channel through the flats, between those two points. n,i motion of dir. Bryan, of N. r thn committee on the Judiciary L pvp instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing the act of 'the last uongress, altering me time of holding the District Court of North-Carolina. Messrs. Smyth and M'Duffie submitted separate resolutions; nrnnosinir amendments to the Constitution of the LL States, in 'reference to the election of Presi dent and Vice-President. XtivhoxouQij, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28,1827. (jw consequence of the new ar inirement of the northern mail, via Pe- jersburir, which at present arrives at this Vace three times a week, we have con- I Hided to alter our day of j)uhlicalion to Friday, on which day our paper will hereafter be issued. "i Merry Christ?nas." This being he time devoted to "frolic, fun and !;!ec," in conformity with immemoiial usage, we lender to our patrons the com pliments of the season. Political Meetings. We have not noticed in succession the meetings which have been held counties in this State, by the friends of the Administration simply because we felt assured, that they would only afford an apt illustration of the "mountain in labor." .From indications given at the last Presidential election, we were until recently under the impression, that in two or three electoral districts Messrs. Adams & Clay might nerhans n-pt a ma jority of votes at Ihe ensuing election but in those places which we thought were the strong holds of the Administra tion, unequivocal demonstrations have lately been given that even there they are in the minority. That a few of the counties in this State may give a majori ty of votes in favor of the Administra tion, we are not prepared to deny but we do not believe that its most ardent admirers, who have any regard for their veracity, would venture to assert that there is the least possible chance for the largest ships 650 inea were killed, and in another, 400. They set fire to their ships rather than sur render them. Tho allied fleet numbered 26 vessels, carrying 1260 guns, and the Turkish fleet 66 vessels, carrying 1718 guns the former however had an advan tage in weight of metal, and the latter had the assistance of the batteries on shorethe battle be ing fought at anchor. The pa pers abound in speculations on the probable results of this des tructive engagement some think that it will lead to an immediate cessation of hostilities, and an ac knowledgment of the indepen dence of Greece others predict Mat it will lead to a renewal of the sanguinary- scenes which for- Administration to get the vote of thisj nierly marked the contests be State, unless a complete revolution takes; tween the Cross and the Cresrent place in public sentiment. Raleigh, Dec. 21. The Con vention of Delegates to nominate an Electoral Ticket in favor of The next arrival from Europe will 1111. ... . L ue looKect tor with impatience. (communicated.) The Rev. JOSHUA T.AWRF.NTm? John Quincy Adams as Presi-jis cxpected to preach a funeral sermon dent, met in this city, yesterday 'at this I)Iace 011 the firin Sunday (30th We shall give an account of their m T' proceeding in our nnxr.W c.p,!,YaUM 13 als0 exPecled 10 o pieucu in inis pia ace. MARRIED, In this county, on Thursday evening, 20th in st. by Exum Lowe, Esq. Mr. Solomon Pender, tavern keeper of this place, to Miss Elizabeth Hines. in Halifax county, on I uesday even n consequence bards, 107 J. L. Henderson (). 'nS tne 18tM itl?,t- by Thomas Ousby, lent, published On Saturday, (15th) Cadwalla- Ksq Mr milie- PcU ot Nash coun thf liriiflTi dcr jollcs Jalnc M'Kay and An-!ty,, Mrs' Ma"J cslaPh- Legislative On Friday last, (14th inst.) Col. Win, llubards, of Granville, was elected Public Treasurer, for the ensuing year, on the eighth ballotinir. The re sult of the last balloting was. Rn. t Tl V ft w I I ...x ' uwc rear isunh In cc of the notice of the President in our last paper, the notes I' 1 ... . . I ui ut -; iuui v mi u paru.ii in- i. i tcrruntio:i in their circulation in this vi- . u "Cre elected mem- Innitr ho Mrmnli r.r tl,n (K . I. UU S OI Llie ln.'ir nr Infnninl lir 1 v- "uiilii Ul Uli; OWIC 1JJ, K ' . v.. .v. iiiiiiui i J All 11113 LUUIIIV , Ull i iiunudV. III in this place refuses to receive them provemeilts for the ensum." vnnr. 'slant, aired about 30 vears. JVilliam Tv but some of the merchants take them asj On the same day, the following son ,cavinS a w'fe anJ one child to usual In Fayctteville, the Observer gentlemen were elected Councif mourn thir untimely bereavement. S3V, they still pass current. In Peters- l c . . - i , . '. bar-, the Intel -n,nPov u. L.i...Ui iaic v,z: "ICOI! Alston, a discount of 10 per cent. In Norfolk U 1,1,aU1 "lacklodgc, Geo. W. inencrald says they have been bought J lMCSIKlCK rrailKIm, Will. DEC. 21 up at a discount of 25 nor cent, hut .it b. Lockhart and Tan nr. T. Avnrv i Bacon, present it is believed they could not be And, on the subsequent Tuesclav,5?1"' " Tlnrot1 P"tce-'h"elcl al- Archibald M'Bride...A, Jtcg. cSISn. - ' - " aows, in iciercnce to tne Hank: "its s to Cotrce, . emban-assmeni, wc underhand, has been o , , t rr,, YVmv, family, wusied by a pressure of the U. S. Rank Sporting Intelligence. The ra- iron, - - - for pavmcnt of its nntnc m iu n..,..t CCS for Fall 1827. nnmmnnnnd Molasses, - of 5250,000, which it had not the means over the Scotland Neck course, 011 Sucar rmvn"5! iv-UIIJ". J M I. no OC ivnri. nnnrn t in ' I I. n t . 1 .. Wl , -. 1 1.. r -..N, . v.. i . . i i l u 1 1 .1 1 . i in: iiii nil . vii w i infill fi'iitii iixii. DIED, In this county, on Thursday, 13th in- Price Current. were ....... i . . i-,u proiesteujmdsued . jllny. Th(. Fyst wag a lWQ y(ja,.s the Kdiior. d.,tp(t vv,ci,; r:. two uaies or Uottoii, (as wrc are in- Dcc. lfi. 1S27- D Mormed.) Second dav Jockev Vou will see hv tho Oluo L ursc tor SoOO. three mile ... . - , IUUL.I,', Ill til IIU- ' " ' nm has occurred worth communica- "ng since the election of Sneaker al! Tea, Young Hyson, Imperial, - Wheat, -Whiski-v, - - heals taken bv Ariel. Third dav the Pronrietor's Purse lot to a'TPP flvit r.11 clnnhV i o .i.i.uii was .upwards oi siuu, mile neats, best JVt:ilSfin mi L-nc nr I.mI n r. .1 I . .. . three in live, won by Wcwhock at live heats. ivarrenton Kep. J-eem . i ... UOU 5teVenSOn matM or. Inr.,l or.,1 w v ut, Vll,llll UIIU impartial Speaker, discharges Ids duty l'romptly and correctly. AnP. Upnositiun constitute thn mnin- J,'W, whifli ;t ;w i .. J before they will, it is believed, exer ; power with more than ordinary cau Jon, vote for everv rightful measure, Ppose only what shall upon due dclibe' ,aon be found wrong. Mr. Adams "S0 ?to' power on the 4th March, 'le Coahtion is gaining ground in al- every direction." Strength of Parties. The following to be the relative strength of par es n reference to the Presidential i-jesiion, in Congress and in the Legis-JJl,-cs of a few of the doubtful States: p Opposition. Mminisn. !1S 146 jew-ork, H7 U'lmsvlvania, 110 J,,rS'nia. 175 ill-Carolina. 136 .. l both Houses of Congress the presi ; olhcers and a majority of the mem are m the Opposition, a circum unprecedented in our history. 110 40 23 63 60 IMPORTANT! ! From (jrmcr.Bv recent arri vals at New-York, Liverpool pa pers to the 1 ui November have been received. They furnish the r highly important intelligence of the total destruction ot the Turk ish and Egyptian fleet, by the combined squadrons of England. France and Russia, in the bay of Navanno, on the 20th October. The Turkish Admiral killed the English Interpreter and a pilot, which led to a general engage ment. The total killed in the British squadron was 75 wound ed, 197. The French lost 45 kil led, 144 wounded. Russian loss not stated, but it is said they did not suffer much. The Turks are said to have fought with great bravery and desperation, and their loss was terrific. In one of their North-Carolina Jianfc Notes. At Petersburg, 3 to 3 J discount. At New-York, 4 discount. OXFORD 0a!e Stcatmny rpiIE Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, the 7th day of January next, under the superinten dence of Mr. James D. Johnson. A UG USTUS B UR TON, Scc'y. 17th Dec. 1S27 19-4 Selling off at Cost. '"HE Subscribers having determined on closing their business in this place, now offer their Goods at prime Cost. Their present Stock consists of a gene ral assortment ot Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. All of which will be sold low for Cash, to close the concern. (JpPcrsons indebted to them are in formed, that Cotton will be' payment until the 20th of January and that all Notes and Accounts due us at that time, will be placed in the hands of a Constable lor collection. CRANE Sf KINGSBURY. Tarboro2S Dec. 1827. 19 READY MADE CLOTHING, Sjc THE Subscriber will offer for sale ia the town of Halifax on Monday next, (and continue to do so until about the first of February,) a very extensive assortment of Ready made Clothing, Comprising every article now in fashion. ALibU, seme very sunerinr hln and olive Cloths and Cassimeres. Ari excellent assortment of Tailors' Trimmings, Hats, Fur Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c all of which have been latelv Spprtrl irt New-York and Philadelphia, and com prise the most extensive assortment ever offered for sale in this State, which ho determined to dispose of at very mode- icuu pi ices ior casn, approved paper, or produce. , THOMAS LAMBERT. Halifax town, Dec. 19, 1827. 19-3 per Pvters'g. A. York. lb 9 10 9 11 gal. 25 30 bu'h 50 55 60 lb 8 10 9J 11 16 l?i 13 77 bbl 600 TOO 475 550 ton $110 112 90 96 gal 35 40 32 36 42 45 58 39 lb 8 11. 7 10 18 25 17 19 100 125 90 98 140 150 120 140 bn'l 80 85 90 94 gal. 36 38 27 34 Saddle $ Harness MAKING BUSINESS. WM. F. CLARK having taken A. Tf A. L1TCHFORD, into Co-narU nership, the above business will in fu ture be carried on in the town of Hali fax, under the firm of CLARK LITCHFORD, Next door to the Post-Office where they have on hand and intend keeninsr. a general assortment of articles in their line, which they offer for sale on the most moderate terms. All orders for work will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. WM. F. CLARK, A. A. LITCHFORD. Halifax, Dec. 22, 1827. 19-3 $10 Reward. RAN AW AY from the Sub scriber, on the 27th day of No vember last, a bright mulatto boy by the name of RICKEY MITCHELL, Between 19 and 20 years of age. I ex pect he has steered his course toward Halifax. I am told he has a brother by the name of Lewis, in the town of Hali fax, learning the blacksmith trade. The above reward will be given if delivered to the Subscriber near Tarborough, or FIFE DOLLARS, if secured in any Jail in this State so that I get him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or employing said boy, under the penal ty of the law. S. L. HART. Dec. 24, 1S27. 19 SALE OF Negroes, Land, c. WILL BE SOLD, on a credit of six ' months, with interest from the date, at Louisburg, on Wednesday, the 9th day of January next, between 20 and 30 likely Negroes, Men, boys, women and girls. ALSO, 1200 Acres of Land, - Lying about six miles below Louisburg on -the road to Tarborough, the residence of Mr. Thomas Lanier. Should it suit the purchaser, and an advantage can be seen as likely to result to the parties in terested in this sale, a different arrange ment can be made as regards the dispo sition of the land. The situation is ele vated and healthy, the improvements convenient for a family, and an orchard capable of producing from 30 to 50 bar rels of brandy in ordinary fruit years f 77Krcp.c n.atilo JInfrs & Sheen jvith Household and Kitchen Furni- . . n '111 hire, Plantation Utensils, ?c. win al so be offered for sale. The creditors of Mr. Lanier, for whose benefit the sale is intended, are request ed to attend and make Known the a- mountof their demands. Farther par ticulars will be made known on the day of sale. HILL JONES, I T ( ROB. H. JONES, $ Intsiees December IS, U27. . 19-2