cpJh cT) ) crdS crd 5 J qV 5-Hr1 CJ1 JYo. 10. HALIFAX, JV. C. FRIDAY, .MAY 28, iS24. rox J. THE "FREE PRESS," i?y Georgz Howard, Ts published every Friday, at THREE DOLLARS per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the same proportion for a shorter pe riod. Subscribers at liberty to dis continue at any time, on paying ar rearages. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per scpiare, or less, for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents each continuance. DOMESTIC. From the Western Carolinian. AGRICULTURAL NOTICE. The Legislature of this State, at its session of 1822, passed an act "to promote Agriculture and family domestic manufactures in this State;'' by the 10th section of which, a Board of Agricul ture was incorporated, with means to accomplish certain spe cific objects; among these ob jects, one is the annual publica tion of a volume on subjects of agricultural and rural economy: fifteen hundred copies of which arc to be printed at the expense of the State, and gratuitously distributed among the farmers of North-Carolina, through the agency of the county agricultu ral Societies. The Board of Agriculture, at ts meeting last winter, appoint ed a committee for the purpose of carrying info effect this libe ral act of the Legislature: the duties cf that committee are prescribed in the following ex tract from the "Regulations" of the Board: Article 6. The Committee of Se lection and Publication shall select trom the archives of the Board, and from such other sources as thev may think proper, the materials for a volume on agricultural subjects; winch shall be published under the direction of said committee, accord ing to the intention of the 6th sec tion of the act of incorporation; rnd, when so published, shall be distributed, under the direction of the Board, among the good people of North-Carolina, by means of the County Societies. The Committee thus appoint ed and instructed, are desirous d entering on the discharge of the duties assigned to them. To enable them to do so, they take his method of calling on the of Jiccra of the county societies to select from the archives of their respective institutions, such ori ginal articles as they may deem worthy of examination, and to transmit them to some one ".uember of the committee. The committee take this oc rasloa to remark, that tliey will likewise gladly receive, from "ji'aelical farmers and other in , diligent persons, original com- ( muiMcationson subjects connect- f,il with Agriculture, or on the ji.iVitcal resources of the State. The attention of the gentle men composing the committee correspondence, is in a very particular .manner, called to this notice. It is desirable that thev should transmit, at as early a ,ia) as possible, the result oi t hejr correspondence and inves-tlSations--more especially on tJie subjects to which their la- oors were directed by a resolu tion of the Board. mmitteeofSelectionandPublica tion, witi their jilace of residence. Charles Fisher, Salisbury. uaniei m. r orr.cy, Beatic's Ford. Lincoln county. Uev. Jno. Muskat, Statesvillc lames W. Clark, Tarbarough, Vinson uimstcilj University A. C, Iniernal Improvements. The Bpard for Internal Im provements met at Fayetteville on the 13th inst. agreeably to appointment. Present his Ex cellency Gov. Holmes, Duncan Cameron, John D. Hawkins, John Owen and Thomas Tur ner, Esqrs. At this meeting Mr. Fulton, the Engineer of the State, was authorised to enter in to contracts for the lumber ne cessary to form the contempla ted Jetties in the Cape-Fear Ri ver between Fayetteville and Wilmington, and for erecting the same, and to employ such overseers and hands as may be necessary for removing the logs which at present obstruct the navigation of the river, with the necessary flats and machine ry for effecting this object. So that we are in hopes, in the course of the summer and fall, the river between Fayetteville and Wilmington will not only be cleared of obstructions, but that the flats below Wilmington will be also complete! vremoved, as wre are pleased to learn that since the Engineer has obtained the assistance of the Henrietta steam boat, the Mud Machine which had been made for the purpose (but which, for want of sufficient power to work it, had not been brought into use) has been very effectual in deepening the channel over the Bulkhead. Application being made to the Board by the Commission ers appointed to clear out Lum ber river, for instructions, they are directed to lay off the river into convenient lots and let it out to contractors, and if the work can be effected for the sum ap propriated by the Legislature for the purpose, they are to lose no time in having it done. Stark Armistead, Esq. is au thorised and requested by the Board to lay off the road from Plymouth to some poi,nt on Pun- go river, in pursuance of the se veral acts of Assembly incorpo rating the Plymouth and Pungo river Turnpike Company John P. Daves, Esq. having declined to accept his appoint ment to supply the vacancy in the Board occasioned by the re signation of Durant Hatch, Esq. Lren, Win. A. Blount, of Beau fort county, was chosen in his stead. The Board adjourned an Sa turday, to meet at Raleigh, on the first Monday in October next, or sooner, if the President of the Board deems it necessary. Raleigh Reg. Gas Lights. To enable any one to form some judgment re specting the illuminating gas af forded by Cotton seed, Mr. Olm sted proposes the following sim ple experiments: Exh. 1. Stick a pin into a single seed, and hold it with the tongs near hot coals, or in the flame of a candle. The oily vapor being set on fire as it issues from the seed, will burn with a white and pure flame. Exfi. 2. Put five or six seeds in-, to a tobacco-pipe, and close the ori fice with ' a clay stopper. When this is quite dry, place the bowl of the pipe among hot coals, ana spee dily raise it to a low red heat The gas will issue at the stem, when it may be set on fire. The stopper may be made of brick-dust, beaten up with water sufficient to make it into a paste. If a little quick-lime be added, it will dry the sooner. An ounce of cotton seed is ca pablo of affording more than 1000 cubic inches of gas; and the quantity of seed, that annu ally results from that portion of the cotton crop which is impor ted, would afford a quantity ex ceeding 2827,000,000 cubic feet of gas of a power. ib. high illuminating President, Vice-President, and Governor elected. We understand that Wolf, who made his escape some time ago from Franklin jail, has again left his place of confinement, leaving behind him a note, in which he has appointed the Sheriff and the Clerk of the Court, Presi dent and Vice-President of the United States, and the Jailor Governor of the State. Raleigh Star. Fayetteville, May 13. Wc are informed by a gentleman, who was present, that at the late term of the Superior Court of Lincoln county, Collins, the celebrated counterfeiter, who has so often evaded the claims of justice, was convicted of making and passing counterfeit dollars. His moulds, which were of steel, and very ingeniously made, together with a quantity of coun terfeit coin, finished, half finish ed, and rough, were exhibited on the trial. The sentence of the court we do not precisely recollect, but it consisted of fine, imprisonment and whipping. He is now in Lincoln jail, with his distinguished coad utor, Twilty, who was convicted at a former term of a like offence. Observer. Edenton, JSlay 1 1. On Mon day night, the 3d inst. the old Jail in Washington county, was set on fire by some person un known, and entirely consumed. Two prisoners (Asa Davenport and Jesse Swinson) narrowly es caped with their lives, the lat ter was considerably singed. They were however taken into custody-, and salclv lodged in the jail at Plymouth. Gaz. Negroes Fed and Peter, who were found guilty of Burglary at our last Superior Court, and sentenced to be executed, have been pardoned by his Excellen cyme ijovernor. lney were immediately released. ib. Slave Trade. We are grati fied to learn, that a Treaty with Great Britain has been received and laid before the Senate, in which a mutual right of search has been provided for, by the commissioned vessels of the two nations, with proper regulations to prevent abuse. Ihis mea sure has been pressed by Great Britain, as being indispensable to the entire suppression of the Slave Trade. The United States have condemned the trade as piracy; and a bill has been introduced, in the British Parliament, which no doubt has been adopted, having the same object in view. Each nation, therefore, has adopted the favor ite measure; and their fleets will operate in concert to suppress the iniquitous Slave Trade. It is necessary, however, to the complete success of the mea sure, that the consent of other maritime nations be obtained. mi x l i i nere is reason to Deneve, as Mr. Canning suggested, in the House of Commons, that "since he two greatest maritime na Uons in the world have adopted these measures, they may (vith great power and no small grace invite the concurrence ofother nations." Columbian Star. Fire. We are very glad to learn that the damage occasion ed to the public property, by the late fire at Harper s Ferry, Va. by which one of the work shops of the Armory was de stroyed, has been greatly over rated bv Madam Rumor. In stead of fifty or a hundred thou sand dollars, as reported, five or ten thousand dollars will'co- vcr the whole loss. Arrange ments have been made, also, by the Superintendent, with his usual benevolent consideration, so that few, if any, individuals, will suffer by being thrown out of employ, in consequence of the destruction of this part of the works. Nat. Int. Look at this, ye cruel fair ones! Had Mr. Wood been treated with that kindnesswhich a man of his years should al ways receive at your hands, he would not have taken a dose of arsenic: "John Wood, of Cas lleton, Staten Island, N. Y. aged about forty years, in a state of mental derangement, owing to a disappointment in a love affair, destroyed himself on the 4th in stant, by taking a dose of ar senic. ib. Slander. At a court of Com mon Pleas, lately held in Har risburg, Pa. in an action of slan der, between John Perkey and wife, plaintiffs, and Emanuel Cassell, defendant, the jury gave a verdict in favor of plaintiffs for $500. The case was of the most aggravated kind. We hope that in future it may serve as a bridle to the tongues of the evil disposed. Suicide It is stated in the Hartford papers that Mrs. Sali na Trcdvvell, the wife of Mr. Ebenezer Tredwell, of Weston, aged 2S years, lately committed suicide, by hanging herself. On the day of the fatal act, one of her sisters had spent several hours with her, and Mrs. T. was much exercised in mind on the subject of religion and her soul's salvation she urged her stny, but it was inconvenient, and soon after her departure Mrs. T. was found suspended bv the neck in the garret, life extinct. i being Died, in Quincy, Mass. on the 2Sth ult. Miss Caroline Ma tilda Smith, aged 16. This young lady came to her death in the following manner: a few evenings before her death, while sitting at a window, a person unobserved touched her arm suddenly and caused her to start. , Her involuntary enort was so great as to cause a rup ture of a blood vessel, which terminated her life. How much mischief has arisen from want of due consideration. Awful Casualty. Nr. Jus tus Warren, of Phillipstown, N. Y. was killed on the 30th ult. in a most shocking manner. While in a state of intoxication, he started from Cold Spring Landing in a wagon in company with two other men, determin ed, as he said, to drive by eve ry thing he saw. He started from the Landing with great speed, but had not proceeded far before those that were with u ? cautioned him against driving so mm npreni vni?r sume aanger. unreasonably; at "which he re plied, I can steer them through hell." These words had scarce ly escaped his lips, before one of the wheels of his wagon, while descending a hill, came in contact with a stone with such great force as to throw him from the wagon, on a sharp stone, which entered his head and instantly deprived him of life. One of the others had his shoulder dislocated, and receiv ed some external wounds, tho not incurable, the other escaped wholly unhurt. This man has left a wife and family to mourn their dreadful bereavement. Steamboat without a boiler. The Columbian Observer, of Philadelphia, states that a small steam vessel, the machinery of which, furnace and all, occupied only three feet in length and two and a half in width, and without a boiler, was witnessed on Monday,, at Philadelphia, driving a common ferry boat, with 12 passengers, at the rate of eight miles an hour. It is the invention of Mr. Hawkins ; and if the cylinder, which is only 7 inches in height, had been afoot high, it is said that the power would have been doubled. It is proposed to call this mode of navigation "the Steamboat Safe ty" not being liable to burst ing or scalding. It must spee dilj'' supercede all other boats. Canals. There is now a force of about COO men, active ly engaged at work upon the Chesapeake and Delaware Ca nal. The sub-contractors are advertising for 400 additional laborers, "not addicted to pro fanity or intemperance." Pet. Int. Increase of Domestic Lite raturc. Messrs. Carey & Lea, of Philadelphia, have in press and announce for publication no less than eleven American works: several of them pos sessing not only great interest but value: among the number we notice the Memoirs of Pi chard Henry Lee, of Virginia: Notes on Mexico, and Major Long's second expedition, all of them looked upon as valuable additions to our domestic lite rature. Incendiaries. Three persons have been arrested in Philadel phia for the late attempt to fire the State-house. One of the men turned state's evidence, and during the examination be fore the Mayor it was stated that a combination was formed to murder the late Mayor Whar ton, for havi ng req u ired of them what they were pleased to term excessive bail. The pistol was produced in court and was found loaded with slugsrtheir intent was to way-lay him on his way to GrayFcrry. j?lre, Eight buildings were burnt down at Columbia, S. C. on the 3d inst. i ? i X

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