No. i. Halifax, jv. c. Firzjr, march so, isa. 7r0Z. I. t f !1 FORKIGX. ENGLAND. The Parliament assembled on the 3d of February, when the kind's speech was, 011 account of his indisposition aimeume,ae livcred by commission. The speech is in a cheerful tone, con gratulating; the Parliament on hp increasing prosperity ofi vv M A f commerce and activity of manu factures, and on the revival of agriculture. As to foreign powers, all is pronounced to be well. The South American governments are noticed, but not with decided countenance. The appointment of consuls to them is announced, and, "as to any farther measures," the mes- sage adds, "his majesty has re served to himself an unfettered discretion." In the House of Lords, on the 9th of February, the Marquis of Lansdowne gave notice for a motion, if not anticipated by his majesty mi nisters, for an address to the king, in favor of the recogni tion of the provinces of South America which have separated themselves from Spain. A si milar notice was given in the House of Commons,on the 13th, by Sir James Macintosh. The Courier, of the 19th Jan. says" We consider it not at all unlikely that the Message of the President of the United States will give considerable umbrage to the Russian govern ment. In truth, the tone of that message is vfcry decidedly hos tile to the extravagant preten- sions ol a power which, With all , imasnnarj'- coolness, contempla ted the turning, by a Russian Ukase, of the Pacific Ocean into a Russian Lake. AVc have rea son to believe, that the explana tions which have taken place between bur government and the United States, upon the sub jeetof the message, have been! of the most satisiactory kind, We believe, also, we may ven ture to assure our readers, that, upon .ill the great measures now engrossing the attention of Eu rope and the United States, this country and America under stand each other perfectly, and! are upon the best possible foot ing. In the house of Commons, on the ISth of February, Lord Nu gent submitted his motion for the production of the instruc tions given to his majesty's ple nipotentiary in Spam, during the late war, and his correspondence with the Spanish cabinet, in re-; spcci 10 me mediation 01 un tain. He urged the unprinci pled conduct of I? ranee and her Allies, the benefit she derived, and the disgrace and danger pro duced to England, by the late contest. He adduced several lacts, to show how hollow were the professions of neutrality made by England. "Our am bassador had, on a frivolous pre text, withdrawn himself, from the Spanish government at Se vjUc, and the effect was, that the French army overran Spain. Iu line, his whole conduct had gi ven encouragement to the ser vile party." The motion was opposed by Mr. Canning and Mr. Sturges Bourne. Mr. Can ning explained, that owing to the unforeseen circumstances under which Sir W. A'Cdurt was placed, he was compelled to act, in a great measure, upon his ova discretion. Mr. Bourne I urs:ed that; in withdrawing his countenance irom tne dories, as soon as they had virtually depb sed Ferdinand Sir William was perfectly rijglit, for he was ac credited to he king, and, when the king ceased to reign, the functions. o tliO plenipotentiary were at ancau The amend ment of Mr Bourne, declaring that throughput the whole con test, ministers 'preserved their neutrality inviolate, was finall) carried by a large majority, the number being 171 against 30. Suspicions! were entertained by some of the Proprietors of ! the India House, that the Mar quis of Hastingshad embezzled, or allowed to be embezzled, .300,000 of he funds of the Company, andean inquiry is in stituted on thcisnbject. The health pf the kins: of I England was improving, while that of the French monarch was so bad as to leave little hope of j his recovery. FRANCE. i The kingdom continues in the enjoyment of prosperity and tranquillity. The day for the meeting of the f Chamber has been fixed on for 'the 7th April, the day on which the French army crossed thefKulossa. The reduction of the interest of the National Debt, from five to four per cent is more talked of than ever. "J The Paris papers attack with 1 ii 1 i jr violence me speecict iir. uan ning,on the answer jothe king': Si speecn. 1 ne wuonaiennc con 1 rni rf t tends that the Allies lave a right to assist the mother country in! subjugating rebellions colonies,! turn accuses Ajmuuiu ill uculgi governed by motives of inte-i rest. England, say they, did I hot interfere to pre vert France from marching into Spin; but feels alarmed at the kin of the interference of France for the possession of the Spanish trans atlantic possessions. It has been mentioned, as a rumor, that France has made an important demand upon Spain, in respect to a new organization of its government. M London paper, of Feb. IS, speaking up on this subject, says: "Me now learn, from an undoubted source, that the ultimatum demands the establishment of a representa tive form of government, and a general amnesty." J The re-payment to France of the sums laid out to procure the release of Ferdinand, ishiade a secondary consideration, The recognition of the loans W the Cortes is not demanded bv France; but it is suggested that some indemnity to the holders of the bonds would be proper. With this ultimatum, orders were forwarded to the French minister at Madrid, and toj Ge neral Bourmont, to take proper steps to enforce the representa tions of the government -that is, to withdraw the troops in case of refusal. SPAIN. Notwithstanding the confi dent assertions of the Morning Chronicle, it is stated positively that the Court of Madrid per. sists in its resolution to attempt the recovery of its trans-atlantic colonies, and trusts that it will have the good wishes, the active aid of its allies, in the prosecution f this undertaking ! vSpain does not! however, refuse all concessions,Vnd consents that the trade to thenvhole of her ex American possessions shall be thrown open tq France, Eng land, Russia, Pmssja, and Aus tria. v- " It is agreed that there exists a secret trfraty between France and Spain, but the principal ba ses of it are not known; only the assistance, or. the direct or indirect means, are spoken of, which France is to furiish, to re-conquer a part of the qnanish colonies. It is also generally supposed that Ferdinanj has made some concessions. vOnly the Belearic Islands are men tioned; and it is added, thai this cession has excited somel dis putes with a cabinet whicll op poses it. The notes of the Em bassadors of France and Rilsia with the Spanish ministry cjoss each other. The two amh.1U.1- dors are on good terms with each other; butMt de liulgari is more intimately connected with the fanatic part' among the courtiers of Ferdnand, who fol low in preferenc the policy of Russia, though t at of France is not very differeri. The state of Spain is such as to justify a hope! that the spark of liberty is not ret extinct, and: the guerrilla p -ties are daily rendering her r;w masters less easy in their ill- otten power. Notwithstanc ng the conven tions, which p 3inise security for persons an property, the possessions of tjiose are confis cated who fly to ivoid imprison ment or death Many land holders sell tHr estates, and emigrate to forcign countries; the merchants ibovy their ex ample; at Madrid the principal houses are liquidating their ac counts. GREECE. Letters from Constantinople of the 13th Jan. srivc a verv favor able picture cf the, prospects of tne ureeks, as louijxled upon the disunion of the Turks respecting the mode of operations against them. The Divarj having, after a discussion of nearly a month's duration, resolvcdlipon sending the Grand Vizier against the Greeks, armed with full powers by the Sultan, haa caused their decision to be made known thro' private channeIs,jiiot daring to do so publicly; dey had ascer tained the state df public feel ing, on account of the great ob jection which the;, Turks have to the Grand Vizier's quitting the capital, and which iises from a superstitious notion that such a step is only justified by a state of extreme peril. The communication had, it amears, met with the most decidjd ob jections, and the Janissarfcs had even proceeded to outrage. It was, therefore, imagined that the intention would p aban doned. The Greeks are estailished in the islands of Chio aid Myte lene, and have moreover invest ed Smyrna. Two printing presses are to )h set up at Mis solonghi, for the purpose of pub lishing the acts of the govern ment, and a jourml was to have been commenced on the 1st A pril,entitled the Chronique Ilel lenique. ' A loan of 80,000 stock, has been contracted for the service of the Greeks, by houses in Pa ris antf London, and Messrs. II. Hendricks & Co. are appointed agents. SOUTH AMERICA. Translated from the Gazette of Colombia, published at Bogota, Dec. 21, 1823. Foreign Relations. The first Minister of the United States of America to the lie public of Colombia. The Honorable Richard S. Ander son arrived in this capital on the 10th instant; and, after the usual communications with the Department of Foreign Affairs, the 1 6th instant, at half past ele ven, A. M. was appointed for presenting, personally, his cre dentials ot Minister Plenipoten tiary to the Executive. On that day the Secretary of State and t oreign Allans, directed Senr. Lopez, one of the officers of that Department, to wait upon Mr. Anderson, and accompany him to the palace. On his entrance, the sruards paid him the appropriate honors. Mr. Anderson havins: reached the office of Foreign Affairs, Senr. Gual received him, and expressed to him the great plea sure he experienced in seeing, in this capital, a citizen so dis tinguished: he immediately in troduced him to many gentle men ot the High Court, of the Senate, of the House of Repre sentatives, and other officers of state who were present. Mr. Anderson then presented Mr. Bullitt, his private Secretary. At the appointed hour, the Secretary of State and Foreign Relations conducted Mr. An derson to the principal saloon of the palace, where his excel lency the vice-President, with the other Secretaries, was wait ing his arrival. In the outer saloon was the commanding ere neral of the department, with a splendid assemblage of all the officers who wrere in the capital. Immediately on Mr. Anderson's ibeine: presented to the Vice President, he addressed him as follows: "Mr. President: "The President of the United States, animated by an ardent wish to continue the relations of perfect harmony and generous friendship between our respective countries, has commanded me to give the most satisfactory expression to the liberal feeling which he, as well as the people ot the United States, must ever entertain towards the in stitutions of freedom in everv coun try. I tender to you his anxious wishes for the restoration of peace to tikis Republic, and prosperity to its citizens. Mv own admiration of the liberal institutions of Colombia, and of the glorious manner in which they have been created and sus taincd, affords the surest pledge of the sincerity of my sentiments. If this mission shall have the happy effect of giving solidity and dura tion to the harmonious feelings of our countrymen,, it will be a source of unaffected joy to every friend of tree government. 'It is on this continent, and in this age, Mr. President, that man has been awakened to the long lost truth that, under heaven, he is ca pable of governing himself; that (iod has not given to him in vain the port and intellect ot a human being. Even motive that can ope rate on a good man, urges him to cherish the institutior.s.ibunded on the development of these truths, and to nourish the principles which can alone sustain them. The sub limest spectacle that we can enjoy, is to contemplate our fellow man explaining and teaching, by reason and argument, the truth "that vo luntarv agreement is the only legi timate' source of political flower." When a nation is penetrated with this truth, its liberty is placed be- vend the reach of either force or fraud. Under such governments, we may fondly hope to see the people of this continent devoted only to those acts which give comfort'and enjoyment to domestic life, and the nigncst polish to intellectual im provement. It has lonsr. indeed. been the doctrine 'of despots, that the arts Q peace are too limited to till the employments of man; and their sincerity "in this doctrine has been manifested by the slaughter of millions. Let it v duty of those who guide the desti- u " u.- l."c American Republics, by abstainmg from every hostile colli sion, to demonstrate the f,ii,rj of a principle so mortifvinetn nrl men, and consolotary "only to ty rants. Time has not yet," indeed, permuted us to see, m its rull ex tent, the effect which ' the orinri- plcs of government evolved on the American Continent, may have on the habits or the practices of man; ut enougn lias alreaay been dis losed to cheer the friends of neace. and to animate them to new vigi lance in cherishing those princi ples which,abjuring war andblood- snea, ieaa only to peace. In conclusion, let me say that, while the establishment of tl lis Re public gives to the world a most brilliant example of the triumph of valor and of virtue, so may it con tinue to succeeding generations, an illustrious monument of the omni potence of truth and a good cause. " Having; concluded, Mr. An derson delivered to the Vice- President his credential letters of Minister Plenipotentiary of tne United btates; vand his ex cellency, on reading them, con gratulated him on his safe arri val in the capital of the Rcriub- lic, saying, among other things, "that, as the United States had always been the great luminary wmch the inhabitants of this part of America had held in view during their conflicts, so now they, and particularly the people and government of the Repub lic of Colombia, would delight to express to the classic land of American liberty the high es teem which they had ever en tertained for its government and political institutions, and their desire to improve and draw still more closely the friendly rela tions which happily exist be tween the two nations." The ceremony being conclu ded, Mr. Anderson, was about to retire, when the Vice-President descended from his seat, ap proached him, and again ad dressed him in the most cordial manner. In this familiar inter view, they mutually expressed, with the greatest freedom, the patriotic sentiments inspired by the interesting occasion. When Mr. Anderson retired, the guards of the palace paid him the same honors which had been shown to him on his entrance, and he was accompanied to his resi dence by three officers of the Department of Foreign Affairs. The arrival of the first Mi nister Plenipotentiary of the li nked States, in the capital of Colombia, cannot fail to inspire the most pleasing sensations in the bosom of every friend of li berty. This pleasure is greatly augmented, when it is remem bered, that Mr. Anderson is a citizen distinguished for everv 1 7 estimable qualitwand especially for a sincere, frank, and liberal character. Mr. Anderson, after having snnnorted. in his OWQ 0 ri , country, with the greatest zeal, the cause of the new American States, now comes to reside a Uh thnlnMi character of Minister Plenipotentiary,and to perfect the work of American freedom. Wc venture to anti- ipate the happiest results trorn