V JVb. 5. HALIFAX, JV. C. FRIDAY, APRIL S3, 1834. VOL I. PROPOSALS, For publishing, in the town of Ha lifaxy aweefcly newspaper, CALLED THE FREE PRESS. Experience has so fully test ed the utility of Newspaper pub lications, that the Subscriber deems it unnecessary here to dwell on the advantages result ing to a community from such an establishment. For the sa tisfaction, however, of those persons who may feel an inte rest in the success of the propo sed undertaking, and also to af ford a landmark for future gui dance, he will endeav.or to state, as near as possible, the course lie intends to pursue. The following subjects will chiefly engage attention: A summary of the proceed ings of our National and State Legislatures, with occasional ex tracts from the Speeches of pur most distinguished Orators and Statesmen. A particular account of all fo reign and domestic events which may be thought generally inte resting. A correct Price-Current of the principal articles, of export and import. Also, to encourage Agricul ture and Domestic . Manufac tures; to promote Internal Im provement; and to develop the resources of the country. To disseminate .useful infor mation, whether of a Literary, Scientific, Moral, or Religious nature. . And to promote that free spi rit of inquiry, respecting public men and measures, which is deemed the safeguard and con servative principle of Republic an institutions. Communications on any of the above subjects will meet with immediate attention. GEO. HOWARD. CONDITIONS. "The Free Press" will be pub lished every Friday, at THREE DOLLARS per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the same pro portion for a shorter period. Sub scribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, on paying arrearages. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, or less, for the nrst insertion, and twenty-five cents each continuance. Lists of Letters published at the terms prescribed by law. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. XT' For the convenience of cor mfiondents, a box is filaced at the office door, to receive their favors. fcj Persons holding Sub scription papers, will please forward the names as soon as convenient. GEO. HOWARD, Respectfully informs the inhabit ants of Halifax, and its vicini ty, that he is now ready t0 execute PRINTING, In all its variety, wftA neatnes8 and despatch. i Wank Warrant for saie 7 AT THIS OFFICE. DOMESTIC. SPEECH OF MR. MACON, OF N. C. In the Senate of the U. S. on a mo tion to postpone indefinitely, the consideration of the Resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the U. S. in rela tion to the election of President and Vice-President Mr. Macon said, that these resolutions had been referred to a select committee; they had been maturely considered and reported upon by that commit tee; and now, because a certain other subject, not connected with them, had been introduced, no vote was. to be taken upon them. What is the question before the Senate? It is upon the indefinite postponement of the resolutions; and not upon their subject matter, Why should not a fair vote be taken on them? Gentlemen, who are j . 1 1 1 1 1 not entirely ueciueu. on business before the Senate, generally vote for a postponement He tho't no proposition to amend the constitution, that had ever been before the Senate, had so. much in favor of it, as the one that had been reported by this com mittee. It had, first or last, been recommended by almost every one of the states. And now, after all the time that has been spent about it, after one of the propositions had been dis cussed at full length, they are all to be thrown by. He well knew, that men would do, in re lation to these things, as they thought right. He considered it an extremely unfortunate cir cumstance, that a subject which had nothing to do with the real question before the Senate, had been introduced, and was about to destroy all chance of consi dering the amendments to the Constitution. . Mr. M. said, he knew that no amendment could now be made to affect the next election. There must be a concession of opinion somewhere every bo dy feels the embarrassments we are laboring under; and yet we are not permitted to go on, and discuss the amendments by which these evils might be re medied. This amendment, he thought, would ensure an elec tion, without going to the House of Representatives; and he ho ped it would not be postponed. It is time enough to postpone them, when we find that we cannot make one that is fit to be adopted. We shall, then, have done our duty to our constitu ents, as faithful men. Rut, now, we are about to postpoue them at the very threshold. If there ever was a time when the sub ject could be met gravely, it is the present. What was the condition of the country, at the time of the difficulty in the elec tion of Jefferson and Burr? Great anxiety was spread from one end of the country to the other. The House of Represen tatives was voting thirty times, without coming to a decision the most serious alarm pervaded the country. And yet, with this knowledge before us, we are not willing to make provi sion against similar occurrences. There was a charge of foreign partiality, on each side of the great parties existing at that time. . One was accused of fond ness for the British; the other, for the French. There is.no disposition of that kind -now.' We have peace, and we have plenty to eat; and, thank heaven, the tarifF bill has not yet passed. Some think that the amendment will produce a consolidation of the government, and that the state lines will be lost. But al most all the states have agreed to it almost all of them have called for the districting system. Mr. M. said, he did not believe that it would destroy the Con stitution. : He had heard so much, and so often, of the de struction of the Constitution, that he had almost become an infidel in respect.to.it. .We have stood a sedition law, and an alien law, and there .is not much danger but we may get along with any thing else..- We have had these amendments re gularly brought before us; and now, all at once, because allu sions have been made to another subject, we cannot look at the amendments we have got into a passion, and we must give them up. Nearly all the states have approved the districting system and how is it to de stroy the Constitution? The liberty of this nation does not, nor does that of any other,, de pend upon paper. It must have a foundation in the hearts of the people. Let a man depend up on himself, and he is free. If he is dependent on another, black or white, he will, not be free. Freedom rests upon our dependence or independence. The people had, at first, a erea' dread of the President and Se nate; but that fear has passed away. WTe have, now, mbre candi dates for the Presidency than we ever nau neiore. now are my people, said Mr. M. to know . 1 - tlTI 1 inese menr vvny, wnen l go home, they will ask me whom I think to be the best man; or ra ther, who will tax them the least, which is the same thing. And, I presume, the same ques tions arc put to other members. I am glad my colleague called for the yeas and nays on 'this question, for I hope the subject will not be postponed. In re gard to Caucuses, I have no confessions to make. I have gone into Caucus, as honestly as I go to church. I don't care how.many Caucuses, or how few there arc. I care nothing about them. Once, however, I was, about twenty years pas , taken in, by a Caucus, and said I would not attend another. I had intended id have given a history of some, on different sides, but it is decided not to be order. How the choice of electors by districts, could possibly prevent an election of .President, as has been said by the gentleman from South Carolina, I cannot possi bly perceive. The number of votes given by the districts, would be equal to that now gi ven. I do not understand how it can prevent an election. Every generation has its own notion in politics, as well as in religion. Religious and politi cal ideas are constantly chan ging. The Book' of Judges gives a description of these changes, where it speaks of the departure of the people, after the death of Joshua Sn forgot the principles which pro- we uuceu uie nevoiution. My state, happily, is neither a lar-e nor a small one. It enjoys akniti an equal population, and pes not increase much. What' be nefit can the present provision of the constitution be, if we get no President by it? I hope the Senate will return to the consi deration of the proposed amend ments. , Hard times. The Nantucket Enquirer gives the annexed gloomy picture of the stagnation ol business in that place: "No place in the United States feels perhaps more severely the. want of markets for its peculiar pro ducts than the Island of Nan-j tucket. Dependent on the o cean, and on the prospect of a mart for its gifts, we find our selves, from the wealthiest mer chant down to the very printer, almost reduced to the predica ment of the Birmingham buckle makers, at the moment when shoe strings came into' vogue. Our ship owners, justified by experience, have adventured their whole capital in the whale fishery; our hardy mariners re turn, laden with the spoils of the great deep; hut the expectations of both are baffled by the depre ciated value of our staple, com modities. Our merchants are, therefore, fast abandoning the pursuit, and emigrating from the land of their fathers; and our seamen are forced to seek less grateful employment in other ports. Universal discourage ment and hopeless depression seem to predominate, business is frightened from our stores; want dares to invade the shop of mechanical industry ; our wharves exhibit no siens of commercial life, save what are indicated by the bustling of a few skippers of small craft, soli citing sales of onions and pota toes? and our streets, during the live long day, are as silent and bare, as those of Boston before 10 o'clock on a rainy Sunday morning, wind E. N. E." "IVitherfordthe Prophet" This celebrated savage warrior is at length vanquished; the de stroyer is conquered; the hand which so profusely dealt death and dissatisfaction among "the whites", is now motionless. He ft M 1 ' 1 . -1 uieu at nis late residence near Montpelier, in Alabama, on the flth ult. His deeds of war are well known to the earlv settlers in South Alabama, and will be remembered by them while they live, and be talked of with hor ror by generations yet unborn but his dauntless spirit has taken its flight "he has gone to the land of his fathers." "Billy Witherford," denomi nated "the prophet," was about one fourth Indian, (some say 'half a breed7) his ancestry on the white side having been Scot tish. It has been said that he boasted of having "no yankee (meaning American) blood in his veins." This ferocious chief lead the hostile attack upon Fort Mims, (at Tensa,) on the 30th August, 1812, which resulted in the in discriminate and shocking mas sacre of men, women and chil dren, to the number of near four hundred. He was also a leader, (associated with the Prophets Francis and Sinquister) at the battle fought on the 23d Dec. following, at Ecchenachaca, or the 'Holy Ground,' . which had been considered by them inac cessible to their enemies, and the "srave of the white men:" but it proved a fatal delusion. His party sufTercd great loss of warriors, and all the provisions, munitions of war, &c. deposited at this place of imaginary safety, being as they supposed, render ed secure by the influence of some supernatural agency. It is stated, that after bein "saturated with the blood of the Americans, and witnessing the almost total extinction of his own tribe, he voluntarily and dauntlessly flung himself into the hands of General Jackson, and demanded his protection." Combination of Indians. The Missouri Intelligencer, of March 5th, printed at Frank lin contains the following in formation: "We are indebted to the politeness of a friend at Fort Osage, for the following infor mation, direct from Arkansas, which is from an authentic source: Major Cummings, the commandant at Fort Smith, has demanded of the Osage Chiefs those who committed the late murder in that quarter. The chiefs are willing to surrender them, but cannot force obedi ence, as the murderers refuse to be given up, and are protected by a majority of the nation. The commandant has given them until the 15th of January to consider of it; at the expira tion of which time, unless they should be given up, an attempt will be made to take them bv force. They threaten st ance, and say that if suchrtafat tempt should be made they will compel the Mission families to supply them with provisions, and the traders to furnish them all their guns and ammunition. The Osages are divided into se veral bands, one of which, the Chienios, did the mischief. The others did not hold them selves in any manner accounta ble for the depredations of that band, and will, in all probabili ty, in case of necessity, assist the traders in their vicinity. "A letter of late date from a respectable source on the Ar kansas, states that the Osage5, Cherokees, Kickpoos and Dela- wares met at Chouteau's trading house, and joined in a crrnat dinrp. TTi An.criistus ChoU- Augustus teau stated that this savored very much of a combination of those nations against the whites. Such a thing would be danger ous to the frontier settlements of Arkansas and Missouri, and require a considerable force to quell it. The Union Mission family are much alarmed, and the Harmony family do not con sider themselves free of danger. "The settlers upon the Ar kansas are raising volunteers, and have already organized one company. If it should be ne cessary, we have no doubt that Boon's Lick could furnish a few riflemen of bold hearts and cor rect aim." Money. Three new Banks and eight or ten Insurance Companies have lately been incorporated in New-York, with an aggregate ca pital Qlfivt million of dollars.