SOUTH AMERICA. Colombian Bepublic. Car-tha-ena Gazettes to the 10th January represent the treasury of 3Iagdalena, one of the depart ments of the Colombian Repub lic, as in a very flourishing con dition, the receipts being nearly two millions of dollars over the expenditures of the previous six months. The Kingston (Jam. ) papers, lately received at Balti more, state that J. Hutuardo, a commissioner from the Repub lic of Colombia to London, ar rived at Kingston in January, on his way to England. It was understood that he carried with him full powers to negociate a new loan of thirty millions of dollars, and to settle all differ ences respecting the old Colom bian bonds. Mexico. From the subjoin ed paragraph, from the Kingston (Jamaica) Gazette of March 6, it would appear that the British Embassy to the seat of the Mexi can Government, had not lost time in prosecuting the object of their mission: "The Thetis, Capt. Sir John Phillimore, arrived at the Ha vana from La Vera Cruz, hav ing on board J. Ward, Esq. who, with Mr. Harvey, went out as commissioners to Mexico. On their visiting the capital, they were received with every demonstration of respect: and nothing could exceed the atten tion that was bestowed by the authorities on these gentlemen It is confidently asserted that Mr. Ward is charged with im portant dispatches to the British ministry, pressing a recognition of Mexican independence, and that Mr. Harvey may be ap pointed Envoy, at the same time forwarding the basis of a commercial treaty. , Previously to the 'sailing of the Thetis from JLa Vera Cruz, bir John Philli more acted as mediator between the tmcHs in possession of the aiA i?,r' t t mi . iasu oan juan ae uiioaand' r "UJU" "iC the inhabitants of the oitv ldlsease (a case of genuine Small which terminated in a cessation "of hostilities." From Jllvarado. Cant. T)p- 1 r lt 1 --i nt VhUAlM 1 constant firing w tort n .land is now labonngunder the erup- tween the castle and town of Vera Cruz on the nights of the 18thand 19th ult. The follow ing particulars been received. Gen. Victoria i uotihe'd Lapt. Stevens, of the TJ. S. schr. Shark, lying under the guns of the fort at Sacrifi cios, that he would fire on all boats passing from the Castle to him, and would not hold him self responsible for any acci dents that might happen to his Vessel or boats. On the after noon of the 1 9th, a boat was seen coming from the Shark, which was ordered ofT. On the following morning Capt. S. sent Lieut. Hobbs to the Governor of the Castle to give his reasons for not suffering his boat to board mm. ihe apology did nbt sa ,..,., oj nut, oa- lif lit hie U. 1 noij ... . uuur, wno expressed some disnleasure. n v.o. u" 1 . . . - uau sent t n thn nmf A in the boat some American pri.Afchy, and Mr. Arrington's sc wuuiiduueen iakenin Sivinish ?fhnnnor T u.t , then returned on Shark, and in about half an hou afterwards, two boats, one bear- ins a whit fW wPro 9PAn proachin. the Shark from thVoun 0?h &UP10" Castle. Vhen within re"h ofjed in his!" the euns at SrJfiMnc. th tJ town on Mondar last5 fired on them, and the castle at ling alarm T- VT' the same-time opened upon theiunfortunatdv 2 town. Capt. Stevens suppo- was immed Itdv sn , mediately adjourned. r- inteWl ihp. nrisoners before mentioned with them, permitted them , to board the Shark, but learned from the offi- cer, that the ODjeci was io cx nw to Cant. S. the Governor's disapprobation of his conduct, :md to order him out of the Mexican Seas. The course pursued by Capt. S. was not known wnen tne U:uo sailed. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. IVest-Indies. Nearly all the Islands in the West-Indies. (HMi excepted) appear to be in Aftate bordcrimr on revolt and massacre the English and French are especially agitated. The dreadful day anticipated by all, and esteemed as of certain arrival sooner or later, seems close at hand. Great efforts, however, are making to keep down the insurrectionary spirit. Exquisite skill. An En- dish paper says, that twelve pair of the smallest scissors ever made, were lately manufactured at Sheffield. Thev are of the most beautiful workmanship, and are quite perfect, although not one eighth of an inch long ! the whole of them do not weigh one grain. FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1824. REPORT Of cases tvko have been sent out to the Hospital. Harriet Wilds came from' Wash ington, N. C. oh Wednesday, and sickened on the 'follow ing Friday, 9th, inst. Siie remained in 'Halifax, having free intercourse with the ci tizens and town, and receiving com pany at her own private rooms, un til Wednesday, 14th, when she was sent he hosPltal with the eruP" tion thick iinnn hnv Thnc f..i.i, Pox) has progressed very favora bly, and a tavorablc issue is antici pated. . Benj. Johnson, who had visited J her on Friday, 9th, and several suc ncr on r rmay, y th. anc seeding days, sickened on the 18th, tion stage of this disease 7ames McLemore, who visited her on the same days with Johnson. I has sickened under similar circum- stances; and althouSh eruption has as yet made its appearance, it may certainly be expected within the ensuing 24 hours, as he has all ,the premonitary symptoms of that event. The other persons exposed, who were sent to the hospital at the same cime witn Harriet, have as yet no symptoms of the disease, all ot them having been vaccinated. Geo. T. Kennon, II. II. JVilson, Attending Physicians. Mew Hojie Races Thursday, first day, mile heats for three year old colts, three entered, one vith- rtt . ... !arawn tf5U0 dollars stake. Mr. wctc v,o r-u- -t . $ ' T v";"' J "aJ vv,lt viumDorazo, dv ... . . J sorrel a;colt Little Billy, by Arthur, ran . ... ' jtttes " w,,.. . . . Presidential. At a meeting of the citizens of New-York, on the 3th inst. it was unanimously resolved to support General Andrew Jack son for the Presidency, and John C. Calhoun for theVice-Presidency. The following literary morceau was handed in, we presume, for publication. Not being connois seurs in the art, "whose golden touch can soften steel and stones," we forbear speaking of its poetic beauties. However, as it contains some historical information, a just tribute to the zeal and activity of our Safety Committee, and withal some wholesome advice, respecting the treatment of such characters, which may be of service hereafter, we publish it verbatim ad literatant, for the amusement and edification of our readers. For the Free Press. The natural small pox is ir.tro due'd, it appears, Into Halifax town, once in forty one years. Great credit is due to our Safety Committee, For removing the afflicted out of our city: The patient that brought it, Har Charles Harrison brought her, sure riet Wilds is her name, he is to blame; They ought to been drum'd out of town the same dav. And, further, transported to Bota ny Bay. All the suspicious characters are mov'd to the wood, And live in. an hospital, along with Bet Flood. The physicians pronounce that the town s out 01 dancer. But the people that's safest, to their ; house is a stranerer. The one they lately occupied is now I u.v,,., It was situated in the lowest extrc - mity 01 town: j Their boardinghousc, likewise, is J ueseneaoy an, ;ents; out as ne Pad not yet had And the old Printing-office we think I an opportunity to do it, he mo should have a fall, t 1 I 4. VI LMI T By this vile disorder wc have lost our April session, i As the Judge and the Jury are of the impression. That to stay here would be to en danger their lives, And carry home Small Pox to chil- dren and wives. Literary. Messrs. Pasteur v Watson, of Newborn, have issued proposals lor puuiistiing a weekly ! paper, entitled the "Carolina Ca-1 lea Messrs. Adams, Alex bmetr devoted to Science and Li- !ander, Tenn. Allisop, Barber, tciauuie: lo ue pnmea in quarto uonn. Hartley, Beecher, Brad form, at three dollars per year, i ley, Brown, Buchanan, Buck, nan pavauie on receipt 01 me tirst number. The want of a publica-. tion of this nature, "friendly to; tnougnt, to virtue, and to peace," ' has long been severely felt, parti cularly by female readers, in this section of the Union. It is rather singular, that while such praise- hill, Henry, Herkimer, Hol worthy attention is bestowed on the combe, Houston, Jenkins, John education of females, in the useful son, Va. J. P.Johnson, F. John and ornamental studies, that there ! son, Kidder, Kremer, Lawrence, I A. - .... . . 'TX1 I . . 1 -mr . -m. m- is nui a paper published m the state, exclusively devoted to litera ture and science; however divcrsi fied the columns of a newspaper may be, still it needs that particu lar form and feature requisite to grace the toilet or be the fireside companion of the accomplished fe male. A publication, of the kind proposed, will be found peculiarly entertaining and instructive,and well worthy the attention and support of the reading part of the commu nity. $7" Subscriptions received at this office. Congressional.-A resolution was offered in the Senate on 77 mc otnait, on the 12th STtJ 7 ay hext; which was laid over for consideration. On the i fthi the Houseof Representatives Bill; the followine ar the final nmr- n this taPrtant subject: 11 Trimble' of K'- call for the Previous Question. jlle said he thought the present a proper time to finish the de bate. It was known that 'one member was attending, contra ry to the advice of his physi cians, and two or three others contrary to the advice of 'pru dence. He admitted, thatsome courtesy was due to those who wanted to speak, but much he thought was due to those whose sense of duty had brought them to the House from sick beds. He wras one of those who had intended to present . his views of the subject before the final question was taken, and some things had been said on yesterday, which called for a re ply from the friends of the bill; but he had predetermined to waive his right to do so, and hoped that gentlemen on both sides would consent to close the discussion. No Tariff had ever been debated in cold blood, and the ckl members would support him in saying, that the debate on the present bill was marked with more temperance than on former occasions. He hoped it would terminate in the same spi rit of moderation and forbear ance, that had marked its pro gress. He assured the House, that he made the call under a sense of duty, but in the full spirit of deference for fhose who might oppose it. The call was sustained. Mr. Randolph demanded another count, which was returned yeas 103, nays 95. Mr. Webster then rose. He aid he had been waiting in the House for several days, laboring under severe indisposition, in order to make a motion in rela- L - ,. , . , firm tr rhic Kill airKmV. C "m, wmuii was ui vital importance to hisconstitu- ) mai ",c l " e oruerea 10 lw u iaue. Decided in the negative. The previous question was then put in the usual form. tM main question be now put77 and carried in the 'affirmative. The main mip.'sf.inn was thnn put, " Shall the bill pass?" and decided as tollows: liuckner, Cady, Campbell, Ohio, Cassedv. Clark. CnUh Ca diet, Cook, Crafts, Crai-, Dur- lee, JJwight, Eaton, Eddy Ed- wards, of Pa. Ellis. Farrellv. Findlay, Forward, Garrison, bazlay, Harris, Hayden, Hemp- !eier, kittle, lVlcArtiiur, Jlc- McLean, Ohio, Mallary, Mark- ley, Martindale, Marvin, INIat lack, INIatson, Metcalfe. Miller, Mitchell, Penn. Mitchell, Md. Moore, Keft.tMorsran, Patter son, Penn. Patterson, Ohio,Plu- mer, Penn. Prince, Richards, Rich, Uojrers, Rose, Ross, Scott, Sharpc, Sloane, Sterling, otewart, . Stoddard, Morrs, Strong, Swan,Tavlor,TenEvck, Test, Thompson, Ken. Tod, lomhnson, Tracy, lnmble,Ty son, Udree, Vance, Ohio, Van Kensselaer, v an V yck, Vinton, Wayne, Whitman, Whittlesey, White, Wicklifie, James Wil son, Henry Wilson, Wilson, O-hio,Wood,Woods,Wright.-107. Nays. Messrs. Abbot, A lexander, of Virg. Allen, Mass. Allen, Tenn. Archer, Baylies, P. P. Barbour, J. S. Barbour, Bartlett, Bassett, Blair, Breck, Brent, Burleigh, Burton, Cam breleng, Campbell, S. C. Carter, Cary, Cobbj Cocke, Conner, Cuthbcrt, Day, Dwinell, Edwards, N. C. Floyd, Foot Con. Foote, of N. Y. Forsyth Frost, 'Fuller, Garnett, Gatlin Gist, Go van, Gurlcy, Hall, Ha milton, Harvey, Hay ward, Her rick,Hobart,Hogeboom, Hooks, Isaacks, Kent, Lathrop, Lee Leftwich, Lincoln, Litchfield Livermore, Livingston, Locke, Long, Longfellow, McCoy,Mc Duffie, McKee, Mangum, Mer cer, Moore, Alab. Neale, Nel son, Newton, O'Brien, Owen, Plumer, N. H. Poinsett, Raul dolph, Rankin, Reed, Reynolds Rives, Saunders, Saiidford, Sib ley, Arthur Smith, Alex. Smyth Wm. Smith, Spaight, Spence Standefer, A. Stevenson, J. Ste phenson, Talliaferro, Tattnall Thompson, Geo. Tucker, Va. Tucker, S. C. Vance, N. C. Warfield, Webster, Whipple, Williams, N. Y. Williams, Va.' Williams,N.C.Wilson,S.C.-10i. So the bill was passed, and ordered to be sent to the Senate for concurrence. Washington, Jlpril 1 7. Af ter a discussion of ten weeks, the bill for a Revision of the Tariff of Duties on imports, has passed the Hoiisc of Ifrprescn- tulives by a "majority of jht votes, and is now, or rather will be on Monday, before the Se nate. The first "circumstance which strikes every one is, the fulness of the House on this occasion, indicating the profound interest which the subject has excited. More than one member, who was indisposed, rose from his bed to vote on the occasion; and, but for the situation of these two or three gentlemen, it is probable the friends of the bill would not, yesterday, have for ced a decision tip6n it, as they did. Out of the two hundred and thirteen members, two only were yesterday absent, one of them absent from the city, and the other too much indisposed to reach the House. So full an attendance has never been known during the time that we have been acquainted with the House of Representatives. The second circumstance, worthy of remark, is, that, with one or two exceptions, the dis cussion of this bill has been con ducted with great forbearance and mutual deference on the part cf the Members. Wc could not but remark, in the clo sing speech, yesterday, that, though the. argument against the bill was pressed with great force, there was not a word uttered disrespectful to the persons, or derogator' from the motives of its supporters.- The bill is now in the hands of the Senate, as the clay in the hands Of the potter. Nat. Int. Deported Slaves. The Board of Claims under the first article of the Treaty of Ghent (to a- l.ward indemnity for deoorted slaves) adjourned a few days ago until June. The evidence on the part of the United States, in relation to the question of ave rage, was all delivered probably before the 20th of March last. The delay now sought, is for the accommodation of the British government. No further evi dence on this subject is to be of fered by the United States, we understand, unless it be by way of reply, on particular points presented by the documents or testimony which may be offered on the part of the British go vernment. id. Fire.- A young lad, only 12 years of age, was lately burnt to death while asleep in a chamber of a dwelling house that was de stroyed by fire in Washington, Conn.