mSCELLWKOUS For the -Free Press. Tn Mrliand unclouded youth. With heart of fire and soul of truth, I left my native land; , To wander on the ocean's wave, And hear its billows break and rave On many a foreign strand. 'Twere.vain to paint the varying scene, Thro' which I ranged from young fifteen To manhood's hardy age: :. I sought and saw in climes afar, The lands of song, of arts and war, Renown'd on hist'ry's page. Those sights were then sublime and new, And oft will memory review, Their awful grandeur now: But ocean's wave and foreign shore Can rouse a callous heart no more, Nor fire a blighted brow. . .t Those early visions of the heart, The golden dreams that often start Upon, the youthful mind, And robe the world in hues of light, To charm the soul of young delight, Are gone like fleeting wind. I said I Had a heart of fire, But as the brightest lamps expire, So mine hath ceased to burn: And the gay sylphs of Fancy's court Are now of Reason's wand the sport, Which they were wont to shun. RIENZY. From the Petersburg Intelligencer. OURSELVES AND OUR COUNTRY. Addressed to native American Bards. Let the East boast their wit, their genius and learning, And knowledge beyond the com mon mind's span; While the West shall unite, their own merits discerning, And show to the world an Ame rkanManl Let them boast of their bards on the old horse Pegasus, And tell how they quaff from Pi erian springs; O ! if they in reach would only once place us, We'd show how the Muse of A- merica sings: Let them tell of Parnassus, the mouth of the Muses, Calliope, Clio, and all the sweet train; Such heathenish names not only confuses, But muddles complete an Ameri can brain! If a mount we must have, there's old Alle&hanu. Where all may soar, who bear . our own name; And for a.'Pegasus, if we must have any, We'll mount a young nag call'd American darnel And then for the muses, oh! the muses divine. To the heights of Parnassus, we 11 never ero there: Nor fly to Pierus to cull from the nine, While thousands we have of A- merican Fairl OLD ENGLAND. , The following extracts from late! London papers, exhibit some of the "extraordinary" things with which John Bull is regaled, in these "piping times of peace." Boxing1 Extraordinary. On Monday last, two persons of the fair sex fought a manly stand-up fight of eight rounds, it the Honey wall, near Moke. They had quarrelled, over the quarrels of thexr respective sons, who were employed in the use ful calling of conveying coals by Jerusalem ponies. The A mazons took five minute time, and of course were upwards of an hour in the contest; they were well seconded (one by her husband, the spouse of the other was absent,) and had. their re spective Salvatani (bottle) hol ders. Average betting in favor of Nell, who was backed by her husband. After a considerable derangement of costume, it was declared a sort of drawn battle; but a challenge is said to have been given, at two guineas a side, for Easter Tuesdav. Nell has gone into training, and trim med her hair already for the next set-to, her long tresses havinsr been made a handle of by her opponent in some Chan cery suits. Pedestriahism Extraordi nary. The Herculean task of doing 100 miles in 18 successive hours, which has been so often undertaken and as often failed, was completed on Wednesday, at Biddcnden, by Edward Ray ner, the celebrated Kentish pe destrian. Previous to his start ing there came on a tremendous shower ;of rain accompanied with hail, which made the road very heavr. Rayner commen ced his arduous undertaking precisely on one minute before six o'clock on Tuesday eve ning, and went off at a jog-trct at the rate of about six miles an hour, doing the first six miles in 59 minutes. He continued nearly the same pace with appa rent ease, until the 59th mile, when he was attacked with a slight sickness, and bets were offered 3 to 1 against him and refused; he continued laboring under similar distress to the 6Sth mile, without little varia tion; after which he kept on his journey in a regular and steady pace, (resting at intervals mere ly for refreshment from one to three minutes at a time) until he completed the greatest underta king: ever performed in Ens- land, and some in cleverly at full speed, as though it had been a mile heat, seven minutes be fore 12 o'clock on Wednesday, .to?" ' 'Hanged, mother," re plied the. son. "Well," replied. the mother, "be a good boy, ana dont be .hanged in your best clothes, but let me have them. I had better take your red waist coat now." . Nothing Extraordinary.- A fans pas has recently taken place in high life. The wife of one of the wealthiest individuals in the kingdom is said to have deserted her husband, and fled to the continent. Something Extraordinary. It is said that corns on the toes may be readily cured by rubbing them with pummice stone. Mrs. SNEBEB, .if But not in vain; the Ueityt serve, our forefa thers of yore, Have plac'd in our sacred Ame rican fane: bee and imlnrP. arniusi me ringing ui uens, Toworshipandkneelletusbendvingf handkerchicls; the band playing "bee the conquering Hero comes,77 and other demon strations of joy and congratula tion. Gormandizing Extraordi rlary. A man who is now liv inr at Wins, called at Mr. bi- rett's, at the Goat public-house, Borkhampstead, where he ate 41 lbs. bacon, two plates of potatoes, weighing 4 lbs. a quar tern loat, two Dennv rolls. H Then while we can sing of our own lbs. of plum-pudding, 21 lbs. of Boast of ,o k a?s pickled salmon (quite high) and fcttmfc?0 wished the whole down with Kneel to our muses, and auafF fmm fur Quarts of beer, in the short space 01 an nour; me weignt oi the food and beef, taken toge ther, was upwards of 24 lbs. Our lyres shall be strung to love, freedom and glory, In fieace as in war, we'll prove ourselves men; Trom the wings of our Eagle, rb : . nowned in story, wen pluck ourselves each an American Pen! Tlnstnn nnhce. two mar ried ladies, dressed in lilac and orange crapes were brought be- fnro thp. court nh S:iturdav at tended by their better halves. f them had struck the other with a broom, in conse cuence of a great and intolerable provocation, which was nothing less than the taking lipid oi me brass knob on her door. They also told along story about little Tommy, five yean; old, and some old iron hoops. After B. patient hearing, the Judge advi sed the gentlemen to keep their wives at home, and discharged the defendant. The same day, a young lady was in court, we did not ascer tain for what offence, who in re ply to the judge, who asked her where she was born, said no where. . How can this be, said his honor? It's true, your hon or, said the distressed fair one, I was not born any where. I was bcrn on the water. "Oh! he look'd like a full mile in length, "And she like the mjle-stone!" fl Giant. A Frenchman is exhibiting himself in Ireland, who is seven feet four inches in height, four feet three inches round the chest, round the arm under the elbow, fifteen and three quarter inches, round the wrist "nine and a half inches. His open hand spans thirteen and a quarter inches, and his arms extended measure seven feet eight inches from the ex treme points of his fingers. His foot h fourteen inches long, and he weighs about 24 stone. A Dwarf One of the most curious of the many curious ex hibitions which . are now open in London is the Sicilian dwarf, whose levee in Bond-street is daily attended by great numbers of visitors. Miss Cramachi, for that is the name of this prodigy, is aoove nine years oi age, and only nineteen inches high, has grown very nttie since her birth, is tolerably well formed, the hands remarkably good, knows a little English, and has a good car for music. She has altogether the appearance of a genuine Liliputian woman at her full growth, and is, we believe, the smallest of all persons men tioned in the records of little ness. Thev started yesterday . at one T-l 1 1 1 .1 ,.f VI. I v. . - """WUIUP uray, ana me mai e u v . XA the iniiabitant3 of Halifax and Howard. The horse naci xne the adjoining counties, that she has advantage in starting, as ne came up hard in hand, and with fine action, a little ahead ot the mare. The word was given to start, and the horse led the mare off in fine style, and beat her a bout 40 yards, performing the three measured Jnglisli miles in the short space ofeight minutes and forty-two seconds. Top gallant last summer performed 12 miles on the same road in 29 minutes, beating the celebra ted horse Dragon, owned by 1 . Carter. All three of the above named horses were raiseu on Long Island. Mr. Purdy trot ted the Albany poney, on the same ground, against Mr. How ard, one mile; which was per formed in 2 minutes and 40 se corids. The Boston Blue horse trotted his IS miles within the hour; and the Treadwell mare uuticu iici nine hi unuui mHR Cwr;wc W : and 34 seconds. The two last I roWrc nn rmc;m,ntJ : horses were taken to England, where they have won several matches. N. Y. Evening Post, of 4thinst. j o . l ' " uas opened a fashionable assortment of xviiL.L.ijNii.KY, in tne licuse west i of Messrs. J. Hallidav & c.n store consisting of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, of the newest pat terns artificial flowers, wreaths and buncheji gimps, black, white' mm tuiuicu tuns, taps, turbae &c. &c. Mantua-'makin & done in the m fashionable stile. - Halifax, June 9, 1824. 12-tf 11. G. IV. Foichr TAILOR, TBESPECTFULLY infm. JDt Public that he has common I business at LITTLETON, whfii he hopes, by a faithful and punctu ! al execution of the work entrusted to nib cure, merit a portion of public patronage. Persons having- lmclnpco wifVi liim 0 al the Post-office. Littleton, June 10. FISH & OIL 12-3t Touch of the Subline. rnr . r 11 f. 1 ne ionowing is a literal copy ot a speech delivered at adeba tmg society in one of the wes tern towns in Pennsylvania: . "Well the subject to he ex cussed is wether ardent spirits does any good or -not. I con firm it don't. Jist think of our ancestors in future days they lived to a most numerous age so that I think whiskey or ar dent spirits don't do any good. L,ong pause. I V ell the ques tion to beexcussed is wether ar dent spirits does any good or not so that I conclude that it don't Another pause. 1 I can't git hold on tho d d thinsc." Another. "If one might be punniucu, unucr any circum stances whatever, to think that transaction so notorious, had heeu perpetrated as it was, I ceived on consignment, in ad dition to their. former stock twenty barrels Mess SHAD, of a superior quality, aiso a iresn supply of Roe and Cut ; HERRINGS, some in half barrels'; and about three dozea octties tAiUK OIL, which will be sold low for Cash. $ Jl 7fr. Simmons. Halifax, June 10, 1824. our fountains'. Oh ! who would not be an A nv Til C A XT -OK rTC.C a" AMb- The Stranger AiQllo,the God of Music. Liberty. On a hasty Marriage. Min.'..J i roll I o mio-VfwWa.: 1 oneof them, of the In ancient t; when folk dirt wpH di radnum. COnVlCted 0 was to be one at board ana bed; gurry at Ulemslord, was tnus ; maicned tor one thousand dol Hri"1500 ?ccostedby his mother: "Well lars aside, to trot three miles in charmer either bed or board, boy, what are you to be done harness, on the Jamaica road Maternal Advice Extraor dinary.On. Friday se'nnight as the condemned prisoners were entering the gaol, in this name f the Trotting. Last Monday's Evening: Post contained an ac count of an extraordinary trot ting match on bunbury Com mon, (bngland) m harness. lur. uiles trotted his mare 28 miles in the short space of one hour fifty-seven minutes and fifty seconds, which is said to be unparalleled, and that there is nothing like it on re- cora. .but let us see how it compares with the match be tween Mr. Somerindyke's horse -topgallant and Mr. Coster' mare Betsey Baker, who were Bi s G. T. & R. Kennon, TTAv I:G located themselves in MM. this mace, oner thtir sional to the citizens of Halifax and the adiacent ccimtrv. Halifax, June 6, 1824. l2-8t NOTICE. TTAVING qualified, at Halifax 1JL rebruarvscssiom 1854. nsF.v. ecutor to the last will and testa ment of the late JOHN WILKES, deceased, this is hereby to notify all persons who have any claims orde niands ajtinst the estate of the said John Wilkes, that they present them duly authenticated for pay ment, within the time prescribed by lawi otherwise this notice will be plead in barr of their recover)-. Those who are indebted will make payment without delaw asthees- snould be inclined to saw riuite tate will not admit of indulgence. positively, if I am not mistaken, Henry Wilkes, and do rightly understand the Ex'r oi John Wilkes, dee'd. subject, which I must confess is Halifax, 30th April, 1824. rtf a very dilhcult one, as I have, on more than one occasion said, with considerable emphasis to the gentlemen of this societv, 101' wnicn. ll 1 nm wrnntr I humbly submit myself tothe reproof of the chair, which has been so long filled with a digni ty and courtesy, that, if I may be allowed to express mv oni- nion for there is nothing which Lands & Toivn Properly AT PUBLIC AUCTION. T i 4m , . J , said town, on wn: I more heartily despise, than house, Dwclling-h adulation, I should say, in short, Stables, &a On. sir it is mv opinion that if the subject were rightly consi dered, it would he found very difficult very difficult indeed." Opium Eater. X woman was lately convicted in Phila delphia, of stealing opium from various stores, which she enter ed under the pretence of purcha sing the article. From her con- tessions, confirmed by the testi mony of medical gentlemen, it appears that she has been in the habit of eatinjr from thirtv to juny grains ot opium per day. An egg got in a hen roost in London was found to contain at one end an onion, absut three quarters of an inch in diameter, imbedded in the white, while the yolk was perfect at the oth er end. Dr. JOI1N BANKS, HAVING located himself at WELDON, offers his profes sional services to the inhabitants of the counties of Halifax and North ampton, generally. ' May 28, 1824. 10-5t BY virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed by Joseph W. Scott and John TunL, for the benefit of creditors therein mentioned, wc shall offer for sale, at Public Auc tion, in the town of ROCK-LANDING, on Monday, the 28fA day of June next, one improved LOT in said town, on which are a btorc- cuse, Icc-hcuse, One LOT in said town, near the river, on which is a large and well-built Ware-house. Also, one other LOT, Ware-house and Store, in said town. On Tuesday following, at the town of WELDON, several WARE-HOUSES in said town; one hundred and twenty-five acres of LAND, on Chockeot; one wag on, dray, &c. &c. Terms 6 months bond and ap proved security. G. IV. Batch, E. B. Freeman, May 20, 1824. 9-5t Trustees. Ten Dollars Reward. STRAYED, or stolen, from the Subscriber, about six cr seven weeks ago, a SORREL MARE, supposed to be about five or six years of age, with a long neck, switch tail, and a split in the hoof of one cf her fore feet, and having marks of plough gear abcut her when missing. Any person deli vering the said mare to me at Hali fax, or giving me information so that I get her again, shall receive the above reward. R. fl. Jones. Halifax, June 16. 13-4 Printing neatly executed AT THIS OFFICE.

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