Haig's Fliers Account for Three Times the Number Lost Since Offensive Kenan. BOMBS DROPPED BY TONS. And a Million Hounds of Ammu nition Fired at Ground Tar gets by British Airmen. NEW POWER FOR DEFENSE German Aerial Force on the Somnie Has Been Distinct ly Outclassed. (New York Times.) London, April 6? From authorita tive sources The New York Times cor respondent learns that the possibili ties of aircraft in defense have been considerably developed in the present battle in France. The machine Run ning of troops on the ground and the bombing of railheads, junctions, etc., have been carried further than ever before. It is difficult to estimate the re sults really obtained, but something can be learned by questioning pris oners. What has been learned in this way is distinctly satisfactory. Low flying aircraft cannot be dealt with by other aircraft. They have to be dealt with by infantry or artillery from the ground. An infantry attack cannot be held up by irirplanes, how ever numerous, but its impetus can be reduced to a certain extent. To talk of the line being held by airplanes, ah has lately been done, is not justified by the facts, and gives the infantry, who do hold the line, some reason for complaint. During the period from March 20-21 down to April 3-4, the British brought down at the front 240 German airplanes and drove down 123 out of control. The former are all machines which have been uctually seen lying broken on the ground or in flames in the air. The latter include those which by fall ing through a cloud or from some other reason were lost sight of by the airmen. They undoubtedly include many which .crashed to the ground. During the same period the British had 123 machines missing. Excluding the bombs drop|>ed in raids on Germany, British aircraft dropped during the same period 179 1-4 tons of bombs by day and 151 tons by night, a total of 300 1-4 tons. They also in the same period fired 1,139,525 rounds of ammunition from machine guns upon ground targets. When it is remembered that in or der to fire upon ground targets the airplane has to take a special dive and in each dive fires only ten or twelve rounds perhaps, some idea can be formed of the enormous amount of work represented by these fighters. The maximum number of rounds fired at ground targets in a single day was 250,000 and in a single night 63,000. The maximum weight of l>ombs drop ped during a single day, was 31 tons, and in a single night 27 3-4 tons. In a single day one British brigade captured 22 German airplanes and drove down seven. The air authori ties dislike such phrases as "mas tery of the air." In their opinion such mastery is not obtained while any enemy ariplanes are left in the air, because if even one is left a good pil ot can do a good deal with it. It would, however, be the truth to say that the British airplanes on the battlefront possessess at the present time a marked local predominance, show greater efficiency than the ene my, and are capable of performing more work. The war will never be won in the air in the sense of being won by air craft alone, but the importance of the aerial arm in conjunction with the other arms of the British fighting forces is steadily growing. Last month's long-distance bombing raids comprised thirteen British raids on German towns and only one Ger man raid upon London. Farmers Doing Wronjj. One thing we find wronjj, that too many of the farmers still persist in doing: and this is burning stalks and grass. We still have many who think fire is the first thing to use in the spring. We actually saw a negro tenant burning grass off the terraces. Our farmers talk of learning from ex perience, and from "doing the actual farming," it is strange that they can not learn that nothing should be burn ed that will rot. We regret it every time we see one burning either com or cotton stalks. Many have quit burning cotton stalks, but still per sist in raking up the com stalks and setting fire to them. ? Southern Cul tivator. The name of General Ferdinand Foch, the head of all the Allied Ar mies, is pronounced as though it rhymed with "bosh." 'HIGH SPOTS IN AMERICA'S FIRST YEAR OF WAR (Charlotte Observer.) April 6, 1917 ? America declares a state of war with Germany. April 8. ? Austria severs relations with United States. April 20. ? Turkey severs relations with United States. May 4. ? First batch of American destroyers begin co-operation with British in submarine zone. May 18. ? Woodrow Wilson signs selective service act. June 15. ? Subscriptions close for first Liberty loan; two billions offered and over three billion subscribed. June 26. ? First large force of American troops lands in France. July 20. ? Drawing at Washington of names for first selective service army. August 10. ? Food and fuel control bill is passed. August 27. ? President Wilson re plies to the Pope's peace proposals. October 27. ? Subscriptions close for second Liberty loan. Three billions offered; $4,617,5.*52,300 sub/rribed. November 3. First clash of Amer can with German soldiers. November 29. ? First session of in terallied conference at Paris, Col. E. M. House heading American delega tion. December 5. ? Wilson asks that war be declared upon Austria. December 0. ? Destroyer Jncob Jones sunk by German submarine with loss of more than 40 Americans. December 7. ? War declared on Aus tria. December 26. ? Wilson issues proc lamation taking over all the railroads in the country and names W. (J. Mc Adoo as director general. January J?, 1918. ? America avia tors drop bombs on German lines in retaliation for bombing which killed two Ameiican wood-cutters. January 7. ? United States supreme court upholds constitutionality of se lective servicc act. January 8. ? President Wilson ad dresses Congress, giving outline of peace aims. ? January 16. ? Fuel Administrator Harry Garfield issues his "workloss day" order. Janunry .11.? Announcement is made that American troops are occu pying first line trenches. February 3.? Official announcement that Americans are on the Lorraine front. February >r?. ? Tuscania, carrying Americnn troops, is torpedoed, with 82 known dead and 216- unaccounted for. February 9. ? American prisoners taken by Germans during raids on first line trenches. February 11. ? President Wilson ad dresses Congress on peace nims, re plying to (ierman and Austrian chan cellors. March 1. ? Bill appropriating $.r>0, 000,000 for housing shipbuilders be comes law. Barch 5. ? President reorganizes war industries board and makes B. M. Baruch chairman with vast powers. March 11. ? President Wilson sends reassuring message to Russian soviets. March 14. ? Senate adopts confer ence report on Administration rail road bill which provides revolving fund of half-billion dollars for gov ernment operation of roads. March 21. ? Germany starts great west front drive. April 6.- Uncle Sam has about half million soldiers in France, constitut ing the greatest force ever transport ed such a distance, task being made infinitely harder by dangers of sub marines. For his war purposes has constructed over 600 miles of rail roads in France, with vast warehouses, piers, docks, switching yards etc. Has a big fleet of destroyers co-operating with the British and French fleets and since the war began has built and put into commission large fleet of submarine chasers. Has contribut ed vast amounts of wheat, meat, fat and sugar for the food of the r.llies and has extended credits \o them totalling $4,949,400,000. But this is only the beginning. The giant has only just begun to put forth his strength in men, ships, mun itions and money. 2r?0,000 RUSSIAN REFUGEES. Gathered in Eastern Ukraine to Es cape German Troops. Londan, April 6 ? More than 250,000 refugees form the regions taken from Russia by Germany are seeking safe ty from the German troops on the eastern frontiers of the Ukraine. The Russian Government, according to a wireless statement issued Friday, has notified the German Government that since the conclusion of peace the sit uation has become intolerable, and the jefugees have concentrated on the frontiers of the provinces of Smo lensk, Vitebsk, and Mohiley. The Russian Government says it proposes to open the frontiers for these refugees until their definite fate is settled. I PROGRESS IN WAR SAVINGS. North Carolina Sold Over Two Mil lion Dollara of Stamp*. Sale Kqualii $1.00 Per Capita. Poat olfice* Gain Sale of a Million I)ol. lara. Winston-Salem, April 10. ? North Carolina has reached her first mile stone in the War Savings Campaign, announced State Headquarter* here today. The amount of her sales for the month of March shows that she has sold at least $1 per capita. Her postoffice sales for March were $1, 546,469, present, value, or $1,780,875 maturity value. Her bank sales were $458,275, maturity value, making a total sale of $2,329,830. The amount of sales by the post offices in March, according to a state ment from headquarters, has been ov er $1, (XX), 000 more than the total sales for December, January and February. The reports made by the postoffices to Headquarters show that these agen cies have been unusually active during the past month. The postoffice at Washington re ported $25,000 from the sale of Thrift and War Savings Stamps for March, The postoffie at I^exington re ported $23,222; Waynesville's post office reported $21,214.25; Marion $15, 264.50; Warrenton $15,001 94; Con cord $12,584.93; Murphy $9,384.25; and Trenton $7,645. These reports in clude the postoffice sales for the coun ties which they represent and not for the individual towns. A sale of $1 per capita, as was ex plained at State Headquarters today, does not represent all the activities of the Campaign or what it has yet ac complished. The amount of pledges taken up to this time amount to sev eral millions of dollars. The amounts subscribed through the Limit Club Members alone is over $2,000,000. While one million dollars shows a healthy increase, State Headquarters says that the increase must be still greater if North Carolina goes "over the top" this year. SEAPLANES PLAY HAVOC AMONG SUBMARINES. British Admiralty Describes Ten Cases Where Airmen Recently Sank I'-Boats With Bombs. London, April (5 ? Details concern ing the destruction recently of ton German submarines by a naval air craft, eight by seaplanes and the oth ers by dirigibles, have been obtained by the Associated Press from Admir alty reports. The first case is describ ed as follows: "While on patrol in the English Channel a seaplane sighted a subma rine eight miles away, directly in the path of an oncoming envoy of mer chant ships. The seaplanes dive at ninety miles an hour. The sub Riar;ne attempted to escape by sub merging, but was just awash as the plane reached a bombing po sition anil released two bombs, which exploded on the conning tower of the U-boat. The seaplane dropped two more bombs into the midst of the bubbles from the collapsed subma rine, which was of the largest type, carrying two guns." The second case: "At dawn a sea plane sighted a large submarine on the surface, with a member of crew standing by the gun. The seaplane dropped a bomb on the tail of the U boat and afterward photographed the sinking submarine, with a big hole in its deck. A second bomb was dropped close to the submarine's bow and the U-Boat collapsed." The third case: "Two seaplanes at tacked a large submarine traveling on the surface at fourteen knots, with two men in the coming tower. A bomb was exploded close to the con ning tower, and the submarine began to sink stern first. A bomb from a second seaplane completed the work." The fourth ease "Three patrol planes sighted a Jarge submarine as it was submerging and dropped two bombs close to the conning tower, causing the submarine to turn tur tle and disappear in a mass of oil and wreckage." ? New York Times. Pick a Place in the Sun. The ideal exposure for the parden is a slipht slope to the south or southeast. This protects it from the cold north winds of early sprinp while at the same time affording, pood na tural drainape. Of course not ever pardner can And such a spot for his parden. Natural protection afforded by buildinps, wind-breaks, fences, etc. should, however, be considered in pick inp out the pardon spot. A pood fence or wind-break may mean a difference of a week or ten days in pettinp the fall and winter crops into the pround. ? F. F. F. Rockwell. Men who cannot rend and write can not enter the United States Nrvy. Let us be of pood cheer, remember in,? that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come. ? J. R. Lowell. Within YOUR GRASP You hold the opportunity today to crush out Junkerism and forever rid the world of the terrorism of the Prussian War Lord. Your money would be of little use to you if the Germans should win the war abroad and come over here to complete their work of world subjuga tion. Let us not falter or count the cost, for in the freedom of the world lies our only safety , and the preservation of our American Liberties and institutions. Go to Your Bank TODAY and BUY Liberty Bonds AND LAY THEM AWAY This Space Paid For and Contributed by CHARLES DAVIS SMITHFIELD, N. C. TWO CAR LOADS BUGGIES JUST unloaded. Cotter-Underwood Com pany, Smithfield, N. C. TWO CARS OF STOVES AND Ranges just received. Cotter Hard ware Company. FOR ALL SKIN AND FACIAL eruptions such as black heads, pim ples, freckles, and sunburn, use Dr. Muns' j. ile and eczema ointment. ACID PHOSPHATE, 16 PER CENT, for $18.75 per ton cash, analysis and quality guaranteed. Farmers Mer cantile Co., Selma, N. C. JUST RECEIVED A BIG LOT OF Lynchburg Casting. Cotter Hard ware Co., Smithfield ,N. C. WE HAVE THE JOHN DEERE Corn Planters. Cotter Hardware Company. MONEY SHOULD WORK. WE SELL Acid Phosphate, 16 per cent, for $18.75 per ton cash. Quality guaran tied. Farmers Mercantile Co., Sel ma, N. C. WE HAVE THE JOHN DEERE Corn Planters. Cotter Hardware Company. WE HAVE THE JOHN DEERE Corn Planters. Cotter Hardware Company. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR of Muriate of Potash. Come quick if you want any. Cotter-Under wood Company. SEE US FOR NEW WAY ENGINES. Cotter Hardware Co. "THE SALT OF THE EARTH" A novel of life in Germany. For sale at The Herald Office. JUST RECEIVED A BIG LOT OF Lynchburg Casting. Cotter Hard ware Co., Smithfield ,N. C. SEE US FOR ASPHALT ROOFING. Cotter Hardware Co. DONT PUT OFF SCREENING house. See us at once. Cotter Hard ware Company. SEE US FOR NEW WAY ENGINES. Cotter Hams-are Co. ANOTHER SUPPLY TEN NIGHTS in a Barroom" just received. Five cents each. By mail, eight cents. Herald Book Store. M ANTONE A Doctor's Prescription, Free From Alcohol Endorsed by physicians and numberless men and women as the ideal nerve, blood and brain tonic and reconstructor. "MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER" Poor, Sick people get it free by writing guaranteed f ornnA Chpiniffll Pntinnnv for sale at No Benefit, No Cost tUlUIia UiemiCai tonpdny All Drug Stores Wilson, North Carolina Send Your Order for Job Printing to The HERALD, Smithfield, N. C. 2900 Lots and 6200 Acfcg Sold in 1917 URING 1917 we sold 2900 City | Lots and 62C0 Acrcs of Farm Lands, divided up, running 25 acres and up to the farm. We have a trained organization I specializing in subdividing anu selhntr lrtnrl of PiiV?lf? By our method we quickly turn your property into cash and interest-bearing notes. We obtain satisfactory results where usual methods fail. If You Have City Property cr Farms For Sale? Write Us We can get results for you. Full information will be mailed you FREE. Tells you v hat v. c have done for others ? what we can do for you. WRITE FOR IT TODAY ! Farm Sales Our Specialty. Terrify ry Vk/'x::*- /. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CSMPA.7! THE NAME THAT JUSTIFIES YOUR CONFIDENCE Offices: Petersburg, Va. and GreenvfI"e,!VY \ REFERENCES: Any Bank in Petersburg, Virginia or Cieenville, North Carolina