- ,M ' I,","',"" ' ; t v.1 7ro?e Xo. IjS, Tarborough, Edgecombe County, X. C. Saturday, September 8, 1827. FoL IV. No. s. i THK "FUEL PRESS," Cro. Hcivard, ' 7- Ispublished wccklv, (evervSaterdav,) at TITO DOLLARS per year, (or 5 2 "num bers,) it' paid within one month after Sub--' scribrs commence receiving their papers .'Tzi'j Dollars Fifty Cents, if paid within six months and Three Dollars at the expi ration of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will ,: be in-sorted at 50 cents the first insertion, and ,!'V25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at ' that rule for every 16 lines. c Letters addressed to the Editor must be phi fin id. I j jJames Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Jialifax,is our general agent for thatvicinity. patent r ''TjpiIE Subscriber informs his friends and the public in general, that he - h:is invented a new and useful -Machine for racking Cotton JN SQUARE BALES, t gJSj the power of a lever acting on a fate urn, ivhich drives the follo-wcr thai presses I he Cotton into the bate. The power of this Machine is such, that from S00 to 350 lbs. of Cotton can be pressed into two breadths of 42 inch Bagging, 4 feet G inches long, with con siderable eac and in a very bhort time: .',.ind 500 lbs. can be pressed into less than 5 yards of the same kind of bag by observing the proper process. ",Tiu- superior advantages are clearly ma fmiest, for in addition to l lie small ijuan ; lity of bi.; ;in r rcqjird, which eertaiu ' 'iy is an object two bauds can with ease from 10 So 12 bales in one day. -. Tne s: i:.)!ieit v of this machine, and its ; vf'ra re sr?'!' iirf lv Corn. Herrings. &c. i::c.-..j;i:cj1 artists, anil in fact, by all j O ' L I V) Vfl ) h:'ve scen t- By a mechanical dc- mfE Subscriber has for sale low for m!.'..i:ation, it is proven tnat the power have ever seen or heard of, in the act of nice performance of packing Cotton, that I feel it my duty to recommend to the public for their advantage, the above de scribed presses. Witness my hand, the 22d June, 1S27. A. COIEL. jyThe public are informed that the Subscriber has constituted Mr. F. S. Marshall, of the town of Halifax, N. C. his agent for the states of Virginia and North-Carolina and Mr. John IVorkman, of Camden, S. C. his agent for the districts of Lancaster, Fairfield, Darlington, Chester, Chesterfield and York, in South-Carolina, from whom Rights may be obtained. LEWIS LA YSSARD. Extract from an advertisement of Mr. IVorkman. "lie deems it unnecessary for him to bestow any encomiums upon this im provement in the art of compressing Cotton. Suffice it to say, that the ease and cheapness with which it can be erected, and ihe small force required to work it, are sufficient to recommend it; saying nothing of its superior power and durability." Lost. 4 JUDGMENT obtained by former judgment against L. U. Whitehead in favor of 11. 13. Pender, for sixteen dollars interest from 22d Aug. ISJb'. All persons are forbid trading for said claim. LEM. L. PARKER. 23d Aug. 1827. 1-4 3&eh'gfou Notice. A T a meeting of the Roanoke" Union Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held at Whitaker's Chapel on the first Thursday of March last, it was Resolced, That a Convention of Dele gates should meet at Bradford's Meeting-house in Halifax county, on the se cond Monday in September nest, for the purpose of electing two or more re presentatives to attend a General Con vention to be held in Baltimore in No vember next. This is to give notice that the said Convention expects and in tends to meet on said day, and on Sat urday and Sunday previous, there will be public preaching, &c. at said meeting house. Let those who are friendly to a Representative Church Government think on those things, and throw in their mite to bring about siich a state of things in our Church before it be too late; when the spirit of Popery may get such hold on our Clergy, that it will' be hard to remove. EXUM LEWIS. Pros' t R. U.S.M.E.C. August, 1S27. 2-2 Stolen, BACON, YROM the Subscriber, on the night of the 2d instant, my STILL CAP, made of copper,, with a pewter goose neck opposite the neck were marked E E, in small letters, ami dated JS1 9 ; probably the knave may cut out the let ters before it is carried to a workman. I am 4f the npiniorHnat Dempscv Webb, Sen. ol this rounty, is knowing to the' theft committed, for many reasons I add, that several of the most dis tinguished Senators expressed a concurrence in the objections urn--ed, and declared to me that they were prepared to sustain them in the event of any member of the Senate desiring further investiga tion. Respectfully yours, &c. JNO. BRANCH. Mr. PresidentAs I cannot, consistenly with a sense of duty, give a silent vote on the present occasion, I must ask the indul gence of the Senate for a few mo ments, while I shall attempt, in a plain, frctnk and brief manner, to give them the reasons why I am unwilling to advise and consent to this appointment. I am duly impressed with the momentous duty we are about to perforin, and the importance of the crisis, connected with the deep responsibility which attaches to each and every member; and hence my .solicitude to arrive at truth by the best reflections which I have been capable of bestowing on the subject. To guide and direct us on this, as well as every other occasion, it may be well first, to look to the commission under which, and from which we derive all our powers, to wit: the Constitution of the United fctatos, which we have ' oi ice Lever and its concomitants are equal if not superior to any, even to the i "Wedge, if properly applied. From the J high and freouent encomiums which have been past on the invention, the Subscriber is induced to offer it to the public as something worthy of their no Cash, Macon, Corn, Herrings, Flour, and Lard 3 or 4 boxes of Hats ALSO, A GOOD Assortment of coarse Shoes. The above articles heir. 2: or. consign- j mcnt, and sold entirely for Cash, per- . :.- . - ' 1 1 1 tice. Any persoSi that mav want, can "'im.u.; punmase woiuu prona- spply to the Subscriber at IIa!itax,X. C.l,I' bc abl t0 ouY 1,10,11 cl:eaiKr lhan i'atent letters having leen obtainedr1?,,, f 1 I from the proper authorities, all person. ;.re prohibited irom making or usin the ' iarne, without leal ri;iht. All infrir.ffe meats will meet with 'the ii-;or of the law, made 3'id provided in such cases, fc. Any mechanic wishin- to be benefitted ; by the invention, may by payii) a mo jj derate sum, secure individual District or Stale rights; the same are uOered to j farmers and all other;;. It is hoped that the certificates annexed, relative to the ; performance of the press, will be satis factory, without enumerating others. LEWIS LAX SS.1RD. ; Halifax-, N. C.Aug. '25, IS27. 2-0 SOUTH-CAROLINA, j 1 City of Columbia. $ I do certify that the Uev. Lewis Lays- !f aid has erected a Cotton Press, agreea ble to his Patent, at my plantation, fif j teen miles above Columbi:;, and that it has been put in operation as far as pack ? -ig two bales, and from the report of my overseer, it will pack 100 lbs. of Cot . u ie.to a yard of Bagging: that it has been examined by Mr. James Boat wnght and .Mr. Nathans, two experien ced nu-hauics, who think hiirhlv of the ? j mode of packing Cotton. iv SAMUEL GREEX, P.M. ' Columbia, S.C. April G, l&2'i. ; I SOUTH CAROLINA, Lancaster District. ;r I do hereby certify that Lewis Lays- . sard, of Halifax county, North-Carolina, I nas built for me a new invented Cotton 4 Press, the performance of which Press ; m a fair trial so far surpasses my cxpec- ''4' lions, and also that of env invention I I'liey are therefore respectfully soli cited to call upon LIS. SIMMONS. Halifax, 12th Julv, 1327. could reodur, but this will suffice for the all taken a solemn oath to pre present. I will give Two Dollars and Sl2rvn. mriintnin n,l o.,l L ; t.jty CV? for the delivery of the CapL. for " " f ":i:"J its true intent and meaning. While I readily admit that the let ter, and, perhaps, the rigid con struction of that instrument, does not imperatively forbid the con firmation of this nomination; yet I to me, and Five Dollars for the detec tion oi tho rogue. J. ELLIS. Edgecombe County. Aug. 11, IS,? 7. 52 Caution. i LL persons are hereby ir rn 1 M ' r.nnn U 1 L : : .1 " f: 7: ; i,waiu nuiiiiiig in saying that eve- 7.. ,, r r l lY cason which could have one- xu,t. jjciu; ivrii iiin nil it, liJ 1 iwu ry reason winch could have ODe- rated on the Convention to in duce them to insert the following . . . . . . . . . 1 1 .. ... - uury, lo2J, ?s the said note is unlawiul. CJause, applies with increased Invinir been made navable to the snid tnivo inihionnM tl,.v c? - m I J ....... w.vw iyj UUHIC1HU nit; k7UIIalK 10 rx. Jewis as jruartlian to Witlis row- hundred and ninety-Mx dollars r.eventy- uine cents, bearing interest from 1st Jan- Noticc. riLL 13 K SOLI), at Mount Pros pect, on the 22d September i;qxt, A likely young JStgro (irl, Belonging to the estate of Xachariah Manor, dee'd. An indulgence of six mouths will be given the purchaser, on his executing a bond with responsible security for the purchase money. ,. J. PHILLIPS, Adnvr. Aug. SO, 1S27. 2-1 Notice This. rgIIE Public are hereby cautioned not to receive in any manner whatever, a Note of Hand from Dempsey Flood, given to him by myself, with William Doggett, Esq. for security, for sixty-two dollars and sixteen cents, dated in the month of February last, and payable the 1st of January, 1828 said note having been given for the purchase of a horse, purporting to be a sound and healthy one, which is not the case, I am deter mined not to pay it, and therefore take this method of cautioning the public not to receive said note. Flood lately resi ded in this county, but is at this time a resident of Bertie. LUNSFORD W. SCOTT. Halifax County, Aug. 22. 1827. l-fi him as guardian to anv elPs orphans, when I did not at that time owe hun one cent as guardian, nor do I now owe orphan, whatever. I hive claims against the said Exum Lewis to a larger amount lhan the note .tbove named. L. B. K. DICKEN. Au. 25. Y621. 2-3 'I J1 'I IL'IM.IJ UJl'll UJ.i ljl.HH. lllH'HJH.MI,flW..JJi Domestic. From the Raleigh Star. Wake count?, Aug. 27, 1S27. To Messrs. Lawrence & Lemay: Gentlemen The incorrect im pression attempted to be made on the public mind in relation to the proceedings of the Senate of the United States, on the nomination of the Honorable Henry Clay, as Secretary of State, in March, 1 825, has placed me in the unpleasant dilemma of acquiescing in what every Senator present must know to be wrong, or submitting to a candid world the remarks, and the only remarks that were made on that occasion. I have, therefore, determined to furnish them forth with for publication. I will only reject the distinguished individu al, whose nomination we are now . i about to act upon. The clause is as lollows: No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elect ed, bc appointed to any civil office un der the authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no per so holding-any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house? during his continuance in office." I would ask, why and wherefore is it that no member of either House is permitted to hold an of fice which he has assisted to cre ate, or the emoluments of which have been increased by his vote Because, sir, it was wisely fore seen that he might be influenced to vote for the one or the other from mercenary motives. What is the present case? Henry Clay, a member of the House of Repre sentatives, has made, or, if you please, has mainly contributed to make John Q,. Adams President of those United States, and thiy President, thus made in opposition to the known will and wishes of (continued on the 4th page.)

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