those already known, had been re -! ceived from the River La Plata. The Emperor of Brazil was car rying on his measures for the pro secution of the war Gen. Lecor was to take command of the ar ray. Several regiments of troops raised in Ireland and Austria, yerc expected soon to arrive at Rio. It was reported, that am bassadors were daily expected from Buenos Ayrcs, for the pur pose of renewing the efforts to 'hrino- nhnnt. nnnce. but it is more than probable that this report was! 'the mere echo of the wishes of the Brazilians, unconnected with any XCUUIIL IIHIlUilUUil tii iliu pill t Ul Buenos Ayres to renew tlie ncgo cjation. Tlie finances of both countries, it is admitted on all sides, arc nearly exhausted, but i ki: i i i acquired a great accession in phy sical force by the reconciliation of .1 i : i i eciai pioviuccs, clIIU 11 IS KIIOU 11 that some of the provinces have the means to support their armies, Without deriving any immediate succor from the treasury of Buc- nos Ayres. Under this state of the war will not be terminated iSpeedily by any protfers from Buenos Avrcs. Wesl'y s. f. Portia, and John In-j gram's br. g. Jersey Whig. Time first heat, 1 ni. 57 s. second heat, 2 m. 1 s. New Market Races commenced on Tuesday, Oth inst. when there was an interesting contest between three fine colts for the Sweep stake, two mile heats, $200 en trance. The first heat was taken by Col. Wm. Wynn's colt the second by Mr. Win. R.Johnson's; and the third and fourth by Mr. Bott's colt. The course very heavy from a previous fall of rain. On Wednesday, the Proprie tor's Purse, $300, three mile heats, was won by Mr. Johnson's Trumpeter, beating Mr. Bott's La Fayette, Mr. Garrison's Pac tions, and Mr. Wynn's . There were three heats, La Fay ette taking the first. On Thursday, the Jockey Club Purse for $700, four mile heats, was obtained by Mr. Wm. R. Johnson's Sally Walker, beating Mr. J. J. Harrison's Frantic, and Mr. A. A. Wyche's Ariel. Xarborotts!), ii SATURDAY, OCTOBER CO, 1827". ; (tT'Th? publication of our next pa per will probably be delayed a few days, in consequence of the Editor attending 'Halifax Superior Court, which commen ces on Moudav next. V (QUnlcil Sam," and "Pigmy Ho mer," in our next. ) The editors of the Norfolk Herald Jtnd Elizabeth-City Star will please dis continue Sam'l Farmer's advertisement, and forward the account lo this office far collection. Races. There will be a great show of Horses at the races on the Union Course, (Long-Island,) which commence on Tuesday next. Eighteen who arc to per form in the different trials of speed which will take place in the three days racing, have already arrived on the ground, and taken stables in the neighborhood of the course. A number of well bred, first rate horses, and beautiful blood colts, will be ottered for sale by auction on the course; and among the number are the celebrated Eclipse and Henry. We should regret to have the former leave his na- jtive home, since he has done, and is doing, so much to improve the ; breed of horses in this section of the country. We therefore hope some spirited wealthy gentleman in this state, will step forward and prevent, not only him, but Henry also, (who is nearly his equal,) from going abroad. New-York Ec. Pott. Raleigh, Oct. 9. Our Superior! oourt adjourned on Saturday evening. The trial of Thorn for the murder of Herndon, resulted in his acquittal. It appeared from the evidence, that he killed him in self-defence. Rcjr. Longevity. Old Arthur Wall of Wake Forest, completed the hundred and ninth year of his age, on the 15th tilt. A few days ago, he walked three miles, but said he was somewhat fatigued and thought he discovered by it, that old age was creeping upon m..ib. Faycttcvillc, Oct. 10. At Ro beson Superior Court, which sat last week, Nat, a negro man be longing to Thomas G. Chambers, was tried and convicted for felo niouslv burning the dwelling house ot 31. Murchison, of Rich mond county, in Mirch 182G, and was sentenced to be hung at Lum berton, on the 2d of November next. The evidence in this case, which was altogether circumstan tial, unfolded a scene of the most horrid brutality, and left no doubt, but that the prisoner had not on ly burnt the house, but had previ ously murdered Mrs. Murchison. Her remains were found the mor ning after the fire, in such a posi tion, as to force the conviction, that she had been murdered by means ot a gun barrel, then thrown upon her bed, and consu med with the house. Jour. MARRIED, In Halifax county, at the residence ot Col. Thos. Nicholson, on the 27th ult. Mr. D. Ilardyman, of Franklin, Term, to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr. Guilford Nihholson. DIED, In Pitt county, on the 17th ult. aged about 27 years, Harmon Jenkins, far mer, leaving a wife and two small chil daen to mourn their L- reavement. At the residence of Mr. Sam'l Branch, in Halifax county, on the 14th ult. Mr. John Branch, a respectable citizen of said county. Price Current OCT. 12. Bacon, Brandy, -Corn, Cotton, -Coffee, Flour, family, Iron, - - -Molasses, Rum, Ncw-Eng, Sugar, brown, - loaf, - Tea, Young Hyson, Imperial, - Wheat, - - -Whiskey, - - per Peters'g. JV.York. lb 9 10 9 11 gal. 25 30 bu'h 50 55 60 lb 8 10 9$ 101 16 17$ 13 17 bbl 600 700 475 550 ton 110 112 $90 100 gal 35 40 32 35 42 45 38 39 lb 8$ 11 7 10 18 25 17 19 100 125 75 125 140 150 115 145 bu'l 75 80 90 9G gal. 36 38 27 31 .: (COMMUNICATE P.) 4 Retrospection, Retribution, Resto ration. Those two gentlemen who Iroke the Hottlcs of Ink which were nankins; out at the Court-House window some time past, will please to send one dozen papers of good ink powder to the Clerk's Office at the Court-House as a jcmuneralion, and nothing more will he jsaid on tlie subject, j Tarborougli, Oct. 1527. Sporting Intelligence. -The Fall Uices over the Tree,' I lilt, were to commence on Tuesday lat. The Vesult will probably reach us in time for our next nannr. i i i .i n .wiumiiuuu UIl YV :j(IIIUS(IUy, OtIl tilt, hut no entries having been was no race the first day. :; On Thursday, the Jockey Club a m.u, two mile heats, was " ; , tlL l D ncais uy w in. M. .Vest's hr. c. Leonoldstadt. beat ing Joshua K. Bullock's b. c. Go- fctnding, and John Ingram's b. c. icciuenc. l unn irt mot A m b s. second heat, 4 m. 12 s. "I,?11 Frida) Proprietor's Purse, poO, mile heats, was taken at two heats by XV. K.Bullock's s. p. bally Bell, heating Wm. 31. To the Public Office of the Petersburg Republican, October 10, 1827: Circumstances beyond my con trol, have compelled me to sus pend for a while, but I trust for a short time only, the publication of the Petersburg Republican. 1 re gret this step exceedingly, espe cially at this moment, when the dibits of every man ought to be enlisted by the truly great and in teresting election on which the American people will be shortly called upon to act: And 1 cannot, in this, the last address, which, for a time, I shall be able to make to my fellow citizens, omit to re mind them of the necessity of guarding against the many venal elibrts that are made to mislead them in regard to that important question. So soon as my present difficul ties are removed, I shall, under the auspices of a generous public, resume my labors with renewed alacrity, and with all my energies directed to render the Phenix that shall spring up from the ashes of the Republican, a beacon-light on the watch-tower of liberty a faithful sentinel on the ramparts of freedom. E. PESCUD. 1 The Indian IVar at an cnd.- XV o learn, from a traveller, that Col. M'Konnev, of this citv, arri ved at St. Louis on the 17th Sep tembcr from the Winnebago coun try, lie brought information to that place that the lied Bird, (the principal war chief of the hostile band of Winnebagoes) together with a young Brave of the same band, had been given up to Gen. Atkinson; the v innebagoes had sued for peace, and had promised to give up all the party which made the attack on the keel-boats and committed the murders at Prairie-du-Chicn. &c. Nat. Int. Change of Names. The fol lowing singular application is made to the Legislature of Ten nessee, now in session "Mr. M' Gahee introduced a bill to alter the name of Susannah Cremer to William Cremer, which was read the first time and passed." The petitioner had been considered a woman, had worn female clothes upwards of 20 years, and had gone by a female name. In 1825, petitioner changed his habits. went to Virginia, married a wife, and is now living in Green coun ty, Tennessee. Pcnitentiarics. The Kentuc ky Reporter cites the following incident, of recent occurrence, as proof of the inutility of the Peni tentiary system in that state, lhe time of service of an excellent blacksmith lately expired; the keeper was desirous of retaining him, on account of his mechanical skill, and ottered hi in fifty or sixty dollars per month, which he refu sed. He had been but a short time absent (perhaps only a few days) before he stole a horse, for which he has been tried and again sentenced. So that he has resu med his station without wages. North-Carolina Bank JYotesi At Petersburg, 3 1 to 4 discount. ' pottery Ttcftets, FOR SALE, At Bell Joy iter's Store, In all the Lotteries wherein Yates & M'Intyre are concerned. All orders addressed to the Subscriber, inclosing Prize Tickets or Cash, post paid, will be promptly attended to. LEVI WILKINSON. Tarboro', Oct. 17, 1827. 9 Tayloring Business AT ENFIELD. IlE Subscriber feeling himself under the nicest obligations to the citizens of Enfield and its vi cinity, takes this method of retur ning to them his respectful thank3 for their past favors, and solicits a continuance of their flattering patronage. Those who are best acquainted with his work and whom he has done the most for, can say that they believe him not inferior to any within their know ledge and that since his com mencement at the above place, he has given very general if not en tire satisfaction. He therefore wishes to state, that from consid erable practice and the improve ment he has made on his rule for fitting, he flatters himself better prepared to meet the approbation of his friends hereafter, than he has been heretofore. His shop is in the house belonsrin to Govcr nor Branch, on the south side of the road leading to Halifax, Opposite the Store of J. II. SI313IONS ty CO. Where he is receiving, and is rea dy to receive work on the lowest terms the times will admit. There will be a difference hereafter in his prices between cash and cre dit. He is in hopes by punctuality and a constant attention to his business, he will leave no room for murmur the best proof the people can have of his competen cy, is a trial of his work there fore, they are politely invited to call at his shop, where they will be cheerfully received with ma ny thanks. . L. LANGFORLh October 1st, 1327. 9-3