mitljfidi) Herald VOLUME 37. SMITHFIELD, N. C? TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1918. Number 31. BRITISH LINE STILL HOLDING OUT FIRM ^Nowhere Has Enemy lieen Able To Gain an Inch of Ground. Northwest of Armentieres Enor mous Numbers Killed in Fu tile Assaults on Lines. Thousands of German Dead At test to What Degree Army Has Answered Haig's Order. (Sunday's War Summary.) The entire allied line in Belgium and France is holding firm. Nowhere have the Germans been able, notwithstanding the great num bers of men hurled against it, especi ally that portion in Flanders where the British are holding forth, to gain an inch of ground. Field Marshal Haig's order that no more ground be ceded is rigidly being complied with, as is attested by the thousands of German dead now lying before the British positions southwest of Ypres, where it is the ambition of the Ger man high command to break through and envelope Field Marshal Haig's forces and gain an open highway to ward the English channel. Northwest of St. Mihiel the Ameri can troops have been compelled to withstand a series of persistent as saults, second in intensity only to those delivered by the Germans against the British in Flanders. And the honors at the end rested with the Americans, who met the foe at every style of fighting he offered and de cisively defeated him. Along the front held by the French Sunday saw nothing of greater im portance than reciprocal bombard ments on various sectors, the troops of both sides remaining in their trenches. Likewise in Italy the big guns were doing most of the work, although at several points enemy pa trols attempted to carry out diver sion but met with no success. At Neuve Eglise, northwest of Ar mentieres, where the Germans are en deavoring to drive their wedge in farther in order to outflank Ypres, the heaviest fighting has taken place. Throughout Saturday night and Sun day battles of a most obstinate char acter took place, the Germans throw ing thousands of men into the attack, notwithstanding their loss in killed or wounded. Several times the village changed hands, but at last reports the British were still in possession of it and holding tenaciously under repeat ed German onslaughts. Nowhere along the eight mile front where the Germans are trying to drive through between Wulverghem and Meteren have the Germans met with anything but repulse and the price they have paid for their at tempts to breach the British line has been enormous. On no sector have they been able to surmount the stone Wall of the defense and for the mo ment at least there seems to be justi fication for the hope that the-4urn in the tide of battle is at hand. Documents captured from German prisoners show conclusively that the great new offensive of the Germans was launched with the intention of separating the British and French armies and crushing of the British. The latest German official communi cation dealing with the situation in the region of St. Michiel, where the AmericansKare defending the line says that the Germans inflicted heavy loss es on the Americans. The same re port gives the Germans credit for gains of ground on the Lys battle front, where the British are opposed to them. In Finland the Germans are con tinuing to overrun the country and the fall of Helsingfors is daily ex pected, according to advices from Stockholm. Detachments of the en emy also are within 12 miles of the Finnish capital in the harbor of which German war vessels are lying. ? Associated Press . Buying and Selling Cows. Messrs. Edgerton and Edgerton brought in a car load of milch cows and sold them out at Kenly recently, at prices ranging from $105 to $175 each. Mr. H. F. Edgerton is now in the western part of Virginia buying hogs and cattle for their trade. GREAT NEED FOR MORE MONEY School Teachers in Large Numbers to Quit Teaching Because of the Small Pay. "All over the State public school teachers are notifyiag the authorities that they cannot continue in the ser vice at the salaries offered at the pres ent time," says a statement by the Le noir county board of education in defense of the proposed tax levy in the county. The levy, to be voted on May 18, would provide more than $30, 000 a year additional to the schools' present income, which would go to pay larger salaries, increase school terms and improve the schools. The teachers's action is not from any lack of love of their work, says the board. "Their reason goes deeper ? it arises out of grim necessity." nl the course of an array of facts and figures just ifying the teachers' course the board makes the admission that most teach ers in Lenoir county have been mak ing only $30 to $40 a month, and as sert that they "can no longer attempt in vain to make a living from one source," when there are so many op portunities open to bright women now, in government employ and else where. The school child *needs instruc tion by competent teachers now more than ever before, the board declares, since when the war is over the world will be a greatly changed place and education will figure tremendously. ? Kinston Correspondence, News and Observer. Advance in Railroad Rates. After several times refusing to per mit the 15 per cent advance in freight rates which the railroads in the east ern territory have been demanding for some years, the Interstate Com merce Commission recently handed down a decision granting the advance. It applies to large commodities ? coal, brick, grain, foodstuffs etc. It will yield the railroads about $58,000,000 a year. This eastern rate case was tried out very fully several different times. In each instance the railroads failed to prove the need for the proposed ad vance. The decision which has just come from the commission was not preceded by a new hearing. Appar ently there has been little change in the conditions whivh prevailed at the time the case was tried so complete ly So far as the railroads are concern ed it is not a matter of so much im portance now, because under the ar rangement by which they were taken over by the government they are per mitted to earn dividends equivalent to the average of their earning dur ing the three years past. It fixes the matter, however, so that the shippers will pay this $58,000,000 a year ad ditional; and when the government turns back the roads they will be nice ly fixed by this increase in revenue. It is intimated that a similar advance will be granted in western territory. It does not seem right for the gov ernment to permit things to be done while it is in control of the railroads which could not justly be done under normal conditions. Our law provides that the Interstate Commerce Com mission may grant an increase in freight rates when the railroads show that such increase is justified. The comission is composed of unusuallv rble men, who have given a great deal of time and study to railroad rates. Their judgment should not oe thrown to one side, or silenced by the people who have charge of the rail roads during this war emergency, and vhese main job is Lo get freight mov ed quickly and without particular re gard to cost. Under these unusual conditions, the right thing for the government to do would be to direct railroad operation and see that the roads are permitted to earn the div idends guarpnteed them under the ar rangement for government control, but not to permit wholesale advances in rates which will be perpetual bur den upon the people. ? Wallaces' Farmer. Third Liberty Loan. The campaign opened April 6 will close May 4. Subscriptions will be payable in the following installments: Five per cent on application, 20 per cent on May 28, 85 jer cent on July 18, and 40 per cent on August 15. No installment payment is required to be made in he month of June on account of the tax payments which are due in that month. COLLI FK CYCLOPS, OVERDUE. Collier Last Reported at West Indies Island on March 4th. Vessel Was Carrying 57 Passengers, 15 Officers and 221 Men in Her Crew. Washington, April 14. ? The big American naval collier Cyclops, carry ing 57 pasengers, 15 officers and 221 men in her crew, has been overdue at an Atlantic port since March 13th. The navy department announced to day that she was last reported at a West Indies island March 4 and that extreme anxiety is entertained as to her safety. The vessel was bringing a cargo of manganese from Brazil. Maurice Gottschalk, United States consul general at Rio de Janeiro, was the only civilian among the passen gers on the collier, the others being two naval lieutenants and 54 naval enlisted men returning to the United States. The Cyclops was commanded by Lieut Commander G. W. Worley, United States naval reserve force. The Cyclops left the West Indies with one of her two engines damaged, but the department said this fact would not have prevented her from communicating by radio and all ef forts to reach her by that means have been unsuccessful. A thorough search of the course which she would have followed in coming to port has been made and continues, it is announced. There have been no reports of Ger man submarines or raiders in the lo cality in which the collier was, the department's statement said. The weather had not been stormy and could hardly have given the collier trouble. CORN MEAL GROWING IN FAVOR Enough Corn Meal to Enable Nation to Get Along Without Using Wheat. According to an estimate made pub lic by the United States Food Admin istration following a canvass of the whole country the actual milling out put of corn meal increased from 3,000 000 barrels in October to nearly, 6, 000,000 barrels for the month of March. The estimated maximum capacity for milling corn in the United States mills running 24 hours per day, 30 days per month, exceeds 9,000,000 barrels per month, an increase of 200 per cent over last year. In view of this great output, Amer icans are now in a position to ob serve total abstinence from wheat flour and depend wholly on corn meal and other corn products as their source of breadstuff's. Our normal consumption of wheat flour is 8,000, 000 barrels per month. It is estimated that during the past 18 months the output of corn flour has increased 500 per cent. The esti mated production of corn flour for October and for March is placed at 250,000 and 540,000 barrels, respec tively. There is now enough corn meal be ing turned out to care for all de mands in the United States. The re markable increase in output, which is certain to become greater each suc ceeding month, is due in considerable part t6 the conversion of much wheat millini? machinery into corn-milling machinery. ? Official Bulletin. A Public Entertainment. Micro, April 15. ? The Micro Graded School will give a very interesting play, "The Heir of Mount Vernon," on Saturday night, April the 20th, be ginning at 8:30 o'clock. There will be a small admission fee of ten cents for children and twenty cents for adults, the proceeds from which will go for the benefit of the library. The public is cordially invited to attend. All Honor to the Advance Guard. All honors to the advance guard of America, the little force that now holds the Stars and Stripes aloft in the hell of battle! These men are the fortunate of their nation. They are heroes and the comrades of heroes. In after times their names will rank with those of the heroes of Valley Forge. It is a glorious day for the youths who carry the flag to France. To them is given the honor of making liberty perpetual by striking down the last dangerous enemy. May they strike hard and may the power of th?? New World be concentrated in their stroke! ? Washington Post. FURIOUS FIGHTING RAGES IN FLANDERS Heavy Engagements Monday With No Hreak in Line. Momemtum of the German At tack Between Lens and Ypres is Hroken. American Soldiers Show How Valiantly They ('an Fight Against the Foe in the Toul Sector. The following: brief summary of yesterday's war news is taken from today's News anil Observer: Seven days after the Germans launched their gigantic assault agains the British line between Lens and Ypres, the momentum of their attack has been "broken and the waves of the Teutonic forces are recoiling' j before the rock of the British defense. While the Germans have made pains 01 ground and have driven a wedge into the allied lines to a considerable depth, they seem to have failed in their attempt to break through or take important railroad junctions. During the last day there have been bitterly fought engagements at four places, all on the northern side of the salient to the south of Ypres. Sev en assaults against the British trench es at Merville near the apex of the triangular dent in the British line have been hurled back by the British. Neuveeglise on the extreme south western spur of Messines Ridge, has been taken by the Germans after a struggle which will go into history as one of the greatest of the past week. The British, however, have not re tired far and it is probable that they will at once organize a counter-at tack to force the Germans out of the town, which, if held, might be a "kick ing-off" point for an attack which might outflank and make untenable Messines Ridge, the key to the Brit ish positions about Ypres. Baillul and Wulverghem, between Neveeglisse and Merville, also have been the scenes of hard fighting, but except for Neuveeglisse, the northern side of the salient has stood firm. On the southern side of the salient, according to Berlin, fierce struggles have been fought. It may be that the savage fighting reported at Hangard-En-Saneterre, South of of Albert and on the center of the line facing Amiens, may mark the beginning of a new attempt to sweep westward toward Amiens. So far the fighting has brought the Ger mans only losses in men and ground. Further south, near Montdidier, there has been intense artillery firing, but the Germans have not attempted infantry operations in this important sector. Americans Standing Firm. American forces near Toul are standing firm here before heavy at tacks by the Germans and have held their lines intact in spite of all the weight of men and metal the enemy has loosed against them. The Ger mans have lost heavily. The constant German attacks in this sector may have some bearing on the development of the German of fensive campaign, and much interest in the situation throughout the reg ion held by General Pershing's men is evidenced by the allied leaders. School Notes From Kenly. Kenly, April 13. ? The Honorable R. D. W. Connor, of Raleigh, will be the principal speaker at the big patriotic and Liberty Loan rallyy to be held in the Kenly High Scho'ol auditorium next Monday night at eight o'clock. Friday evening, from nine to eleven the annual literary society reception of the Kenly State High School was given in the iarge reception hall of the school dormitory. The hall was beautifully decorated with ferns, and the large number of young people thoroughly enjoyed the program of delightful games. The reception was financed by the boys of the Rollins society, and the girls of the Thalian society and the members of the school faculty were the invited guests. Re freshments consisting of fruits and ice cream and cake were served. Prof. M. B. Andrews delivered the commencement address at the Corinth school near Wendell last Friday at noon. His subject was: "How To Get What You Want." A large number of people were present. DRAFT CALL FOR SELECTMEN. Mobilization of the Men In Ordered For May 1 and 10 ? Over 300, 000 Called Since Late in March. Washington, Apri 14. ? Another draft call, for 49,843 registrants, has been sent to governors of states by Provost Marshal General Crowder. Mobilization of the men is ordered for May 1 and 10, the war department announced todnight, and they will be sent to 11 forts and recruiting bar racks, probably for training with reg ular army units there. This call increases to more than 200,000 the number of selectmen or dered to camp since late in March. This is far in excess of the monthly average that would have been mobiliz ed under the original plan to call 800, 000 men this year over a nine-months period. Although every state and the Dis trict of Columbia are called upon to furnish men under General Crowder's latest order, nearly hjilf of the 49, 843 men will come from seven states. Illinois will supply by far the largest number, its quota being 8,047, Penn sylvania is next with 3,776, New York third, with 3,542; Michigan fourth, /with 2,593; Missouri fifth, with 2,103; Wisconsin sixth, with 2, 135, and Ohio seventh, with 2,000. Nevada has the lowest quota, 49. The quotas of other states follow: North Carolina, 481; South Carolina, 289; Virginia, 756; Tennessee, 442. JOE BROA DWELL ADVISES HIS FOLKS NOT TO WORRY. Kenly, April 13. ? Mr. C. F. Broad well, *of near Kenly, whose son, Joe Broadwell ran away from home sever al days ago, has decided to let the boy alone. Mr. Broadwell has receiv ed the following rather interesting letter from the boy: "Not Columbia, South Carolina. April 1, 1918. "Dear Mother, Father, Brothers, and Sisters: "Well, I wonder how you all are getting along now. I am getting along all right. I saw Jim Pittman Sunday. He said you all were upset about me and that you had me advertised in The Smithfield Herald. You might take that out of The Herald because we get very few of them down here. Pa, I don't think you can hardly catch me because I go under all kinds of names and styles of dress and so on. I am having a good time where I am now ? an extra good time. But I am liable not to be here long; so you needn't write down here even if you find out where I am. Let me alone; I am enjoying myself. I will go home af ter a little, but 1 don't think you can drive me home until you find out where I am! It is nothing but foolish ness to worry a bit over me. Well I reckon it is about time to turn in. Just be patient. "JOE J. "Post Script: This will probably be mailed at Columbia or some other town, but not at my post office." True Education. (Alfred E. Stearns, in the Atlantic.) When will our modern educators come to realize that true education cannot limit itself to the mental life alone? Our forefathers who founded our early institutions of learning were influenced by no uncertain mo tives. The present materialistic con ception of life did not hold them in its deadly grasp as it holds so many of our educators and philanthropists today. They recognized that the hu man being, God's highest creation, is not composed of mind alone. To them character was the paramount issue. To them character, combining in just proportion mental and moral strength, was the surest foundation of true citi zenship and of those successes upon which national life can alone with safety be built. "Above all, it is ex pected that the Master's attention to the disposition of the Minds and Morals of the youth under his charge will exceed every other care." So wrote the founder of Phillips Acad emy one hundred and thirty-five years ago, echoing in his words the ideals of the intelligent and patriotic philan thropist of his time. And later he adds these significant words: "Knowledge without goodness is dangerous." There speaks the seer with the tlear vision before him of the true mean ing and significance of education, "Knowledge without goodness is dan gerous." GERMAN TROOPS BREAK AGAINST AMERICAN LINES. German Attacks Around Toul Friday Repulsed W it h Heavy Casualties tier mans Two Days Without Food Food ? Instances of Heroism. With the American Army in France Saturday, April 13. ? (By the Asso ciated Press. ? After another night of terrific artillery fire and a bombard ment with pas shells, the Germans continued today their efforts to drive through to the third line of the Amer ican positions near Apremont forest northwest of Toul. They made two at tacks, both of which failed. The ene my's casualties in the four days' fight ing are estimated at between 300 and 400. Of this number more than 100 were killed. Although the enemy wast ed fully a half of his specially train ed shock troops batallion of 800 mea he was unable to penetrate the Am erican lines which remained unchang ed. Of the 36 prisoners taken by American troops in the fighting on Friday northwest of Toul, during which two German attacks in force were repulsed with heavy casualties to the enemy, 12, have since died of their wounds. The American troops also captured two German machine guns, besides a quantity of small arms, grenades and other war mater ial. No Food For Two Days. The prisoners taken belonged to the 25th and 26th Landwehr units, the 16th Pioneers and the Uhlans. The prisoners said they had had no food for two days, as the American artillery had prevented their rations from being brought up to their posi tion. The captive Germans quickly de voured the food given them by our men. The enemy front lines had been de stroyed by shell fire, and during Fri day's attack the Americans tempor arily abandoned their own front line, allowed the Germans to enter it and then forced tbem to engage in hand to hand fighting in the open, in which the American troops greatly excelled. This attack which was the longest and largest operation conducted ngainst the American troops since the entry of the United States into the war has developed many deeds of in dividual bravery and heroism. A young lieutenant, whose home is just outside of Boston, with three enlisted men, attacked 19 Germans who had penetrated into one of the American trenches. The lieutenant called on the Ger mans to surrender. One of them rais ed his pistol, as if to shoot, but the lieutenant shot him through the head, upon which the others lifted their hands high in the air, and yelled "Kamerad." The lieutenant marched the prisoners into the rear of our line and then returned to the front and resumed the command of his platoon. Young Courier the Hero. Five other Americans penetrated into a German dugout, where 12 of the enemy were slightly wounded. They resisted surrender, but our men threw grenades into the dugout, killing four of the Germans. The others quickly gave themselves up. A small party of bandsmen volun teered for stretcher bearing duty in the first line and worked until they were nearly exhausted. The chief surgeon ordered them to return for a rest, but they hid until the surgeon disappeared and then resumed their first aid duties. A 19-year old courier who carried a message more than two miles under heacy shell fire, fell exhausted after delivering his message into the hands of the commander of th? unit. After a short rest he begged to be allowed to continue his front line courier service. Another lieutenant, commanding a machine gun unit, just missed being struck by a shell which buried the gun, but he ordered his men to dig out the piece and soon had it firing again into the German positions. Scores of officers and men who had been assigned to rear line duty plead ed for an opportunity to go to the front line. The artillerymen also did courageous work and furnished won derful support for the American in fantry. Mr. Bryan Next Week. Hon. William Jennings Bryan, America's great orator will speak in Smithfield on Thursday of next week, April 25th.