"W. Will I ItlIMM Whole No. 130. TflrforbMgZi, Edgecombe County, N. C. Saturday, February 17, 1827. FoZ. HI. No. 26, I 1 r '-Hr1 --n THE "FREE PRESS," 7ty Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Saturday,) at rY0 DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num ocrs,) if paid within one month after Sub ribcrs commence receiving their papers 'fivo Dollars Fifty Cents, if paid within ,x months and Three Dollars at theexpi juticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will foe inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 35 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Letters, addressed to the Editor must be postpaid. jy" James Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax.is our general agent for that vicinity. Notice'. THE Subscriber has about 500 bar rels . of CORN, for sale low for Cash. He also continues to keep a ge neral supply of Prizes, in the different Lotteries. JAS. SIMMONS, No. OS.corner of King $ Shop sired, Halifax, 16th Jan. 1S27. 22 Notice. "AS stolen out of the house of the Subscriber, some time in December last, a double cased SILVER WATCH, Made by J. Williams, London, No. 4015 the outer case is rather large for the inner case, and much thicker. FIVE DOLLARS reward will be given for such information as will lead to the re rovcry of it by . Joseph Barrington. Tarborough, Oct. 19, 1S2G. 11 Notice. A LL those indebted to the Subscriber, are earnestly requested to call im mediately, and have their accounts clos ed by note or otherwise. Those whose accounts arc of more than one year's standing, are desired to call before the first of February next, or they will find their accounts in the hand of an officer, as longer indulgence cannot be given.' D. SNEADER. Halifax, Jan 3. 1827. Cabinet-making, Turning, &c. HPHE Subscriber having erected a A complete workshop for the above business in all its various branches, re spectfully informs his friends and (he public in general, that he is now prepa red to execute any work in his line that he may receive orders for, vi: Sideboards, China presses, sccrcta vies, book-cases, bureaus, fables, wasislands, candle-stands, gentle me?i1s and ladies7 ivardrobes, ladies' and gentlemen' s cabinets, cylinder fall desks, portable and common do. and bedsteads of all descriptions. The work in general will be well execu ted, and of good materials. ALSO, THE TURNING BUSINESS, Will be carried on in all its branches, viz: IVood, iron, brass, ivory, fyc. Carpenters who may want turning done, can be accommodated, with the turning of columns, newel posts, ballesters, drops, corner blocks, rosettes, &c. The above work will be executed as cheap as the times will admit of, and in as short time as it can be done. LEWIS LAYSSARD. Halifax, Sept. 1S26. 5 With an elegant Ens-ravinz 3? inntfid in a neat and approved manner, and ton moderate terms, at this Office. Jan. 1, 1S27. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING Jl Semi-Weekly Paper, At the Office of the Sfar and North- Carolina State Qazettc. HpHE object of the. Editors in publish x ing a semi-weekly paper, must at once arrpst the attention of a discerning public. The prosperity of our happy country, and the maintenance, in their original purity, of our civil and religious institutions, arc not secondary consider ations with any truly republican Ameri can citizen. As these arq based on the public will and regulated by the public voice, "that will and that voice to be righteous must be enlightened." The rapid advancement of this country in every branch of national prosperity in the increase of her population, the ex tension of her commerce, the improvc mentof her system of agriculture, and the cultivation of the arts and sciences, is the source of proud exultation to every American bosom. But the North-Carolinian must go farther; the improvement of his own State, her rising importance in the national scale, is a subject of just congratulation, and calls upon her sons to redouble their exertions to advance her prosperity ard happiness. 1 he Ed itors believe that to attain' these desira ble objects nothing can contribute in a greater degree than the frequent and ex tensive circulation of a well conducted newspaper; for, although our academies and colleges afford ample means of ac quiring a competent knowledge of the first principles ot education; yet none will pretend to deny' that it is from news papers alone that information relative to passing events, is to be obtained. As the world grows older, events multiply upon us; and they have already accumu lated to sucti an extent as to render iti impracticable to give even a summary of j all that is interesting in a weekly paper. In order, therefore, to facilitate the promulgation of useful knowledge, the Editors have determined, should it meet public approbation, to commence, as ear ly as practicable, the publication of a paper twice a week; and as all the pa pers in this Stale, with the exception of one only, are printed but once a week, they calculate, with some degree of cer tainty, on success. The advantages to be derived from such a publication will readily be estim ated by our enlightened and discerning fellow-citizens. It will be the means of giving earlier intelligence of ever im portant circumstance, foreign and domes tic; of presenting a more general view of things at home and things abroad; of enabling us to devote more of cur paper to the interests of the farmer; of giving a more detailed and satisfactory account of our legislative and congressional pro ceedings; and, in short, of publishing a greater variety of matter, thereby afford ing our columns the advantage of suiting the taste of every class of readers. The attention of the citizens of the State, and our old friends and patrons particularly, is respectfully invited to this subject. Our project must stand or fall on the extension or withholding, of their patronage. i wnac1 iiiiw TERMS. The semi-weekly Star will be issued as soon as the subscription list will justify it, and be published every Tuesday and Friday, at five dollars per annum. Advertisements will be inserted on the same terms as in the weekly paper. There will be rio alteration in the weekly paper, except the contemplated enlargement It will continue, as usual, to be published once a week, at three dollars per annum. J7Those of our old subscribers who may prefer the semi-weekly paper, will please to advise us of it as soon as possible. A. J. LAWRENCE, THOS. J. LEMAY. Notice. fN the tiiird Monday in February next," at the Court-House in Halifax Town, I shall proceed to sell, by an or der of Court, I 10 or 12 likely YOUNG NEGROES, Consisting of Boys, Girls, Women and Children belonging to the estate of Dempsey Pittman, dee'd. Terms are, Cash only. , JAMES J. PITT MAN, Ex'r of D. Pittman, dee'd. Jan. 15th, 1S27. 23 Notice. fTVHE Subscriber very respectfully takes the liberty to inform the in habitants of Edgecombe, and the adja cent counties, that he has commenced the GIG -MA KING BUSINESS, IN TARBOROUGH, On the Street leading from Main-Slreet to the Academy, lie pledges himself to pay every attention to his business, and to have his work executed in a man ner in point of elegance and utility infe rior to none in the State. He has it in contemplation shortly to obtain his ma terials direct from the Northern cities, which will enable him to sell his work lower than it has been latterly sold for in this place. Repairing of every description, in wood or iron work, Will be attended to with the utmost punctuality and despatch. ALLEN I. KNIGHT. QHe would likewise inform the 1'ublic, that the Ulacksmith he has got has oeen regularly bred to the Horse-Shoeing Business, And is supposed to be a first-rate hand at that work likewise at plantation work. A. I. K. Cash Wanting. HpHE Subscriber is anxious to pay hi$ debts, and it possible to raise a sum sumcient ' to enable him to renew his Stock of materials therefore, he re quests those indebted to him to make payment On or before the 15A March next, As longer indulgence cannot, nor will not be given. He intends leaving this for the North about that timethose who do not avail themselves of this no tice, may expect to find their notes and accounts in the hands of an Officer for collection. SAM'L STILMAN: Tarborough, Feb. S, 1S27. 25-3 I Notice. S hereby given, to all whom it may concern all persons indebted to the Subscriber, on Old Judgments and former Taxes, Will do well, (if they wish to save cost,) to come forward, on or before February Court next, pay the money or give their notes for the same. SAM'L II. JENKINS. Edgecombe County, Feb. 6, 1S27. Stop Tarborough, Feb. C, 1S27. 25 l)r. .11. .1 Willcox, TTAS located himself at the residence xx of his lather, (L.Willcox,) in Hali fax County, and will attend to the duties of his profession, viz: The Practice of Medicine, frc. The utmost attention will be paid to professional calls, which with moderate charges, he trusts will insure a portion of public patronage. Halifax County, Feb. C, 1827. -4:- "Who steals my purse steals trash tis something nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; Rut he that fitches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed." Siaksieare.' When a person's character is assailed, an apology for intruding upon the Pub lic would be deemed superfluous. On my return from Petersburg, a few days ago, I was surprised and mortified to learn, that a report was in circulation that I had run away, in consequence of debt, which report I view as a vile as persion; I have however returned, and can give my creditors every assurance of speedy liquidation if not entire dis charge. It is easy to propagate false hood, but requires some ingenuity and foresight to become an adept for were I despicable enough to indulge a wish to defraud my creditors, there would be no necessity (if I understand the Act of Assembly) for absconding. As a de scendant of respectable ancestry, I trust I have inherited their principles of hon esty, and hope to die as I have lived, an honest man, in despite of the ran our and malignity of those vile traducers of my character. M. A. WILLCOX. Feb. G, 1S27. VAanV Warrants for sale. the Villain! A YOUNG man by the name of GEORGE WIMBER, came to my house on Tuesday, the 30th ult. and BORROWED MV HORSE, To ride about one mile, and has eloped with him. Wimber is about 21 years of age, dark skin with black hair; his eye-brows extend entirely across his nose, he is parrot-toed, and will weigh, about 135 pounds. The Horse is a bright sorrel, about seven years old, with a blaze face. I will give Fifteen Dollars Reward to any person who will secure said Horse, so that I get hini ;am. DREW KING. Tarborough, 3d Feb. 1S27. 25 Fifty Dollars Reward. KAN AWAY from-lr.fi Sub scriber, ten miles cast of Tarbo rough, sometime in Octoberr lasC Negro TIM he is well set, his complexion a dark yel low. I will give the above reward if said fellow is delivered to me, or secu red in any jail in this State or Twenty Five Dollars if secured in any jail out of the State, so that I get him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring, employing, or carrying off said negro, under the penalty of the law. BYT HAL STATON, Jr. Edgecombe County, Feb. 6, 1827. 25 Com. Porter. By an arrival at Charleston from Matanzas, we learn that Com. Porter has go himself in a situation not muc,,e more desirable than that he fou himself in at Valparaiso, dur"ng the late war. It appears that had been cruizing with his Mexre can squadron, between llavante and Mntanzas for some days, a uiu ciusu ui me last, anu uegin ning of the present year: but in formation reached Cuba, that he had been chased into Key West, and was blockaded there by the Spanish Commander Laborde, whose squadron had been so much strengthened, as to render it im prudent for Com. Porter to haz ard an action. The Constellation sailed from Havana for Key West, to prevent any violation of theneu7 trality of the United States n 12 f f ;' l ( i 'V.: M i u. ( Raleigh, Jan. 13, 132r.