raw racc JVa iO. HALIFAX, JV. a FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1824?. VOL I. THE "FREE PRESS," By George Howard, Is published every Friday, at THREE DOLLARS per year consisting of 52 numbers, and in the fame proportion tor a shorter pe riod. Subscribers at liberty to dis continue at any time, on paying ar rearages. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, or less, for the first insertion, and twenty-live cents each continuance. Letters addressed to the Editor must be; ost fiaid. COMMUN1CATIOJCS. roil the rr.EE pkess. ' speak net to disprove what Bru tus spoke, But here I am to speak what I do know." Shaksfieare. Mr. Editor: It has truly been observed., that "most of the difference of opinion which exists in the world, arises from the want of agreemcnt, as to the meaning of terms and of propositions. This remark was forcibly Called forcibly i to my mind, on reading the ob servations, in your last paper, under the signature of free dom's Friend. As it contains two distinct propositions, I will notice them in the order in which they stand. The first is t "Rely on it, he who votes direct ly, or indirectly, for any one who voted for that measure, (the tariff bill.) is himself a supporter of that measure." far from me be the at- tempt to justify the conduct of any person wno aavocaieo. inat mil in ffnvt mnnnnr iV rr 41. win. ah iccy iijuuiivi iiui fel low-citizens, should I have ob truded myself before you on this occasion, but for the maxim ,:that truth should prevail, tho' the heavens and the earth be shaken.5' And since, in this case, if we cannot applaud, vctte bcauidcalofa "judicious" must condemn, let us examine nf)P it carefully and dispassionate!, and cast our censure on the most culpable. Instead of suf fering our attention to be artfully directed to the West, and to re probating the conduct of a West ern Representative, who acted in j accordance with the known and expressed wishes of his consti tuents; let us draw a little near er home, and inquire whether our Representatives have been zealous and faithful" in the dis charge of their duty. It has always been a leading principle with the Executive of tne united States, that in form ing an administration the four great sections of our country should, if practicable, be as e qually represented in the cabi net, as in the Halls of Congress. The South has been particular ly favored by the present Execu tive: one of the Departments be ing repeatedly offered to citi zens of the West, and as often declined, was tendered to, and accepted by, a Southern citizen. Thus favored in the cabinet, and presenting in the national coun cils a display of talent seldom equalled and never surpassed, how mortifying to our feelings to witness the passage of a bill so peculiarly oppressive on this section of the country: how must that feeling be increased by the reflection, that an indi vidual to whom we looked for the protection of our dearest rights, has been so far forgetful of himself, and of the people he so wilfully misrepresents, as not only to recommend, but repeat edly to urge the passage of a bill, against which their united voices were raised in loud and repeated murmurs. That WM. II. CRAWFORD has acted in this manner, the following extracts from his Treasury Reports, cannot fail to convince the most sceptical: In 1S21 J2 genera I revi sion and correction of the du ties imposed upon foreign mer chandize seem to be required." in 1822" is believed to be expedient that the revenue should be increased. This may be conveniently effected by a judicious revision of the Tariff. 17 In 1823 "71 however, it be deemed advisable to give in creased extension or activity to the navy, or to end in ob jects of internal improvement, it is believed that such addi tional ?neans as may be re- Iguired, may be obtained bij a judicious revision of the Ta riff. Such a measure" "would he advantageous to the reve nue, salutary to commerce, and beneficial to the manu factures of the country." And yet, fellow citizens, with these facts staring us in the face, we are gravely told that Mr. Crawford is opposed to the present Tariff, and that he mere ly wanted a judicious revision of the one previously in exist ence This subterfuge will not nvnil Vipm T Toot- txrVir, l-,;0 warm friend and ardent support- ihc National Inielligchccr, 7 says: "It may be fairly presum ed, now, that the Tariff is set tled for many years, and it is a subject of congratulation, that, being settled, the revision . litis armrnrirhpri an rirnrht fn We are lurther told that he is a moderate laritt man. As early as 1818, the amount of du ties on a great many articles was specifically recommended by Mr. Crawford; most of which equalled, and some exceeded the present rates. I will no tice one article in particular, as it is only used in the South "On Cotton-bagging, 6 cents per yard." The present act has fixed the rate at 3 cents per yard. Let every individual, espe cially the farmer and agricultu rist, as they desire to thrive by their industry, and to subsist honestly and comfortably; as they value plenty and the bless ings that flow from it; as they wish for the increase of nation al prosperity and individual happiness; and as theyYegard the welfare of the present and fu ture generations, ponder well this subject, and act according to the dictates of their own judgments. We will now notice the se cond proposition, which is as follows: "And in the first place I will make this assertion, that should the character of an individual af ford evidence of violence or immo rality, that there would be reason to apprehend clanger by placing in to the hands of its possessor, the liberties of a nation, is a proposi tion to which all rational men will readily subscribe. That General JACKSON has, or does, possess such a character, his warmest friends cannot conscientiously denv , Violence and immorality are certainly very indifferent pass ports to public favor; and should an individual possess these qual ties, no person could be justi fied in advocating his claims to preferment, in either a civil or military capacity. That Gen. JACKSON possesses such a character, his friends "consci entiously deny:" and where can we apply for testimony so well, when people are divided in opinion about the character of a public officer, as to our national archives, and the repo sitories of documents; in these none can be mistaken, and they afford ample materials to justify us in saying, that his energetic conduct, mistaken for violence, has not only been exerted in de fending the liberties of his coun-1 try, and in promoting the hap-! piness and welfare of the people1 committed to his care, but that it has been approved by a vast majority in our national coun cils. But these will not answer the object of most of our politi cal writers: the "say so" of some, and the hypercritical comments of others, are pointed to as sources of authentic intel ligence, while public documents are abandoned or forgotten. Do we require further illus tration on this point? Some of our worthy and respectable citi zens are fearful of trusting this violent man at the head of the courtly and complaisant gentry at Washington; yet, should an attempt be made on the liber ties of our country, by the des pots of Europe, (which is not altogether impossible, however! calm the political horizon mavl be at present."! and it would i appear necessary to raise an ar my of 100,000 men, even these prudent jjoliticiansjxvould wil lingly place the violent Jackson at its head, and not apprehend any danger from the abuse of 'power.' And, no doubt, would again act the grateful part so well described by the poet: "When war and dangers come about, And all is trembling, fear and doubt, XA''ii -.ii i,: . c. v iiLdu ims veteran iiom repose To meet and fight his country's foes. But when the battle's strife is ended I hat country which his sword de fended, Shall bid the hero in retirement go, And twine their favors on another's 'brow Mr. Editor, when plain facts, and plain reasonings upon them, are clearly laid before the peo ple, they are as competent judg es of them, and understand their real interest as well as persons of more knowledge and better education. That they may read, rellect, and decide for them selves, is the sincere wish of your humble servant, Halifax. FOREIGN PORTUGAL. We gave in our last a brief sketch of an explosion at Lis bon, which created for the time much consternation, but which soon subsided. Some of the papers intimate that the affair grew out of a drunken frolic, but we have been able to find no good foundation for this sin gular movement. A thousand rumors were afloat upon the subject, at least 999 of which must be incorrect. It seems that white the King was shut up, and that when the Corps Di plomatique demanded admis sion to him, M. Hyde de Ncu ville declared that Europe only acknowledged the king. His firmness succeeded, and an Aid-de-Camp of the prince introdu ced the Corps Diplomatique to the king, who declared that what was going on was un known to him, and was not done by his orders; and that his son was about to arrive. In fact, Don Miguel soon arrived, knelt down, kissed his father's hand, and declared to the am bassadors and ministers that a conspiracy against his life had been discovered; that he had been obliged to take the mea sures he had taken to prevent it; that if the Corps Diplomatique had been stopped for an instant, it was because he feared some mischievous persons might en ter the palace under their pro tection; and that he now came to receive his majesty's com mands. News was received in Lon don, on the 22d May, the pur port of which was, that the King of Portugal had been re stored to the full possession of all his authority, and that the prince had been compelled, not only to resign the command of the troops, but to withdraw him self from Court. SPAIN. The general amnesty has at length been published in Spain. The principal exceptions are: The chiefs of the military insur rection of the Isle of Leon: the mpmhprs of thn Cnrtps who nm. nln'morl fhorlMti king at Seville; the chiefs of military insurrections in differ ent parts of Spain, &c. the as sassins of Venueza, the judges of Elio, and the authors of the massacres in the prisons of Gre nada. The London Times speaks of this decree as "a some thing called we should pre sume by the rule of contrariety an amnesty, addressed by the clement rerdinand of Spain to his subjects. It is sometimes said, foolishly we think, that the exceptions prove the rule; but in this case, certainly, the exceptions prove that there is no rule, for there is nothing but exceptions. All are pardoned except every body. That is the rule and exceptions in six words." It is said that the councils of the Holy Alliance have produced this amnesty. If so, the same councils will be most wisely exerted, both for Ferdinand and Europe, in con vincing him that what were once the possessions of Spain across the Atlantic, are no long er so; and never again can be come so. We say never; and we say it upon adequate grounds. TURKEY. Nothing certain is known as to the intentions of the Pacha of Egypt, and conjecture itself seems to be puzzled. The ac count of the great conflagration at Cairo is confirmed, and it is stated in some eastern letters that the fire was set by design, bv the Pacha himself, that, un der pretext of recruiting his fi nances and his stores, he migrht vcuse rnmseit with a good! .. i i grace from taking apart against Greece. Another view of the subject, however, is given in a letter from Constantinople, 0f the 9th of April, in which, after mentioning the departure of a part of the fleet, 3t is said that the fleet is only going to ther islands of the Archipelago; and that the Morea and Idra are gi ven up to Mahomet AH Pacha, to put down in the best way he can. It is also stated that the Pacha's son, Ibrahim Pacha, leaves Egypt with a regular force this season. , It is then ad ded, and if true it is a very im portant feature in this intelli gence that "they have hopes to treat with the Greeks, allowing them to govern themselves, on paying an annual tribute. They expect the Greeks will have confidence enough to treat with the Pacha of Egypt with the Porte they do not seem inclined to treat at all- and they are all in the right." SOUTH AMERICA. Perit.-A letter, dated Guay aquil, March 18, says: "I left Lima in the hands of the Span iards. They entered the city, 3000 strong, on the 26th ult. the handful of patriot soldiers retreated before them. All was quiet, foreign property was re spected, and no excesses com mitted. What will be the e ventof these things it is impos sible to say. . The Spanish army is formidable; but if Bolivar has time to get his troops from Ve nezuela, he will be successful but should the Spanish army press hard upon him before the reinforcement arrives, he will be compelled to retreat. Lima is now blocdaked by Admiral Guise. Business will be entirely suspended so long as the Spaniards have the com- mand on shore. Many voyages will be destroyed in conse quence, as there is no other mar ket of importance on the coast for the consumption of provi sions." The writer of the letter sub sequently on his journey from Lima to Callao, was attacked by fourteen or fifteen robbers, who wounded and robbed him, but some officers providentially came up and rescued him from the hands of the assassins. ENGLAND. The English Court. Tha Kingr of England latelv held a splendid drawing-room, at the urn paiace oi at. James, ana it being the first that had occurred for several years, it was most numerouslv attended. We ob serve the American Minister enumerated among the compa nv. but not his ladv. To r;VP. some idea to those of our fair countrywomen, who mav rpr- haps occasionallv be temnf pH to admire in fancy the finerv of such pageants, we have made two extracts from the court cir cular (which, including the de tailed description of the ladies dresses, occupies some. 10 col umns of the London Courier) relative to the disasters of this famous fete. The first relates to occurren ces in the royal palace, and al most in the royal presence, the second to out door scenes. "The company continued to

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