4' JYa 8. HALIFAX, JV. G FRIDAY, MAY 11, iss-i. FOI J. THE "FREE PRESS," 2?i George Howard, Is published everv Friday, at THREE DOLLARS per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the same proportion for a shorter pe riod. Subscribers at liberty to dis continue at any time, on paying ar rearages. Advertisements inserted at fifty rents per square, or less, for the Jirst insertion, and twenty-five cents each continuance. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post fiftid. DOMESTIC. Small Pox. Drs. L. K. Mitchell, and John Bell, the physicians of the Small Pox hospital, in Philadelphia, have made a report to the managers of the Alms House, in which they state that the gradual dimi nution of the number of persons affected by this disease, induces a hope that it will soon disap pear. The whole number of pa tients that have been confided to their care, is 159, of whom 74 have died. Of those who died, two had previously been inoculated, and two others had had the Small 1'ox in the natural way; but not one had been vaccinated. Of the whole number of pa tients, 25 had been vaccinated, 5 inoculated, 4 had previously had the Small Pox, the facts in relation to 9 could not be ascer tained, and 115 were "unnro- tcctcd," a term by which the! physicians intend to signify that ' they had not previously had the Small Pox in the natural way, nor nccn either inoculated or vaccinated. Of those ''unpro tected," 70 died. In regard to color, the total of whites was C3; of whom 44 were "unprotected," and 24 died. The total of blacks, was S7; of whom 66 were "unpro tected'' and 42 died. i From this it appears, that, of the whites unprotected, about one-half died, while of the blacks in similar circumstances, about two-thirds died. Of the males, the proportion of deaths in the unprotected was nearly thrce lilths of the females two-fifths. Drs. Mitchell and Bell add, "that, though the cases are scarcely numerous enough, to enable them to draw an infer ence beyond the reach of cavil, they arc justified by their expe rience, in placing vaccination before inoculation and even a previous attack of the Small Pox, as guarding most ccrtainly against the fatal termination, though it may not guarantee as well as cither of the two latter, an exemption from the seconda ry or mitigated form of the dis ease." Aew- Orleans. It appears by Kew-Orleans papers to the 13th that the great Louisiana i-ank had been incorporated, and commissioners were ap pointed to organize the institu tion. A priee current of the 10th, states that the market had been more brisk the past week, and some of the best cotton was sold a shade higher. Mode-TslanTLx Conven tion to form a Constitution for he S ate of Rhode-Hand, will held in the month of June Gunpowder plot. A scheme was fortunately discovered on Friday night, 30th ult. which if brought to maturity wTould have destroyed a worthy individual; and no clue probably left to as certain the manner of his death. Mr. Lyon was employed up the Canal, in completing a contract which he had made with the James River Company. He was sleeping in a small cabin, and about three o'clock in the night, he was roused by a ne gro, who delivered him a small box, saying it was from Mr. E. a friend, who begged him to take care of it till he came. As soon as he had delivered the box, the negro retired from the cabin with great precipitation, a circumstance which appeared extraordinary and suspicious. Mr. L. took the box in and pla ced it under his bed. A singu lar glimmering appeared in the room, and it was traced to the box. Upon examining it, it was found with a covering; over it; the box itself seemed "like a window-glass box, with two small holes bored in the side to let in the air; two bits of candle stuck in augur holes, bored at the bottom, and a small keg of gunpowder, containing 6 or S lbs. The candles were burning low, and in a few minutes it is probable the explosion would have blown Mr. Lyons to atoms. Who could have contrived this nefarious plot? Mr. L.'s suspicions were directed by a variety of circumstances against a bricklayer, by the name of Macon Green, who had been de prived of the contract which Mr. L. had obtained. On the information of the latter, the Mayor issued a warrant for the apprehension of Green, who is now in jail to answer to the charge. -Richmond Compiler. Davit t Clinton. The re moval of this gentleman from the office of Canal Commission er, by the late Legislature of the State of New-York, an office he is said to have held the last 14 years, without receiving any compensation, has produced a great excitement in that State. In various places public meet ings have been held, to express their disapprobation of the pro ceeding. The Albany Daily Advertiser gives the following account of the transaction : There were until lately six Canal Commissioners. A bill passed the Senate reducing the number to three. About the time Mr. Holly resigned. on ac count of his defalcation, this bill was taken up in the Assembly, and the reduction agreed to, with some division againstfrauds and defalcation, on the part of the acting Canal Commissioners. The amendments to the bill were not agreed to by the Se nate, and owing to the want of time the bill was laid over, but both houses had as to the num ber of the Commissioners, redu ced them to three, and thereby legislated Mr. Clinton and Mr. Van Rensselaer out of office. Finding that the bill could not pass, but apprehensive of post poning both removals at the same time, Mr. Clinton wasse-l lected as the ohject of peculiar malignity, and he was accord ingly removed. I New- York Canals. Wc havei prepared the following abstract from the Annual Report of the! New-York Canal Commission ers, recently published. Both canals produced a toll of $140, 000, the last year, and it is calculated they will produce S250,000 the present year. The Erie Canal was navigated the last season from Albany to Brockport, 20 miles West of Genessee river; a distance of 2S0 miles. From Brockport to Buf falo, 76 miles, the canal is not yet finished, but arrangements have been made for its final completion in May, 1S25. The excavation through the moun tain ridjje atLockport, 65 miles west of Genessee river, is an immense work. 197,000 cubic yards of rock have been already excavated, at an expense of $ 1:25 to $1:75 per cubic yard, and 162,000 yards remain to be cut. Two harbors arc to be con structed at the western termina tion of the canal one in the iVinnnrrt rivor nf Ulanl- T?l- and the other at the mouth of Buffalo creek, near the village of Buffalo. The Eric Canal is carried thro' several valleys by means of embankments of earth, and a cross many streams by stone aqueducts. The great embank ment across the Irondequot val ley, a few miles east of Genessee river, is 72 feet in height, and that across the Sandy Creek valley, west of that river, is ele vated 76 feet. The great aque duct across the Genessee at Ro chester is S02 feet in length, and 9 of the arches have a span of 50 feet each. The stones which compose this immense structure were nrnr.iiiwl livblict-i ing and splitting from a quarry the top of which was from 6 to 14 feet below the surface of the ground. The quantity of lime used was about 50,000 bushels, i Bel ow Schenectady, arc twostu-i pendous aqueducts across the Mohawk, whose agregate length is 1892 feet. Between Sche nectady and Albany, the canal in some places occupies the bed; oi me river, and is overhung with lofty precipices; at others, it is forced through hills and spurs of rock more than 30 feet, in height, and in its course ra vines are filled up to the depth of 40 feet. The Champlain Canal, which unites the Hudson to Lake Champlain, was in operation the latter part of 1823, through the whole line, and more than a hundred boats were in use. The whole amount of monies received by the Commissioners since 1&7, is $7,516,667. It is probable the whole expense of both canals will not be less than nine millions or dol lars. Hamp. Ga. Affecting. Mrs. Hannah Stone, of Alexandria. D. C. cnm. mitted suicide, on the evening of the 30th ult. bydrowning herself. It is supposed, in consequence of the excessive ill treatment from one, of whom, by the ties of both God and man,she should have received any thin"- else, this interesting female has been driven to this awful crime, leav ing behind her a family of small children, one of whom is but three months old. Murder.-On ihe llth ult Ahel French, of Fitchburg, Mass. was committed to prison in Worcester, charged with the murder t)f Abel French, o&. The circumstances are as fol lows: It seems that Abel French (the person committed) and his wife had not, for several years past, lived happily together; that they had sometime since separated, when his wife went to keep house tor Abel trench, 2d, (who was cousin to her hus hand,) his wife, also, having left him in consequence f disagree ment. For some time past French's jealousy of his wife had become strongly excited, in consequence of which he went to the house of his cousin on the evening preceding the murder, where he made some discove ries which confirmed his suspi cions. The next night he again went to the house, armed with a knife, and by some means got in and found his wife and cousin asleep together. He immedi ately attempted to cut his wife's throat, but struck so high that her jaw bone took the blow and probably saved her life. He then stabbed her two or three times, but his cousin having in the mean time been roused, sei zed him, and prevented him from completing his murderous purpose on his wife. A strug gle now ensued, in which the elder French succeeded in stab bing the younger so fatally, that he fell and immediately expi red. His wife, though badly wounded, is expected to recover. The Navy.Ueut. W. A. W eavcr has been suspended, by order of the Navy Department, in consequence of the questions which have arrisen as to the cor rectness of his conduct, in the case between himself and the owners of the ship America; a formal investigation will be in stituted on the return of the Franklin to the United States. The proceedings of the Court Martial, lately held at Norfolk, for the trial of Lieut. Beverly Kennon, are to undergo an in vestigation in Congress. Great Fires. A dreadful fire broke out at New-Castle, Delaware, on the 26th ult. by which 25 houses were destroy ed. Loss estimated at $100,000. Twenty-three families are said to have been deprived, by this distressing calamity, of every thing that was esssential to do mestic comfort. A committee have been appointed to solicit assistance and receive donations for the relief of the sufferers. St. Johns, New-Brunswick, was visited with a destructive fire early in April; 40 buildings were destroy ed loss $200,000. From Mexico. Mr. James Crawford, who was shot by a party of robbers, while travel ling from Mexico to Vera Cruz, in March last, was a respectable and much esteemed citizen of Philadelphia. About 5 months since, Mr. Crawford and Mr. Andrews, (assistant Cashier of the United States' Bank,) were despatched by the Bank to Mex ico; for the purpose of effecting some important negociations. On their return from thecitvof Mexico to Alvarado, as consi- dcrable. danger was annrehended I from an attack by robbers on it - ?x ,,..' me supposiuon oi their having a large amount in specie, they were furnished with a strong es cort of 25 men, well armed, un der the direction of Capt. Mur ray, of the British navy. On uving at ruebla, they were deprived of this escort by the public authority, and an inferior guard of 12 iVnwM ly armed, Was substituted. A short distance from Puebla, most of this guard deserted them and they were soon after attacked by 25 banditti. Mr. rawioru was shot through the lungs, four of the nartv mA cd, and a courier who had join ed them at the moment with despatches for Capt. Murray was killed. Capt. Murray and Mr. Andrews appear to have escaped unhurt. The banditti made prisoners of the party, robbed them of every thing, and being joined by those of the guard who had deserted, delibe rated whether to put them to death; but, through the interces sion of two or three who had some remains of humanity, they vyere, after some hours deten tion and cruel treatment, set free. Mr. Crawford expired in the arms of Mr. Andrews, three hours after receiving the fatal wound. Accident. The stcamhoat Eagle, Capt. Weems, on her first trip this season from Anna polis to Baltimore, on the 17th ult. when entering the mouth of the river burst her boiler, by which one of the passengers, name unknown, a soldier recent ly discharged from Fort Severn, was killed, and four others much scalded! among the latter was Henry M. Murray, Esq. of Bal timore, (since dead.) The whole crew of the Eagle, including Capt. Weems, are more or less injured. Three of the passen gers fortunately escaped unhurt. The explosion set the Eagle on fire, but by the exertions and presence of mind of those on board it was happily extinguish ed. The son of Capt. Weems, a youth of 12 r 13 years, was littcrallyblowa through the sky light from the cabin, and yet without any very serious in jury. Insanity and Murder. A white man, who had been em ployed for some time in thft cooperage of Messrs. Kenny &. Bell, at New-Orleans, was on the 6th ult at mid-day, seized with a sudden fit of madness, and furiously attacked several persons in the Fauxbourg, St. Mary, and in Canal street, with a large Spanish knife, and with other weapons, several of whom he wounded. Turning into Chartres street, he entered thr barber shop of Mr. Moss, seized a razor, ana grasDinsr a fine. sprightly boy, who was alone in the shop at the moment, man gled him in so horrid a manner, that his life was entirely des paired of. The madman him self was severely bruised and wounded by the citizens who rushed in, before he would re lease his victim, or cease inflict ing fresh wounds. He was ta ken and committed for trial. -v M nit fVl T :. 1 t was tried at Florence, Alabama,for place the 19th March, 5c acquitted.