' -- "" : p. ...... - JYb. 4. HALIFAX, JV. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1824. FOL J. . r , 1 .4 y PROPOSALS, For publishing, in the toivn of Ha lifax, a weekly nezvsiaper, CALLED THE M1EE PRESS. Experience has so fully test ed the utility of Newspaper pub lications, that the Subscriber deems it unnecessary here to dwell on the advantages result ing to a community from such an establishment. For the sa tisfaction, however, of those persons who may feel an inte rest in the success of the propo sed undertaking, and also to af ford a landmark for future gui dance, he will endeavor to state, as near as possible, the course he intends to pursue. The following subjects will chiefly engage attention: , A summary of the proceed ings of our National, and State Legislatures, with occasional ex tracts from the. Speeches of our most distinguished Orators and Statesmen. ., A particular account of all fo reign and domestic events which may be thought generally inte resting. A correct Price-Current of the principal articles of export and import. .: Also, to encourage Agricul ture and Domestic Manufac tures; to promote Internal Im provement; and to develop the resources of the country. To disseminate useful infor mation, whether of a Literary, Scientific, Moral, or Religious nature. And to promote that free spi rit of inquiry, respecting public men and measures, which is deemed the safeguard and con servative principle of Republic an institutions. Communications on any of the above subjects will meet with immediate attention. GEO. HOWARD. CONDITIONS. "T he Free Press" will be pub lished every Friday, at THREE DOLLARS per year, consisting oi 62 numbers, and in the same pro portion for a shorter period. Sub scribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, on paying; arrearages. Advertisements inserted at fifty rents per square, or less, for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents each continuance. Lists of Letters published at the Icrms prescribed by law. Letters addressed to the Editor inust be fxo st ji a id. lfFor the convenience of cor mfiondcnts, a bo& in i laced at the tfice door, to receive their favors. 3 Persons holding Sub scription papers, will please forward the names as soon as convenient. $rittttncDffi'ce. GEO. HOWARD, Respectfully informs the inhabit ants of Halifax, and its vicini ty, that he is now ready to execute PRINTING, In all its variety, with neatness and despatch. Blank Warrants for sale AT THIS OITICB. DOMESTIC. SPEECH OP MR. BRANCH, OF N. C. In the Senate of the U. S. on a mo tion to postpone indefinitely, the consideration of the Resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the U. 5- in rela tion to the election of President and Vice-President. Mr. Branch asked the indul-! gence of the Senate for the pur pose of submitting, for their consideration, a few thoughts in relation to the important subject matter under discussion, fie said it was due to the state he had the honor in part to repre sent, for him to support the a mendments to the Constitution, which propose to establish an uniform mode for the appoint ment of Electors of President and Vice-President, and to him self, to oppose the indefinite postponement of the various propositions now pending. With the sentiment of the Le gislature of the state, he most heartily concurred. In entering on the subject, he said that he should endeavor to conform to the decision of the Chair, and that he would not inr tcntionally bring into discussion matter foreign from the true question, before the Senate; for he firmly believed that the de cision of the presiding officer was correct, and ought to be en forced. It would become necessary for him, however, to animadvert on the Constitution, as it is at present,, and to call the attention oi the Senate to the pernicious practices which had obtained, and grown up under it, which threatened, ultimately, to sub vert the liberties of the people. It was the duty of an able sur geon to probe the wound to the bottom, that he might be the better enabled to. devise and ap ply an effective remedy. It would not be denied he said, that it was the intention of the Convention which framed the Constitution, to give to the J people the election of their Chief .Magistrate. But what have we been told by my highly es teemed friend and colleague, (Mr. Macon,) who is certainly high authority?. Why, that the President had, since the days of J ucn. Washington, been always1 elected by Congress. This, said Mr. B. is the most alarming declaration, and surely it becomes necessary that some thing should be done to prevent that from taking place in future. The Constitution provides, that the President shall be elected by the people, through their e lcctors; but we find that a plan has been found out, setting aside this provision the Presi dent is to be chosenand the people are called upon, only, to conform to the will of their rulers. Now, if these unconsti tutional proceedings are to be continued, and the President hereafter is to be chosen by Cong7css acting in Caucus, it is manifest that the Constitution will not only be practically al tered, but that a door will be ri pened to the greatest abuses and corruption. We will soon find that the President will be cho sen only by means of intrigue and management with the mem bers of Congress. ; Is not the mischief, therefore, abundantly evident? Either make some alteration, so as to give efficacy to the vote of the people, or let them no longer be deluded with the fallacious idea that they exercise the power themselves. It is not worth while to disguise the fact from ourselves. We all see it. In deed, it must be manifest to the most superficial observer, that the different departments of the government, instead of acting as checks on each other, are na turally drawn to play into each other's hands; particularly the Executive and Congress. The gentleman from New-Jersey, (Mr. Dickerson,) to whom I have listened with much plea sure, has tailed to assijm any reason why it is unsafe to return the election to the electors. I must therefore presume, said Mr. B. that none exists. Let us then, said Mr. B. throw off this usurped authori ty, and return to the people the ii i rights of which they have been! A. ii ,.i "n i wrongfully shorn. From whence do the members of Congress de rive the power to elect the Pre sident of the United States? I hazard nothing, said Mr. B. in saying that the power is not to be found . in the Constitution, and that it is, consequently, an encroachment upon the sove reignty of the people: the more alarming, inasmuch as it is ex ercised in the corrupt atmos- phere of. Executive patronage! opinions would have great ef and influence. Make me Pre-lfect. Mr. M. said he waswill sident, and I will make you a'ing to alter the constitution Minister, a Secretary, or, at air but Congress, said he, will elect events, I will provide you with a' the President, be the Constitu good birth, suited to your wants; tion what it may. A or capacity. And thus we shall barter away the rights and pri- From thc mtm Q vilegcs ot thc people, at the ex pense of the best interests of the Spontaneous combustion. country, and the charter of ourlA curious iact ot spontaneous liberties. The mischief is a-' combustion occurred in this i . . ' i i .i i r 1 r. . bunpantly manifest. Let us not, then, turn a deaf ear to the adr monitions of duty, and the voice of an enlightened community, but rather. let us have the mag- nanimity to return to leave the1 things which bRlontrtn tbp Cnn.llamily. it excited considera stitution, even though in doing so, we part with some of our in fluence. The President and Congress were intended, by the wise framcrs of our Constitution, to act as checks, each upon thc other; but, by thc system at present practised, they lose the benefit of this salutary provision. For, as has been observed by my honorable colleague, the Congress have always made the President, a?id will conti nue to do it. Yes, sir, the voice of that orthodox and ex perienced statesman has said so, and I have no reason to doubt the correctness of his assertion. It ought not to be said, ob served Mr. B. that we are inca pable of acting on this important subject calmly and dispassion ately Our present session is comparatively unlimited it is, in truth, the long session our table is not burdened with im portant business; we sit but twro or three hours in the day, and but five days out of the week; this objection, therefore, cannot be sustained. And as to the Se nate of the United States, com posed of gentlemen advanced in years, possessing a character and justly, too for their dis cretion and intelligence, being hurried away by passion or ex- o o citement, I cannot, said Mr. B. believe it for a moment. We are all convinced that no'altera tion can be made in time to af fect the approaching Presiden tial election. Hence, whatever excitement may be felt, it will not be of a pernicious character, but will rather tend to elicit the best and most effectual remedy. If we suffer the present, propi tious moment to pass by,, what may we expect? Why, sir, that the nation will again fall into a state of apathy, and that nothing will be done until the people are again called on to e lect another Chief Magistrate, when wTe shall have to depre cate the recurrence of all the mischief at present complained of, and which threatens such .a larming consequences to the peace and security of society. Mr. MACON in explanation of the allusion made by. his ho norable colleague to his remark, that the President had always heen, with the exception of j 1 Gen. Washington, elected by r -t . i i Congress. He repeated the ob servation, with a firm conviction of its correctness, that this had been the case, and in his opinion it always would be the case. . If the members ol Lonsrcss did not act in Caucus, they would influence the people in some other way. The people were always writing to the members to get their opinion upon the i different candidates, and their neighborhood a few day's since. The wife of Mr. W. B. disco vered about lb o'clock in the morning, an unusual and very pungent smell, which was like- Wlsc inhaled by several of the i t ; blc uneasiness, as it seemed to increase, and a general search took place to find out the cause. The unusual and certainly pe culiar smell scon directed them to the spot it was found quantity of Hops, that had been gathered ot the last crop, and after being well dried, and put into a striped homespun cotton gown, moderately pressed in. and laid on the top of a pile oi cotton seed, was discovered to be on fire, and by a gradual heat had almost mouldered into ashes on raising it aud admit! the air it was soon in a blaze. The cotton seed were likewise partly consumed. Cotton has been known to take fire from being damp and coniined in a close and heated atmosphere; and in this case I find upon inquiry the seed and the hops were immediately un der the roof of the house which was not ceiled overhead; and from the recent heavy and con stant rains, a small quantity of water may have found its way through the roof and gradually dropt on the seed and hops, producing the requisite mois ture, combined with atmospheric Our Cotton Gins, in proportion to the order they are in, leave more or less cot ton on the seed. causes, produced the fire. But, if it is admitted that cotton, or cotton seed, thus situntprl produce heat and from heat to flame, what assistance, if any, oum nops lend to it, or per haps the fact itself may have originated in the hops. I do "vil jay this down as . an hypo thesis of my owny nor do i bc Iieve that the conclusion should always be drawn from the pre- . x imusopners and Che mists perhaps might discover the true cause, or combination of causes, and as it is an unusual circumstance, Tat least in it may deserve their considera tion. From the Hamburg, S.C. Gazette. Duel. We sacrifice feeling in relating the circum stance of a duel," fought on Thursday last,: (25th ult.) at the u. a. Arsenal in Georgia, be tween two-very young men by the names of Cogdell and Wi fall, the former of Charleston, the latter of this district. The ground work of this affair is said to have originated, at Yale Col lege, the particulars of which, perhaps, it would not be pru dent to publish, but suffice it to say the combatants met on the field with rifles, at thirty paces at the word fire, young Wig fall received his antagonist's ball below the breast bone, which came out on the right side between the second and third ribs, having touched the liver in its course, of which he died on the following day. Singular notion. We h.i'n. seen, a letter, says the New York Gazette, from Saco, of the Sth March, announcing the death of Thomas G. Thornton, United States' Marshal for the District of Maine, who died on the 4th. This letter states, that Mr. Thornton had requested his friends to keep him aslong as they couldthen to put his bo dy in a lead coffin, well solder ed; over this a coffin made of inch boards; then one of two inches; one.of four inches; and another, for the outside, of eight inches thick, all well bolted to gether; and to, bury him at night, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock. Ji happy , Winding up. We understand that the Marine In surance Society of this city, (Richmond, Va.) whose stocks were sold at auction on Mon day, will divide at least 51000 more than its capital. Comp. Education Is strangely ne glected in some parts of our country. If thc, sparseness of the population prevents the es tablishment of Schools, surelv parents might, without losing any valuable time, teach their children to read and write. We have just seen, in a North-Carolina paper, a copy of the pre sentment of a Grand Jurv of Edgecomb county, concerning a public nuisance, to which six out of the eighteen iurors sisrn- ed their marks, instead of their proper names! The Foreman of this Jury was a gentleman, formerly a Representative in Congress, ot uncommon literary acquirements. The advantages of education are at least une qually distributed there. A -J-

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