, 1 lot .... 16.45 John W. Byrd, 1 lot 22.05 Rogers Dublin, 1 lot 6.30 J. A. Holden, 1 lot O.lO Harvey Hodges, 1 lot 9.48 C. H. Hodges, 1 lot 12.86 J. H. Jones, 3 lots 22.95 Milton Kennedy, 1 lot 8.25 John Lassiter, 1 lot 7.90 Oscar Merritt, 1 lot 6.0:5 'Major Smith, (deceased) 1 lot.. 13.25 : Haywood Smith, 1 lot 13.25 Ed Smith, 1 lot 7.35 Jake Smith, 1 lo t 3.30 Easter Sanders, 1 lot 9.10 W. M. IVES, Tax Collector, Town of Smithfield ,N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administratrix, on the estr.te of John Austin Phillips, deceased, hereby noti fies all persons having claims against said estate to present th^ same to me duly verified on or before the 4th day of April 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 1 day of April 1918^ BETTIE PHILLIPS, Admr. Four Oaks, N. C., No. 3.