ffljsCTr'WTj r$sw"fp9 rerfr-"n rjww,.""",u ItNllll ' jjl P Whole No, 101. Tarborough, Edgecombe Comity, wV. 0. Saturday, September S3, 1887. Volir.JVo. 5 . THE "FREE PRESS.' Gfo. Hoivard, '- -', Is published weekly, (everySaturday,) at . ."t''rO DOLLARS per year, (or52 num ;bers,) if paid within one month after Sub - .ixribers commence receiving their papers 7':i o Dollars is" Fifty Cents, if )aid within :i;!;x months and Three Dollars at thcexpi jv.iticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to , 'discontinue at any time on paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will , be inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones -at (, that rate for every 16 lines. V I Letters addressed to the Editor nust be - Jioftt fluid. ' .:rJa.nies Simmons, Esq. postmaster at Halifax, and S. M. Nickels, Esq. at Scotland pseck, are agents for this office. patent COTTON PRESS. vpUF Subscriber informs his friends JL ...i iK ui- i .i . , j uini mi: putiiiu in general, inaL lie ? iias invented a new and useful I .Machine fur Packing Cotton IN SQUARE BALES, I tfy the power of a lever acting on a Julciun, which drives the Jotlowcr !,-. L that presses the Cotton into the bale. The power of this Machine is such, that from 300 to 350 lbs. of Cotton can - ho pressed into two breadths of 42 inch Maying, -1 feet 6 inches long, with con ( sidcrahle ease and in a very short time: J and 500 lbs. can be pressed into less .! than 5 yards of the same kind of bag V t 1 Sm& .v observing the proper process. J The Miperior advantages are clearly ma , . : nifest, for in addition to the small quan ; ; tity of bagging required, which ccrtain- ,'. Jy is an object, two hands can with case tt ' pack from 10 to 12 bales in one day, The simplicity of this machine, and its f superior power, are greatly admired by . mechanical artists, and in fact, by all , t who have seen it. By a mechanical de- i monstration, it is proven that the power , of the Lever and its concomitants are , equal if not superior to any, even to the I' Wedge, if properly applied. From the , -j high and frequent encomiums which I i llaVC been nasi ill! thf invnnlinn flo .Subscriber i induced to offer it to the public as something worthy of their no lice. Any person that mav want, can apply to the Subscriber at Halifax, N. C. Patent letters having been obtained from the proper authorities, all persons I are prohibited lrom making or using t lie ) r-amc, without-legal right. "All infringe- , ' ments will meet with' the rigor of the !' law, made and piovided in Mich cases. . Any mechanic wishing to be benefitted . by tbe invention, may by paying a mo- " ' derate sum, secure individual District ; or State rights; the same are offered to ; timers and all others. It is hoped that! ..io cei tiheates annexed. Relative to the performance of the press, will be salis aictory. without enumerating others. ! lewis; laxssard. a Halifax, N. C. Aug. 25, 1827. 2-0 ! SOUTH-CAROLINA, j City of Columbia. I I do certify that the Rev. Lewis Lavs- , sard has erected a Cotton Press, agreca- I 'jIc to his Patent, at my plantaiioTi, fif- feen miles above Columbia, and that it j kas been put in operation as far as pack- j ng two bales, and from the report of I r.: y overseer, it will pack 1 00 lbs. of Cot- 'on into a yard of lagging; that it has been examined by Air. James 13oat- l 'vrigh.t and Mr. Nathans, two cxperien- yt red mechanics, who think highly of the J mode ot packing Cotton. GREEK P. M. I Co1umbi:i,S.C. April 6, 1S27. t SOUTH CAROLINA, 5 ! Lancaster District. J 1 1 4l hereby certify that Lewis Lays- id, of Halifax county, North-Carolina,1 I has bii.lt for me a new invented Cotton 1 less, the performance of which Press I n a lair trial so far surpass; my expec tations, and also that of any invention I have ever seen or heard of, in the act of nice performance cf packing Cotton, that I feel it my duty to recommend to the public for their advantage, the above de scribed presses. Witness my hand, the 22d June, 1S27. A. COIEL. (jyrhe public arc informed that the Subscriber has constituted Mr. F. S. Marshall, of the town of Halifax, N. C-. his agent for the states of Virginia and North-Carolina and Mr. John JVorJcman, of Camden, S. C. his agent for the districts of Lancaster, Fairfield, Darlington, Chester, Chesterfield and York, in South-Carolina, from whom Rights may be obtained. LEWIS LtfYSS.WD. Extract from an advert isemenl of Mr. JVorlcman. "He deems it unnecessary for him lo bestow any encomiums upon this im provement in the art of compressing Cotton. Suffice it -to say, that the cae ami chenpness with which it can be erected, and tbe small force required to work it, are sufficient to recommend it; saying nothing of its superior power and durability. " BACON, Corn, Herrings, tc. rjjMl'E Subscriber has for sale low for Cash. Bacon, Corn, Herrings, Flour, and J, aid 3 or 4 boxes of Hats ALSO, A GOOD thsortmcnt of coarse Shoes. The above articles being or. consign ment, and sold entirely for Casji, per sons wishing to purchase would proba bly be able to buy them cheaper than at any other house in this place. They arc therefore respectfully soli cited to call upon J. IS. SIMMONS. Halifax, 12th July, 1S27. $25 Reward, R ANA WAY from the Sub scriber, on the 23d of Julv last, a negro boy named GEORGE; he is about 17 or IS years of a aire. 5 leet 6 OP 7 innhns in height, dark color, a pert lively look, and in speaking is apt to stutler a little; he has lost most cf his fore teeth, and has Uvo or three distinct scars on his threat, occasioned by a rising some lime since. Said boy was purchased about IS months since, from Mr. Mathew Cluff, of Norfolk, at which place he was rais ed, but has frequently been to Elizabeth City, in this State, and the boy said that he had been several times at sea. I ex pect that he will attempt to get either to Elizabeth-City or Norfolk A reward of Twenty-Five Dollars will be given to any person who will apprehend said boy and lodge him in any jul,so that I can get him again. Masters of vessels and all other persons are hereby forbid harboring, emnlovinir, or carrviiv off said boy, under the penalty of the law. SAMUEL FARMER. frdgecombe County, N. C. ) Septcm. 4, 1827. S J jlf The Norfolk Herald and Elizabeth City Star will please give the above three insertions, and forward the account to this office for collection. Cotton Paw. rplIE Proprietor of the Fnotr. nnu i.i wjiuauuii ui mo raus ot Tar Kiv- er, resnecttu Iv inform hfc fv:.i, ' i j uicims auu the public, that he has now on hand a large quantity of COTTON YARN, Of all Ihc numbers from 4 to 20, but principally of the coarser numbers which he is "disposed to sell low for Cash, or in exchange for good Cotton. His machinery is in part new, and all in thorough repair, and superintended bv an experienced and skilful manager; and he thinks his Yarn may be recommend ed as eaual to rinv in tho TT States. JOEL BATTLE. Falls of Tar River, Aug. 30, 1827. 3-12 Look Out ! ! rfMIE Subscriber feels it incumbent on I "- him to caution the public against the jails of a genteel Swindler, who in the early part ot March hist visited this place under the name of li. W. I5IUGE, and acted in the following manner: he arrived in the stage from Norfolk, and being desirous to get a private convey ance to Raleigh, was directed lo apply to me; at bis earnest request, I furnish ed a horse and gig with a negro boy, who was to return with the gi. On leaving the Hotel he informed the Bar- keeper that he would pay the amount of his bill to me and on his arrival at mv house, he told me that he had sent home a SlOO U. S. bank note, which he pre tended he wanted to get changed, and which I proffered to do at my house and said he would send the ammtof my bill with my boy on his return. I gave the boy $3 75, to bear his expen- iPs .lh ttio coirl H!t-r i-wN i., 1, : e.ongmg to the estate of achanah J session; when the boy returned from Manor, dee'd. An indulgence of six j Raleigh, he informed me that Bir-e on months will be given the purchaser, on ilv exnendod 5)0 cnnf mi tho Knl u , I I 1 ' J I " " ..... vi. 1. 1, v.. u- his executing a bond with responsible j tween this place and Raleigh, and it was Notice. WILL BP, SOLI), at Mount Pros pect, on the 22d September next, A likely young .Xtgro Girl, security for the purchase money. J. J. VIIlLLlPS.Adni'r. Aug. 30, IS 27. 2-4 " $) Reward.. wf! RUNAWAY from the Sub- sSSPscriber, living :i miles south of L- Mount Prospect, N. C. on the 1 3th A ugust last, nrirro LUK JO. about 50 years old, G feet high, with some dilficultv he could cet seven ty-five cents from him to bear his ex penses bacl; the boy also said that Birgc first endeavored to persuade him to go on to Savoury, and finding this ineffectual, he tiied to force him. Be fore Birge started, he enquired if I would sell the horse, and my price on the leturn of the boy the only thing sent by him was the following letter: "RALEIGH, March 9, 1SQT. "Mr. Shurlev Dear Sir: Iarrivrrl 5n Announcement of the Braivin COHEN'S OFFICE-ll4,Market-st Baltimore, lugut Ctt, 1327. fT e have the pleasure to announce that the drawing of the GRAND ittiumt JLotttvv, Of the State of Maryland, will take place in the City of Baltimore, on Wednesday the 17th of October, and will be com pleted on that dayThis Lottery is the most brilliant in the United States; con taining, besides the Capitals of 20,000 DOLLS, and 10,000 DOLLS, no Jess than TEN prizes of TWO THOUS AND DOLLARS each! T - SCHEME: 1 prize of 20,000 is jS20,000 i prize ot 10,000 is 10.000 2.000 is 10 prizes of 10 prizes of 10 prizes of 20 prizes of 20 prizes of 40 prizes of 100 prizes of 150 prizes of 300 prizes of 9000 prizes of 1,000 is 500 is. 200 is ICO is 50 is 20 is 10 is 5 4 is is 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 36,000 9G62 prizes, amounting to Si 14,000 Subject lo the usual deduction of fif teen per cent. KFThc Cash for the whole of the Prizes can be had at COHEN'S OFr FICE, the moment they are drawn. JVholc 7'ickets, - 5 00 Halves, - - - - 2 50 1 2, ill , , , ra ' iU1 nurieyLiear tir: 1 arrived in th s' and dark complexion. It is deemed tin-1 ni... ioc i i. r V 1 t . . i"-"- -' auu nm nappy 10 inrorm necessary to g:ve a l-.n iher description ' vou that vour horse has proved to b c-ie of ji uini. lie is wen hiioni) in naiiiax and Eilgecombe counties, as a house carpeuterand millwright. Luke is sup posed to be lurking in the neighborhood of Wm. Sturdivant, near Hill's Biide; in Halifax county, where he has a wife. Quarters, - - - Eighths, - - . 0 G2'i ers from any part of the Uni ted States, either by mail (post paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or Prize Tickets in any of the Lotteries, will meet the same nromDt and nunctnal jgj attention as if on personal application. fj Jad?ess to J T CTi WHAT r,. P. nnnmrrnn Aug. G, 1S27. Baltimore. cr. in fhn npicrhhorhniu! c.C M,. I Vi; f.t' person gom- to the beth Por'ler,in this countv. ivhcn he ! , kcJ.li.m onaiid 1 hoPc lormerly lived. 1 have also unuerstood depend cn receiving the casli for hiwi by the that he has been in the habit of visiting ! first mail after he is delivc;cd to me in U. the upper part of Halifax countv, near ! States money. Should you not r.cncl him, j"1""- 1 i -iuih. au'i l will I he best that I ever drove arul if thon any way that y,u can send him to meat! New-York, I will pay yu or.e hundred and j thirty dollars for him, which is ten more than the price you named, and that willl make the amount c.xm between us, beinir person going; to the north, would be jrlad oi i onoug" ln t-'1G blOOtl of ' forty-tWO Dr. Good, in his book of na ture, tells us that there is iron Blake Baker's. He has recently been seen in this county, with a broadax, and then said he was in search of work. The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver said negro to me, or confine him in any jail so that I s;et him again. EDWIN L. MOORE. Sept. 1 3, 1527. 4-3 send you tiie balance due immediately on rc ccipt of your letter. Yours vv ith respect, 'a W. 1HRGE." The public would do well to be on their guard, as the said Birge is a man of prepossessing appearance, and is well calculated to deceive tlje unsuspecting. HENRY S HURLEY. Tarbcrough, Sept. 12. 187. men to make a plough share weighing, generally from 22 to 24 pounds. This is a singular pro position; but as the learned doc tor is a gentleman of high respec tability, and scientific research, it deserves a ready credit. We should like to know the quantity of brass which is incorporated in to the system, either in blood or bone, of some individuals.

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