Xorfolk According to the Re port of the Board of Health, the total number of Deaths in the Bo ron ffh of Norfolk for one week ciuUng on the 30th instant was 12 of these jlce were by malignant ftver. Rioters. Four of the Blacks concerned in the late Riots at N. York, in which a gentleman from Virginia was roughly handled for vrctumiiH'Xo claim his own slaves, have been tried and sentenced to thePcnitentiary and two acquitted. Ncicbcm, Oct. 23. The Supcbadfcs, and lower part of the tails j nor Court for this county, his hon- of cattle, sheep, &c. with common our Judge Donnell, presiding, Tar, is an effectual cure for the commenced its session on Mon- Distemper in those animals. It day last. . should be done with a small pad- On Tuesday, Nathaniel Bacon dle-commencinff when the frost was arraigned, being charged with breaks up in Spring, and repeated the murder of Thomas Herrinsr. everv five weeks until frost begins This homicide occurred in the ac- again. If this prescription be in- Rum,SNew-ng. cused's preventing the escape of a deed an effectual remedy against Sugar, brown, - sailor who had , been robbing the that destructive complaint in cat vessel of which he (Bacon) was tic, it is certainly worth an expe- iiiuiu, uio sauor naving oeen leit nment. in his custody. The testimony re- Intll'n t I . K l' il citiu iu uiu uiiuiuciur ui me pris-j MARRIED Price, Cur vent. NOV. 3. Bacon, Brandy, -Corn, Cotton, - t Coffee, , Flour, family, Iron, - loaf, - Tea, Young Hyson, - Imperial, -Wheat, -Whiskey, - per Petersg JV. York. lb 9h 10 10 11 gal. 75 100 bu'h 75 80 70 lb , 9 10$ 9 11 - ' 17 20 13 16 bbl 550 600 500 525 ton 105 112 $90 100 gal 38 40 30 33 40 45 35 38 lb 8 12$ 7 10 18 25 17 18 100 112 75 100 - 150 16S 110 130 bu'l 80 '85 76 90 gal. 37 40 ' 33 36 Robbery. We understand, that, on Monday nitjht last, five or six trunks were stolen from behind the . quitted him. Northern Stage, about five miles north of Louisburg, while on its way to this place. One of the trunks contained jewelry to a con siderable amount. Raleigh Star. ftU1V ffnr, vnnr .-.-i .1 A I v"iv,i, vu VCIV UUIIlIIlUIlUaiOrV. n (l,;c.n,intv on.nn.cU.rnvonIn,, xuu jury uy uiiuin ne was tried, 26th ult. by Jesse Gcoma.-r-Thc Macon Messen ger states that the Troup party has bv Jesse C. Knijrht. Esq. Mr. were absent a short time, and (xc- Henry IF. Garrett to Miss SaraA quitted him. ISasnett. On WnfliiRSflnv' V7n,,i In Lincoln jail, on the 5th ult. Ah o fowtmnn 4r 1 i 9 f red Martin, aged 21 years, to Catha- North-Carolina Bank Notes. At Petersburg, 1$ to 2 discount. At New-York, 4 i discount. case the jury, at the lastterm, were courtship of half an hour, through the ! unable to render a verdict, was tri- prison grates. ? ed for the murder of her infant In the city of New-York, on the 24th child. She was found 'NotGuilUiA- Mr- John Clark, merchant of Rush-! Scotland JVech liaces Races over the Scotland Neck carried the day in the late election, jtric.l on Thursday. From the ehUd. 6 iut and will have a majority in each; testimony in this case, it appear- been married and most of them now First Dav... The Jockev Club Fur;p branch of the next Legislature, ed, that the prisoner and Brinson, have large families; the oldest daughter c200, two mile heats. Wm. Banks, charged with the fc ,R Y' f Iisrs l J' .,.-,1 . r t a t daughter of the late Col. Giles Jackson, mHE murder of Jos. S. BnnsOH,vrns of Berkshire, Mass. and his twenty sixth I Co, In the last, the Clark party pre-.both in a state of inebriety, were was m,arnC(J upwards ot 32 years ago. Second nay.. ..The balance of the rftfiini'mrt Ti-nm n " 1 1 v snon ume since, me uev. iir. tv letunung 11 om a muster, each liav-1 rn r- tt u 1 0 . . i- - iliams, of Green River Hollow, 3ged ' dominated. : i- - iulo 'ub wnen a uispuic.a- t0 iMiss po Cane, a-ed 14. A clergyman, nev. iir. v aniose, a precise account ot wincli whate'er is odd on Hymen' page, Homej ot :ionigomery coumy, 110110 01 iic persons who gave tes V.auedG2, married his thousandth timonv, were enabled to furnish. couple on the 20th ult. One of It was ascertained, however, that the physicians of the same conn- Banks received two severe blows ty, now in the prime of life, had on the head, and Brinson a stab been present at the birth of near- in the side, of which he died the !y four thousand children! . j following day. The jury brought Hie watrs in rhvme will twist it; Whether in courtship, name or age, The married ones have miss'd it: But e'en tho witlings make a rout, And whims severely handle; When life's poor lumji is going out, 'Tis wise to get a Candle. in a verdict of " Man-slaughter " On Friday, Jos. Selby was trie DIED, Tn this tnvvn. nn thn 1st instant, at Slin trjed rise, another sweet promising infant, a - Jockey Club Purse, $150, two mile Third Day...... Proprietor's Purse, 3100, one mile heats. By order, JAMES L. G. BAKER, Sec. Oct. 30, 1826. 10 A BALL will be furnished on the evenings of the first and second days of the Races, by James JV. Coiten, Proprietor. Notice. John F. A. Sandford, Esq. is . 1 T 1 ' 4 ' r.ii. 4",rrr t..r n.l . . , .1 C-, I 1 i . .1.1 " 1 - C. 1 apjiOUllCil inaiail ngem, in uiu yi iuu),auuuumn;iuu. uliu. geu i k monins anu a lew ua a, diici a Mr-jrrS stolen out of the house of he- place of Peter Wilson, deceased. short though very sev ere mnejs o. nve ty Subscriber, some time in December i?::.ir?n:r. u:c: :r doubie cased SILVER WATCH, .1 I 1 I T -I T T TTT 1 I T T 1 HT . . mrA- ini inn rn n l ; rnnini ai lk t hhr nv .i. vviinnmc i .nnnnn vr ziiii-. Louis, 1050 miles from the Conn- Joshua Dowell, was, pursuant to beamed with health and animation, and the outer case is rather large for the cil Kinds, upwards of 2500 miles sentence, hunir in that county on his fond parents promised themselves inner case, and much thicker. FIVE from Washington CitV, in the Very the 'Jtll Ult. We Understand the many dayspi joy wiininciraarung uoy, uuivno rewara win oe given lor heart of the wilderness. I culprit met his doom with hut lit- V? a rosy check is no mark of a long such information as will lead to the re- . tl( ifirtifimp nn m:ir!itrtor 1 tho lit-1 . J. 'J . . ... . . J J ' f - M,- a ?d r vocilrt ot tlm Alnnilfi?! Dfiziifl Ttfith. pniivipfofl nt flip .,, i tt nf ' ri i Henry McWilliams, whose death was villages, on the Upper Missouri, a, late term of the superior Court in J . . hif D3Der lhrce shon instance 01 luu nines ironi ci. luuiuv, ui riimu ms untiu, I weeks i fvilatA Who thr vvpftt. hahp. winded its Swindling. The trial of lien- most Jjorror at the approach ' pt fl;rht to i0in the haonv thronjr; there ry Eckford," Thomas Vermilyen, tlcath; his nerves completely fail- was a cankering ivorm in the bud, and Joseph G. Swift,' Wm. P. Uath-.inp; him as the period of his exit ere it unfolded its riper years, it was I r ..1 T T ' . rniir nr.-.i. I.n v.vnnf,w! I,m-n,rrt ...n.rlnir IV lie Cnil IITUI 1TOSI Ol UCUU1. none, Jiaiinew Lfiivis, ucuin vi W AFnrl-: Snnncnr. audi to COllV Joseph Barrington. Tarborough, Oct. 19, 1526. 11 Jacob Barker, for a conspiracy toi defraud, which has occupied the! Court of ' Sessions ofN. Y. for nearly four weeks, has been con-! eluded, without either an acquit-: tal or conviction, the Jury being unable to agree. - The main ob ject of the trial has been effected, however, by the complete expos ure of the chicanery by which thousands have been gulled and some ruined, and of which these and other men of wealth and influ ence stand convicted before the public. Fay. Obs. A publication, respecting the Greek Frigates built at N. York, is before us, and will be presented to our readers next week. It will he read with indignation. Our country has been disgraced by a set of unprincipled rascals, who under the garb of generous and disinterested intcntions,have chea ted aye, cheated the poor Greeks ot more than Imvc Hundred 1 non sand Dollars and these arc the men to whom the President has I'iven Two Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars for a vessel built of green white oak timber, & vhich is utterly worthless. Fay. Jour- lamentation. Salisbury Carolinian. NEW Tailoring Establishment. THE S.ih p.riher liavincr itrn iha I L-I . " B W4w s;one: out 01 inc numoer oi nine, sue house next door to Mr. R. L. New- lias not one lclt to comiort ner. vax- ho ronpntpfllrrrnvp wnv nipt by the chillinc frost c r.A .r .j.i.- 1 Thus are all the fond hones of a mother! nurieu wiin ner cnuui eii iijuy u c mi At the Superior Court, which was lately held for the county of Bladen, present, the Hon. Judge Norwood, a female slave named Mass, indicted for killing her mas ter, the late Mr. Mulford, was tri ed. The only witness on the part of the prosecution, was a boy, the son of the prisoner. His testimo ny is said to have been very clear, and Very positive. The jury fpund the prisoner guilty of murder; and the Court sentenced her to be hung pn Friday the 27th inst. Wil. Rcc. Porter's Settlement. It is said that a settlement is making at the isthmus of Tehuantepcc, about 150 miles from Vera Cruz. A river ascends to it, and it, is 14 leagues across to the Pacific, at the Bay of Fulema, to which a good carriage road is lorming. Com. Porter is considered to be concerned, and it js called Por ter's settlement. Distemper. A correspondent of the Richmond Enquirer, states that rubbing the noses, sides Happy infants! early blest, Rest, from mortal troubles rest. Let mc go from scenes of sorrow, Scenes of human guilt and wo; Ere the sun shall rise to-morrow, Brighter scenes for me shall glow. Let me go where seraphs kneeling Veil their faces and adore; Tasting joy beyond revealing, Hymning praises evermore. Ccm'rf. ell, Saddler, in HALIFAX TOTFiV, respectfully informs the citizens hereof and its vicinity, that he intends carry ing on the above business.in all its vari ous branches,' and pledges himself to his patrons and the public, to be punctual ia his engagements, and workmanship not to be surpassed in this Mate. His pric- At the residence ot her brother, Uapt., r-,.,, 4 Solomon Slaiter, in Scotland Neck N.C. te f cutti and nothin hi m on the l-llh ulumo M, . Mary Whit- sllal be neglecled, to give satisfaction to those who may think proper to favor him with their patronage. He deems it un- mill Slattcr, in the 55th year of her acre, ui mis iaav u is umy justice 10 say, that in the relation of daughter and necessary say mo0re, only to request sister, the : affecUon of her conduct wm the puWfc t0 call and examfne for vvoniiy ui imiiuuiuw, au m juomi n. selves that she ranxca wiin me mosi amiable. Although these disDensations of Provi dence are in their nature peculiarlv af flictive, yet it should be a mitigation of the grief of her family to reflect that she felt the approach of death with a com posure that could alone haye been deri ved from the consciousness of a well spent life; that almost in her last mo ments she spoke of the scene, through which she had to pass as painfuh only: because it was fraught with a severance of the ties by which she was connected with those 'slje loved? and as a transition necessary to communicate to her fitness for a place at her final home, hi the bo som of her father and her God. Com. In Madison county, Alabama, on the 15lh Sept. Mr. Thomas Boddie, late of Nash county, in this State. 77. L. LANG FORD. Halifax, N. C. Nov. 1, 1826. 11-3 Mrs. Sneader, AS just received a part of her fall supply of articles in her line com prising a general assortment of Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, silk and satin do. fancy colored Grosde Naples silks do. silks and satins superb belt ribbons, ostrich feathers, curls, necklaces, Sic. &c. She has also received a few elegant PAT TERN BONNETS, direct from New York,1' which she considers worthy tho inspection of the ladies in this vicinity. Halifax, Nov. 1, 1826. Printing neatly executed.