HALIFAX, N. a FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1324. F0L I. THE "FREE PRESS," fy George Howard, Is published cverv Friday, at THREE DOLLARS per year, consisting of 52 numbers, and in the same proportion for a shorter pe riod. Subscribers at liberty to dis continue at any time, cn paying ar rearages. Advertisements inserted at f.fty cents per square, or less, 'for the iirst insertion, and twenty-five cents each continuance. Letters addressed to the Editor raust be fiost jiaid. "communications. FOR THE FREE TRESS. "My business in this state, "Made me a looker-on here in Vi enna, "Where I have seen corruptions boil and bubble, "Till it o'errun the stew; laws for all faults, But faults so countenane'd, that the strong statutes "Stand like forfeits in a barber's shop, "As much in mock as mark." Shaksjieare. Mr. Editor: It has been said by a great political writer, that all the go vernments that now exist in the world, except the United States of America, have been fortui tously formed. They have been altered, impaired, improv ed, and destroyed by accidental circumstances, beyond the fore sight or control of wisdom. Their parts thrown against pre sent emergencies, forming no systematic whole. That the go vernment of the United States emanates from a written Consti tution, and is a government of c.necKS ana responsiunuius, aim ; wnere mere is any ming worm is in theory the best that ever j striving about, such creatures as existed in the world is equally; men generally are, will use in true and incontestable; but whe-j direct means for obtaining it. ther its administration is best, Human nature, it is said, sir, is ? v i :lm:: i or whether the remark of Pope, the eulogist of the British go vernment, is about to be vcri-iall tied, that "that government is i best which is best administer- d," time alone will ascertain. I will not say at present, that the government of the United States is corruptly administered, but will not any attentive and candid observer say with me, that it has been for some years past carelessly and negligently udministered, bordering near on corruption. How will you account for the great and mon strous sums of money which the people of the United States have sustained the loss of, thro' the negligence, the inattention, or malversation in office, of the of- ficers of the government, whose business it is to take care of the people's money: sum after sum is lost to an immense amount, tind yet nothing is done by our Members of Congress to prevent this wide spreading mischief: it is time for the people to rouse nd inquire what is the reason of this public calamity. Is it not the bounden duty of our Members of Congress, who hold the purse-strings of the na - nun, IQ shameful ruard against these and serious losses of the people's money It is. natural ine boncrress is the encck upon the wicked mea sures of those who administer government. The Members of ( ongress are the Grand Inquest of the nation at large: it is their duty, as the conservators of the public, to be vigilant, and to watch over the welfare of the people; to sec how their money is applied and managed, to cause delinquents frequently to settle their accounts; and to see that the numerous officers of govern ment, such as clerks, collectors of the revenue, postmasters, na vy agents, contractors, &c. and manyother blood suckers should give bond and security for the faithful discharge of the duties of their respective offices, and the care of the public money: but instead of which our mem bers in Congress (with a few exceptions) during the session are seen prowling about the streets of the city, wrigling in here, and wrigling out there; intriguing for offices for them selves or for their friends; or in triguing and caucussing for some great officer of state to be the next President; feasting sump tuously at this man's table, fat tened on the spoils of the coun try, and finally, like Esau of old, selling his birthright for a mess of pottage. Such, sir, is a faith ful, but melancholy picture of the servants of the people. Turn them out, fellow-citizens, as unfit agents of the public; and elect others who will be more watchful of the public in terest: there are no hopes of many df them resigning when they receive eight dollars a day. How comes it to pass, sir that during the administration of General Washington that not a cent of the people's money was lost or misapplied? Have we in a few years become so dege nerate or so corrupt as to lose millions? I know that it is dif- ficult to exclude corruption; i - j i ji . ,i evcry where alike; it is the same in all ages, at all times, and in countries; it is only the ope- ration of moral and political causes that makes the social character different. The undue influence for offices prevailed at Rome so early as the 458th year from the building of the city, which occasioned the making a law to prohibit canvassing for votes. The difficulty of exclu ding corruption is no reason for giving over all endeavors to abolish it; we must resolve to: be virtuous, however difficult it may be, or we are undone as in dividuals; we must root corrup tion out of the United States, or we are undone as a nation; and finally the Constitution will pe rish; "Have not Rome, Lace demon, and Carthage perished? It will perish when the Legisla tive power shall have become more corrupt than the Execu tive." Who that lias visited the metropolis of the United States, during a session of Con gress, does not recollect to have seen hundreds of candidates for fame and for fortune swarming in the streets of the city, crowd- iing our public places, hangin on Members ot Congress, seek ing and intriguing for offices, contracts, places, &c. and which it is to be lamented too many of these caterpillars obtain, by un due influence, and without any honor or profit to the United States. It would astonish you, sir, to see mere Clerks in our offices of government, riding to their offices in the most splendid carriages, and from thence to their dinners; white drivers and a white servant standing up be hind the carriage, sometimes upon one leg, and sometimes upon the other, like a fiying Mercury, aping the manners and customs of corrupt and de generate Europe. To support these gay and costly equipages, it requires great sums of money; where does it come from, for a Clerk's pay is not sufficient to support him in this lordly style? From the sweat of the people, I will answer. Depend upon it, sir, "there is something rotten in the state of Denmarkt" NtMA. (Circular.) HENRY CLAY. Washington, May 25, 1821. The friends of Mr. Clay adopt ed him in consideration of poli tical principle, public service, and distinguished talent. Upon a full consultation, with a per fect knowledge of the facts, and a just estimate of all the proba bilities connected with the ques tion, they now determine to ad here to him steadily to the end. T. 1 1 . 1 ii is aue to mm, to nis nu merous supporters, and to the respectable States by which he has been nominated, to make this declaration. They were prepared to make any sacrifice, the country, the cause, or the occasion, might de mand. But his withdrawal now could produce no result, as his inends, m the electoral vote, would divide; their weight! would be lost, and perhaps in crease the doubt and uncertain ty. The election must, in any and in every event that can be anticipated come into the House of Representatives. He is now sustained by a weight of influence equal to that of any other candidate; he has more personal and political po pularity, and they believe' can compete successfully with any man in the nation. They now offer to the consi deration of the people the fol lowing candid statement of the relative strength of the parties ilrom Winch they will be able to muge correctly ol me views herein taken. It is useless to disguise or misrepresent the facts. It is due to the subiect and the People to state the truth; and all other means are disdained: It is believed that Mr .4 dams will have six states: Maine, Massachusetts,New-IIampshire Rhode-Island, Connecticut, and Vermont, 51 Mr. Crawford will have three states: Virginia, North-Caro una, ana Ueorgia, 48 Gen. Jackson will have four states: Pennsylvania, Tennes see, Alabama, and Mississip Vh 47 Mr. Clay will have six states Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, II linois Missouri, and Louisia na, 46 It is believed that New-York, New-Jersev, Delaware, Mary land, and South-Carolina, have given no decided indication, and that in these the question is entirely open. Mr. Clay is known to have numerous influ ential friends in each of these states. His chances are equal to any, and superior to some of the candidates. They will not speculate upon the probable votes of those states the changes that may happen, the. combinations that may be formed, and the events that may intervene. But, after the most dispassionate consideration of the subject, they are candidly of opinion that Mr. Clay will be returned to the House of Re presentatives. To the wisdom of that enlightened body, if it be unavoidable, they with con fidence submit his claims. Entertaining the highest re spect for the other candidates, they will not indulge in any in vidious comparisons of their strength. But it may perhaps be assumed, that if from any cause, Mr. Crawford should not receive the vote of New-York; if General Jackson should not receive the support of some of the doubtful states or if Mr. Adams should not receive the vote of New-York Mr. Clay must be returned to the House, without calculating any of the contingent or probable events that may render that event cer tain. If, contrary to all probability, Mr. Clay should not be return ed to the House, his friends, having done their duty, will be able by concentration to control the event they will hold in their hands the balance they will determine between the op posing and conflicting interests, and secure to the country a Re publican administration. Under All the views taken, it is determined to recommend to his friends to adhere to him steadily and to await with con naence ana patience me issue now pending before the people. ANDREW JACKSON. Virginia. At a meeting of the Fredericksburg Correspond ing Jackson Committee, held at the Town-Hall, on the 14th of June, 1S24: Communications were read from the Corresponding Com mittee at v mchestcr,&c. propo sing that a Convention be called for the purpose of framing an Jtiiectorai iicket, anu naming the town of Fredericksburg as the place for holding such Con vention. Whereupon, it was resolved that those persons in the differ ent Electoral Districts in this state, favorable to the election of Gen. Andrew Jackson as President, and John C. Calhoun as Vice-President of the United States, be requested to appoint Delegates to a Convention to be holden in the town of Frede ricksburg, on Wednesday the 29th day ot July next. Signed by the Committee. As a full meeting is desirable and it may be inconvenient for some of the Delegates to attend the Committee respectfully sug gest to such, the propriety ot appointing proxies to act for them. It is with much pleasure the Committee inform the friends of their Candidate, that they could immediately form a Ticket com posed of some of the most re spectable and enlightened citi zens of the State; butthey deem it best to lay before a Conven tion all the information they have received, and by concert form such a Ticket as may em phatically be denominated the People's Ticket:' The different Editors in this state and the District of Colum bia, are requested to publish the oregoing. TJie Committtt. Important decision. The Court of Appeals of Virginia de cided on Friday, in the case of Brooks and Hobson, that the securities of an executor are not responsible for the proceeds of any lands of the testator, sold or otherwise disposed of by him or his executors, under the au thority of the will of the first testator And that securities of the first executor are not liable for the acts of his executor, al though the will ol the first exe cutor may have directed that the second executor should give no security. Enqu irer. New- York. The Mercantile Advertiser of Friday, says:- "It is stated to us, by gentlemen who have made particular en quiries, that there are now erect ing m the Eighth Ward of this city, about one thousand houses; and it is computed that the whole number of houses built the present season and now building in the whole city, will exceed three thousand. Western Commerce. With in the two last years, no less than 10 steamboats have been built at Pittsburg, Pa. and there is now one on the stocks. Their tonnage was as follows: 240, 230, 120, five of 100, 80, and GO. Navy. -The trial of Mid shipman Barney, for the alleged muruer ot a sailor, on board ot a vessel of which he was mate, terminated at New-York on the 3d inst. Barney was acquitted, the jury considering it an act of justifiable homicide, while in the discharge of his duty. , Catholic Religion. A Ger man paper says, "The Pope has made an additional grant of 524,000 annually, de . propa ganda Jidc, lor the special pur pose ot encouraging the pro gress of the Catholic Religion in the United States of America." La Fayette. A New-York paper states, that this distin guished patriot has declined the invitation to come to America in a national vessel; and that he would shortly embark at Havr for that port in one of the Jins packet ships. Execution. Jones, the co lored man, convicted of murder committed on board the brig Holkar, was hung on the 11th inst. on Ellis's Island; near New-York. The place was sur rounded with steam, team, sail, and row boats, filled with peo ple. He was reconciled to his fate, and to his last moments confessed his guilt, and the ius- tice of his punishment. Ship-building. Cotton sails and leather bottoms will in a short time be substituted for hemp and copper. We have seen almost satisfactory evi dence in favor of the change. Economy and durability are certainly in favor of cotton and leather," if correct conclusions have been drawn from recent experiments. Petersburg Intellig.

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