GERMANS BOMBARD THE LENS SECTOR Nothing of Special Importance Done In Monday's Fight ing on the Western Front. GAS SHELLS ARE AGAIN I'SEl) BY GERMAN FORCE Surprise Attack on Americans ? Is Stopped on Sector North west of Toul. Artillery Duel Kept up for Hours. (News and Observer.) Berlin, via London, Apr. 8. ? The powerful German pressure along the Oise is forcing .the French back r.t the lower outskirts of Coucy Wood, ac cording to the official report from general headquarters this evening. London, Apr. 8. ? "Except for hos tile artillery activity on different parts of the battle front, and especial ly in the neighborhood of Bocquoy," says Field Marshal Haig's statement from France tonight, "there is noth ing of special interest to report." With the British Army in Fi-ance, April 8. ? (By the Associated Press.) ? From 8 o'clock last night until mid night the enemy heavily bombarded with gas shells the area between Cite St. Emilie and La Bassee canal, in the Lens sector. The Gel-mans also threw large quantities of gas east of Ar mentieres. The hostile artillery fire was above normal along the whole stretch of battle front north of the Scarpe. Late last night the Germans guns also were very active in the area south of Villers-Bretonneux, below the Somme. Again this morning at 4:50 o'clock the German gunners op ened a terrific fire southwest of Han gard wood. About an hour later the hostile artillery broke out against the French front just south of the British. Throughout Sunday the German cannonade was unusually heavy in the region of Arras. With the American Army in France Apr. 8. ? A large German patrol at tempted a surprise attack on the American outposts in the sector north west of Toul early this morning but was dispersed without being able to reach any of the American positions. A corporal is a listening post saw the Germans approaching. He waited until they were within a few yards of them and then challenged. The enemy answered with rifle fire; hereupon t.he American outposts open with heavy machine gun and automomatic fire, scattering the Germans and driv ing them back to their own lines. A violent artillery duel went on all through the night along the whole length of the American front. The Germans threw more shells into the American positions than in any sim ilar period for the past few months, The American batteries replied vig orously. Creech in Censor Service. S. R. Winters, writing from Wash ington to the News and Observer says: F. Hunter Creech, formerly of Smithfield, N. C., and one of the clev erest Tar Heels in Washington, has been called into active service as chief Yocman of the United States naval reserves forces. He was assign ed to duty today with the cable cen sor. Mr. Creech was formerly clerk to the house committee on claims and later because identified with the federal trade commission. Recently, Mr. Creech has been practicing law in Washington, having prominent connections in departmental practice. He has been very proficient in this work.| He urotmed from Smithfield in September, 1917, and was engaged in this business until he enlisted in the service in March of this year. He has a multitude of friends in John ston County and elsewhere in North Carolina. Only a slacker could stand idly \m the sidewalk and criticise as the army of workers marches by. COUNTY -WIDE TAX ELECTION. Ordered for Special County Tax to Supplement the County Fund. In Order to Raise Teachers' Salaries. (By L. T. Royall.) I believe that the fairness and the fundamental justice of the proposed plan of a county-wide tax will appeal to the intelligence and the sense of justice of the people of Johnston County. Everyone knows our teachers are poorly paid, more so than any other class, when you take into considera tion the preparation and the expense before one even starts to teach, then the expense of living. The high price of board and everything else has ad vanced in proportion sotnat our teach ers in all parts of the county are say ing they are not going to teach an other year unless better salaries are paid. Many are preparing to take government positions and other work where they will have a position the year round and a better salary. There are those who are very en thusiastic for the tax and see the ne cessity of raising more money, rather than close some of our schools at this critical time, which if done many boys and girls will not have any op portunity of a school and thus weaken their community. There are others who want schools, yet s:'y in view of the war that it will not be wise for us to have taxes added at this time. These have forgotten that there is more money in the country than ever before, and that where the teachers had to pay heretofore six to ten dollars per month for board they are averaging sixteen to twenty per month. France, in the face of the war, has doubled its school taxes. This does not mean for our schools to be lengthened but better salaries paid the teachers. We have one school where the principal was paid $40 per month and assistant $30. I do not see how the school can pay its teachers unless more funds are raised in some way. We have a one-teacher school in the county, where the teacher was paid $35 per month. We have schools like this all over the county, and in dications are that unless something is done these schools will have to close or be supplied with inferior teachers, and you know this is not economy. Which is the better thing to do, to close our schools and let our chil dren grow up in ignorance or make this little sacrifice and keep our schools going! Every Special Tax district can low er its tax levy to the mount of the county tax simply by a majority of the committee asking this of the com missioners, or County Superintendent who will ask for you. When there is a county-wide tax the rural districts will get a large amount of funds from the railroads and in corporations than they would from a local tax. These funds wil be dis tributed the same as the general county fund. It is true that we have already tax es for many things, but above all our school tax is spent in such a way that every community in the county re ceives a larger proportion from ev ery dollar than that of any tax paid. Often we pay for bridges that we never cross, but the school fund comes to every man's home. Let us think of all these things and cast our vote in the right direction. Piney Grove School. The Piney Grove School Commence ment will begin Sunday, April the fourteenth with the commencement sermon by Rev. R. A. McLeod, of Fayetteville. The school exercises will be the following Wednesday and Wednesday night: The morning hours will be taken up by the Junior Order of Smithfield in the presentation of a Bible and Flag to the school. In the afternoon Prof. M. B. An drews, of Kenly, will deliver the commencement address. This will be followed by the Primary exercises. The Declamation and Recitation contest and exercises by the older pupils will be Wednesday night. The public is cordially invited. FAYETTEVILLE RAISES $250,000 7IRST DAY. Fayetteville, April 6. ? Fayette ville's first day's subscription to the third Liberty loan approximrted $250,000, chairman H. L. Cooke of the local committee announced tonight. AFTER THREE DAYS FIGHTING SLOWS UP Attention of Germans for Pres ent is Mainly Directed to End of Battle Zone. FOCH NOT TO HE DRAWN INTO ANY FALSE MOVE. Great General Is Sure of His Ground and Will Strike When He i* Ready. The second phase of the great bat tle along the Sorame, which the Ger mans began on Thursday last, has died down. It lasted less than three days, and the fighting has resolved itself into more or less isolated en gagements in which the French and British allies have more than held their own. The attention of the Germans for the present is mainly directed tt the low er end of the battle zone, which ap parently they are attempting to en large for the purpose of geting elbow room in which to move their vast masses of troops. Meanwhile, Genei-al Foch, the com mander-inchief of the allies, is biding his time, meeting the German assaults with powerful resistance, and here and there conforming his lines to the necessities of the battle. It is confi dently stated at Paris that Fcch will not be drawn into any false move ? where each move is of such vital im ports' no^ ? but will strike with his re serves at the moment choscn by h;m. Kaiser to Rumania! There may be some significance in the report that the German emperor after a conference on the we3i.ern front on Saturday with his chiefs, von Hundenburg and Ludendorflf, in tends to proc<"ed to Rumania. At the outset of the great German offensive, when it was sweeping the allied forces before it, notwithstanding their tenacious resistance. Emperor Wil liam, it was announced officially from Berlin was in supreme command. That announcement was regarded at the time as evidence that the emper or expected a complete and decisive victory. Since then, however, British and French and American reinforce ments have come up. The British on Sunday engaged in sharp fighting at various points and repulsed German counter attacks. They also drove off by artillery fire two German attacks launched in tlfe neighborhood of Buequoy. French Withdraw. West of Noyon a German detach ment which had gained a football in the French lines, was forced out by a counter attack. Another attack at Grivesnes was repulsed, but the Ger man efforts along the Oise to enlarge their previous gains were continued in the sector between Chauny and Bar isis. Here the French commander deemed it advisable to withdraw to positions previously prepared, and these are Ibeing held strongly. The official communication from German headquarters deals with the events of Saturday, when strong British infantry forces stormed the German positions around Beaumont Hamel and Albert, and French divis ions "brought up from other fronts," attacked the Germans on the west ern bank of the Avre. These engage ments, according to the Germr.n re port, resulted in failure for the allies. On the other hand, Field Marshal Haig's report says that a German attack on the British lines opposite Albert Saturday was repulsed and that British counter attacks in Aveluy wood placed the British in position formerly held by them. German Troops Pour Into Finland. German troops still are being poured into Finland, and although the Russian authorities have made no formal protest, they have notified the German government that exception is taken to the violation by Germany of provisions of the Brent-Litovsk treaty in guaranteeing the security of the Russian fleet and naval stores in Finnish waters. Polish soldiers have been interned in Hungary, their legions having been dissolved by the Teutonic military authorities because of "wholesale treason in the ranks." ? Associated Pre?s Summary. We must meet sacrifice r.t the front with sacrifice at hom*. I 4 ACHIEVEMENTS OF FIRST YEAR OF WAR Increase of Army From 200, 000 to Million and Half and Ten Million Registered. EXPANSION OF NAVY HAS WON MERITED PRAISE Survey of What Has Been Done Since Declaration of War Just One Year Ago. Washington, April (5 ? The first an niversary of the entrance of the Unit ed States into the war finds the great resources of the country just coming into the struggle but rapidly being prepared. The ;.ehievements of the first year are chiefly divided between the Army, which has been supplying and train ing forces; the Navy which has been hunting the submarine and conveying troops and supplies to Europe, the Shipping Board which has been build ing a merchant marine, and the Treas ury which has been advancing credits to the Allies. In all ether deartment of the gov ernment there has been a tremendous effort to bring all the force of the country's resources and power to the aid of the actual fighting machine. For military reasons it is not per missible to state the exact number of American troops in France with General Pershing's expedition, but Secretary Baker, in recent testimony before the Senate Military Committee predicted half a million men would be there early this year and that another million would be ready to go during the year. American troops have taken up sev eral positions on the fighting line in France, have occupied a sector of their own northwest of Toul, and have had numerous encounters with the Ger mans. Official statements from Brit ish and German army headquarters have shown that certain American fighting forces were thrown into the battle brought on by the great Ger man offensive this spring, the British war office firsl; reportingfthem as fight ing shoulder to shoulder with the British and French troops in the vi cinity of Roye. By referring to the combined forces of the regular army and national guard a year ago, and comparing the strength of the regular army now, the national guard mustered ir>fo Fed eral service, and the men of the first draft in cantonments, it is apparent that the total number of ready fight ing men has been increased from a meager two hundred thousand to something like a million and a half, with about ten million men register ed under the draft still available for calls to the colors. Military experts have estimated that should tho war be prolonp;ed and it become necessary for the Unit ed States to assume the burden of carrying on the conflict an army of five million men would not be improb able. The immense and sudden expan sion of the army has not been without criticism but, it is declared this was expected in ilieconsersion into .i fight ing force of a nation traditionally welded to the pursuits of peace. The expansion of the naval force has been characterized in Congress by many as praiseworthy. The exact details, here too, are shrouded in se crecy as a military measure, but it is well known that an emergency war building program has bc?n pushed with such rapidity that the United States is well on the way to a place second only to Great Britain as a nav al force, and that in destroyers alone ? most proved and deadly weapon of the submarine, ? and the navy by next year will have the greatest fleet on the seven seas . Since the United States went to war, the navy has placed contracts for practically a thousand vessels, and besides that took charge of repairing the seized German and Austrian ships damaged by their crrws at the orders of the Gorman government. The case of the great liner Vatcr land, now the United States ship Le viathan, is a fair example of the ef ficiency and speed with which the naval engineers conducted that work. When the Germans finished their work cf destruction the Vnterland's conmmander remarked he would take his hat off to the Americans who could put the ship in shape in time to be of any service. Within six months from the time his words were spoken the Vaterland was in running order and since, the navy has announced, has carried num beis of American troops and great quantities of supplies to the fighting lines in France. By taking the ships and men of the coast guard into its fleets, by merging of navel volunteers and naval militia, and with the growth of the marine corps, the navy has expended its for ces practically five times since the country went to war. In its immense task of conveying troops there have been some losses, notably the Tuscania and the Antil les, but the losses of life have been fortunately small in comparison with the numbers of troops transported. At the same time the American de stroyers, working with the British in the submarine zone, have made them selves a terror to the undersea boats. How many of these craft they have accounted for remain a military sec ret. The Treasury, concerned with fin ancing the war, has raised from Lib erty Bonds and War Savings Stamps sales more than $8,000,000,000, and on this, the first anniversary of the declaration of war on Germany, is launching the third Liberty Loan. Treasury estimates put the expense of the first year of the war at about $12,000,000,000,000 exclusive of the advance to the allies. These advances to all the allies have totalled, up to the close of March $4,y<;0,()00,000. The United States has been secured with the bonds or obli gations of the countries to which the money was advanced. More than $125,000,000 of the sum went to Rus sia before the debacle put the coun try out of the war. What return the United States will get, if any, is con sidered doubtful. Chairman Hurley of the Shipping Board, in a recent speech in New York, at which he outlined the ship building program fully for the first time, declared the groat building pro gram which is to make the bridge of ships to France, is 28 per cent toward completion. He pointed out the mag nitude of the task by recalling that the Shipping Board is building in a year, a greater organization than the Steel Corporation has been able to build up in more than twenty years. The recent disclosure by the British Admiralty that German submarines actually are destroying the world's shipping twice as fast as it is being built is the spur which is expected to put the full force of the country at this vital task. Beside the work of the executive department of the government, the year has seen tremendous strides in the mobilization of labor, industry, science and invention with the sole aim of winning the war. Hundred.! of business and professional men have given up private interests to serve the government at nominal pay. Business and manufacture has given the best of its secrets. Whatever criticism has been made of the lack of co-ordina tion of all these tremendous resources and power, none ever has charged that private interest has withheld them. What is expected to be one of the mightiest weapons toward winning the war is the War Trade Board, created for the purpose of cutting off supplies to Germany through the ad jacent neutrals. As the war goes on officials say, the work of this organi zation cannot be overestimated. A year, of war, all officials concede, finds shortcomings and defects, but it ip contend-xl no more than might have been expcctcd from ap peaceful na tion suddenly reorganized to a war basis. Presidf-nt Wilson in a recent dec laration pronounced the present year the vital one in the winning of the war. As the resources of America are now being gathered, to get to the battle fronts with a mighty rush, they are fully expected to carry the Allies through to victory. To Sprak at Rock Hill School. We are glad to announce thit Mr. S. A. Cotton, of Smithfield, will speak at Rock Hill school house on Friday night. April 15, at eight o'cl ick, on the War. Everybody is invited. Free to all. Mr. Cotton is a good speaker and no one should miss hearing him. Conservation, Concentration, and consecration ? for the sake of those at the front. 150,000 WILL BE CALLED IN APRIL _ _ j This Number of Selectmen to be Mobilized During Five Days Beginning April 26. 5,051 FROM THIS STATE. The Call is Three Times as Large as Originally Planned Owing to the Urgent Need of the Allies for More Men. Approximately 150,000 men will be sent to training camps during the five days period beginning April 26 under orders sent out Saturday by Provost Marshal General Crow der for mobilization of the April call of the second draft. This is three times the number it was originally planned to call and is nearly twice the monthly quota as baked on the calling of 800,000 men over a pre vious call of nine months. Calling out of the increased num ber was made necessary by the de cision of President Wilson to respond without delay to the need of France and Gri>at Britain for reinforcements in the great battle in Picardy. Vacan cies in National Army divisions re sulting from the withdrawal of men to complete National Guard and regu lar army units and for the formation of special technical units asked by General Perishing will be made good by the April draft. Those divisions farthest advanced in training are to receive first attention in order that the maximum number of complete un its may be sent abroad soon. Failure of Congress to pnss the amendment to the selective service act, which would permit the fixation of state quotas on the number of men in class one, necessiated temporary ad herence to the old system. Local boards have been officially addressed however, that they are* to ignore "quotas" for the time being and to simply continue calling up men un til they have obtained the number they have been instructed to forward. When a basis for establishing credit against future increments will be giv en for those already called. Among the men to be called will be approximately 116,700 whites and 33, 700 negroes. Pennsylvania leads with 10,965; Ohio is second with 10,302 and New York third with 10,171. North Carolina is asked for 5,054; South Carolina 1,869. ? Washing ton Dispatch. THE NEWS IN KENLY. Kenly, April 5. ? The last literary society program of the present school year was rendered Friday afternoon. The question for debate in the Rol lins Society was: "Resolved, That Sugar should be allowed to come into the United States without the pay ment of tariff duty." The judges de cided two to one in favor of the af firmative. The members of this so ciety voted unanimously to entertain the members of the Thalian Society next Friday night in the reception hall of the school Dormitory. Every student of the high school ? whether in school now or not ? will be invited to be present. Miss Etta Godwin, of the tenth grade, has been elected secretary of her class to succeed Joe Broadwell, who left school several days ago. Mr. Broadwell has not been definitely heard from since he left; a verbal re port, however, states that- he was recently seen by a citizen of Kenly at Camp Jackson, but he was not in service. Friday afternoon the Lucama bas ketball team played our team on the Kenly court. The score was 16 to 5 in favor of Kenly. Wednesday night, Prof. M. B. An drews made a patriotic talk to the people in the community around the Hickory Cross schoolhouse. Much in terest and enthusiasm were manifest ed. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Andrews, with their little son, Melvin Bushell, are spending the week-end in Goldsboro, visiting Lieutenant Thomas B. Dan iels, brother to Mrs. Andrews, who is home on a short vacation before sail ing for France. "The Allies are all in the same boat, a long way from shore and on limited rations" ? and Uncle Sum is running the relief ship.