''TV ' - ' -! 1 - o) h cp1 ip o)cfo) s d b cLscLsn Whole No. 114. Tarborongh, Edgecombe County, N. C. Tuesday, October 31, 1820. Fo7. llLNo. to. I i i " THE "FREE PRESS," ?; Gfo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Tuesday,) at 'frO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers.) if PaK within one month after Sub fcrifoers commence receiving their papers T:vo Dollars tJ Fifty Cents, if paid within sjx months and Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears.! Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be tost f: aid. ' ' JT'James Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Hilifax.is our general agent for that vicinity. 11. Johnston, MERCHANT TAILQR, WISHES to inform his friends and the public general!);, that he has jist returned from A cm?- 1 'ark, with his V-jll supply of newly imported GOODS, i:i his line of business, such as Superfine Cloths of the most fashion able colors, do. cassimercs do. a handsome assortment of Vcstings also, a complete assortment of Trimmings, 'C. All of which he is determined to sell low for Cash, or on a credit to punctual customers. He yet continues at his late stand, nearly opposite the Court house, where he will thankfully receive all orders in his line of business, and pledges himself to execute the same in the most fashionable and neatest manner. Tarborough, Oct. 5, 1S2G. 7 KING & G JIT LIN, TAILORS, TlflSH to inform their friends and the public generally, that they have re cently entered into Co-partnership, and taken for their stand, the house opposite the shop of Doctors Hall & Sugg, next door above the store of Henry Austin, Esq. and a few. doors below the Post Office where they will thankfully re ceive all order.s in their line of business, and(hayingjust received a general assort ment of the best Trimmings that could be procured in New-York) pledge them selves to execute their work in the most faithful, neat, and fashionable manner. In doing this, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. Tarborough, Oct. IS, 1S26. 9 Jailors Notice. HHAKEN up and committed to the Jail of Halifax county, a negro man who says his name is Gideon, and belongs to Mr. Richard Taylor, of Granville coun ty, N. C.J The said negro is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, dark complex ion, and appears to be between 50 and CO years of asre. The oxvner is hereby notified to come forward, prove proper ty, pay charges and take mm away, otherwise he will be disposed of as the law directs. Dixie C. Fenner, Jailor. Halifax, 19th Sept. 1826. 5 Thirty Dollars Heward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, on Sunday night, the y. A. v. ' m - ti 12th of March last, a negro wo man, named POLLY, about 28 &Syears old, nearly five feet high, yellow complexion, spare made, has a mild look and genteel appearance, (for a negro, ) when well dressed; sne is an expert hand at roguery, and is well cat culated to deceive unless tightly and closely examined. She was seduced a way by a black free negro, Carter New zom by name, a shoemaker by trade, vho is about 30 years of age, 5 feet G or S inches high, thick set, has a pleasant countenance and very wnue iccin, which he shews very much when speak ing or laughing: he is strongly suspect ed of being a runaway slave. In my former advertisement, I stated that from threats which the wench made prior to her elopement, they would, by chang ing their names, and getting forged free papers, endeavor to make their escape it) some free state: since that time, they have been lurking about Halifax town in the vicinity of which, they probably arc at this time. AH persons arc tor warnprl frnm b-irhnrinf or carrying off said negro usderthc penalty of the law the above reward, with all reasonaoi charges, will be paid for securing said woman in any jail, so that I get her gain, or for her delivery to me. Lunsford IV., Scott Halifax co. N. C nn I E Corner Stone nf tho Mnsnnir . Hall of Morning Star Lodge, No. 85, in Nashville, will be laid on Wed esday, the 1st November next, and an ORATION delivered bV Dr. B. B. Iuxter. 1 lie members of the frater it V, the workmen engaged in the ercc tion ot the building, and citizens, arc respectfully invited to attend. By order of the Worshiplul Master,, . BLOUNT, Sec'y. Oct. 20, 182G. 9 August 15, 1826. 1-tf Jllanlt Warrants for sale, Neiv Hope Fall Races, ' FOR 182C, WILL commence on Titesday, the 147. AT I a 1 l it ii j.YULciuc vitrei, anu uuuuuuc OUR days - First Day A purse, $200, Iwo mile heats entrance 15. Second Day Proprietor's purse S200, two mile heats entrance $15. nil . w r -r . intra nay jog Key uiuo purse, 400, three mile heats entrance 20. Fourth Day The Ladies1 Purse, S200, two mile heats entrance $15. MONEY UP on each day without discount. Toll collected at the gate as usual, and New-Market rules to govern the course. By order of the Club, E. B. FREEMAN, Sec'i. Halifax, N. C. Oct. 10. 9-3 (CjThe Pronrietor will have the 1 rack in good order, and will furnish stables and litter for Race Horses, as usual, gratis. He pledges himself to afford every accommodation in his pow er, to render the time of the sportsmen and others who may call on him pleasant and agreeable. JVM. M. WEST, Proprietor. Notice. PHE Subscribers Have associated them selves together under the firm of J. If. SIMMONS $ CO. And intend carrying on the mercantile business at Enfield for a number of years. They hope to share a liberal proportion of public patronage. , , J. li. SIMMONS. R. H. CROWELL. C.COLE. (jTpJ. II. Simmons & Co. expect dai ly a general assortment of DRY GOODS, part of which are very cheap; Hats, Straw, Leghorn and Silk Bonnets, part of which are veryhandsome',Hard- ware, trims, Cutlery, Shoes and Boots, Groceries, Crockery, &'C. cc. All ot which being bought in New-York for Cash, and a part at Auction they can and will sell on the most moderate terms for Cash, Country Produce, or on a cre dit (to punctual customers) until the 1st next January. J. 11. Simmons ot to. wish to buy a quantity of seed Cotton, for which the highest cash price will be given. r ' ' : QWe have also a few sets elegant Plated Gig Harness, which will be sold at the reduced price of 3Q. Enfield, 17A Oct. 1826. 9-5 Commit. Notice. N Tuesday, the 14th of Nov. next, (if fair, or the next fair day,) will be Frecma$ons.We were in error in some of the particulars relative to the recent transactions .at Ba tavia, N. Y. It seems that a Capt. Morgan, a Royal Arch Mason, has been for many years compiling a Drs. Dnncy & lloyhin, AVING entered into Co-partner shin, bes: leave to inform the citi zens of Edgecombe, that they arc prepa- ed to enter into the practice of the va ious branches of their professional du ties, (viz.) Midwifery, Surgery, ana the Practice of Medicine. Orders luit at lheir residences or at their shop, will be promptly attended. They also inform the J.ublic, that they have furnished themselves with a fresh and plentiful supply of Medicines, and intend keeping on hand a like sup ply, which they will sell at wholesale or retail, upon as low terms as they can pc purchased in any part of the Slate. Tarboro', Sept. 1, 1S2G. 3 ex hou posed to Public Sale, at the dwelling-! work oh Masonry, or rather in use of Col. Rhesa Read, decM, the! compiling all the secrets and mvs- planfation utensils, house and Utch- teries of the craft, which Mr: Mil cn furniture the crop of fodder and 0f Batavia agreed t6: publish. corn, and the stock of every descnp- . ,T . F tion, consisting of horses, sheep, coivs'V j c- and hozs. Those wishing: to purchase jnarulaigua on a charge of petit iceves and good hogs, will do well to ' larceny was released and then attend, as a large quantity will be sold, j imprisoned for debt, and it IS a Upon all sums over Ten dollars a creditfuct that he has been Carried off of twelve, and under, of six montjis wi 1 ; rinft unmva lvl1prA n q re count has been received of him. A number of persons have peti tioned the Governor to issue a pro-,, clamation offering a reward for his discoveryv The whole affair is mysterious. Mr. Follet of the Times had no participation in the transaction. ' Cabinet-making, Turning, &c. THE Subscriber having erected a complete workshop for the above business in all its various branches, re spectfully iuforms his friends and the public in general, tnai ne is now prepa red to execute any work in his line that he may receive orders for, viz: Sideboards, China presses, secreta ries.1 boolc-cascs, bureaus, tables, ' ivash-stands, candle-stands, gentle men's and ladiesr ivardrobcs, ladies and gentlemen's cabinets, cylinder fall desks, portable' and common do. and bedsteaas of an aesenpuons. The work in general will be well execu ted, 2nd of good materials. ALSO, THE TURNING BUSINESS, Will be carried on in all Wi branches, viz: Wood, iron, brass, ivory, fyc. Carpenters who may want turning done can be accommodated., with the turning of columns, newelV posts, "ballcslers drops, corner blocks, rosettes, ccc. The above work will be executed as rViMn ns the times will admit of, and in as short time as it can be done. LE WIS LA 'SSARD. Halt fax, Sept. 1896- bc given. MJili TljS litlJlU, Executor. (tpAll persons holding claims against the estate, are requested to present them, and those indebted to it to make imme- liate payment, as further indulgence cannot be given. M. RLAD. Halifax, N C. nth Oct. 1826. Nc7V and Fashionable. nHHE Subscibers have just received a new assortment of the most fashion able GOODS, consisting of British, French, India and American, together with a good assortment of Groceries, Hardware and Crockery: Which can be bought of the Subscribers fat the store formerly occupied by J. B. Calland) on the most accommodating terms. Those who wish tocombinee- conomy with beaut', will not be disap pointed by calling on the bubsenbers. Terms of credit, twelve months- those who settle before the time stipulated, will be allowed a deduction of. five per cent. A liberal price will be given for Peas and Cotton in trade. , H.bJ. J. WATTS. Clark's Store, Oct. 13, 1S26. , 8-2 Gambling. -The following is the copy of an endorsement on a 820 bank note, lately received by a person in New-Orleans: "This is the last note of $10,000 lost at gaming in the city of iNfew- Orleans: May he or they into whose hands it next falls, turn it to better account than did D.A.M. Uillintry & Mantua-making. US. SNJfciiiH respecttuiiy in forms the inhabitants of Halifax and vicinity, that she still continues the Millinery and Mantua-making busi ness in Halifax, and has on hand, as as usual, a general assortment of Ladies' fancy goods Persons indebted to her are earnestly requested to call and settle their accounts immediately, as she is de sirous of laying in her fall supply as early as possible. ; Halifax, Aug. 15, 182G," Mails.Yo postmaster gene al has proposed a change in the carrying oi me mail between Washington City and Charleston, S. C. by which the whole route, 560 miles will be travelled in 127 hours, including 14 hours stop page. " " . v, "v... ." In the ,Vice Chancellor's Court, Qreat'Britain, a suit lately ended, with the consent of both parties which had laste'd fifty years, The number of illegitimate, chil dren borii in Paris during the yeaj 1825? was 10,224. '