mscELiJiNKnus "Fou don't exactly suit me." A youth to me a wooing came, Fornitydid implore me, And hoped I ne er could slight or blame The lad that must adore mc; I liked him much, but hid my plan, To see Jiow he'd repute me, So, frowning, cried, don't teaze, young man, You don't exactly suit mc. He seem'd amazed, quite vcx'd he stared, Thenvow'dhc'dne'erdeceivemc; Says I, your presence can And,thereWpray sir.lca e me, To leave you, love, I never can, I swear by all your beauty ; Now praysays I, don t teaze, young man, You don't exactly suit me. He star'd, sigh'd hung down his head, Which prov'd I'd fairly caught him, Oh! haste to church, my love, he said: You see to what I'd brought him. Dear sir, says I, if that's my fate, To wed's a woman's duty, Let's fly, or we shall be too late You NOW exactly suit mc. From the Boston Palladium. O tell me not that wine will soothe The heart deprest with wo; O tell me not that wmc will soothe Grim Penury's haggard brow. For though its wave may beam as bright As evening's brilliant star, It cannot gild misfortune's night, Or calm the sinner's fear. O tell me not that beauty's smile (That sun of cloudless morn) Can black Despair of wo beguile, Or blunt affliction's thorn. For tho' awhile its beams may play Where health and pleasure bloom, Disease will shroud a pleasing ray, It shines not in the tomb. O tell me not that fame can give The cahker'd conscience peace; O tell me not that fame can live When hope and life shall cease; For though it points where honor bleeds, And bids the bosom burn, Yet as the lightning swift, recedes, When time hath grasped his urn. . But tell me that Religion's ray, Can light the soul to heaven, O tell me this can point the way To him on quicksands driven, And I'll believe;' for; well I know That this alone can save, That this can chase the clouds of vo, And gild the peasant's grave. ALBERT. From theLondon Literary Gazette. SICILIAN DWARF. "Seeing is believing," and upon 'my conscience, unless I had seen the Sicilian Dwarf with my own eyes, I could not have credited so extraordinary a variety inhuman nature. This creature is a female, and of the name of Crachami; a Sicilian kby birth, and now within a few month's of being ten years old. Hut it is impossible to describe the miracle of her appearance, or its effect upon the mind. To see rationality, sportiveness. intelligence, all the faculties of humanity, in a beinsc so incon ceivably below the standard at which we have ever witnessed them, so overturns dl previous impressions, that, even with the fact before us, we doubt the evi dence of our own senses. A tolerable sizea doll, acting and spcaKinfo would not astonish us ZZl J 5 f?r nature is in this instance, far mor6 ,vonderful than art could bP n i . tu De- Only ima gine a creature about fr as large as a new-born infant ner feet in all parts and CnTs uttering words in a strand wnmy voice, understanding what you say, and repl ; thU 2 s:,!Sine, I Say LUIS nnrnrrt ri ilA..i . "4 "us extraordinary rhr. nomenon. aj .1 f. more you reflect, tho I more incredible it appears that j this can be real. But true h is, here is the fairv f 3J" -P pismy of ancient mythology brought dowfi to your own day. The expression of her counte nance varies with whatever, af fects her mind (for, on my faith, there is a mind and soul in this diminutive lramq!) her beauti ful tiny hand (for the forefinger of which, the ring of a very mall shirt button would be much too wide around) has all the motions and graces which are found in the same member of a. lovely woman; she laughs, she threatens, she displays her fondness for finery, she likes her drop of wine, she shows her dis pleasure, she chooses ahd rejects; in fine, she is as perfect as a common child of the same age. Her walk is father tottering, and her voice (as I have said) very remarkable. Her general ap pearance is not unpleasing, tho there is a'little of the simia in the fcrm of the features; her health is good, and her body, limbs, &c. are complete. I shall visit her again and again, for she is to me the Won der of wonders. I took Her up, caressed and saluted herj and it was most laughable to see her resent the latter freedom, wi ping her cheek, and expressing her dislike of the rough chin. But her great antipathy is to Doctors; these have offended her by examining her too mi nutely, and. vhenever they arc mentioned she doubles her fil bert of a fist, and manifests her decided displeasure. Of her trinkets she seems verv proud, taking off her ear-rings, with the joyous exclamation ot "very pretty, for she has already learnt a little English. But go and see her, or you never can conceive the true meaning of Milton's phrase "Minim of nac." Pedestrian feats. A bout a week back a young man named Lloyd, residing in Clerkenwell, happening to hear some persons talking of the feats of Captain Barclay, Moore, West, and other .celebrated roadsters, un dertook to walk 40 miles in 10 hours backwards! The idea was ridiculed as an impossibili ty; however, on Saturday last two gentlemen came forward. in order to encourage the young man, and staked 30 sovereigns a-side, the pedestrian to receive halt the stakes in the event of his accomplishing the task al lotted him, which was only 32 tion, and to retort upon him that I would riot, "in . return, take that gentleman's, heart, how ever good it may be, if obliged to :take such a head into the bargain." . Extraordinary Freshet. - A writer in an Indiana paper says: "Last evening, (May 2S,) a Dr. Shinn, from Illinois, passed my house about sunset, in a one norse wagon, wun 111s wne ana one child, a boy about 4 years old. They went about a quar ter 01 a mile, and encamped lor the nisht on the banks of the dry fork of Indian Kentucky. About 12, Mr. Shinn found the water about two feet deep a round his wagon; and, by the time lie could loose his horse, and get his wife and child on it, the , water was swimming to him and they were washed off and drowned. Mr. Shinn swam and floated until he struck the mill opposite " my house, where he remained until day light, when with much difficulty we got him to my house, naked except a shirt, they not having time to put on their clothes. The flood was indescribable. It is suppo sed to have risen eight feet in twenty minutes. Diligence. An indolent, in active young persof who has not been furnished by fortune with independence, is a charac ter held in little estimation, however, bright his intellectual capacity, however congenial his natural disposition. Exertion is a virtue, and business is so much the duty of us all, that he who expects to be esteemed a- mong respectable citizens, must be not only willing, but must actually take his part in the cares of acquisition, at least so far as to procure to himself the essentials of life. In so doing, he merits the good wishes of his cotemporaries, and insures their assistance. CONFECTIONARY, THE Subscriber takes this me thod of inform in fr his friends arid the public : generally, that he has just returned from 'Richmond, with a . comnlete assortment 01 CONFECTIONARY, and other desirable luxuries, which he will sell on reasonable terms for cash. Candies, assorted Almonds, . Raisins, English walnuts, filberts, Oranges and lemons, Preserved ginger, capers, olives, Tamarinds, brandy fruit, Anchovies and smoked herrings, A few mantle ornaments, . Port and Claret wines, cordials, Porter, ale and cider, Stoughton's and spice bitters, Butter and water crackers, Venison hams and cheese, Bologna sausage, : Mead, soda water and powders, Best Spanish segars, Cologne water and essences, Macassar oil, and toys. India rubber, sun glasses, Liquid blacking, playing cards, Punch, lemonade, and all other refreshments provided at the short est notice. I have also a few of those musical instruments, the HARMONIOUS, so iustlv cele brated for their sweetness of mu sical tone and cheapness, being ah introduction to the piano. t or sale as above, a neatly fin ished RIFLE. Christopher Clack, Nearly 01iosite the Court-house. Halifax, July 1, 1324. 15-2 LANDS FOR SALE. THE Subscriber being desirous to sell his LANDS, both in Halifax and Northampton coun ties, he is induced to offer them at a moderate price. Persons wish ing to purchase will do well to make it known immediately. Dixie C. Fenncr. Halifax, June 23, 1824. 14-tf miles miles in under eight his hours, being S original chal lenge. At 12 o'clock he start ey from the Rochester Hunt, on Stroud bridge, Chatham, in pre sence of an immense assem blage of persons, and arrived at Clerkenwell-green, the point, of I 1 . . . t f ' nis destination, witnin o mi nutes of 8 o'clock, accompanied by about 200 persons huzzaing. He appeared much exhausted, but attributes that to anxiety of mind, and the pressure of the crowd, rather than to fatigue of body. London paper. Mrs. SNEDER, HAS the pleasure of informing the inhabitants of Halifax and the adjoining counties, that she has opened a fashionable assortment of MILLINERY, in the house oppo site Messrs. J. Halliday & Co.'s store consisting of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, of the newest pat terns artificial -flowers, wreaths, and bunches gimps, black, white, and coloredcurls, caps, turbans, &c. &c. Mantua-r.inklng done in the most fashionable stile. H ali fax, June 9. 1 8 2 . ' .? - f FISH & Oil. FfXllV Subscribers havr ceived on consignment, in aition to tneir lormer stock twenty barrels Mess SHAD, of" a superior 4ua.1u.yi iUMJ a iicsii Mippiy of p and Cut HERRINGS, some in half barrels; and about three cW,. bcttles CASTOR OIL, which u-f? uc auiu iuw iui vaMi. J.fyJ.jy. Simmons. Halifax, June 10, 1824. Information Wanted. fyiuiiun. is hereby given to a XI certain JOYCE HUGHES. (if living,) daughter of Hudson Hughes, deceased, w ho was bro thcr to Owen Hughes, (late of North-Carolina, deceased,) except the youngest of said Edward's chil dren, who has been supplied, that on application to the Subscriber, living in Oley township, county a foresaid, they will hear of some thing to their advantage, on produ cing unquestionable evidence of the legality of their respective claims. Samuel Lee. Surviving executor of Owen Hughes deceased. June, 1824. LIST OF LETTERS Remaininsrin the Post-Officein Ha lifax, the 1st day of July, which, if not taken out by the 1st of Oc tober next,vill be sent to the Ge neral Post-Office as dead letters. Anderson George Alston W W BurgessThomas5 BradleyJamesR 2 Bvnum Jesse A Brown Elizabeth Bishop William Boxly Tabitha Brown Robert W Bird Anthony Benford John A Burt Priscilla Cobb Thomas V Crowley Lemuel Clack Christo. S Davis Eward Drumgold&Pier- son P M Daniel's Ta vern Eaton Benj C 2 Freeman E B 2 Ferguson Win .ones Jenny Kerr lohn Lewis Elizabeth Lewis Leml Lewis Edward Monk Sarah Magee Iolin Martin Thomas Medlin Martha Morcock Edward Purnell M T Pcttway M H Powell George l ollock Georee 2 Powell Daniel Read Martha Ragsdale Benj F Kobcrts Marv E Sledge Henry Smith JasN R Spires Nancv Simons Marthew Smith James GreerArcIiiVldBpooner Abner Guion E P iSledge Lemuel Hill Wbit:nelll iSnorkcsmnnWin Urs G. T. & ILEcnnou, HAVING located themselves in this place, offer their po;Vs sional services to the ci'.k',en3 c; Halifax and the adjacent country. Halifax, June 6. 182-1. 12-3t Herton Thomas Harris Warren iShow lohn Sprewell Samuel Hoekida William Sumeuville lohn svcrrinz. Congressional While the tariff bill was under discussion in the House of Re presentatives, Mr. M'Lane, in reply to some remarks ol Mr. Randolph, observed '-that the gentleman from Virginia had displayed a good neau; but he would not accept his hca d if be were obliged to take his heart along with it" When llr. M'Lanchad finished his speech, Mr. Randolph rose, and among other remarks said, "how easy, sir, would it be for me to re verse the gentleman's proposi- NOTICE. HAVING qualified, at Halifax February session, 13?4, as Ex ecutor to the last will and testa ment of the late JOHN yiLKER, deceased, this is hereby to notify all persons who have any claims or de mands against the estate of the said John Wilkes, that they present them duly authenticated for pay ment, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be plead in barr of their recovery. Those who are indebted will make payment without delay, as the es tate will not admit of indulgence. Henry Wilkes, Ex'r of John Wilkes, dee'd. Halifax, 3Cth April, 1S24- -7tf 1 lu fin an lohn Harris Svlvcstcr Hawkins Wiatt Jrvin & Dunns 2 Isbcil P 1J Ivcy Robert .on?s lohn Johnston Will Thorp Beniamin Thrower lohn Winbore Henry Williams Turner Wilkes Hcnrv WcldThe'doreD Warren Thomas Wyche A A VcllowlevChar'n JAMES SIMMONS, P. M. July, 182483 Ten Dollars Reward. STRAYED, or stolen, from tho j Subscriber, about si:: cr srvm weeks ago, a SORREL MARE, supposed to be about five or six years of age, with a lnnf switch tail, and a split in the hoof 01 one ct ner lore teet, and having marks of plough gear about her when missmg. Any person deli vering the said mare to me at Hali fax, or giving me information so that I get her again, shall receive the aove reward. ' It. ?. Jones. Halifax, June 16. 13-4 Postponed Sale. LANDS & NEGROES FOR SALE. ,N the 3d Monday of July, at the Court-hnnc u',-1 11 1 1 1 "uniav will be exposed to public sale pUr' suant to the last will and testamcrt of the late John Wilkes, all the re sidue of "his estatp. bntk ' personal, consisting of Nine likely young NEGROES. mnstlv fallows nnrl Kmrr . iuc i'VAv,i wp.laad and rhf P!?,lses thereon the said John Wilkes did live, near Roa noke river, adjoining the lands of James C. Johnston and others, lv ing on onoconary, and the road leading from Halifax to Pfiiwi-. Ferrv. said to contain ona 0 j u arei., having thereon the necessary im provements for a small family vnc uiacr x i , not tar off in the Pinev wnnrU. nrlimn; .v! lands of Mrs. Fort, and others, and lying on me road lrom Pollock's Ferry to Tarborough, and is well timbered, said to contain 723 acres. 1 erms win oe mace known on the day of sale. Henry IVilkts, Ex'r of John Wilkes, dee'd Halifax, 24th June, 1824. State of North-Carolina, Northampton County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Scssio?is June Term, 1824. Henry Gee and others, Petition for to partition of The Court. j lands. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the heirs of Mrs. , (who are unknown to this Court,) reside without the lim its of this State: It is therefore or dered, that publication be made in the Free Press, printed in the town of Halifax, for six weeks succes sively, that unless the said heirs appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be heldfcr the county of Northampton, at the Court-house in said county, on the first Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur, the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. Witness, John W. Harrison, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the first Monday of June, A. 1). 1824, and in the 48th year of the in dependence of said State. J. JV. Harrison fC.C.C. Issued 11th JunePrice adv. $3:50. Stale of North-Carolina, Northampton County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions June Term, 1 S24. RobertG.Parhamn An attachment vs. j levied on land John A. Robinson, I &negrcGeorire Exec'r of Wii- f belongingtothe liam Robinson, estate of Wni. decea:ed. J Robinson, dec T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the detendant b not an inhabitant of this State: Jtix therefore ordered and decreed hj the Court, that publication be made in the Free Press, printed in the town of Halifax, for three months successively, that unless the defen dant, John A. Robinson, Exec'r, &c. appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held fcr the county of Northamp ton, at the Court-house in said coun ty, on the first Monday cf Septem ber next, and replevy the property so attached and plead to issue, judgment final will be entered a gainst him. Witness, John JV. Harrison, Clerk of our said Court, at office,, the first Monday of June, A. D. 1824, and in the 48th year of the independence of said State. J.JV.Harrison,C.C.C. Issued 11th June 14-Price adv.$r Printing neatly executed AT THIS OFFICE.

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