Miscellaneous, FOR THE FREE FRESS. Description of a Dandy Storekeeper. He rises in the morn as gay as a lark, As pretty (he thinks) as the full blown rose; Yet, so monstrous ill-form'd "and visage so dark, lie's a perfect terror to the buzzards and crows. After he adjusts his fine ruffles and curls his coarse hair, And binds round his gullet four or five rags; He's bewitchingly fix'd to receive the gay fair, To sell them some leno or some reticule bags. And while the poor noodle's thus happily employ'd, He's putting on airs and assuming queer shapes, Which renders the fellow of beauty so void, He really seems kin to the family of apes. The breakfast bell tolls and to breakfast he goes, As stiff as a crow-bar he walks all the while; With crying shoe boots and crumped up toes; And his walk is so awkward the dogs even smile. He meets on his way another starch'd clerk, There's bowing and scraping good morn ing, Mr. Tattle, The other in return whines good morning, Mr. Perk; And had they but herns like the common run o' cattle, They'd favor small bullocks meeting for battle. a mob of Negroes I beg pardon, ladies and gentlemen of color. Are the Negroes I mean the la dies and gentlemen of color, to be not only manumitted from slavery, but to become a privileged order privileged interfere with the administration of the laws to in sult our magistrates, and pelt our citizens . with brickbats Truly, this is carrying philanthropy to the end of its tether. We are for al lowing this modest, industrious, intellectual, moral and highly use ful class of citizens I mean the ladies and gentlemen of color all credit due to their superiority in these respects over us poor white people, who, if the truth must be told, arc little bctterthan we should be but, with due submission, I think they ought to be content with the superiority awarded them by Mr. Wilberforcc and the Com mercial, and not pelt us so unmer cifully with brickbats. An unfortunate White Mail. Bowery, 21st. Sept. One tcord in addition. Can nobody intercede with the negroes to permit us on some condition to pass up and down Broadway, now that the side walks are opened! Could not some arrangement, for I 1 j. 1 1 I He appears at the table so stiff and unwieldy, instance, DC maue Willi lliem uv As to resemble a fat maggot thrown on the; which the Street should be given The genUe'iandlady, the good Mrs.Shieldy, I "P to. tIienl onc Part oftlie Sunday Is really diverted at the creature, by souls, .'evenings, Upon condition they With his fine crimp'd ruffles and his neck UyouIdVlVC t Up to US another? all muffled, i . & 1 With a quarter score o' cravats so tightly! UllS, probably, WOllld 1)0 nmtUtl- T, t bound round; ! aaccommodation; as astout black i hat the hide on his neck by zounds is all i i i i i ruffled, man was lately heard to exclaim, By means of his cravats so tightly bound in a peevish tone, as he elbowed a He's iacedduP with strings and the d-l :11)' out of her way, "Damn these knows what, tchitc people, there s no getting Till his waist is contracted to one single grasp aJ0ii!rfor thcm."Ev. Post. His entrails appear to be wound in a knot, oj And seldom he breathes but with a short u ugasp' - r I The blacks claimed as slaves bv How he swallows his food I cannot conceive, ,i , J Or how he exists the Gods only know; ;the agent ot the executors ot an For were I to do so, I really believe estate in Virginia, have been rc- I should sicken immediately, and to h 1 I . l i i - i 4i should go. .turned to their claimants by the He returns to the store, and all the way civil authorities. We take this Like bloated toad frog he strides o'er the occasion to remark that wc rejoice ground; to perceive that there is energy e- With crving shoe boots and fine crimp'd nough on the part of our authori- runs 1 And a quarter score o' cravats all tightly : tlCS to SCC the majesty of the laws bound rouud. vindicated and their provisions He arrives at the store, but is so out o'wind, i ;. Tit ii ,Mtc o o , cained into ellect. w. fence; He's ask'd by a customer the price of his gin, And. in answer he whines, twelve and six pence. ). fie for shame! you dandy storekeeper, With your ruffles and muffles and silly sheep's head; Before I would be a dandy storekeeper, I'd be an old dog, and whine for my bread. Tis funny to see those dandy storekeepers, With their transform 'd faces and mink-like peepers; If you knew, Sir, indeed what geese they all are, You wouldn't give sixpence for six dozen pair. A Storekeeper but no Dandy. his head it came through at the side, shattering his scull in a shoc king manner. It is not expected he can survive,: the wound. He acknowledges that the act was premeditated, and states that life had become irksome to him. He died the following day. Sickness. Wo regret to learn from the Philadelphia Gazette, that the neighborhood "of Bush Hill, in the vicinity of that city, has become so sickly that nurses for the sick cannot be procured in the neighborhood. The sickness is attributed to local causes. Admiral Coffin. It is said that Admiral Coffin, of the British Na vy, during his late visit to Nantuc ket, purchased a fine academy for the purpose of educating all the children who arc1 named CoiTin, and the descendants of Coffins. The Admiral has appropriated funds for the support of the insti tution forever, and a gentleman of Boston, who is a descendant of some of the Collins of Nantucket, will take charge of the school. From the New-York Enquirer. A second time, and at no long interval, has the city been disturb ed, the courts of justice insulted, .and the administration of the laws impeded, bya mob of blacks I beg pardon, ladies and gentlemen of color. It is but a little while since Judge Edwards was bearded and brow-beaten, When presiding in court, representing the majesty of the people, and ot the laws, by a mob of Blacks I beg pardon, la- .i : ,,7 J 7 C . 7 o ticca unu gcniiemcn or cuior. ?5o far as I know, that outrage was ne ver punished; and impunity to a tirst oilence, is little else than an invitation to a second. What is to be the result of all ois! Are we to be governed by At the Court of Common Pleas, held in Albany last week, John Bennett was tried for an attempt to suborn a witness to perjure himself and found guilty. The Court fined him $100 and senten ced him to six months imprison ment m solitude. ib. Death for Perjury. Durino the present term of the Circuit Court, in the city of St. Louis. says the Missouri Republican, came on the trial ol John Brewer, indicted tor Perjury, committed in the case of the State vs. Patrick Soye, tried at the last term. Brewer was found guilty by the jury, who wore absent but a few minutes. The sentence of the Court was, "that he be hanged by the neck until dead." The sen tence is to be executed on the 28th oi this month. New-York, Sept. 22. Early yesterday morning Mr.IIcnry Gat- tey, optician, at 207 Water street, aged upwards of 34 years, attemp ted to put a period to his exist ence. lie placed a nistol to his J forehead, and fired a ball through Tennessee Banks. On the first of last month all the banks in Nashville commenced redeeming their notes with specie. Every demand was readily met, but the press was not very great. The Nashville paper says; "while wc congratulate the public on the re turn of the "golden age" and the restoration of a sound currency, we feel ourselves? warranted in saying, that no banks in the United States arc in a better condition or more worthy ofpublic confidence." There is now living in Vernon, (Conn.) a woman whose grand daughter's grandson, is a member of Washington College at Hartford. North- Western Indians. At the treaty lately made by Gover nor Cass with the Indians at Fond du Lac, there were present about one thousand Indians, who con ducted themselves during the whole negociation, in the most ex exemplary manner. A cession has been made to the U. States, of the right to search for and take away any minerals or metals, which may be found in their country. This grant is highly important to the government. Pure Copper has been found in so many places in that region, as to leave ittle doubt of its being abundantly scattered; and it will not be long before the procuring of it will be come a national object. While thousands of English op eratives remain without employ ment, the cotton trade has so far revived in Philadelphia, that pow er loom weavers cannot be procu red in sufficient numbers. One gentleman informs us he could give constant employment to forty more than he has at present en gaged, but he knows not where to find them. Of hand loom weavers, there is we believe no scarcity.---Gaz. Begging. Vo overtook (says a traveller) many settlers migrat ing to the Westfor when a man gets a little under the ueather iii affairs, off jogs he to the bad woods to sun himself. One started with his whole family c!? little children in a hand barrow and finding it excited the synW thy of the people, and was profit ble, he kept on thus the whole way, and collected $2,200 onthp pilgrimage, with which he bouj a plantation and is now beconip an esquire. -r A lottery vender in Hudson, jT Y. has discovered a new arithme tical process. Ha divided a tick et into nineteen eighths. Unfor tunately for him, the ticket so d. vided, drew a prize of 84000. jt is needless to say he fled from ih rewards of his discovery A trial for breach of promise of marriage was lately decided at the Circuit Court held at Newbury ft Y. Plaintiff Miss Mary Miller vs! Cornelius R. Bentham. The ju ry gave a verdict of $400 in favor of the plaintiff. Flax. Two mechanics of Low ville, N. Y. have invented a ma chine for spinning flax, which is expected to be of great value. For such an invention Napoleon offered a great prize. Hitherto, all attempts to spin flax with a fa cility at all compared with that with which cotton is spun, have been effectual. If this machine succeeds, the price of linen will be greatly reduced, and become an article of export from the U. States. Carpenters. A machine has recently been invented in Loudon, and patents obtained for it, which at once performs all the various operations for converting rough sawn boards into completely fin ished flooring. , It reduces the board to a uniform breadth, planes it, cuts the grove in the one edge, and works the feather or tongue on the other; it also removes the superfluous thickness from a suffi cient portion of that part of the board which is to become the un der side of the floor and even takes offa minute portion of the arris. that the joints may enter with more tacility in laying it down; the whole being executed in a superior man ner, and, as may readily be ima gined, with more accuracy than if performed by the most skilful workmen. late French paper states, that the wife of a baker at Lyons had been delived of seven children. Her delivery was premature (being m the fifth mnnf h rf ln. ...wwii v,4 pi tj utility but six of the children were born 1 -T - anvc. iN one of them, howcy, survived their births manyminufc A Reverend gentleman, obvi ously wishing to excite among his simple and unlettered parishoners a high admiration of his original Iky and profundity proposed to a countryman the following ques tion: "Can you tell me, myVriciul how long Adam was in Paradise before he sinned!" "Just until he gat a wife," promptly replied the rustic disciple. Avoid every action tending i the least to immoralitv.

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