JVb. 2. HALIFAX, JV. G miMY, APRIL 2, is4 F0i J. DOMESTIC. From the National Intelligencer. Yesterday the President of ihc United States presented to Gen. Jackson the Gold Medal, heretofore voted to him by Con gress, for his gallant defence of New-Orleans. At the same time, Judge Todd, of the Su preme Court, representing Gov. Shelby, of Kentucky,' received the Medal which had been vo ted to him for the capture-, at the river Thames, of the British army under Gen. Proctor. At half past eleven o'clock, Gen. Jackson, attended by Mr. Li vingston, of the House of Re presentatives, who had been one of his aids-dc-camp at New Orleans, and Judge Todd, en tered the large circular room of the President's Hou-?e? where were the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, and a number of visitors attending to witness the ceremony. The President then presented to the General the Medal, with the following Address: General Jackson: In compliance with a resolution of Congress, on the 27th of February, 1815, I pre sent to. you this Medal, as a testi monial "of the hih sense entertain ed, by that body, of your gallantry and good conduct, in the defence of New-Orleans, at that important e pocb, and especially in the very brilliant action cf the Bth of Janua ry. In the performance of this duty, I recollect, with pvofound in terest, tire danger which then me naced that city, and the whole of the country dependent on the Mis- M'sMppJ, and the glorious exploit by vbich they were rescued from it. An incursion by a powerful army of veteran troops, commanded by a (i en oral of experience, who had gained renown in Spain, made a strong appeal to tne patriotism 01 the nation. The result exhibited an example of devotion to the pub lic welfare, which will forever be distinguished in the annals of cur Union. The alacrity with which our fellow-citizens of the neighbor ing States, in obedience to the call of their government, Mew to the defence of their country, proves that they are willing and ready to encounter every danger, and make every sacrifice in support of our Ilcpublican system. The haste with which you repaired to that station, and organized the force col lected there; the firmness with which you received the attack, and the success with which you repel led it, with a much inferior force, a, great part of which consisted of vo lunteers and militia,arc distinguish ed proofs of your patriotism and gallantry, as well as of jour judg ment in action. To which Gen. Jackson re plied: Sir: Receiving this emblem of the approbation of my country, from you, who were an efficient and active agent of our government in those scenes of difficulty and dan ger to which it refers, gives me pe culiar pleasure. It brings to my recollection, cn the tocsin of war being sounded, that patriotic ardor which brought voluntarily to the field thousands of the brave yeo manry of our country, to support its eagles, and to protect our fron t cr, from the ruthless savage, and the inroads of a British foe. In the ime of those patriotic officers and 0Wrs who so bravely seconded my vcws in the day of battle, pri vation, ana- 0f pcriif an( wn0 con tributed to bring about the happy results to which you refer, I receive this emolem of approbation, which the representatives of my country, in Congress assembled, have con ceived me worthy to possess. That, at a period the most critical and alarming, I should have been the humble means to harmonize the discordant materials of everv na tion and tongue, and so to 'unite them, as to make a successful de fence of the city of New-Orleans, against a superior, well-organized, veteran force, and to preserve it from pollution and ravage4wn in furiated Bdtish soldiery, is remem bered as one of the proudest mo ments of my life. This emblem reminds me of the gratitude we should feel to a kind Providence for those happy results. May you pass through, and retire from, the administration of the Government with the full approbation of your country that has hitherto accom panied you. May you be blessed in retirement with all the comforts heaven can bestow; and, when life is finished, be raised to a happy immortality beyond the grave. The President then presented to Judge Todd the Medal de signed for Gov. Shelby, with the following Address: Judge Todd: In compliance with a resolution of Congress, of the 4th of April, ISIS, I present, thro' you, to Gov. Shelbv, this Medal, as a testimonial of the high sense enter tained bv Congress, of his gallantry and good conduct in an action on the Thames, under Mai. Gen. Har rison, in Upper Canada, on the 5th day of October, 1813, in which the combined British and Indian forces, under Maj. Gen. Proctor, were de-j fcated, and the British troops made : prisoners of war. The patriotism which Gov. Shelby, and the troops, his fellow-citizens, then displayed, in marching beyond the Lakes, to meet our then enemy, as well as their bravery inaction, will always be remembered with gratitude by their country. Judge Todd replied: Sir: I take great pleasure in be ing the medium oi com from vou, sir, as President united States, to the venerable pa-. triot, Gov. Shelby, of this high tes- IIS Iligll tCb i :y and good! tober,l8l3. timonial of his gallantr conduct on the 5 th of Octo Tliis; fmMpmntirnl tivnninli nf !, fr' Eloriousdav shall be carefully de-i livcredto the brave and veteran. well of his country. I will not fail to communicate to him thc very polite, friendly and flattering man - ner m which you have been pleased to deliver it to me for him. WESTERN INDIANS. Louisville, Ky. March 2. We have conversed with an in- telligent gentleman, just arrived; soldier, for whom it is intended, last wc saw ot her, she wras at( leaders secured. Faithful history will hand down to! anchor, but was dragging. We' posien y nis oninant ana aistm-;havc little hope of her safety, as; IMPRISONMENT FOR guiMiwi vices, hi uvo ars, anu; . , , - - ,, Thc LCKislaturc of Mas: will amply shew that he deserves!, " rt-W7l. nr it Winn t from Missouri, who states thatj"11"" 111 1UU much alarm was entertained by the inhabitants upon the fron tier as to the hostile intentions laiciv nau suspicion tained that very extensive conspiracy to make war upon the white set tlers. The forces stationed in that part of the country were healthy,and watching the move ments of thc Indians; but it was thought the present force was not sufficient to keep these da ring and restless people in check, particularly if the conspiracy should prove as extensive as it was feared. There are not more than three thousand men to guard a territory of nearly five thousand miles, and" keep in check upwards of twenty thou sand warriors, which can be brought into the field by the suspected tribes. It would, no doubt, be thc means of preser ving much bloodshed, if go vernment wrould send an addi tional number of troops to pre serve the peace of the frontiers. Post. SPEEDY JUSTICE. Utica, N. Y. March 9. Tuesday morning, says -On the excite.il considerable j i i i ' J , and tears were enter-; i , i i ,t ,,-r ,0 r they had joined in a Thft aWoum,innoM ' tl I Cooperstown Watjhtower, two young men offercy a note for S$600,for. discount at the Cen tral Bank, and obtained their money thereon. They imme diately took scats in the Eastern stage, then about to depart, but on account of some slisrht l j o grounds to siupect all was not right, they wq-e pursued by the clerk of the Bank, and overta ken a short distance from the village, whence they were taken and brought to this village the same evening.- They were in dicted for forgery by the Grand Jury then sitting, on Wednes day; on Thursday morniijg were arraigned, plead guilty, pud on Saturday sentenced to fire years hard labor at Ue state prison, and took their 'epar&irc for Auburn. Extract of a letter, datfd tJ. S. schr. Shark, at anchor oil Antona Li zardo, (Mexico,) Fib. 18. We returned yesterday to our anchorage, having been com pelled to slip and pit to sea, in one of the heaviest srilcs of wind 1 ever witnessed many time at sea. The people ot shore say iney nave not seen to violent a one tor 20 years. We did not slin until our chait cable had parted. Fourteen bf our best men were lost in tlu launch in attempting to reach her. She had srone to the assistance of an! r- - - - - - - , cyance, . Kuglish schooner, that had got; should be pardoned for their of i ot the! .. c i . i r tt tv t- re uu a 1CU1 aim un ICLUI " UIU. gale came on so suddenly, and, 3 4 i vy iju juuuvii ijr , aim with such violence, she was un-: able to regain the schooner. he schooncr was lrom Hava-i I... . na bound here tor money. 1 he i ner- I hompson, our mas- Iter, and one of our men. were ' on board of her. Suicide. Mr. Abraham Shot well, aged 24, committed sui cide at New-York, on Saturday, 13th ult. bv shootincr himself.! tm i : i ! .ms inil 151 &am a5 IIORltID MURDER. About the 20th of January Early in the morning the negro concealed himself in the jarn floor, behind a small door, until his master stooped to enter thro' ! thc door which he did uncon scious of danger; at this mo ment? the assassin gave him the fatal blow upon the head with the noli of an axe, which felled him to the fbor, and on repeat ing the blovs the axe either flew off the li-lve, or broke it near the eye. The negro sup posing his atrbcious design ac complished, cairicd the body and threw it into a stable, be hind a young wicked horse; the body, however, manifesting signs of life, he procured ano ther axe, with which he crushed the skull in the most shocking and barbarous manner, He then went to the kitchen, changed his clothes, and reported to his Mistress, that the young horse had killed Master James. The distressing occurrence being known, the neighbors collected in considerable numbers, and an countv, V a. was investigation of the circumstan ces lead generally to the opi nion, that the young horse had been guilty of the murder. On furtlier examination, however, the negro's guilt became so clearly demonstrated, that he confessed the fact; and assigned as his reason for the murder, some trifling altercation last fall at a corn husking. . Mr. James Newton and his sister Hannah, both pretty well advanced in years, and both sin gle, had supported unblemished characters, and had taken pains to educate this negro, who with themselves constituted thewhole family. On the ISth ult. the negro was to have been execu ted at Lewisburs. Harrisonburg Rep. BOSTON STATE PRISON. An insurrection, and most da ring attempt to escape, from the State Prison in Boston, was made on the 1.2th ult. at sunrise. The prisoners rushed upon one of the officers, and demanded his keys at the peril of his life; foiled in getting possession of them, they retreated to the Eat ingHall, when a spirit of muti ny manifested itself throughout the prison; the prisoners arm in'sr themselves with whatever presented itself, and refusing to resume their labors, unless those who had seized the officer . 1,UI1 '4UL -major Wainwright, commanding the uiiintigiii) uiiiuiuii'iui 1111 XL States Marines at the Navy I Yard, appeared at the head of his command, when order was 7 l't . - promptly restored, and the ring - DEBT. sachusetts dify the latws respecting imprison mo ment tor debt. 1 lie Nantucket Inquirer applies to this refusal the following remarks: "Let it be registered on thy uiiuesipage, u lniamyi mat a ...... r body of men, hired to watch o - ver the destinies of a portion of the only free nation on earth, knowing that their masters, thc people, desired, yea prayed for supplicated their very ser vants, for the amelioration of a most atrocious system of perse cution for poverty's sake, and "for righteousness' sake" vir tually declared that the system was already s:ood enough for j them! Those petitions, borne upon the groans and sighs of wretched orphans, and conse - c rated by ithe tears of forlorn mothers were ignominiously thrown "under the table" scouted into utter darkness covered with obloquy and trampled upon by the lowest limbs of the law!" COOKING MACHINE. A Richmond paper describes a machine recently invented in that city, "the great value of which consists in facility by which all the different articles of food, requiring culinary pre paration, may be rapidly al most instantaneously prepared. The mechanism is simple, yet philosophical; a few drops of spirits, or of alcohol scarcely a cent of expenseis sufficient to put the whole in operation, and beef steaks, mutton chops, veal cutlets", eggs, ham, venison, may be got up, adapted to the most epicurean appetite." HORSE RACING. A bill to prevent the pra-ticc ef horse racing was introduced and passed, hi the Legislature of Ver mont, from the belief that the pretence for its continuance was only a specious one, and that the practice degraded the breed of men, more than it improved the breed of horses. The opinion yasnot unanimous upon the sub ject, as the following speech will fll hich we have extracted ior trie amusement of our readers : Mr. Speaker As I move to dismiss the bill, it wiH doubt less be expected, that I assign some reasons to sunnort th tion. I made the motion sir because I think the bill both im politic and unjust. It is well known, sir, that every nation or community are composed of a great variety of different classes of men, and that each class have their hobby, or favorite pursuit. out an under the same Jaws and government, and. all entitled to equal rights and privileges. i ne nrst class till, or ought to fill, the sacred desk, their hob by is in heaven; the second class compose our judiciary, their hobby ought to be mercy and justice; the lawyer's hobby is fat clients and fat fees. But I and my friends, sir happen to belong to another class the agricultural class of community. We are neither few in number, nor despicable, in character; we are not, sir, the dregs of society. We also have our rights and our hobbies; we not only contribute, but contri bute largely, to fill the public 1 1 chest. Uur v.llv UllClCdl illlU UUf i. ! ' a , I ' hobby, sir, stimulate us to raise , the best hogs, the best sheep, the best cattle, and the best hor ses, that most noble and useful of our domestic animals; and I ! it . . - . anow, sir, tnat some ot us are extravagantly fond of seeing their speed tried. Is this a crime, sir? It is our right. I believe, sir, that eve ry kingdom of Europe, and al- i ' most everv state in AmpnVn nl. ilow it; and even, at the seat of our national government, in the district of Columbia, it is not merely allowed but encouraged and patronized by the first men in our government Indeed, sir, so extremely fond are they of Sports, that if I am not mis taken most of them, during the late war, became their, own ri ders. Shall we pass this bill, sir, with such examples and authori- j ties before us? I hope not It . would be, sir, like a second edi- tion of thc old blue laws of Con necticut; where they whipped the cask if the beer or cider worked on Sunday. Pass this bill, sir, and we banish good horses from this state, and I fear, many who are fond of them, will migrate with them for a land of more liberty. Our horses, sir, will dwindle in to mere jacks. I highly esteem, and almost reverence the scntlc- (men who head the petition, and who brought in this bill, for the good they have done; but, sir, they are most of them in the wane of life; they arc far advan ced, I hope, in the road to hea ven. They, perhaps, have no terrestrial enjoyment; let them depart in peace but, sir, I do hope that this bill will not pass. Is this the boasted land of free dom ! pass this bill, sir, and we strike a dagger into the bosom of Liberty hersel X 7

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