MISCELLANEOUS From the Charleston Courier. THE MURDERER.' Behold the murd'rer, as he stands With folded arms. Behold the blood upon his hands. He smiles but conscience is not still'd; He smilesbut yet his soul isfill'd With wild alarms. He flies unto the mantling bowl, To drown his care; But conscience never knew control. Doth he the sparkling goblet raise, His startled fancy straight portrays His victim there. With desperation next he seeks, The midnight brawl : But conscience still in silence speaks. 1 hough loud the shouts of revelry, tie hears his victim s dying sigh, Above them all. To gamester's haunts he next re To soothe his grief: pairs, Butvain his toil. Tho' years on yearSj And age on age, away should roll; The torments of a guilty soul, Know no relief. In vain the mem'ry of that deed, He strives to shun: Upon his heart remorse will feed, Tho safe, perchance, from justice, still The pangs of guilt will pierce him His race is run. till KliN ALDO. DON JUAN. From the 6th Canto. "There is a tide in the affairs of men Which taken at the flood" you know the rest And most of us have found it, now and thenj At least we think so, though but few haveguess'd The moment, till too late to come again. But no doubt every thing is for the best, Ofwhich the surest sign is in the end: When things are at the worst they sometimes mend. There is a tide in the affairs of wo men "Which taken at the flood leads" God knows where; Those navigators must be able sea men j Whose charts lay down its cur-1 rent to a hair; I Not all the revelries of Jacob Beh- man With its strange whirls and ed dies can compare: Men with their heads reflect on this and that; But women with their hearts on heaven knovs what! I love the sex, and sometimes would reverse The tyrant's wish, "that mankind only had "One neck, which he with one fell stroke might pierce:" My wish is mite as wide, but not a so bad,. skndsmuch mpre tender on the whole than fierce; J;being (not now, but only while a lad) That womankind had but one rosy mouth, To kiss them all at once from north to south. Selected for the "Free Freed." GREAT CURIOSITY. Extract from Sir Jas. Stuart's Tour on the continent, m the years law-, o ana o vol. n. p. 146. In the north eastern part of Italy, near the small town of situated at the foot of the Appe nines, is a curiosity which, for singularity of form. nnr hpiiitTr of colour, surpasses any other wme unaer my observation on the Continent Tf u however been noticed by any tltu vvnose writin -m . :4uainrea. it ls difficu 10 ueiermme whether it is production of nature or my opinion it is natural perhaps the exception of tv sin. Detached from the moun tain, at a small distan the pillar of chalk, measuring fivo. foot : i,:,ui Ta i fe rather circular, covered with moss ot jet black. It tapered vw,, d,stance Qf inches, when it spread into breadth of eighteen inches :s I It a in six the or thereabouts. In this part, on the front, were two excresences, circular at the bases and running into points. From this breadth it gradually lessened until it measured across twelve inches, when it again swelled out, for some four or five inches down, when it suddenly brokeinto two separate, smooth and tapering columns, which supported the whole fabric. Immediately a bove the spot where this separa tion commenced, issued a jet of water, falling into a basin of pure white, placed between the two supporting columns at their ba ses. The fissure, whence the I jet issued, was an elongated oval, nearly two inches and a hall in height, and about half this in its greatest breadth. On the inside ed, for the first time, at Guy's Hospital;, London, by Sir Ast ley Cooper. It was accom plished in twenty minutes, and the securing: the arteries, and dressing, occupied fifteen mi nutes more. We have no in formation whether the patient survived the operation beyond the day on which it was per formed. ELEGANT TRIBUTE The fnltnWinPr is an extract from the late Congressional Speech of iLdward Livingston, or Louisia na, formerly of Nw-York, on the "A very short time after the adoption of the Constitution, I was honored with a seat in this house, and found myself associ men . 1 l il 1 L :i. 1 - 1 .11. ntpri wit.n men. wno inoum u was 01 a Dcautuui vermuiion, 7 . . lrtWninW:c;.;ntB.n.iiw n' themselves called on to watch, the outside, immediately around Wlth me most jealous care, eve- the fissure, ahd for some small measure that could aliect the distance above, grew a moss of deep black, though shorter and more crisp than that on the top. The whole figure was an animated roseate hue, such as is usually called "flesh color." The. water of the jet, whose re servoir was invisible, was of a highly disagreeable, bitter taste, transparent and of a light amber color. When analyzed, it was found to contain water, urea, sulphate of potash, sulphate of soda, phosphate of soda, muriate of soda, phosphate of ammonia, muriate oi ammonia, lactic acid, earthy phosphates, with a trace ' ot lluate ot wine, uric acid, silica. independence of the states "We had Madison, whose cn er?v of thought formed a singu lar contrast with his mildness of language, and the suavity of his manners who always address ed himself to the understanding of his hearers, without any treacherous attempt on t heir in terests or passions: whose com prehensive mind embraced eve ry possible view oi his subject, and whose patient investigation left no argument unanswered, no sophism undetected, no false position unrefuted : Madison, whose works arc, even in his j life-time, consulted as the ora cles of truth, and whose tame will survive while admirers can Galvanic F,awerimevts.ltllsu whl '? admirers can will be remembered, that by the :beound for Scmus patriotism tu u.i and virtue. of Johnson was to be handed! . "Ga"ut a host in himself, over to the surgeons for dissec-!one 01 tne mosl exlraoinary tion. The curious results ob-,cxaillPles of the Powers.of Se" tained in Europe by the aid of nu,s SUKled b integrity and galvanism, led to similar expe- Pure PoIltlcal principles elo- nments in this case. When iuc,1L UI1U Ui . "ICS1S". ' " a brought into the room, the face IanSuaSe not Ins own interior t - . trk nr nonro in o r rr' Irw I rra rt was liviu and t ie hoHv sti to no native in a knowledge of the laws and constitution of his warm. A powerful galvanic lh8 laws and constitution oi his battery under the direction of adoPted country,he stood among Prof. McNevinj assisted by the first of those who then t"0'1 Prof. Griscom and Dr. Green- themselves specially called on Griscom and Dr. Green- tnemseives specially called on how, was made to act on differ- t0 dlenU them, ent parts of the body. The ef- here was anothcr who stl11 feet was startling to the specta- enjys the uninterrupted conn tors. Thp W nn.l nrma WOw dence of his countrymen in anotner nrancn ot tne .Legisla ture; when I say that I mean the Cato of ReDublicanism. 1 tors. rapidly contracted and extend ed, the hands clenched with vio lence, and a general shivering pervaded the body, the eye rows were drawn up, and the whose delenda est was applied to every abuse, every extrava uuvo lYwu uiciwu up, aim uie J ' J features distorted in a horrible Sance and cvery sPecies of cor- manner. The heart was laid 1U1JUU" 1 lieeu I,UL wruu inc open and seen to beat, and no- name of M(lC0n under the pic- thing but actual breathing was, urL necessary to induce a belief that' "Therc 1S ono sir to whom the man was restored to life I1. must allude, although I do it Mnnv nt t ,n ai uie nsK 01 onenuinfr me ne 1- Vx uiu oycuuiLuia wltci - o compelled to quit the room. !cac ot an honorauIc .memberof We are gratified to learn that a; this House then in the vigor .. . - J 4 a. I. 1 1 -1 . distinguished physician prono-lul oulI1 110 jomeu inueiaiiga- ses jrivincr a aetai loti nrrnnnt nri" AUllu uuuuMaMic these interesting- exnerimnnts in love of liicrty, which will never - ""II 1- 1 A 1 1 1 leave mm nut wiui me; ne was the Muratof the party heJlS- daincd defensive warfare: 'and wherever the measures of bur opponents were. Mailable, he made them feel the keen edge of his satire, or the irresistible charge of his argument. Mr. Randolph. the next number of the Medical Journal. Flying by steam. -The in ventor of the capillary steam en gine, for navigating the air, is said to have so tar succeeded, as to exhibit it complete to the as tonished citizens of Lexington, (Ky.) But greatly to their dis appointment, and no less so to that of the intrepid inventor, on making the hrst trial to "float in the air, the machine obstinately reiuseu to give up its hold of the earth." Nothing dismayed at this unlookcd for accident, the projector is still said to be coniident oi succeeding " in soaring as high as the eagles" by the aid of his newly invent ed engine. Surgical operation. The great surgicai operation of re moving the thigh at the hip bone has been recentlv perform- USEFUL RULES For sundry sorts of people. People should be ambitious and take aim at exalted distinc tions and uncommon attain ments. This proves the folly of attending to such things as common sense and common honesty anybody can do that. 2. Never pay your debts as so long as you can avoid it: In this way you will nrolono- thp pleasures of hope, and the joy "J anticipation on the part of your creditors. You know that hope is a?i anchor, and antici pation beats enjoyment all to muiiing. 3. Be careful how you be stow favors, for they lay people u nder the weigh t of obligation, and what can be more painful to freefsovereigfi and indepen dent citizens. 4. Never give a direct an swer: it is an awful damper to the imagination : whereas doubts and queries are the very stimulants to enquiry and exer tion. 5. Never give up your opi nion though you are convinced it is wrong: if you do you will get such a habit of giving it up, that you will surrender it ivhen it is right. G. Be sure that vou never forgive an injury: for if you should, it is ten to one vou may forget it and thus be exposed to further injury: besides ; it shows a want of spunk. Snuff taking. Every pro fessed, inveterate, and incurable snuff taker, at a moderate com putation, takes one pinch in ten minutes. Evcrv pinch, with the agreeable ceremony of blow ing and wiping his,; nose, and other incidental circumstances, i i consumes a minute and a nan. One minute and a half out of every ten, allowing sixteen hours to a snuff-taking day, a- moiints to two hours end twen- ty-fdur minutes out of every na tural day, or one day out of ev ery ten. Une day outot every ten amounts to thirty-six days and a half in every year.' Hence, if we suppose the prac tice to be persisted in forty years, two entire vears of the snutl taker s life will be dedica ted to tickling his nose, ahd two more to blowing it. UEIIRIXOS & SUA IK THE Subscribers have received on consignment, about 100 bar ids CUT HERRINGS, and a few barrels SHAD, which they offer for sale. ANDERSON, LOUDON & CO. , April 13, 1824. 4-3tp New Establishment. A Mr. James Gill advertises in an Illi nois paper that he has "opened a house of entertainment at the Devil s Bake Oven." LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Office, in tlalnax. the 1st day of jihriL which, if not taken out by the 1st oj July next, will be sent to the genera IFost- Office as dead letters. B Lockhart Wm R Rrinkley Robert Lolake Benj Baker John Lone Lemuel Bradley Jesse Lamer Jefferson I Boon James, 2 M BrownlowSar'hC Merritt Francis Bacby Nancy mutton Uscar C Clark Jesse Carter John Crutchelo John Crawley Beni. Corlew Sarah Collins B 2c O Cotton James Crawley David D Dicken Patsey Dicken M. E Edmunds Susan Elms Dixv, 2 Ldjvard Susan Euer Ellsha II F Fort Hilliard Flower LamroCk G GrinsteauThosY H Hilliard Isaac, 3 Hilliard Mary M Hardie Henrietta Hawks JnoS Hunter Jno B Hosper Howell Hobbs Edmund Hawkins Wiett Howard William MuirThacker Marrast Idlin !Medlin Martha 'Martin Thomas Myrick Edmund N NicholsonSar'hA Newell Curtis Nev ill Martha B O Osborn John B P Pettway Mark H PowellWilliamK Price Cammillo PowcllSolomon,2 Powell William Pitman James PettetMr. Pierce Nathaniel Proudfit Wm. R Russell Susan P Reynolds Benj. F Ricks Isaac S Smith Henry 4 Skiles William jSprewell E T Thorn Samuel U , Upton Joseph W Hutchins Little'nl Wilson R H Hamlin William Harvey Samuel J Jackson Edmund Jarison J Jones A B Judc-c J J Johnston Francis Wilcox LittlebV WilkesHV&Co2 Weaver Mary (Wilkes John Warren James Wells Juda Wilkes Henry Watson Thomas IsbellPendletonBjWaycheA A Jakes Etheldred Jackson Hardy T L Leightcn Jas 2 (Wiggins MosesL I Y YellowlvEdward April 998 JAMES SJMMOA'S, F. M. EAGLE HOTEL THE Subscriber having taken the large and commodious house in the town of Halifax, known by the name of the EAGLE HOTEL, formerly occupied by Henry Gar rett, and lately by John Gary, ten ders his services to the Public ge nerally, and hopes, from the expe rience of hiniseif and assistants, to share a portion of public patron age; as nothing shall be wanting on his part to render every thing com fortable. XT' The Bar will be furnished with the best of Liquors, and the table with as good as the market affords. THOMAS GARY. March 26. 1-tf Tlih GREAT PRIZE OF 100,000, Is now floating in the GRAND STATE LOTTERY of Maryland, Now drawing in Baltimore. Cohen's Office Baltimore, April l2d, 1S24. J7" Besides the above splendid Capital Prize of ONE HUNDH FT) THOUSAND DOLLARS, there are also now floating in the wheels, the Capitals of 20,0002 of 10,000 5,0007 of 1,000 Dollars; &c. the whole of which are liable to' be drawn at the NEXT DRAWING, which, in order to allow time to dis tant adventurers, will take place on Thursday, sth oj U.iy, In the City of Baltimore, under the superintendence of the Commis sioners appointed by the Governor and Council. Only two drawings remain to complete the Scheme the whole of the Prizes, are paya ble in CASH, which can be had at Cohen's Office the moment they are drawn. Orders ought to be sent on as soon as possible. Persons at a distance may at all times, with con fidence, forward their remittances to Cohe?i's Office i for if the great Capitals in the Scheme should be drawn when their orders arrive, and the state of the wheel will not justify an investment, the amount enclosed will be returned by the first mail. Whole Tickets - 20 00 Halves 10 00 Quarters 5 00 Eights 2 50 To be had, warranted undrawn, at COHEN'S Lottery &" Exchange OFFICE, 1 1 4, Market-street, JBalUn Where the great Capital Prizes in BOTH THE LAST LOTTE RIES were sold, and where more Cahital Prizes have been obtained than at anu other O fRce in Jlme- . rica. Orders from any nart of the Uni ted States, either by mail (post paid) or by private conveyance, en closing the Cash or Prizes in anv of the Baltimore Lotteries, will meet the same prompt and punctual at tention as if on personal applica tion, addressed to J. I. COHEN, Jr. Baltimore. 5t7"COHEN'S "Lottery Gazette and Register," which is published regularly after each Drawing, will contain the Official Lists of the Grand State Lottery and will be forwarded gratis, to all who pur chase their Tickets at COHEN'S OFFICE, and who signify their wish to have the same. :: Orders will also be received at the FOST-OFFICE, HALIFAX, Where the Official Lists of the Drawings are regularly received, IV V. n r ti 1 iui me cAituiiuauon OI an a ica.et: and Shares, gratis. April 16. 4-4t