FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1824. fjJPcrsons holding Sub scription papers, will please foncard the names as soon as convenient. To Correspondents In gratify ing the wishes of "A Subscriber," by re-publishing the speech of J. A. Bynum, Esq. in the debate on the Caucus Resolutions, we merely act according to previous determi nation. Considering this the most correct, as well as the most conve nient, mode of ascertaining the views of our Representatives on schemes of national policy, we shall seize every opportunity that may offer to give them publicity. The poetical effusion of ''Poor Tom" shall have place in our next. Sfiorting Intelligence. The Spring Races ever the New Hope Course, in the vicinity of this town, will commence on Thursday, the t2d inst. The track is in excel lent order, and we understand seve ral fine horses are expected. Con siderable sport may be anticipated. Presidential. -The Raleigh Star says "We are authorised to an nounce Co!. Al. li. LUCK HART, as a candidate on the Peo- j pie s Ticket, for the district com-i a r.u rv i ton, rieruoru, Dcriie ana martin. i. tt j.r i tj i i -m r a" 1 he Legislature of the State of:,! 4.i . i 1 , ,r , , . i i. i tne other rule on the same sub-Ncw-ork, has rejected the bill in refercnce to th(J transferring to the people thejceedin of thc commitlci of choice of Electors of President and . the wholc p h Vice-President. The friends of;Cm is as lon? a j at j t am .vir. rawiom nan tnis as an aus- ajie to endure I will not say, picicus omen m favor of that gen-. the pestilential atmosphere of tleman- j the House -but an atmosphere, At a meeting of the friends of such as no other but the wretch Gen. Jackson, held in Hillsboro'on ed animals plunged in the Grot- the IRth ult. ri'snlutinns sipttiu to flo.l Cnnf. n'nnr IVnnlnc lrnm 0 forth the claims of the General to the Presidency, were adopted. the laudable curiosity of the ve A meeting of the citizens of Noi-- ry benevolent philosophers of folk, Va. favorable to the election modern Europe. I hope the of John Q. Adams to the Prcsiden- gentleman's motion will not be cy, was to be held on Saturday last, adopted and I now give no The particulars have riot been re- li.ce that 1 mean to follow P ceived. Two sets of electors are already Mississippi; nnmPfl in 1tn ctntt ni Miccn.cum t ..' i ' other for Gen. Jackson. The N Norfolk Herald, ofFridavit; was when 1 first had the no tices the arrival of the nor of a seat here' and which 1 1 J l 1 A I ' 1 1 . 1 last, notices among the passengers were Chief Justice Marshall, Mr. Branch, a senator from this state, and Mr. John Randolph, of Va. ConffrrHional-Tfi revision of j the Tariff, the Appropriation Bill, j wIat, nave be,en well denomina thc bill to abolish Imprisonment for !!ed thc merfy mechanical, the Debt, and some other business of I instrumental members of those minor concern, still occupy the at- jFf8- nd as to the tmtinn f rnnWee tk i 'landed interest, how can we cx tcntion ot Congress. Ihercsolu-i . . , . , , tions nronosin amf-nnmpntd tn tlio Constitution, in relation to the elec tion of President and Vice-Presi- j o . , , .W been postponed indefi - ly. On a motion for adjourn- j wh ln 16 1 m the I en vraS rctuscd a consideration, ic toiioxvlnsrcmarks werc made:! uuoipn observed, that erpunox was now passed, and he thought it was time that every member who uiu noi iniena to rely on the f. ut L1IU DUto teed out of allowance for travelling expen ds own corn-house, should go scs be the same sum for every borne and plant his corn; and twenty miles travelling, ac hoped that the honorable The question was then taken member would continue to peat his "motion until it should obtain a more lavorable recep tion by Hie House. The pro tracted sessions of Congress, (which, however, he thanked God, could, take place only eve ry other year',) he considered as fraught with incalculable mis chief. They excluded from the public service an important and valuable class of men. Here the Speaker interpo sed, and pronounced Jlr. R.'s remarks to be out of order, in asmuch as the House had refu sed to consider the motion. Mr. R. observed that he had intended to conclude his obser vations by making amotion; but be should stand corrected. Mr. Taylor then made a .mo tion to alter the hour of meeting to eleven o'clock A. M. and supported his motion by a short speech, in which he adverted to the amount of business iii ar- rear, and the injurious conse quences of long sessions. Mr. Randolph again rose, and said, that he should take the li berty which the gentleman from jNew-York seemed so willing to take himself, but to refuse to others no uncommon case - of making some observations on an interdicted subject. Ho should, in the selection of his topics, pursue his own lights, ho wcver feeble, without avail- ins: himself of the very great discernment, sagacity, experi ence (he wished he could en large the catalogue) of the gentleman from New-York. I, for one, said Mr. R. voted for I the repeal of that preposterous rule hich, even this building Tr r 1 . , . House irom adjourning before 4 t, ; , ? .fivl compelled to breathe, to gratify nis motion wun one vvnicn re- - ates to a subject that requires, lint actual cautery, at least the knife it is a motion to re jduce the per diem allowance of members ot mis House, to what men mougnr, anu sun mink, as ia per diem allowance, was fixed a great deal too high. If the present session is suffer ed to continue, instead of hav ing, in Congress, great leading Passional men, we snail have i . . . . 7 it is ruin to a landed man to at ! tend here? I, for one, cannot, sir conseni 10 sit ntre lor so m m0nths, de die in diem, fop six d in the week and sir. consent to sit here for so hear nothing but the same strain forever repeated. It is enough, sir, to worry the patience of Job lumselt. 1 shall, thereiore, move, that from and after the end of the present session of Congress, the per diem allow- re-son Mr. Taylor's resolution, aid 'carried.. Mr. Randolph moved thefol- lowing r . "Resolved, That, from and after the end of the ptesent ses sion of Consress. t.hp -Ifipr Ylipm allowance of Memheis of Con gress shall be six dcllars, and six dollars for every twenty miles travelling." This resolution he desired should lay on the table, and he gave notice that he should call up its consideration on Friday next. The question being put on laying the resolve on the table, it was carried hi the affirma tive'. ,' From the National Intelligencer, of luarcni'L' 2o. The bill for i revision of the duties on imports (tariff bill so called) travels slowly thro' the House ot Representatives, and meets with many obstructions in its course of preparation for a discussion of its general prin ciple, which has is yet been on ly incidentally debated. If the bill passes the House of Repre sentatives, as it probably will we do not say certainly the session will hardly germinate belore the first ot June next. At the opening of tJie Debate yesterday, (22d,) the Vice-Pre sident required that gentlemen should confine themselves, in debate, to the questioi actually ' before the House. S) that the debate on the Caucut was sud denly brought to a close, to the great disappointment we appre hend, of those who -resorted to the Senate Chamber, ii the hope: ot witnessing a scene. U. S. Suprc7ne Court. The U. S. Supreme Court adjourned on the 2 4th ult. after a laborious session of about six weeks, du ring which time sixty-two cases were disposed of, leaving 117 still on thc docket, where they are likely to remain, not till doomsday? perhaps, but more than probable during the natu ral lives of many of the parties concerned, counsel as well as clients, unless the organization of the Supreme Courtis materi ally ehanged, which ippears to be the wish of a portion of the present Congress, if the appa rently interminable liscussion of the tariff bill, does hot defeat that as well as several other im portant measures in agitation. Pit. Rep. ' Rumor. k privie letter from Paris, of Feb. 2d, pub lished in Degrand's Commer cial Report, and staged to be from the best source, says the cause of liberty never ivas in greater danger. The Allies arc determined to piit it down in the United States, is well as in Europe and South America, cost what it may. England is treacherous to the cause of free dom; Russia is powerful; France and Austria subservient. Pre pare yourselves to see a most formidable attack on thc United States within a very few "years. Spies will soon swarm over your land." MOST HORRIBLE: Alexandria, March 24. Capt. Hedges, of the brig Ran ger, arrived here on Monday, from Isle of: May, reports the following horrible transaction: He was informed, by the Cap tain of a British vessel, who had arrived at the Isle of May from Madeira, that a few days pre vious to his sailing, the schr. Napoleon, was brought into the latter place by a cutter, which had ber.n snnt nut f. k w..w a.ja. njt; u i - - pose; the officers of the Napole-j n having been cruelly murder ed, by three of the crew who were shipped at Savannah. The particulars are these:- One of the crew, being an active fellow, was taken from before the mast by the captain to re lieve the mate, and received in to the cabin, whorp bo rpr. tained that there was a sum of specie on board, which fact he communicated to two other sai lors (foreigners) who. formed and executed their hellish de signs to get the money, by stri king the captain to "the , deck (with the cook's axe,) whence they carried him to the wind lass and there chopped of his head with the axe and threw him overboard. The mate hearing the struggle on deck, came up to ascertain the cause, and soon shared the same fate. The cook was next taken from the forecastle, his head also severed from his body, and both thrown overboard. Another person jumped over board and was drowned in pre ference to being murdered. A passenger, who was at the time in the cabin, went to the com panion way and begged the crew to spare his life. They asked if he would join? he con sented, and his life was spared. The mutineers then entered the cabin, ransacked it, found li quor, and soon became drunk. V small bov was left at the hclm and the passenger got on deck. The boy soon steered the ves sel for the land, and when with in a or 3 of a mile of it, the pas senger lowered the boat, gained the shore; and shortlv after the vessel was taken, possession of by the soldiers and carried into Madeira, with all the murder - crs. bv order ot the authon - ties. Thc Napoleon hails from I Yarmouth, Mass. Capt. Hall! was Irom l'lymouthj Alass. - , 1 lift nhovo. tr.Tns.iP.tinns nr'rnr- x. , A j - " u " tiUlt red in Funchall roads, in the."?"?. e.very meeting they so neglect, night, some day last month, ; JoinTn1111111 th,e, rM i iJ , , town, and if within, four dollars." while the vessel was becalmed. , Adopted 19th Nov. 1822. The prisoners, it was suppo-j April 2, 1824. i i i la. J.L. tt. ; seu, wuuiu ue seni 10 ine uni- ted States for trial. , Thc George toivn" Miracle." The case of Mrs. Mattinsrlv, a widow, sister of Thomas Car berry, Esq. Mayor of the City; of Washington, has drawn the '; .ittontinn hnth rf Piitnic nnA ' at:.,i ;n k:c i:-u i . . in Lius timuiciiuu age, iiiut it IS l well to give it as a piece of news. It is the first time, we I believe, that the odour of Prince Hohenlohe's sanctity has cross ed the broad Atlantic; vet it is by no means the first miracle which he has wrought. Sevc ral Irish cases have been attest ed by priests and physicians and so numerous were the ap plications for his prayers, so im portunate were nuns and others lor his powerful intercession, that he determined to do his work by ivholesalei and fixed upon a particular day in August when he in German' was to of- ler up prayers lor all the disea sed Catholic petitioners in Ire land. The result was that two tolerably well attested cases of cure were produced and pub lished. The fame of Prince Hohenlohe of Bamberg spread farther and wider. Several wri ters undertook to sift the sub ject; and among others the re doubtable editor of the .bmnuurg Review. A physician, (Dr. Crampton,) admits the facts, as well as the influence of Prince Hohenlohe: but denies the effi cacy of his intercession ascri bing the cuiea uiuueiy io me .Vflnnre of the imao-inatinn nn jiiiiKv.- - o i' on the nervous patients. The miracle worker is said to be Di ocesan Vicar of Bamberg, in the 30th year of his age. ... married, -Intake pountv, on the 25 th ult. Mr. James Tomlinscn, of Johnston county, to Miss E. A. Nance irln R0WJSf ?Unt' on the 19th Feb. Mr. B. George Robinson to Miss Nancy Cowan; on the 12th, Mr. Y. . George Robinson to Miss Jane M'Broom; on the srith t! John Ervin to Miss Rebecca San ders; on the 4th ult; Mr. Michael Switzer to Miss Pollv Pi the Tth, Mr. Christian Goodman to Miss Kosanna Lreson; and on the same day, Capt. Henry S. Parker to Miss Nancv Pearce. " At Charlotte, on the 28th Feb. Mr. William Birong to Miss Ca tharine Bryant. In Lincoln county, on the ltth 1 eb. Capt. M. Hull to Miss Mar- ??r- ,Vt,ss; on same dav, Daniel Holman, Esq. to Miss Mary Lowne; on the 22d, Col. Henrv Wise to Miss Catharine Hofner; at Hoylesville, on the 26th An drew Greer, Esq. of Mecklenburg county, to Miss Sarah Hovle, of the former place. In Caswell countv, on the 11th ult. Mr. Rainey Currieto Miss E liza Johnson... In Nashville, Tenn. lately, a Leghorn Bonnet to a pair oi'Cor setts. Some gentlemen who attend ed the celebration, and who hap pened to carry magnifying glasses about them, say there 'was a lady concealed in the former, and a e-cn- t-xmau id!. up m me latter I : DIED, In the vicinity of Ashville, on the 10th ult. Maj. Zebuion Baird.inthe 58th year of his age. At Fayetteville, on the 14th ult. Mr. Gabriel Dubrutz.aged 64 years. JVcw Advertisements. Ml some NOTICE. i A "iULiAK Convocation of ! - ROANOKE CHAPTER No ! v m ueneia at tne masonic Hall in Halifax, on the 4th inst. M. H. PETTWAY, Secy. "Every member failihg to attend the l?f flllar C.miY-rvatirin c-V.rll . o , ..u.,, onau 1UI- teit and tiav two dnllar fnr- PorV Bfca. tew i sws.w5wr p-m, NEW HOPE SPRING HACKS WILL commence on THURS DAY, the 22d of April, and uuiiLunic tin cc uays viz. First Day A Sweepstakes for three year old Colts and Filleys mile heats $W0 entrance half forfeit three entered and closed; Second Day A Subscription Purse of gl50 two mile heats en trance $15 twoormorc to make a race money hung up. Free for any thing. Third Day A Poststake for three and four years old $200 en trancetwo mile heats to close the evening preceding the Race. The track is in good order. Good Stables and litter furnished Race horses gratis. 37-The Rules of the Course to p-ovcm in every instance. JAMES JONES, Proprietor. April 2. 2-3t GEO. HOWARD, Respectfully informs the inhabit ants of Halifax, and its vicini ty, that he is now ready to execute PRINTING, all its -variety, with neatneat und despatch. In 2

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